Ejemplo n.º 1
 public GraphDSREST_Output(IGraphDS myGraphDS, String myServerID, Dictionary<String, IOInterface> myPlugins)
     _Plugins = myPlugins;
     _ServerID = myServerID;
     _ErrorMsg = new GraphDSREST_Errors(_ServerID);
     _GraphDS = myGraphDS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Execute(IGraphDS myGraphDS, long myIterations, Converter.WriteLineToConsole MyWriteLine)
            var transactionID = myGraphDS.BeginTransaction(null);

            var vertexType = myGraphDS.GetVertexType<IVertexType>(null, transactionID, new RequestGetVertexType("City"), (stats, vType) => vType);
            var inCountryProperty = vertexType.GetOutgoingEdgeDefinition("InCountry");
            var nameProperty = vertexType.GetPropertyDefinition("Name");

            List<double> timeForCityCountryTraversal = new List<double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < myIterations; i++)
                Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                foreach (var aCity in myGraphDS.GetVertices<IEnumerable<IVertex>>(null, transactionID, new RequestGetVertices("City"), (stats, v) => v))
                    var UK_Vertex = aCity.GetOutgoingSingleEdge(inCountryProperty.ID).GetTargetVertex();



            myGraphDS.CommitTransaction(null, transactionID);

            String result =  GenerateTable(timeForCityCountryTraversal) + Environment.NewLine + String.Format("Average: {0}ms Median: {1}ms StandardDeviation {2}ms ", Statistics.Average(timeForCityCountryTraversal), Statistics.Median(timeForCityCountryTraversal), Statistics.StandardDeviation(timeForCityCountryTraversal));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void StartService(String myServiceName, IDictionary <string, object> myParameter)
            IService Service = null;

            if (!_graphDSServices.TryGetValue(myServiceName, out Service))
                    IGraphDS GraphDS = this as IGraphDS;
                    Dictionary <string, object> Parameter = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    Parameter.Add("GraphDS", GraphDS);
                    Service = _pluginManager.GetAndInitializePlugin <IService>(myServiceName, Parameter);
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    throw new ServiceException("An error occured when trying to initialize " + myServiceName + "!" + Environment.NewLine + "See inner exception for details.", Ex);
                _graphDSServices.Add(Service.PluginName, Service);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                throw new ServiceException("An error occured when trying to start " + myServiceName + "!" + Environment.NewLine + "See inner exception for details.", Ex);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public sonesRPCServer(IGraphDS myGraphDS, IPAddress myIPAdress, ushort myPort, String myURI, Boolean myIsSecure, Boolean myUseStreaming = false, Boolean myAutoStart = false, Boolean myIsSingleFile = false)
            #if __MonoCS__
            this.UseStreaming = false;
            this.UseStreaming = myUseStreaming;
            this._GraphDS = myGraphDS;
            this.IsSecure = myIsSecure;
            this.ListeningIPAdress = myIPAdress;
            this.ListeningPort = myPort;
            this.IsSingleFile = myIsSingleFile;
            this.URI = new Uri((myIsSecure == true ? "https://" : "http://") + myIPAdress.ToString() + ":" + myPort + "/" + myURI);
            this.MexUri = new Uri("http://" + myIPAdress.ToString() + ":" + (myPort + 1) + "/" + myURI);

            if (!this.URI.IsWellFormedOriginalString())
                throw new Exception("The URI Pattern is not well formed!");


            if (myAutoStart)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public TagExample()
            //Make a new GraphDB instance
            GraphDB = new SonesGraphDB();

            #region Configure PlugIns
            // Plugins are loaded by the GraphDS with their according PluginDefinition and only if they are listed
            // below - there is no auto-discovery for plugin types in GraphDS (!)

            #region Query Languages
            // the GQL Query Language Plugin needs the GraphDB instance as a parameter
            List<PluginDefinition> QueryLanguages = new List<PluginDefinition>();
            Dictionary<string, object> GQL_Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            GQL_Parameters.Add("GraphDB", GraphDB);

            QueryLanguages.Add(new PluginDefinition("sones.gql", GQL_Parameters));


            GraphDSPlugins PluginsAndParameters = new GraphDSPlugins(null, QueryLanguages);

            var credentials = new UserPasswordCredentials("User", "test");

            GraphDSServer = new GraphDS_Server(GraphDB, (ushort)9975, "User", "test", IPAddress.Any, PluginsAndParameters);
            //GraphDSServer.StartRESTService("", Properties.Settings.Default.ListeningPort, IPAddress.Any);

