Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task UpdatePullRequestReviews(IGitHubActor ghc, long forUserId, DataUpdater updater)
            gm.Review myReview = null;

            // Reviews and Review comments need to use the current user's token. Don't track metadata (yet - per user ideally)
            var prReviewsResponse = await ghc.PullRequestReviews(_repoFullName, _issueNumber, priority : RequestPriority.Interactive);

            if (prReviewsResponse.IsOk)
                await updater.UpdateReviews(_repoId, _issueId, prReviewsResponse.Date, prReviewsResponse.Result, userId : forUserId, complete : true);

                myReview = prReviewsResponse.Result
                           .Where(x => x.State.Equals("PENDING", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                           .FirstOrDefault(x => x.User.Id == forUserId);

            using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateInstance()) {
                await context.UpdateMetadata("PullRequests", "IssueId", "ReviewMetadataJson", _issueId, GitHubMetadata.FromResponse(prReviewsResponse));

            // Only fetch if *this user* has a pending review
            // Since we make the request every time, it's ok not to look for pending reviews in the DB
            if (myReview != null)
                var reviewCommentsResponse = await ghc.PullRequestReviewComments(_repoFullName, _issueNumber, myReview.Id, priority : RequestPriority.Interactive);

                if (reviewCommentsResponse.IsOk && reviewCommentsResponse.Result.Any())
                    await updater.UpdatePullRequestComments(_repoId, _issueId, reviewCommentsResponse.Date, reviewCommentsResponse.Result, pendingReviewId : myReview.Id);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task UpdateIssueCommentReactions(IGitHubActor ghc, DataUpdater updater, ISet <long> knownIssueCommentIds)
            // TODO: Use knownIssueCommentIds and response date to prune deleted comments in one go.

            IDictionary <long, GitHubMetadata> commentReactionMetadata;

            using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateInstance()) {
                commentReactionMetadata = await context.IssueComments
                                          .Where(x => x.IssueId == _issueId)
                                          .ToDictionaryAsync(x => x.Id, x => x.ReactionMetadata);

            if (commentReactionMetadata.Any())
                // Now, find the ones that need updating.
                var commentReactionRequests = new Dictionary <long, Task <GitHubResponse <IEnumerable <gm.Reaction> > > >();
                foreach (var reactionMetadata in commentReactionMetadata)
                    if (reactionMetadata.Value.IsExpired())
                        commentReactionRequests.Add(reactionMetadata.Key, ghc.IssueCommentReactions(_repoFullName, reactionMetadata.Key, reactionMetadata.Value, RequestPriority.Interactive));

                if (commentReactionRequests.Any())
                    await Task.WhenAll(commentReactionRequests.Values);

                    foreach (var commentReactionsResponse in commentReactionRequests)
                        var resp = await commentReactionsResponse.Value;
                        switch (resp.Status)
                        case HttpStatusCode.NotModified:

                        case HttpStatusCode.NotFound:
                            if (!knownIssueCommentIds.Contains(commentReactionsResponse.Key))
                                await updater.DeleteIssueComment(commentReactionsResponse.Key, resp.Date);

                            await updater.UpdateIssueCommentReactions(_repoId, resp.Date, commentReactionsResponse.Key, resp.Result);

                        using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateInstance()) {
                            await context.UpdateMetadata("Comments", "ReactionMetadataJson", commentReactionsResponse.Key, resp);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private async Task UpdatePullRequestCommitStatuses(IGitHubActor ghc, DataUpdater updater)
            var commitStatusesResponse = await ghc.CommitStatuses(_repoFullName, _prHeadSha, _prStatusMetadata, RequestPriority.Interactive);

            if (commitStatusesResponse.IsOk)
                await updater.UpdateCommitStatuses(_repoId, _prHeadSha, commitStatusesResponse.Result);
            _prStatusMetadata = GitHubMetadata.FromResponse(commitStatusesResponse);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private async Task UpdatePullRequestCommentReactions(IGitHubActor ghc, DataUpdater updater, ISet <long> knownPullRequestCommentIds)
            IDictionary <long, GitHubMetadata> prcReactionMetadata = null;

