Ejemplo n.º 1
        /*public static ulong ResolveChannel(IGuildUser user, IGuildChannel channel)
         * {
         *  return ResolveChannel(user, channel, ResolveGuild(user));
         * }*/
        public static ulong ResolveChannel(IGuildUser user, IGuildChannel channel, ulong guildPermissions)
            ulong resolvedPermissions = 0;

            ulong mask = ChannelPermissions.All(channel).RawValue;

            if (/*user.Id == user.Guild.OwnerId || */ GetValue(guildPermissions, GuildPermission.Administrator))
                resolvedPermissions = mask; //Owners and administrators always have all permissions
                //Start with this user's guild permissions
                resolvedPermissions = guildPermissions;

                var roles = user.Roles;
                if (roles.Count > 0)
                    ulong deniedPermissions = 0UL, allowedPermissions = 0UL;
                    foreach (var role in roles)
                        perms = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(role);
                        if (perms != null)
                            deniedPermissions  |= perms.Value.DenyValue;
                            allowedPermissions |= perms.Value.AllowValue;
                    resolvedPermissions = (resolvedPermissions & ~deniedPermissions) | allowedPermissions;
                perms = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(user);
                if (perms != null)
                    resolvedPermissions = (resolvedPermissions & ~perms.Value.DenyValue) | perms.Value.AllowValue;

                //TODO: C#7 Typeswitch candidate
                var textChannel  = channel as ITextChannel;
                var voiceChannel = channel as IVoiceChannel;
                if (textChannel != null && !GetValue(resolvedPermissions, ChannelPermission.ReadMessages))
                    resolvedPermissions = 0; //No read permission on a text channel removes all other permissions
                else if (voiceChannel != null && !GetValue(resolvedPermissions, ChannelPermission.Connect))
                    resolvedPermissions = 0; //No connect permission on a voice channel removes all other permissions
                resolvedPermissions &= mask; //Ensure we didnt get any permissions this channel doesnt support (from guildPerms, for example)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static async Task ConfigureChannelMuteRolePermissionsAsync(IGuildChannel channel, IRole muteRole)
                var permissionOverwrite = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(muteRole);

                if (permissionOverwrite != null)
                    var deniedPermissions = permissionOverwrite.GetValueOrDefault().ToDenyList();

                    if (!_mutePermissions.ToDenyList().Except(deniedPermissions).Any())
                        Log.Debug("Skipping setting mute permissions for channel #{Channel} as they're already set.", channel.Name);

                    Log.Debug("Removing permission overwrite for channel #{Channel}.", channel.Name);
                    await channel.RemovePermissionOverwriteAsync(muteRole);

                await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(muteRole, _mutePermissions);

                Log.Debug("Set mute permissions for role {Role} in channel #{Channel}.", muteRole.Name, channel.Name);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(e, "Failed setting channel mute role on #{Channel}", channel.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task LockAllChannels()
            IRole defaultRole = Context.Guild.EveryoneRole;
            IReadOnlyCollection <IGuildChannel> guildChannels = await Context.Guild.GetChannelsAsync();

            for (int idLoc = 0; idLoc < GlobalConfiguration.LockableChannelIds.Length; idLoc++)
                ulong         channelId = ulong.Parse(GlobalConfiguration.LockableChannelIds[idLoc]);
                IGuildChannel channel   = guildChannels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == channelId);
                if (channel != null)
                    OverwritePermissions permissions = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(defaultRole) ?? new OverwritePermissions();
                    permissions = permissions.Modify(sendMessages: PermValue.Inherit, addReactions: PermValue.Inherit);
                    await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(defaultRole, permissions);
                    _logger.LogWarning(string.Format("Channel '{0}' was not found for locking.", channelId));

            await ReplyAsync("all the chawnnels hawv bween unlocked~!! uwu p-please reward me.. ///");

            _logger.LogInformation(Context.User.ToString() + " unlocked all channels [ " + string.Join(", ", GlobalConfiguration.LockableChannelIds) + " ].");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <ModifyEntityResult> SetDedicatedChannelVisibilityForRoleAsync
            [NotNull] IGuildChannel dedicatedChannel,
            [NotNull] IRole role,
            bool isVisible
            var permissions       = OverwritePermissions.InheritAll;
            var existingOverwrite = dedicatedChannel.GetPermissionOverwrite(role);

            if (!(existingOverwrite is null))
                permissions = existingOverwrite.Value;

            permissions = permissions.Modify
                readMessageHistory: isVisible ? PermValue.Allow : PermValue.Deny,
                viewChannel: isVisible ? PermValue.Allow : PermValue.Deny

            await dedicatedChannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(role, permissions);