            //get a Security- and TransactionToken
            SecToken = GraphDSServer.LogOn(credentials);
            TransToken = GraphDSServer.BeginTransaction(SecToken);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public GraphDSREST_Output(IGraphDS myGraphDS, String myServerID, Dictionary <String, IOInterface> myPlugins)
     _Plugins  = myPlugins;
     _ServerID = myServerID;
     _ErrorMsg = new GraphDSREST_Errors(_ServerID);
     _GraphDS  = myGraphDS;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public sonesRPCServer(IGraphDS myGraphDS, IPAddress myIPAdress, ushort myPort, String myURI, Boolean myIsSecure, Boolean myUseStreaming = false, Boolean myAutoStart = false, Boolean myIsSingleFile = false)
            #if __MonoCS__
            this.UseStreaming = false;
            this.UseStreaming = myUseStreaming;
            this._GraphDS          = myGraphDS;
            this.IsSecure          = myIsSecure;
            this.ListeningIPAdress = myIPAdress;
            this.ListeningPort     = myPort;
            this.IsSingleFile      = myIsSingleFile;
            this.URI    = new Uri((myIsSecure == true ? "https://" : "http://") + myIPAdress.ToString() + ":" + myPort + "/" + myURI);
            this.MexUri = new Uri("http://" + myIPAdress.ToString() + ":" + (myPort + 1) + "/" + myURI);

            if (!this.URI.IsWellFormedOriginalString())
                throw new Exception("The URI Pattern is not well formed!");


            if (myAutoStart)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public IPluginable InitializePlugin(string UniqueString, Dictionary <string, object> myParameters = null)
            IGraphDS GraphDS = null;

            if (myParameters != null && myParameters.ContainsKey("GraphDS"))
                GraphDS = (IGraphDS)myParameters["GraphDS"];

            return(new RESTService(GraphDS));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Init(ParsingContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode, IGraphDS myGraphDS)
            base.InitNode(context, parseNode, myGraphDS);

            _componentName = parseNode.ChildNodes[1].Token.ValueString;

            if (base.CheckForComponent<IBenchmark>(_componentName, context, parseNode.ChildNodes[1].Token.Location))
                if (parseNode.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                        _iterations = Convert.ToInt64(parseNode.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[2].Token.ValueString);
                        context.AddParserMessage(ParserErrorLevel.Error, parseNode.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[2].Token.Location, "This is not a valid iteration count");

                Dictionary<String, String> options;
                if (parseNode.ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                    options = ((OptionsNode)(parseNode.ChildNodes[3].AstNode)).Options;
                    options = new Dictionary<String, String>();

                _benchmark = _pluginManager.GetAndInitializePlugin<IBenchmark>(
                    base.PreparePluginOptions(options, _graphDS));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Init(ParsingContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode, IGraphDS myGraphDS)
            base.InitNode(context, parseNode, myGraphDS);

            _componentName = parseNode.ChildNodes[1].Token.ValueString;

            if (base.CheckForComponent<IImport>(_componentName, context, parseNode.ChildNodes[1].Token.Location))
                Dictionary<String, String> options;
                if (parseNode.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                    options = ((OptionsNode)(parseNode.ChildNodes[2].AstNode)).Options;
                    options = new Dictionary<String, String>();

                _import = _pluginManager.GetAndInitializePlugin<IImport>(
                    base.PreparePluginOptions(options, _graphDS));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public RESTService(IGraphDS myGraphDS)
     _GraphDS = myGraphDS;
     _LifeTime = new Stopwatch();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void Initialize(IGraphDS myGraphDS, ushort myPort, IPAddress myIPAddress)
     _IGraphDS   = myGraphDS;
     _ErrorMsg   = new GraphDSREST_Errors(_ServerID);
     _RESTOutput = new GraphDSREST_Output(myGraphDS, _ServerID, _IOPlugins);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void Init(ParsingContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode, IGraphDS myGraphDS)
     base.InitNode(context, parseNode, myGraphDS);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Execute(IGraphDS myGraphDS, long myIterations, Converter.WriteLineToConsole MyWriteLine)
            var transactionID = myGraphDS.BeginTransaction(null);

            var vertexType = myGraphDS.GetVertexType<IVertexType>(null, transactionID, new RequestGetVertexType(_interestingVertexType), (stats, vType) => vType);
            var vertices = myGraphDS.GetVertices<IEnumerable<IVertex>>(null, transactionID, new RequestGetVertices(_interestingVertexType), (stats, v) => v);
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int i = 0; i < myIterations - 1; i++)

            var edgeCount = CountAllEdgesParallel(vertices);


            myGraphDS.CommitTransaction(null, transactionID);

