Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override Component CreateFromReference(JObject engineObj, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D parentPos, float mod = 1)
            string  path      = SwinGame.AppPath() + engineObj.Value <string>("path");
            Point2D offsetPos = engineObj["pos"].ToObject <Point2D>().Multiply(10);

            return(base.CreateFromReference(engineObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, offsetPos));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public AIStrategy CreateByName(string strategy, IAIEntity aiEntity, IHandlesEntities entHandler)
            switch (strategy.ToLower())
            case "crazyrotating":
                return(new CrazyRotatingStrategy(aiEntity, shootCooldown));

            case "chase":
                return(new ChaseStrategy(aiEntity, entHandler, shootCooldown));

            case "erratic":
                return(new ErraticStrategy(aiEntity, shootCooldown));

            case "static":
                return(new StaticStrategy(aiEntity, shootCooldown));

            case "forward":
                return(new ForwardStrategy(aiEntity, shootCooldown));

            case "spreadforward":
                return(new SpreadForwardStrategy(aiEntity, shootCooldown));

                return(new StaticStrategy(aiEntity, shootCooldown));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override Component CreateFromReference(JObject emitterObj, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D parentPos, float mod = 1)
            Point2D offsetPos = emitterObj["pos"].ToObject <Point2D>().Multiply(10);

            offsetPos = offsetPos.Add(parentPos);

            return(base.CreateFromReference(emitterObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, offsetPos));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Emitter(
     string id, string filePath, Point2D refPos, Point2D offsetPos,
     Vector vel, Vector dir, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team,
     float cooldownRate, List <Component> children, IHandlesEntities entHandler
     ) : base(id, filePath, refPos, offsetPos, null, null, 1, vel, dir, boundaryStrat, team)
     childComponents   = children;
     this.cooldownRate = cooldownRate;
     cdHandler         = new CooldownHandler(1000 / cooldownRate);
     this.entHandler   = entHandler;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public EmittingAmmo(string id, string filePath, Point2D refPos, Point2D offsetPos, Shape shape, List <Color> colors,
                            int mass, int damage, float lifetime, float vel, float maxVel, float primingDelay, float turnRate,
                            List <Component> emitters, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, IHandlesEntities entHandler, Team team
                            ) : base(id, filePath, refPos, offsetPos, shape, colors, mass, damage, lifetime, vel, maxVel, turnRate, boundaryStrat, team)
            primingTimer = new CooldownHandler(primingDelay);
            this.emitters = emitters;

            entityHandler = entHandler;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public AISpawner(Difficulty diff, Rectangle playArea, ShipFactory shipFactory, IHandlesEntities entHandler)
            entityHandler = entHandler;
            shipFac       = shipFactory;
            difficulty    = diff;

            this.playArea = playArea;

            cdHandler = new CooldownHandler(diff.SpawnTimer * 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private List <Component> BuildComponents(JArray enginesObj, JArray toolsObj, JArray emittersObj,
                                                 IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D offset, float mod = 1)
            List <Component> result = new List <Component>();

            result.AddRange(new EngineFactory().CreateList(enginesObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, offset, mod));
            result.AddRange(new ToolFactory().CreateList(toolsObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, offset, mod));
            result.AddRange(new EmitterFactory().CreateList(emittersObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, offset, mod = 1));

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override Component Create(JObject ammoObj, string path, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D parentPos, float mod = 1)
            try {
                string       id       = ammoObj.Value <string>("id");
                List <Color> colors   = Util.LoadColors(ammoObj.Value <JArray>("colors"));
                int          mass     = ammoObj.Value <int>("mass");
                int          damage   = (int)(ammoObj.Value <int>("damage") * mod);
                float        lifetime = ammoObj.Value <float>("lifetime") * mod;
                float        vel      = ammoObj.Value <float>("vel") * mod;
                float        maxVel   = ammoObj.Value <float>("maxVel") * mod;
                float        turnRate = ammoObj.Value <float>("turnRate") * mod;
                float        scale    = ammoObj.Value <float>("scale");
                JObject      shapeObj = ammoObj.Value <JObject>("shape");
                Shape        shape    = new ShapeFactory().Create(shapeObj, scale, parentPos);
                string       strategy = ammoObj.Value <string>("strategy");

                float primingDelay = 0;
                try { primingDelay = ammoObj.Value <float>("primingDelay"); }
                catch { }

                if (team == Team.Computer)
                    colors = new List <Color> {

                JArray emitterObj = null;
                try { emitterObj = ammoObj.Value <JArray>("emitters"); } catch { }