            // Ugly hack - there seems to be some kind of race condition on Discord's end.
            await Task.Delay(20);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        bool IsPublic(IGuildChannel channel)
            var permissions = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(_client.GetGuild(LimitedToGuild).EveryoneRole);

            return(!permissions.HasValue ||
                   (permissions.Value.ViewChannel != PermValue.Deny && permissions.Value.SendMessages != PermValue.Deny));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <ModifyEntityResult> SetDedicatedChannelWritabilityForUserAsync
            [NotNull] IGuildChannel dedicatedChannel,
            [NotNull] IUser participant,
            bool isVisible
            var permissions       = OverwritePermissions.InheritAll;
            var existingOverwrite = dedicatedChannel.GetPermissionOverwrite(participant);

            if (!(existingOverwrite is null))
                permissions = existingOverwrite.Value;

            permissions = permissions.Modify
                sendMessages: isVisible ? PermValue.Allow : PermValue.Deny,
                addReactions: isVisible ? PermValue.Allow : PermValue.Deny,
                embedLinks: isVisible ? PermValue.Allow : PermValue.Deny,
                attachFiles: isVisible ? PermValue.Allow : PermValue.Deny,
                useExternalEmojis: isVisible ? PermValue.Allow : PermValue.Deny

            await dedicatedChannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(participant, permissions);

            // Ugly hack - there seems to be some kind of race condition on Discord's end.
            await Task.Delay(20);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task Unlock(IGuildChannel channel, IGuildUser agent)
                IRole role       = channel.Guild.EveryoneRole;
                var   permission = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(role);
                if (permission.HasValue && permission.Value.ViewChannel == PermValue.Deny)
                    await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(role, new OverwritePermissions(viewChannel : PermValue.Allow));

                        var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                            Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                                IconUrl = $"{agent.GetAvatarUrl()}",
                                Name    = $"Channel unlocked"
                            Description = $"{agent.Username}#{agent.Discriminator} ({agent.Mention}) unlocked a channel!",
                            Fields      =
                                new EmbedFieldBuilder()
                                    Name     = "Perpetrator",
                                    Value    = $"• **Agent:** {agent.Username}#{agent.Discriminator}\n• **Agent ID:** {agent.Id}",
                                    IsInline = false
                                new EmbedFieldBuilder()
                                    Name     = "Source",
                                    Value    = $"• **Server:** {agent.Guild.Name}\n• **Channel:** <#{channel.Id}>",
                                    IsInline = false
                            Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                                Text = $"{DateTime.Now}",
                        DiscordReply("", eb);
                        await Utils.LogChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, eb.Build());
                    DiscordReply("This channel is already unlocked.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Error while trying to set or remove lockdown on channel.");
                DiscordReply("Unable to lock this channel down");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task LockModule()
            IGuildChannel channel = (IGuildChannel)Context.Channel;

            PermValue permission        = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(Context.Guild.EveryoneRole)?.SendMessages ?? PermValue.Allow;
            PermValue flippedPermission = permission == PermValue.Allow ? PermValue.Deny : PermValue.Allow;

            await ReplyAsync(flippedPermission == PermValue.Allow? "> Channel Has Been Unlocked" : "> Channel Has Been Locked");

            await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(Context.Guild.EveryoneRole, new OverwritePermissions(sendMessages : flippedPermission));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static bool IsPublic(this IGuildChannel channel)
            if (channel?.Guild is IGuild guild)
                var permissions = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(guild.EveryoneRole);

                return(!permissions.HasValue || permissions.Value.ViewChannel != PermValue.Deny);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task LockCurrentChannel()
            IGuildChannel        channel     = (IGuildChannel)Context.Channel;
            IRole                defaultRole = channel.Guild.EveryoneRole;
            OverwritePermissions permissions = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(defaultRole) ?? new OverwritePermissions();

            permissions = permissions.Modify(sendMessages: PermValue.Inherit, addReactions: PermValue.Inherit);
            await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(defaultRole, permissions);

            await ReplyAsync("uwu!! #" + channel.Name + " is nyow unlowcked!1!  uguuuu yes im so c-c-ccreative");

            _logger.LogInformation(Context.User.ToString() + " unlocked channel #" + channel.Name + " [" + channel.Id + "].");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task LockCurrentChannel()
            IGuildChannel        channel     = (IGuildChannel)Context.Channel;
            IRole                defaultRole = channel.Guild.EveryoneRole;
            OverwritePermissions permissions = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(defaultRole) ?? new OverwritePermissions();

            permissions = permissions.Modify(sendMessages: PermValue.Deny, addReactions: PermValue.Deny);
            await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(defaultRole, permissions);

            await ReplyAsync("i-i nylocked #" + channel.Name + " f-for you s-s-s-senpai :0 a-are you p-proud??! >//////<");

            _logger.LogInformation(Context.User.ToString() + " locked channel #" + channel.Name + " [" + channel.Id + "].");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private async Task ConfigureChannelMuteRolePermissionsAsync(IGuildChannel channel, IRole muteRole)
            var permissionOverwrite = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(muteRole);

            if (permissionOverwrite != null)
                if ((permissionOverwrite.Value.AllowValue == _mutePermissions.AllowValue) &&
                    (permissionOverwrite.Value.DenyValue == _mutePermissions.DenyValue))
                    Log.Debug("Skipping setting mute permissions for channel #{Channel} as they're already set.", channel.Name);