            MyWriteLine(String.Format("Counted {0} edges.", edgeCount));

            MyWriteLine(String.Format("Traversed {0} edges per second", edgeCount / (sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / myIterations)));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 long CreateANewUser(IVertexType usertype, long i, List<long> recentVertexIDs, Random myPRNG, IGraphDS myGraphDS, Int64 myTransactionID)
     if (recentVertexIDs.Count == 0)
         return myGraphDS.Insert<long>(null, myTransactionID,
             new RequestInsertVertex("User")
                 .AddStructuredProperty("Name", "User" + i)
                 .AddStructuredProperty("Age", myPRNG.Next(18, 90)),
         return myGraphDS.Insert<long>(null, myTransactionID,
             new RequestInsertVertex("User")
                 .AddStructuredProperty("Name", "User" + i)
                 .AddStructuredProperty("Age", myPRNG.Next(18, 90))
                 .AddEdge(CreateEdge(recentVertexIDs, myPRNG, usertype.ID)),
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public RPCServiceContract(IGraphDS myGraphDS)
     this.GraphDS = myGraphDS;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public RemoteAPIService(IGraphDS myGraphDS)
     _RunningTime = new Stopwatch();
     _GraphDS = myGraphDS;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void SocialNetwork(IGraphDS myGraphDS)
            Random PRNG = new Random();
            List<long> vertexIDs = new List<long>();

            var transactionID = myGraphDS.BeginTransaction(null);

            //create the user type
            var usertype = myGraphDS.CreateVertexType<IVertexType>(null, transactionID,
                new RequestCreateVertexType(
                    new VertexTypePredefinition("User")
                        .AddProperty(new PropertyPredefinition("Name", "String"))
                        .AddProperty(new PropertyPredefinition("Age", "Int32"))
                        .AddIndex(new IndexPredefinition("MyAgeIndex").SetIndexType("sonesindex").AddProperty("Age").SetVertexType("User"))
                        .AddOutgoingEdge(new OutgoingEdgePredefinition("Friends", "User").SetMultiplicityAsMultiEdge())
                (stats, vType) => vType);

            Console.Write("Imported User: ");

            for (long i = 0; i < _countOfUsers; i++)
                if (i % 1000 == 0)
                    String iString = i.ToString();
                    Console.CursorLeft -= iString.Length;

                vertexIDs.Add(CreateANewUser(usertype, i, vertexIDs, PRNG, myGraphDS, transactionID));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public BenchmarkGrammar(IGraphDS myGraphDS, ushort myListeningPort, string myUsername, string myPassword)
            : base(false)
            #region data

            _graphDS = myGraphDS;


            #region grammar

            #region Terminals
            var numberLiteral = new NumberLiteral("number", NumberOptions.AllowSign | NumberOptions.DisableQuickParse);
              		var stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("string", "'", StringOptions.AllowsDoubledQuote | StringOptions.AllowsLineBreak);
            var identifier = new IdentifierTerminal("identifier", "ÄÖÜäöüß0123456789_", "ÄÖÜäöü0123456789$_");
            var S_IMPORT = ToTerm("IMPORT");
            var S_BENCHMARK = ToTerm("BENCHMARK");
            var S_ITERATIONS = ToTerm("ITERATIONS");
            var S_EQUALS = ToTerm("=");
            var S_TRUE = ToTerm("TRUE");
            var S_FALSE = ToTerm("FALSE");
            var S_OPTIONS = ToTerm("OPTIONS");
            var S_BRACKETLEFT = ToTerm("(");
            var S_BRACKETRIGHT = ToTerm(")");
            var S_COMMA = ToTerm(",");
            var S_CLEAR = ToTerm("CLEAR");
            var S_LIST = ToTerm("LIST");


              		#region Non-terminals

            var NT_options = new NonTerminal("Options", CreateOptionsNode);
               	var NT_KeyValueList = new NonTerminal("ValueList", CreateKeyValueListNode);
            var NT_KeyValuePair = new NonTerminal("KeyValuePair", CreateKeyValuePairNode);
            var NT_BooleanVal = new NonTerminal("BooleanVal");
            var NT_iterations = new NonTerminal("Iterations");
            var NT_import = new NonTerminal("Import", CreateImportNode);
            var NT_clear = new NonTerminal("Clear", CreateClearNode);
            var NT_benchmark = new NonTerminal("Benchmark", CreateBenchmarkNode);
            var NT_list = new NonTerminal("List", CreateListNode);
              		var NT_Stmt = new NonTerminal("Stmt", CreateStatementNode);