                Ammo result;

                if (emitterObj != null)
                    List <Component> emitters = new EmitterFactory().CreateList(emitterObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, parentPos, mod);
                    result = new EmittingAmmo(id, path, SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0), parentPos, shape, colors, mass, damage, lifetime, vel, maxVel, primingDelay, turnRate, emitters, boundaryStrat, entHandler, team);
                    result = new Ammo(id, path, SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0), parentPos, shape, colors, mass, damage, lifetime, vel, maxVel, turnRate, boundaryStrat, team);

                AIStrategyFactory aiStratFac = new AIStrategyFactory(0, 0);
                result.AIStrat = aiStratFac.CreateByName(strategy, result, entHandler);
            catch (Exception e) {
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Tool(
     string id, string filePath, Point2D refPos, Point2D offsetPos, Shape shape,
     List <Color> colors, int health, Vector vel, Vector dir, float cooldown, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat,
     Team team, List <Component> children, int mass, IHandlesEntities entHandler
     ) : base(id, filePath, refPos, offsetPos, shape, colors, health, vel, dir, boundaryStrat, team)
     this.cooldown   = cooldown;
     this.mass       = mass <= 0 ? 1 : mass;
     childComponents = children;
     this.entHandler = entHandler;
     cdHandler       = new CooldownHandler(cooldown * 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override Component Create(JObject emitterObj, string path, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D offsetPos, float mod = 1)
            string id           = emitterObj.Value <string>("id");
            float  cooldownRate = emitterObj.Value <float>("rate");

            JObject   particleObj = emitterObj.Value <JObject>("particle");
            Component particle    = new ParticleFactory().CreateFromReference(particleObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, offsetPos);

            return(new Emitter(id, path, SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0), offsetPos, SwinGame.VectorTo(0, 0), SwinGame.VectorTo(0, -1),
                               boundaryStrat, team, cooldownRate, new List <Component>()
            }, entHandler));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Create component from a filepath
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="refObj">Json object containing the filepath</param>
        /// <param name="entHandler">entity handler</param>
        /// <param name="boundaryStrat">play area boundary behaviour</param>
        /// <param name="parentPos">position of object component is attached to</param>
        /// <param name="mod">modifier</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual Component CreateFromReference(JObject refObj, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D parentPos, float mod = 1)
            string path = SwinGame.AppPath() + refObj.Value <string>("path");

            //check that the path is valid
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                Console.WriteLine($"INVALID filepath: {path}");

            //load the full JObject from path
            refObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(File.ReadAllText(path));
            return(Create(refObj, path, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, parentPos, mod));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override Component Create(JObject particleObj, string path, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D offsetPos, float mod = 1)
            string         id            = particleObj.Value <string>("id");
            List <Color>   colors        = Util.LoadColors(particleObj.Value <JArray>("colors"));
            float          scale         = particleObj.Value <float>("scale");
            JObject        shapeObj      = particleObj.Value <JObject>("shape");
            Shape          shape         = new ShapeFactory().Create(shapeObj, scale, offsetPos);
            float          friction      = particleObj.Value <float>("friction");
            MinMax <float> lifetimeRange = particleObj["lifetimeRange"].ToObject <MinMax <float> >();
            MinMax <float> velRange      = particleObj["velRange"].ToObject <MinMax <float> >();
            MinMax <float> turnRateRange = particleObj["turnRateRange"].ToObject <MinMax <float> >();

            return(new Particle(id, path, SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0), offsetPos, shape, colors,
                                friction, lifetimeRange, velRange, turnRateRange, boundaryStrat, team));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public virtual List <Component> CreateList(JArray compObj, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D parentPos, float mod = 1)
            if (compObj == null)