            using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateInstance()) {
                prcReactionMetadata = await context.PullRequestComments
                                      .Where(x => x.IssueId == _issueId)
                                      .ToDictionaryAsync(x => x.Id, x => x.ReactionMetadata);

            if (prcReactionMetadata.Any())
                var prcReactionRequests = new Dictionary <long, Task <GitHubResponse <IEnumerable <gm.Reaction> > > >();
                foreach (var reactionMetadata in prcReactionMetadata)
                    if (reactionMetadata.Value.IsExpired())
                        prcReactionRequests.Add(reactionMetadata.Key, ghc.PullRequestCommentReactions(_repoFullName, reactionMetadata.Key, reactionMetadata.Value, RequestPriority.Interactive));

                if (prcReactionRequests.Any())
                    await Task.WhenAll(prcReactionRequests.Values);

                    foreach (var prcReactionsResponse in prcReactionRequests)
                        var resp = await prcReactionsResponse.Value;
                        switch (resp.Status)
                        case HttpStatusCode.NotModified:

                        case HttpStatusCode.NotFound:
                            // knownPullRequestCommentIds can be null
                            if (knownPullRequestCommentIds?.Contains(prcReactionsResponse.Key) != true)
                                // null or false
                                await updater.DeletePullRequestComment(prcReactionsResponse.Key, resp.Date);

                            await updater.UpdatePullRequestCommentReactions(_repoId, resp.Date, prcReactionsResponse.Key, resp.Result);

                        using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateInstance()) {
                            await context.UpdateMetadata("PullRequestComments", "ReactionMetadataJson", prcReactionsResponse.Key, resp);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private async Task UpdateIssueDetails(IGitHubActor ghc, DataUpdater updater)
            var issueResponse = await ghc.Issue(_repoFullName, _issueNumber, _metadata, RequestPriority.Interactive);

            if (issueResponse.IsOk)
                _isPullRequest = issueResponse.Result.PullRequest != null; // Issues can become PRs
                await updater.UpdateIssues(_repoId, issueResponse.Date, new[] { issueResponse.Result });
            _metadata = GitHubMetadata.FromResponse(issueResponse);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private async Task UpdateIssueReactions(IGitHubActor ghc, DataUpdater updater)
            if (_reactionMetadata.IsExpired())
                var issueReactionsResponse = await ghc.IssueReactions(_repoFullName, _issueNumber, _reactionMetadata, RequestPriority.Interactive);

                if (issueReactionsResponse.IsOk)
                    await updater.UpdateIssueReactions(_repoId, issueReactionsResponse.Date, _issueId, issueReactionsResponse.Result);
                _reactionMetadata = GitHubMetadata.FromResponse(issueReactionsResponse);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private async Task LookupEventCommitDetails(IGitHubActor ghc, HashSet <gm.Account> accounts, IEnumerable <gm.IssueEvent> events)
            // Find all events with associated commits, and embed them.
            var withCommits = events.Where(x => !x.CommitUrl.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()).ToArray();
            var commits     = withCommits.Select(x => x.CommitUrl).Distinct().ToArray();

            if (commits.Any())
                var commitLookups = commits
                                    .Select(x => {
                    var parts    = x.Split('/');
                    var numParts = parts.Length;
                    var repoName = parts[numParts - 4] + "/" + parts[numParts - 3];
                    var sha      = parts[numParts - 1];
                    return(new {
                        Id = x,
                        Task = ghc.Commit(repoName, sha, priority: RequestPriority.Interactive),
                                    .ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x.Task);

                // TODO: Lookup Repo Name->ID mapping

                await Task.WhenAll(commitLookups.Values);

                foreach (var item in withCommits)
                    var lookup = commitLookups[item.CommitUrl].Result;