            #region BNF rules

            NT_BooleanVal.Rule = S_TRUE | S_FALSE;

            NT_KeyValuePair.Rule = 	identifier + S_EQUALS + stringLiteral
                                | 	identifier + S_EQUALS + numberLiteral
                                | 	identifier + S_EQUALS + NT_BooleanVal;

            NT_KeyValueList.Rule = MakePlusRule(NT_KeyValueList, S_COMMA, NT_KeyValuePair);

            NT_options.Rule =	Empty
                          	|   S_OPTIONS + S_BRACKETLEFT + NT_KeyValueList + S_BRACKETRIGHT;

            NT_Stmt.Rule = NT_import | NT_benchmark | NT_clear | NT_list;

            NT_iterations.Rule = 	Empty
                         		|	S_ITERATIONS + S_EQUALS + numberLiteral;

            NT_import.Rule = S_IMPORT + stringLiteral + NT_options;

            NT_clear.Rule = S_CLEAR;

            NT_list.Rule = S_LIST;

            NT_benchmark.Rule = S_BENCHMARK + stringLiteral + NT_iterations + NT_options;

              		this.Root = NT_Stmt;       // Set grammar root


              		#region Token filter
              		//we need to add continuation symbol to NonGrammarTerminals because it is not used anywhere in grammar


              		#region Initialize console attributes

            DiscordianDate ddate = new DiscordianDate();

            ConsoleTitle = "sones GraphDB Benchmark Console";
              		ConsoleGreeting =
            sones GraphDB version 2.0 - " +ddate.ToString() + @"
            (C) sones GmbH 2007-2011 - http://www.sones.com

            This GraphDB Instance offers the following options:

               * REST Service is started at http://localhost:" + myListeningPort + @"
              * access it directly by passing the GraphQL query using the
            REST interface or a client library. (see documentation)
              * if you want JSON Output add ACCEPT: application/json
            to the client request header (or application/xml or

               * we recommend to use the AJAX WebShell.
            Browse to http://localhost:" + myListeningPort + @"/WebShell and use
            the username """ + myUsername+ @""" and password """+ myPassword + @"""

               * Benchmark commands are:
              * IMPORT 'importPluginName' [key = value [, key = value]]
              * BENCHMARK 'benchmarkPluginName' ITERATIONS = countOfIterations [key = value [, key = value]]
              * CLEAR
              * LIST

            Press Ctrl-C to exit the program at any time.
              		ConsolePrompt = "Benchmark> ";
              		ConsolePromptMoreInput = "...";


              		this.LanguageFlags = LanguageFlags.CreateAst | LanguageFlags.CanRunSample;
            MarkPunctuation(S_BRACKETLEFT.ToString(), S_BRACKETRIGHT.ToString());

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void SocialNetwork(IGraphDS myGraphDS)
            var transactionID = myGraphDS.BeginTransaction(null);

            #region ontology [API]

            var entityTypeDefinition = new VertexTypePredefinition(_vtEntity)
                        .AddProperty(new PropertyPredefinition(_pName, typeof(String).Name));

            var userTypeDefinition =
                new VertexTypePredefinition(_vtUser)
                        .AddOutgoingEdge(new OutgoingEdgePredefinition(_pHasVisited, _vtCity).SetMultiplicityAsMultiEdge());

            var placeTypeDefinition =
                new VertexTypePredefinition(_vtPlace)

            var countryTypeDefinition =
                new VertexTypePredefinition(_vtCountry)
                        .AddIncomingEdge(new IncomingEdgePredefinition(_pCities, _vtCity, _pInCountry));

            var cityTypeDefinition =
                new VertexTypePredefinition(_vtCity)
                        .AddOutgoingEdge(new OutgoingEdgePredefinition(_pInCountry, _vtCountry));

            Dictionary<String, IVertexType> vertexTypes = myGraphDS.CreateVertexTypes(null, transactionID,
                new RequestCreateVertexTypes(new List<VertexTypePredefinition>
                    { 	entityTypeDefinition,
                (stats, types) => types.ToDictionary(vType => vType.Name, vType => vType));


