Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Call with `paths` being a family of paths from startVertex to some end point.  This family should
        // be vertex-disjoint and maximal.
        // Returns a cut.
        public static List <T> FindCutVDP <T>(this IGraphEdges <T> graph, T startVertex, List <List <T> > paths)
            var usedEdges = new HashSet <Tuple <T, T> >();

            foreach (var path in paths)
                for (int i = 0; i < path.Count() - 1; ++i)
                    usedEdges.Add(Tuple.Create(path[i], path[i + 1]));
            var accessible = new HashSet <T>(from pair in graph.AccessibleVerticesVDP(startVertex, usedEdges) select pair.Item1);
            var cut        = new HashSet <T>(
                from vertex in accessible
                from v in graph.GetNeighbours(vertex)
                where !accessible.Contains(v)
                select vertex);

            if (cut.Remove(startVertex))
                foreach (var v in graph.GetNeighbours(startVertex))
                    if (!accessible.Contains(v))
            return(new List <T>(cut));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Depth first search for path from `from` and to `to`.
        // Returns an empty List if no path.
        public static List <T> FindPath <T>(this IGraphEdges <T> graph, T startVertex, T to)
            if (Eq(startVertex, to))
                var singlePath = new List <T>();
            // Dictionary to store vertices we can reach and the vertex we visited before.
            var lookup = new Dictionary <T, T>();
            // Stack of vertices to explore next
            var toVisit   = new Stack <Tuple <T, T> >();
            var willVisit = new HashSet <T>();

            foreach (T vertex in graph.GetNeighbours(startVertex))
                toVisit.Push(Tuple.Create(vertex, startVertex));
            while (toVisit.Count() > 0)
                Tuple <T, T> PairWhereFrom = toVisit.Pop();
                T            vertex        = PairWhereFrom.Item1;
                T            vertexFrom    = PairWhereFrom.Item2;
                lookup[vertex] = vertexFrom;
                if (Eq(vertex, to))
                    break; // Found the end point, so can end
                foreach (T v in graph.GetNeighbours(vertex))
                    if (!lookup.ContainsKey(v) && !willVisit.Contains(v))
                        toVisit.Push(Tuple.Create(v, vertex));
            // Extract path from `to` to `startVertex`, working backwards
            var path = new List <T>();

            if (!lookup.ContainsKey(to))
            var currentVertex = to;

            while (!Eq(currentVertex, startVertex))
                currentVertex = lookup[currentVertex];
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /** Finding vertex-disjoint paths
         * First version uses an auxiliary directed graph, and the edge-disjoint path finding from above. **/

        // Find maximal set of vertex disjoint paths: returns the set of edges used.
        public static HashSet <Tuple <T, T> > VertexDisjointPaths <T>(this IGraphEdges <T> graph, T startVertex, T to)
            if (Eq(startVertex, to) || graph.GetNeighbours(startVertex).Contains(to))
                return(new HashSet <Tuple <T, T> >());
            // So `startVertex` and `to` are not the same, and not neighbours
            // Build new directed graph; (t,0) is the "in" vertex for t, and (t,1) the "out" vertex.
            var transformed = new DirectedGraph <Tuple <T, int> >();

            // Make "vertex edges", except start/finish
            foreach (var v in graph.DepthFirstSearch(startVertex))
                if (!Eq(startVertex, v) && !Eq(to, v))
                    transformed.AddEdge(Tuple.Create(v, 0), Tuple.Create(v, 1));
            // Link them all up
            foreach (var vout in graph.DepthFirstSearch(startVertex))
                foreach (var vin in graph.GetNeighbours(vout))
                    transformed.AddEdge(Tuple.Create(vout, 1), Tuple.Create(vin, 0));
            var transUsedEdges = transformed.EdgeDisjointPaths(Tuple.Create(startVertex, 1), Tuple.Create(to, 0));

            // Check
            foreach (var edge in transUsedEdges)
                if (Eq(edge.Item1.Item1, edge.Item2.Item1))
                    if (edge.Item1.Item2 != 0 || edge.Item2.Item2 != 1)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Backwards edge: {0}", edge));

            return(new HashSet <Tuple <T, T> >(
                       from edge in transUsedEdges
                       where !Eq(edge.Item1.Item1, edge.Item2.Item1)
                       select Tuple.Create(edge.Item1.Item1, edge.Item2.Item1)));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /** Find edge-disjoint paths
         *  Uses variant of Ford-Fulkerson algorithm.
         *  See http://matthewdaws.github.io/Paths.html **/

        // Actually does the work, and returns a Set of directed edges which form the paths
        private static HashSet <Tuple <T, T> > EdgeDisjointPaths <T>(this IGraphEdges <T> graph, T startVertex, T to)
            // We store the current paths as simply a list of edges used.
            var currentPaths = new HashSet <Tuple <T, T> >();

            if (Eq(startVertex, to))
            var edges = new List <Tuple <T, T> >();

            foreach (T vertex in graph.DepthFirstSearch(startVertex))
                edges.Add(from end in graph.GetNeighbours(vertex) select Tuple.Create(vertex, end));
            // Now apply the FF algorithm
            // Rather than build a new residual graph each time, keep a copy and update
            var residual = new DirectedGraph <T>();

            while (true)
                var newPath = residual.FindPath(startVertex, to);
                if (newPath.Count() == 0)
                    return(currentPaths); // End, so return number of paths found
                // Now merge new paths into both residual graph and collection of used edges
                for (int index = 0; index < newPath.Count() - 1; ++index)
                    var edge    = Tuple.Create(newPath[index], newPath[index + 1]);
                    var revEdge = Tuple.Create(newPath[index + 1], newPath[index]);
                    if (currentPaths.Contains(revEdge))
                        foreach (var e in graph.AsDirectedEdges(edge.Item1, edge.Item2))
                            residual.RemoveEdge(e.Item1, e.Item2);
                        foreach (var e in graph.AsDirectedEdges(revEdge.Item1, revEdge.Item2))
                            residual.AddEdge(e.Item1, e.Item2);
                        foreach (var e in graph.AsDirectedEdges(edge.Item1, edge.Item2))
                            residual.RemoveEdge(e.Item1, e.Item2);
                        residual.AddEdge(revEdge.Item1, revEdge.Item2);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /** Finding vertex-disjoint paths
         * Second version implements the algorithm directly without building residual graphs etc. **/