            List <Component> result = new List <Component>();

            foreach (JObject obj in compObj)
                result.Add(CreateFromReference(obj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, parentPos));

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public AIStrategy Create(IAIEntity aiEntity, IHandlesEntities entHandler)
            //generate random number up to the difficulty level
            int n = Util.Rand(difficultyLevel);

            //return the hardest strategy that the number can get
            if (n < 5)
                return(new CrazyRotatingStrategy(aiEntity, shootCooldown));
            else if (n < 10)
                return(new StaticStrategy(aiEntity, shootCooldown));
            else if (n < 20)
                return(new ErraticStrategy(aiEntity, shootCooldown));
                return(new ChaseStrategy(aiEntity, entHandler, shootCooldown));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override Component Create(JObject toolObj, string path, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D offsetPos, float mod = 1)
            string       id       = toolObj.Value <string>("id");
            int          mass     = toolObj.Value <int>("mass");
            float        scale    = toolObj.Value <float>("scale");
            int          health   = toolObj.Value <int>("health");
            float        cooldown = toolObj.Value <float>("cooldown") / mod;
            JObject      shapeObj = toolObj.Value <JObject>("shape");
            List <Color> colors   = Util.LoadColors(toolObj.Value <JArray>("colors"));
            Shape        shape    = new ShapeFactory().Create(shapeObj, scale, offsetPos);

            JObject   ammoObj = toolObj.Value <JObject>("ammo");
            Component ammo    = new AmmoFactory().CreateFromReference(ammoObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, offsetPos, mod);

            Tool result = new Tool(id, path, SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0), offsetPos, shape,
                                   colors, health, SwinGame.VectorTo(0, 0), SwinGame.VectorTo(0, -1), cooldown,
                                   boundaryStrat, team, new List <Component>()
            }, mass, entHandler);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override Component Create(JObject engineObj, string path, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D offsetPos, float mod = 1)
            string  id       = engineObj.Value <string>("id");
            float   thrust   = engineObj.Value <float>("thrust") * mod;
            float   maxVel   = engineObj.Value <float>("maxVel") * mod;
            float   turnRate = engineObj.Value <float>("turnRate") * mod;
            int     mass     = engineObj.Value <int>("mass");
            int     health   = engineObj.Value <int>("health");
            float   scale    = engineObj.Value <float>("scale");
            JObject shapeObj = engineObj.Value <JObject>("shape");
            Shape   shape    = new ShapeFactory().Create(shapeObj, scale, offsetPos);

            JArray           emitterObj = engineObj.Value <JArray>("emitters");
            List <Component> emitters   = new EmitterFactory().CreateList(emitterObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, offsetPos);

            Engine result = new Engine(id, path, SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0), offsetPos, shape,
                                       new List <Color> {
            }, health, SwinGame.VectorTo(0, 0), SwinGame.VectorTo(0, -1),
                                       boundaryStrat, team, emitters, thrust, maxVel, turnRate, mass);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Create specified ship
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipId">ship id</param>
        /// <param name="pos">spawn position</param>
        /// <param name="boundaryStrat">behaviour at the play area boundary</param>
        /// <param name="controller">computer/players</param>
        /// <param name="diff">difficulty setting</param>
        /// <param name="entHandler">entity handler</param>
        /// <returns>player ship or ai ship depending on controller</returns>
        public Ship Create(string shipId, Point2D pos, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, ControllerType controller, Difficulty diff, IHandlesEntities entHandler)
            if (!FileRegistry.ContainsKey(shipId))

            switch (controller)
            case ControllerType.Computer:
                return(CreateAIShip(shipId, pos, boundaryStrat, diff, entHandler));

            case ControllerType.Player1:
            case ControllerType.Player2:
            case ControllerType.Player3:
            case ControllerType.Player4:
                return(CreatePlayerShip(shipId, pos, boundaryStrat, controller, entHandler));

            default: return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a random ship!
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a ship</returns>
        public Ship CreateRandomShip(Point2D pos, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, ControllerType controller, Difficulty diff, IHandlesEntities entHandler)
            int    i            = Util.Rand(FileRegistry.Count);
            string randomShipId = FileRegistry.ElementAt(i).Key;

            return(Create(randomShipId, pos, boundaryStrat, controller, diff, entHandler));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private AIShip CreateAIShip(string shipId, Point2D pos, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Difficulty diff, IHandlesEntities entHandler)
            AIStrategyFactory strategyFac = new AIStrategyFactory(diff.DifficultyLevel, diff.ShootCooldown);