            #region country [GQL]
            ExecuteQuery("insert into " + _vtCountry + " values ( " + _pName + " = 'UK' )", myGraphDS, transactionID);


            #region cities [GQL]

            var cityVertexIDs = new List<long>();
            foreach (var aCity in new List<String> { "London", "Manchester", "Edinburgh", "Cambridge", "Oxford" })
                cityVertexIDs.Add(ExecuteQuery("insert into " + _vtCity + " values ( " + _pName + " = '" + aCity + "', " + _pInCountry + " = REF(" + _pName + " = 'UK'))", myGraphDS, transactionID).First().GetProperty<long>("VertexID"));


            #region user [API]

            var userType = vertexTypes[_vtUser];
            var cityType = vertexTypes[_vtCity];

                Partitioner.Create(0, _countOfUsers, _countOfUsers / Environment.ProcessorCount),
                range =>
                    for (long i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
                        CreateANewUser(userType, i, myGraphDS, cityVertexIDs, cityType, transactionID);


            myGraphDS.CommitTransaction(null, transactionID);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void Execute(sones.GraphDBBenchmark.Converter.WriteLineToConsole MyWriteLine, IGraphDS myGraphDS)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public RemoteAPIService(IGraphDS myGraphDS)
     _RunningTime = new Stopwatch();
     _GraphDS     = myGraphDS;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public RESTService(IGraphDS myGraphDS)
     _GraphDS  = myGraphDS;
     _LifeTime = new Stopwatch();
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void Initialize(IGraphDS myGraphDS, ushort myPort, IPAddress myIPAddress)
     _IGraphDS = myGraphDS;
     _ErrorMsg = new GraphDSREST_Errors(_ServerID);
     _RESTOutput = new GraphDSREST_Output(myGraphDS, _ServerID, _IOPlugins);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        Int64 CountAllEdgesParallelPartitioner(IVertexType usertype, IGraphDS myGraphDB, List<IVertex> vertices)
            object lockObject = new object();
            Int64 edgeCount = 0L;
            var rangePartitioner = Partitioner.Create(0, vertices.Count);

                () => 0L,
                (range, loopstate, initialValue) =>
                    Int64 localCount = initialValue;

                    for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
                        foreach (var aOutGoingEdge in vertices[i].GetAllOutgoingHyperEdges())
                            foreach (var aInnerVertex in aOutGoingEdge.Item2.GetTargetVertices())

                    return localCount;

                (localSum) =>
                    lock (lockObject)
                        edgeCount += localSum;

            return edgeCount;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public QueryResult ExecuteQuery(string myQuery, IGraphDS myGraphDS, Int64 transactionID)
     return myGraphDS.Query(null, transactionID, myQuery, "sones.gql");
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void Execute(IGraphDS myGraphDS, long myIterations, Converter.WriteLineToConsole MyWriteLine)
            var transactionID = myGraphDS.BeginTransaction(null);

            var vertexType = myGraphDS.GetVertexType<IVertexType>(null, transactionID, new RequestGetVertexType(_interestingVertexType), (stats, vType) => vType);
            var vertexList = myGraphDS.GetVertices<List<IVertex>>(null, transactionID, new RequestGetVertices(_interestingVertexType), (stats, vertices) => vertices.ToList());
            List<double> tps = new List<double>();
            long edgeCount= 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < myIterations; i++)
                Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                edgeCount = CountAllEdgesParallelPartitioner(vertexType, myGraphDS, vertexList);


                tps.Add(edgeCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

            myGraphDS.CommitTransaction(null, transactionID);

            MyWriteLine(String.Format("Traversed {0} edges.", edgeCount));

            MyWriteLine(String.Format("Traversed {0} edges. Average: {1}TPS Median: {2}TPS StandardDeviation {3}TPS ", edgeCount, Statistics.Average(tps), Statistics.Median(tps), Statistics.StandardDeviation(tps)));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 void CreateANewUser(IVertexType myUsertype, long myCounter, IGraphDS myGraphDS, List<long> myCityVertexIDs, IVertexType myCityType, Int64 myTransactionID)
     myGraphDS.Insert<long>(null, myTransactionID,
             new RequestInsertVertex(_vtUser)
                 .AddStructuredProperty(_pName, "User" + myCounter)
                 .AddEdge(new EdgePredefinition(_pHasVisited).AddVertexID(_vtCity, myCityVertexIDs)),
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public RPCServiceContract(IGraphDS myGraphDS)
     this.GraphDS = myGraphDS;