                    // best effort - requests will fail when the user doesn't have source access.
                    // see Nick's account and references from the github-beta repo
                    if (!lookup.IsOk)

                    var commit = lookup.Result;
                    item.ExtensionDataDictionary["ship_commit_message"] = commit.CommitDetails.Message;
                    if (commit.Author != null)
                        item.ExtensionDataDictionary["ship_commit_author"] = JObject.FromObject(commit.Author);
                    if (commit.Committer != null)
                        item.ExtensionDataDictionary["ship_commit_committer"] = JObject.FromObject(commit.Committer);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private async Task <ISet <long> > UpdatePullRequestComments(IGitHubActor ghc, DataUpdater updater)
            ISet <long> prCommentIds = null;

            var prCommentsResponse = await ghc.PullRequestComments(_repoFullName, _issueNumber, _prCommentMetadata, RequestPriority.Interactive);

            if (prCommentsResponse.IsOk)
                prCommentIds = prCommentsResponse.Result.Select(x => x.Id).ToHashSet();
                await updater.UpdatePullRequestComments(_repoId, _issueId, prCommentsResponse.Date, prCommentsResponse.Result);
            _prCommentMetadata = GitHubMetadata.FromResponse(prCommentsResponse);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        private async Task <T> TryWithFallback <T>(Func <IGitHubActor, GitHubCacheDetails, Task <T> > action, GitHubCacheDetails cacheOptions)
            where T : GitHubResponse
            IGitHubActor actor = null;

            if (cacheOptions?.UserId != null)
                if (!_actorMap.TryGetValue(cacheOptions.UserId, out actor))
                    cacheOptions = null;

            while (true)
                if (actor == null)
                    actor = GetNextActor();

                try {
                    var result = await action(actor, cacheOptions);

                    // Only retry authorization failures and rate limiting
                    switch (result.Status)
                    case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden:
                    case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                        // Retry with someone else.
                        actor = null;

                } catch (GitHubRateException) {
                    actor = null;
                } catch (InvalidOperationException) {
                    // Grain activation failed
                    actor = null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private async Task UpdatePullRequestDetails(IGitHubActor ghc, long forUserId, DataUpdater updater)
            // Sadly, the PR info doesn't contain labels 😭
            var prResponse = await ghc.PullRequest(_repoFullName, _issueNumber, _prMetadata, RequestPriority.Interactive);

            if (prResponse.IsOk)
                var pr = prResponse.Result;
                _prId                    = pr.Id; // Issues can become PRs
                _prHeadSha               = pr.Head.Sha;
                _prBaseBranch            = pr.Base.Ref;
                _prMergeableStateBlocked = pr.MergeableState == "blocked";

                await updater.UpdatePullRequests(_repoId, prResponse.Date, new[] { prResponse.Result });
            _prMetadata = GitHubMetadata.FromResponse(prResponse);

            // Branch Protection
            if (_prMergeableStateBlocked && _prBaseBranch != null)
                _grainFactory.GetGrain <IRepositoryActor>(_repoId).SyncProtectedBranch(_prBaseBranch, forUserId).LogFailure();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private async Task SyncIssueTimeline(IGitHubActor ghc, long forUserId, DataUpdater updater)
            // Always refresh the issue when viewed
            await UpdateIssueDetails(ghc, updater);

            ISet <long> issueCommentIds;
            ISet <long> commitCommentIds;
            ISet <long> prCommentIds = null;

            // If it's a PR we need that data too.
            if (_isPullRequest)
                await UpdatePullRequestDetails(ghc, forUserId, updater);

                // Reviews have to come before comments, since PR comments reference reviews
                await UpdatePullRequestReviews(ghc, forUserId, updater);

                prCommentIds = await UpdatePullRequestComments(ghc, updater);

                await UpdatePullRequestCommitStatuses(ghc, updater);

            // This does many things, including retrieving referenced comments, commits, etc.
            (issueCommentIds, commitCommentIds) = await UpdateIssueTimeline(ghc, forUserId, updater);