            JObject obj = Util.Deserialize(FileRegistry[shipId]);

            //int health = obj.Value<int>("health");
            List <Color> shipColors = new List <Color> {
                Color.Crimson, Color.Yellow, Color.White, Color.Red
            float   scale       = obj.Value <float>("scale");
            JArray  enginesObj  = obj.Value <JArray>("engines");
            JArray  toolsObj    = obj.Value <JArray>("tools");
            JArray  emittersObj = obj.Value <JArray>("emitters");
            JObject shapeObj    = obj.Value <JObject>("shape");

            Team    team   = Team.Computer;
            Point2D offset = SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0);

            Shape shape  = new ShapeFactory().Create(shapeObj, scale, SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0));
            int   health = shape.Mass / 2;


            List <Component> components = BuildComponents(enginesObj, toolsObj, emittersObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, offset, diff.AIMod);

            //build and return ship
            AIShip result = new AIShip(shipId, FileRegistry[shipId], pos, SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0), shape, shipColors,
                                       health, SwinGame.VectorTo(0, 0), SwinGame.VectorTo(0, -1), boundaryStrat, team, components);

            //create strategy
            AIStrategy aiStrat = strategyFac.Create((IAIEntity)result, entHandler);

            result.AIStrategy = aiStrat;

Ejemplo n.º 20
        private ControllableShip CreatePlayerShip(string shipId, Point2D pos, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, ControllerType controller, IHandlesEntities entHandler)
            JObject obj = Util.Deserialize(FileRegistry[shipId]);

            //int health = obj.Value<int>("health");
            List <Color> shipColors = new List <Color> {
                Util.GetRGBColor(obj.GetValue("color")), Color.Yellow, Color.White, Color.Red
            float   scale       = obj.Value <float>("scale");
            JArray  enginesObj  = obj.Value <JArray>("engines");
            JArray  toolsObj    = obj.Value <JArray>("tools");
            JArray  emittersObj = obj.Value <JArray>("emitters");
            JObject shapeObj    = obj.Value <JObject>("shape");

            Team    team   = (Team)(int)controller;
            Point2D offset = SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0);

            Shape shape  = new ShapeFactory().Create(shapeObj, scale, SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0));
            int   health = shape.Mass / 2;


            List <Component> components = BuildComponents(enginesObj, toolsObj, emittersObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, offset);

            ControllableShip result = new ControllableShip(shipId, FileRegistry[shipId], pos, SwinGame.PointAt(0, 0), shape, shipColors,
                                                           health, SwinGame.VectorTo(0, 0), SwinGame.VectorTo(0, -1), 2000, boundaryStrat, team, components);

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override Component CreateFromReference(JObject particleObj, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D parentPos, float mod = 1)
            string path = SwinGame.AppPath() + particleObj.Value <string>("path");

            return(base.CreateFromReference(particleObj, entHandler, boundaryStrat, team, parentPos));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public abstract Component Create(JObject compObj, string path, IHandlesEntities entHandler, BoundaryStrategy boundaryStrat, Team team, Point2D offsetPos, float mod = 1);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public AsteroidFactory(IHandlesEntities entHandler)
     this.entHandler = entHandler;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public CollisionHandler(Rectangle playArea, IHandlesEntities entityHandler)
     this.entityHandler = entityHandler;
     quadTree           = new Node(null, playArea, 150);
     numberPopupFac     = new NumberPopupFactory(playArea);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public ChaseStrategy(IAIEntity controlled, IHandlesEntities entHandler, int shootCooldown = 0) : base(controlled, shootCooldown)
     this.entHandler = entHandler;
     agroRange       = SwinGame.ScreenWidth() / 1.5f;