Ejemplo n.º 1
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        GUI.changed = false;

        GravityParticles nbp              = (GravityParticles)target;
        Vector3          initialV         = nbp.initialVelocity;
        bool             addNBodyVelocity = nbp.addNBodyVelocity;

        IGravityParticlesInit particlesInit = nbp.GetComponent <IGravityParticlesInit>();

        GravityScaler.Units units = GravityEngine.Instance().units;
        string prompt             = string.Format("Initial Vel. ({0})", GravityScaler.VelocityUnits(units));

        if (particlesInit == null)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No init script", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
            bool hasNBody = false;
            if (nbp.GetComponent <NBody>() != null)
                hasNBody = true;
            else if (nbp.transform.parent != null && nbp.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <NBody>() != null)
                hasNBody = true;
            if (hasNBody)
                addNBodyVelocity = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Use velocity from NBody", velTip), nbp.addNBodyVelocity);
                if (addNBodyVelocity)
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Initial Velocity: (from NBody)", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
                    initialV = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(new GUIContent(prompt, iTip), nbp.initialVelocity);
                initialV = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(new GUIContent(prompt, iTip), nbp.initialVelocity);
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Initalize with: " + particlesInit.GetType().ToString(), EditorStyles.boldLabel);

        if (GUI.changed)
            Undo.RecordObject(nbp, "GravityParticles Change");
            nbp.initialVelocity  = initialV;
            nbp.addNBodyVelocity = addNBodyVelocity;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Start()
        gravityEngine = GravityEngine.instance;
        dt            = gravityEngine.GetParticleDt();

//		outOfBoundsSquared = gravityEngine.outOfBounds * gravityEngine.outOfBounds;

        gravityParticles = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();

        // Had Play() here - but after Unity 5.3 this broke. Now moved to the update loop.

        // Get the Init Delegate (if there is one)
        particlesInit = GetComponent <IGravityParticlesInit>();

        if (particlesInit == null && addNBodyVelocity)
            // Find the associated NBody
            // Can either be directly attached (particleSystem is attached directly to object with NBody) OR
            // can be the parent (if ParticleSystem has its own Game Object and is a child)
            if (GetComponent <NBody>() != null)
                nbodySource = transform.gameObject;
            else if (transform.parent != null && transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <NBody>() != null)
                nbodySource = transform.parent.gameObject;

        particleBySeed = new Dictionary <uint, int>();

        // determine if this is a one-time burst scenario
        int burstCount = 0;

        ParticleSystem.Burst[] bursts = new ParticleSystem.Burst[gravityParticles.emission.burstCount];
        foreach (ParticleSystem.Burst burst in bursts)
            burstCount += burst.maxCount;
        if (burstCount == gravityParticles.main.maxParticles)
            oneTimeBurst = true;
            burstDone    = false;
                #pragma warning disable 162             // disable unreachable code warning
        if (debugLogs)
            Debug.Log(this.name + " start: oneTimeBurst=" + oneTimeBurst + " burstCount=" +
                      burstCount + " pc=" + gravityParticles.main.maxParticles);
                #pragma warning restore 162
        // self-register with NBE
                #pragma warning disable 162             // disable unreachable code warning
        if (debugLogs)
            Debug.Log("Registered with GE: self=" + transform.gameObject.name);
                #pragma warning restore 162