            // So many reactions
            await UpdateIssueReactions(ghc, updater);
            await UpdateIssueCommentReactions(ghc, updater, issueCommentIds);
            await UpdateCommitCommentReactions(ghc, updater, commitCommentIds);

            if (_isPullRequest)
                // Can't roll this up into other PR code because it must come after timeline
                await UpdatePullRequestCommentReactions(ghc, updater, prCommentIds);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override async Task OnActivateAsync()
            // Set this first as subsequent calls require it.
            _userId = this.GetPrimaryKeyLong();

            // Ensure this user actually exists, and lookup their token.
            User user = null;

            using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateInstance()) {
                user = await context.Users
                       .Include(x => x.Tokens)
                       .SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == _userId);

            if (user == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"User {_userId} does not exist and cannot be activated.");

            if (!user.Tokens.Any())
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"User {_userId} has an invalid token and cannot be activated.");

            _github = _grainFactory.GetGrain <IGitHubActor>(user.Id);

            _mentionMetadata = user.MentionMetadata;
            _mentionSince    = user.MentionSince ?? EpochUtility.EpochOffset;

            // Always sync while active
            _lastSyncInterest = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            _syncTimer        = RegisterTimer(SyncTimerCallback, null, TimeSpan.Zero, SyncDelay);

            await base.OnActivateAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private async Task UpdateCommitCommentReactions(IGitHubActor ghc, DataUpdater updater, ISet <long> knownCommitCommentIds)
            // TODO: Use knownCommitCommentIds and response date to prune deleted comments in one go.

            IssueEvent[] committedEvents;
            string[]     commitShas;
            IDictionary <long, GitHubMetadata> commitCommentCommentMetadata = null;

            using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateInstance()) {
                committedEvents = await context.IssueEvents
                                  .Where(x => x.IssueId == _issueId && x.Event == "committed")

                commitShas = committedEvents
                             .Select(x => x.ExtensionData.DeserializeObject <JToken>().Value <string>("sha"))

                if (commitShas.Any())
                    commitCommentCommentMetadata = await context.CommitComments
                                                   .Where(x => commitShas.Contains(x.CommitId))
                                                   .ToDictionaryAsync(x => x.Id, x => x.ReactionMetadata);

            if (commitShas.Any())
                var commitCommentReactionRequests = new Dictionary <long, Task <GitHubResponse <IEnumerable <gm.Reaction> > > >();
                foreach (var reactionMetadata in commitCommentCommentMetadata)
                    if (reactionMetadata.Value.IsExpired())
                        commitCommentReactionRequests.Add(reactionMetadata.Key, ghc.CommitCommentReactions(_repoFullName, reactionMetadata.Key, reactionMetadata.Value, RequestPriority.Interactive));

                if (commitCommentReactionRequests.Any())
                    await Task.WhenAll(commitCommentReactionRequests.Values);

                    foreach (var commitCommentReactionsResponse in commitCommentReactionRequests)
                        var resp = await commitCommentReactionsResponse.Value;
                        switch (resp.Status)
                        case HttpStatusCode.NotModified:

                        case HttpStatusCode.NotFound:
                            if (!knownCommitCommentIds.Contains(commitCommentReactionsResponse.Key))
                                await updater.DeleteCommitComment(commitCommentReactionsResponse.Key, resp.Date);

                            await updater.UpdateCommitCommentReactions(_repoId, resp.Date, commitCommentReactionsResponse.Key, resp.Result);

                        using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateInstance()) {
                            await context.UpdateMetadata("CommitComments", "ReactionMetadataJson", commitCommentReactionsResponse.Key, resp);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private async Task LookupEventSourceDetails(IGitHubActor ghc, HashSet <gm.Account> accounts, IEnumerable <gm.IssueEvent> events)
            string sourceUrl(gm.IssueEvent e)
                return(e.Source?.Url ?? e.Source?.Issue?.Url);

            var withSources = events.Where(x => sourceUrl(x) != null).ToArray();
            var sources     = withSources.Select(x => sourceUrl(x)).Distinct().ToArray();