                Log.Debug("Removing permission overwrite for channel #{Channel}.", channel.Name);
                await channel.RemovePermissionOverwriteAsync(muteRole);

            await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(muteRole, _mutePermissions);

            Log.Debug("Set mute permissions for role {Role} in channel #{Channel}.", muteRole.Name, channel.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public async Task Unmute(IGuildUser user, IGuildChannel channel = null)
            //If there's no specified channel, use the channel the command was sent in
            if (channel == null)
                channel = (ITextChannel)Context.Channel;

            //Ensure this is a text channel
            if (channel == null)
                await Context.Channel.SendErrorAsync($"{channel.Name} is not a text channel.");


            //Try and get the perms for teh user
            var userPerms = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(user);

            //If there *are* user perms, it's safe to check to unmute them otherwise they aren't muted
            if (userPerms == null)
                await Context.Channel.SendErrorAsync($"{user.NicknameUsername()} is not muted.");


            //Check to see if they're muted
            if (userPerms.Value.SendMessages != PermValue.Deny)
                await Context.Channel.SendErrorAsync($"{user.NicknameUsername()} is not muted.");


            //Delete their perms, they're gucci
            await channel.RemovePermissionOverwriteAsync(user);

            await Context.Channel.SendSuccessAsync($"{user.NicknameUsername()} has been unmuted.");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public async Task MuteUserAsync(IGuildUser user, IGuildChannel channel)
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user));
            if (channel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channel));

            // Fetches the previous overwrite and bail if one is found
            var previousOverwrite = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(user);

            if (previousOverwrite.HasValue && previousOverwrite.Value.SendMessages == PermValue.Deny)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"User {user.Username} had already been muted in this channel.");

            // Creates a new OverwritePermissions with send message set to deny and pass it into the method
            await channel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(user, new OverwritePermissions(sendMessages : PermValue.Deny));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /*public static ulong ResolveChannel(IGuildUser user, IGuildChannel channel)
         * {
         *  return ResolveChannel(user, channel, ResolveGuild(user));
         * }*/
        public static ulong ResolveChannel(IGuild guild, IGuildUser user, IGuildChannel channel, ulong guildPermissions)
            ulong mask = ChannelPermissions.All(channel).RawValue;
            ulong resolvedPermissions;

            if (GetValue(guildPermissions, GuildPermission.Administrator)) //Includes owner
                resolvedPermissions = mask;                                //Owners and administrators always have all permissions
                //Start with this user's guild permissions
                resolvedPermissions = guildPermissions;

                //Give/Take Everyone permissions
                var perms = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(guild.EveryoneRole);
                if (perms != null)
                    resolvedPermissions = (resolvedPermissions & ~perms.Value.DenyValue) | perms.Value.AllowValue;

                //Give/Take Role permissions
                ulong deniedPermissions = 0UL, allowedPermissions = 0UL;
                foreach (var roleId in user.RoleIds)
                    IRole role;
                    if (roleId != guild.EveryoneRole.Id && (role = guild.GetRole(roleId)) != null)
                        perms = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(role);
                        if (perms != null)
                            allowedPermissions |= perms.Value.AllowValue;
                            deniedPermissions  |= perms.Value.DenyValue;
                resolvedPermissions = (resolvedPermissions & ~deniedPermissions) | allowedPermissions;

                //Give/Take User permissions
                perms = channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(user);
                if (perms != null)
                    resolvedPermissions = (resolvedPermissions & ~perms.Value.DenyValue) | perms.Value.AllowValue;

                if (channel is ITextChannel)
                    if (!GetValue(resolvedPermissions, ChannelPermission.ViewChannel))
                        //No read permission on a text channel removes all other permissions
                        resolvedPermissions = 0;
                    else if (!GetValue(resolvedPermissions, ChannelPermission.SendMessages))
                        //No send permissions on a text channel removes all send-related permissions
                        resolvedPermissions &= ~(ulong)ChannelPermission.SendTTSMessages;
                        resolvedPermissions &= ~(ulong)ChannelPermission.MentionEveryone;
                        resolvedPermissions &= ~(ulong)ChannelPermission.EmbedLinks;
                        resolvedPermissions &= ~(ulong)ChannelPermission.AttachFiles;
                resolvedPermissions &= mask; //Ensure we didn't get any permissions this channel doesn't support (from guildPerms, for example)

Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines wether the supplied user has the manage messages permission.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool CanManageMessages(IGuildUser guildUser, IGuildChannel channel)
 => guildUser?.GuildPermissions.ManageMessages == true && channel?.GetPermissionOverwrite(guildUser)?.ManageMessages != PermValue.Deny;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static bool TestPermission(this IGuildChannel Channel, ChannelPermission Permission, IRole Role)
 => Channel.GetPermissionOverwrite(Role)?.ToAllowList().Contains(Permission) ?? false;