        // Main algorithm for Vertex-Disjoint Path finding.
        // Call with `usedEdges` being a set of vertex-disjoint paths.
        // Yield Returns pairs (vertex, parent) where vertex is any `vertex` accessible from startVertex, and `parent`
        //   is the vertex before.  As a special case yields (startVertex, default(T)).
        // For variety, this use a breadth-first search.
        // The only reason to ever re-visit a vertex `a` is if:
        //   - Before we came along an edge `b`-->`a` which is not on a reversed path
        //   - Now we are coming `c`-->`a` which is on a reversed path
        //   - A better way would be to log when we've visited `a` in a "full" capacity.
        internal static IEnumerable <Tuple <T, T> > AccessibleVerticesVDP <T>(this IGraphEdges <T> graph, T startVertex, HashSet <Tuple <T, T> > usedEdges)
            // All vertices on a path, except startVertex
            var verticesOnPaths = new Dictionary <T, bool>();
            var predOnPaths     = new Dictionary <T, T>();

            foreach (var edge in usedEdges)
                verticesOnPaths[edge.Item2] = false;
                predOnPaths[edge.Item2]     = edge.Item1;

            var toVisit = new Queue <Tuple <T, T> >();
            var visited = new HashSet <T>();

            toVisit.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(startVertex, default(T)));
            while (toVisit.Count() > 0)
                var vertexPair = toVisit.Dequeue();
                var vertex     = vertexPair.Item1;
                var parent     = vertexPair.Item2;
                yield return(vertexPair);

                // Where can we go next?
                if (verticesOnPaths.ContainsKey(vertex))
                    // On path; where can we go to following path backwards?  Allow us to revisit if
                    // haven't been to this vertex "from the path" before.
                    T next = predOnPaths[vertex];
                    if ((!Eq(next, startVertex) && verticesOnPaths[next] == false) ||
                        toVisit.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(next, vertex));
                        verticesOnPaths[next] = true; // Will now visit `next` from path, so don't do this again!
                    if (!usedEdges.Contains(Tuple.Create(vertex, parent)))
                        continue; // Didn't come from path, so no other options.
                // So "normal": look at neighbours
                foreach (T nhbr in graph.GetNeighbours(vertex))
                    if (!visited.Contains(nhbr) && !usedEdges.Contains(Tuple.Create(vertex, nhbr)))
                        toVisit.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(nhbr, vertex));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // Pass in a maximal set of edge-disjoint paths from `startVertex` to some end point
        // Returns a cut: a minimal list of (directed) edges to delete to disconnect `startVertex` from the end point.
        public static HashSet <Tuple <T, T> > FindCutEDP <T>(this IGraphEdges <T> graph, T startVertex, HashSet <Tuple <T, T> > pathEdges)
            var accessible = new HashSet <T>(
                from pair in graph.AccessibleVerticesEDP(startVertex, pathEdges)
                select pair.Item1);

            return(new HashSet <Tuple <T, T> >(
                       from start in accessible
                       from end in graph.GetNeighbours(start)
                       where !accessible.Contains(end)
                       select Tuple.Create(start, end)));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // Perform a depth-first search from `startVertex`
        static public IEnumerable <T> DepthFirstSearch <T>(this IGraphEdges <T> graph, T startVertex)
            var vertices = new HashSet <T>(); // Vertices we've visited already or are on the stack.
            var stack    = new Stack <T>();

            while (stack.Count() > 0)
                T currentVertex = stack.Pop();
                yield return(currentVertex);

                foreach (T v in graph.GetNeighbours(currentVertex))
                    if (!vertices.Contains(v))
                        stack.Push(v); vertices.Add(v);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /** Second implementation, using a direct implementation of the "residual graph" **/

        // Pass in a set of directed edges which form edge-disjoint paths from `startVertex` to end.
        // Yield returns pairs (vertex, parent) when walking the "residual" graph.
        //   Special case: (startVertex, default(T))
        public static IEnumerable <Tuple <T, T> > AccessibleVerticesEDP <T>(this IGraphEdges <T> graph, T startVertex, HashSet <Tuple <T, T> > pathEdges)
            // Pairs (next, parent)
            var toVisit = new Stack <Tuple <T, T> >();

            toVisit.Push(Tuple.Create(startVertex, default(T)));
            var visited = new HashSet <T>();

            while (toVisit.Count() > 0)
                var vertexPair = toVisit.Pop();
                var vertex     = vertexPair.Item1;
                yield return(vertexPair);

                // Check neighbours; can't walk on current path
                foreach (var v in graph.GetNeighbours(vertex))
                    var edge = Tuple.Create(vertex, v);
                    if (!visited.Contains(v) && !pathEdges.Contains(edge))
                        toVisit.Push(Tuple.Create(v, vertex));
                // In the _directed_ case need to also consider that we can walk "backwards" on pathEdges
                // so need to search.  This is slow...
                foreach (var edge in pathEdges)
                    if (Eq(vertex, edge.Item2) && !visited.Contains(edge.Item1))
                        toVisit.Push(Tuple.Create(edge.Item1, vertex));