            if (sources.Any())
                var sourceLookups = sources
                                    .Select(x => {
                    var parts    = x.Split('/');
                    var numParts = parts.Length;
                    var repoName = parts[numParts - 4] + "/" + parts[numParts - 3];
                    var issueNum = int.Parse(parts[numParts - 1]);
                    return(new {
                        Id = x,
                        Task = ghc.Issue(repoName, issueNum, priority: RequestPriority.Interactive),
                                    .ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x.Task);

                await Task.WhenAll(sourceLookups.Values);

                var prLookups = sourceLookups.Values
                                .Where(x => x.Result.Result.PullRequest != null)
                                .Select(x => {
                    var url      = x.Result.Result.PullRequest.Url;
                    var parts    = url.Split('/');
                    var numParts = parts.Length;
                    var repoName = parts[numParts - 4] + "/" + parts[numParts - 3];
                    var prNum    = int.Parse(parts[numParts - 1]);
                    return(new {
                        Id = url,
                        Task = ghc.PullRequest(repoName, prNum, priority: RequestPriority.Interactive),
                                .ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x.Task);

                await Task.WhenAll(prLookups.Values);

                foreach (var item in withSources)
                    var refIssue = sourceLookups[sourceUrl(item)].Result.Result;
                    if (refIssue.Assignees.Any())

                    item.ExtensionDataDictionary["ship_issue_state"] = refIssue.State;
                    item.ExtensionDataDictionary["ship_issue_title"] = refIssue.Title;

                    if (refIssue.PullRequest != null)
                        item.ExtensionDataDictionary["ship_is_pull_request"] = true;

                        var pr = prLookups[refIssue.PullRequest.Url].Result.Result;
                        item.ExtensionDataDictionary["ship_pull_request_merged"] = pr.Merged;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private async Task <(ISet <long> IssueCommentIds, ISet <long> CommitCommentIds)> UpdateIssueTimeline(IGitHubActor ghc, long forUserId, DataUpdater updater)

            /* NOTE!
             * We can't sync the timeline incrementally, because the client wants commit and
             * reference data inlined. This means we always have to download all the
             * timeline events in case an old one now has updated data. Other options are to
             * just be wrong, or to simply reference the user by id and mark them referenced
             * by the repo.

            var issueCommentIds  = new HashSet <long>();
            var commitCommentIds = new HashSet <long>();

            // TODO: cache per-user
            // TODO: If caching, are there things that should occur every time anyway?
            var timelineResponse = await ghc.Timeline(_repoFullName, _issueNumber, _issueId, priority : RequestPriority.Interactive);

            if (timelineResponse.IsOk)
                var allEvents      = timelineResponse.Result;
                var filteredEvents = allEvents.Where(x => !_IgnoreTimelineEvents.Contains(x.Event)).ToArray();

                // For adding to the DB later
                // TODO: Technically this can pick stale accounts if an old and new version are both in the collection.
                // My batching branch fixes this by tracking versions
                // Set must allow nulls
                var accounts = new HashSet <gm.Account>(KeyEqualityComparer.FromKeySelector((gm.Account x) => x?.Id));

                foreach (var timelineEvent in filteredEvents)

                await LookupEventCommitDetails(ghc, accounts, filteredEvents);
                await LookupEventSourceDetails(ghc, accounts, filteredEvents);

                // Fixup and sanity checks
                foreach (var item in filteredEvents)
                    switch (item.Event)
                    case "cross-referenced":
                        if (item.Source?.Actor != null)
                        if (item.Source?.Issue?.User != null)
                        //if (item.Actor != null) { // It's a comment reference
                        //  accounts.Add(item.Source?.Actor);
                        //  item.Actor = item.Source?.Actor;
                        //} else { // It's an issue reference
                        //  accounts.Add(item.Source?.Issue?.User);
                        //  item.Actor = item.Source?.Issue?.User;

                    case "committed":
                        item.CreatedAt = item.ExtensionDataDictionary["committer"]["date"].ToObject <DateTimeOffset>();

                        // Leave most things alone.

