Ejemplo n.º 1
        // START-ForwardBackwardInference

        public virtual ICollection <ICategoricalDistribution> forwardBackward(ICollection <ICollection <AssignmentProposition> > ev,
                                                                              ICategoricalDistribution prior)
            // local variables: fv, a vector of forward messages for steps 0,...,t
            ICollection <Matrix> fv = CollectionFactory.CreateQueue <Matrix>();
            // b, a representation of the backward message, initially all 1s
            Matrix b = hmm.createUnitMessage();
            // sv, a vector of smoothed estimates for steps 1,...,t
            ICollection <Matrix> sv = CollectionFactory.CreateQueue <Matrix>();

            // fv[0] <- prior
            // for i = 1 to t do
            for (int i = 0; i < ev.Size(); ++i)
                // fv[i] <- FORWARD(fv[i-1], ev[i])
                fv.Add(forward(fv.Get(i), hmm.getEvidence(ev.Get(i))));
            // for i = t downto 1 do
            for (int i = ev.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                // sv[i] <- NORMALIZE(fv[i] * b)
                sv.Insert(0, hmm.normalize(fv.Get(i + 1).ArrayTimes(b)));
                // b <- BACKWARD(b, ev[i])
                b = backward(b, hmm.getEvidence(ev.Get(i)));

            // return sv
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * Algorithm for smoothing with a fixed time lag of d steps, implemented as
         * an online algorithm that outputs the new smoothed estimate given the
         * observation for a new time step.
         * @param et
         *            the current evidence from time step t
         * @return a distribution over <b>X</b><sub>t-d</sub>
        public ICategoricalDistribution fixedLagSmoothing(ICollection <AssignmentProposition> et)
            // local variables: <b>O</b><sub>t-d</sub>, <b>O</b><sub>t</sub>,
            // diagonal matrices containing the sensor model information
            Matrix O_tmd, O_t;

            // add e<sub>t</sub> to the end of e<sub>t-d:t</sub>
            // <b>O</b><sub>t</sub> <- diagonal matrix containing
            // <b>P</b>(e<sub>t</sub> | X<sub>t</sub>)
            O_t = e_tmd_to_t.Get(e_tmd_to_t.Size() - 1);
            // if t > d then
            if (t > d)
                // remove e<sub>t-d-1</sub> from the beginning of e<sub>t-d:t</sub>
                // <b>O</b><sub>t-d</sub> <- diagonal matrix containing
                // <b>P</b>(e<sub>t-d</sub> | X<sub>t-d</sub>)
                O_tmd = e_tmd_to_t.Get(0);
                // <b>f</b> <- FORWARD(<b>f</b>, e<sub>t-d</sub>)
                f = forward(f, O_tmd);
                // <b>B</b> <-
                // <b>O</b><sup>-1</sup><sub>t-d</sub><b>B</b><b>T</b><b>O</b><sub>t</sub>
                B = O_tmd.Inverse().Times(hmm.getTransitionModel().Inverse()).Times(B).Times(hmm.getTransitionModel()).Times(O_t);
                // else <b>B</b> <- <b>BTO</b><sub>t</sub>
                B = B.Times(hmm.getTransitionModel()).Times(O_t);

            // if t > d then return NORMALIZE(<b>f</b> * <b>B1</b>) else return null
            ICategoricalDistribution rVal = null;

            if (t > d)
                rVal = hmm.convert(hmm.normalize(f.ArrayTimes(B.Times(unitMessage))));
            // t <- t + 1
            t = t + 1;