                    if (item.CreatedAt == DateTimeOffset.MinValue)
                        throw new Exception($"Unable to process event of type {item.Event} on {_repoFullName}/{_issueNumber} ({_issueId}). Invalid date.");

                await updater.UpdateTimelineEvents(_repoId, timelineResponse.Date, forUserId, accounts, filteredEvents);

                // Comments
                var commentEvents = allEvents.Where(x => x.Event == "commented").ToArray();
                if (commentEvents.Any())
                    // The events have all the info we need.
                    var comments = commentEvents.Select(x => x.Roundtrip <gm.IssueComment>(serializerSettings: GitHubSerialization.JsonSerializerSettings)).ToArray();

                    // Update known ids
                    issueCommentIds.UnionWith(comments.Select(x => x.Id));

                    await updater.UpdateIssueComments(_repoId, timelineResponse.Date, comments);

                // Commit Comments
                // Comments in commit-commented events look complete.
                // Let's run with it.
                var commitCommentEvents = allEvents.Where(x => x.Event == "commit-commented").ToArray();
                if (commitCommentEvents.Any())
                    var commitComments = commitCommentEvents
                                         .SelectMany(x => x.ExtensionDataDictionary["comments"].ToObject <IEnumerable <gm.CommitComment> >(GitHubSerialization.JsonSerializer))

                    // Update known ids
                    commitCommentIds.UnionWith(commitComments.Select(x => x.Id));

                    await updater.UpdateCommitComments(_repoId, timelineResponse.Date, commitComments);

                // Merged event commit statuses
                if (_isPullRequest)
                    var mergedEvent = allEvents
                                      .Where(x => x.Event == "merged")
                                      .OrderByDescending(x => x.CreatedAt)

                    var mergeCommitId = mergedEvent?.CommitId;

                    if (mergeCommitId != null)
                        var mergeCommitStatusesResponse = await ghc.CommitStatuses(_repoFullName, mergeCommitId, _prMergeStatusMetadata, RequestPriority.Interactive);

                        if (mergeCommitStatusesResponse.IsOk)
                            await updater.UpdateCommitStatuses(_repoId, mergeCommitId, mergeCommitStatusesResponse.Result);
                        _prMergeStatusMetadata = GitHubMetadata.FromResponse(mergeCommitStatusesResponse);

            return(IssueCommentIds : issueCommentIds, CommitCommentIds : commitCommentIds);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override async Task OnActivateAsync()
            // Set this first as subsequent calls require it.
            _userId = this.GetPrimaryKeyLong();

            // Ensure this user actually exists, and lookup their token.
            User user = null;

            using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateInstance()) {
                user = await context.Users
                       .Include(x => x.Tokens)
                       .Include(x => x.Settings)
                       .Include(x => x.LinkedRepositories)
                       .Include(x => x.SyncRepositories)
                       .Include(x => x.AccountOrganizations)
                       .SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == _userId);

            if (user == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"User {_userId} does not exist and cannot be activated.");

            if (!user.Tokens.Any())
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"User {_userId} has an invalid token and cannot be activated.");

            _userInfo = $"{user.Login} ({user.Id})";

            _github   = _grainFactory.GetGrain <IGitHubActor>(user.Id);
            _mentions = _grainFactory.GetGrain <IMentionsActor>(user.Id);

            _metadata     = user.Metadata;
            _repoMetadata = user.RepositoryMetadata;
            _orgMetadata  = user.OrganizationMetadata;

            _syncSettings = user.Settings?.SyncSettings;
            _linkedRepos  = user.LinkedRepositories.Select(x => x.RepositoryId).ToHashSet();

            _orgActors = user.AccountOrganizations
                         .ToDictionary(x => x.OrganizationId, x => _grainFactory.GetGrain <IOrganizationActor>(x.OrganizationId));

            _repoActors = user.SyncRepositories
                          .ToDictionary(x => x.RepositoryId, x => _grainFactory.GetGrain <IRepositoryActor>(x.RepositoryId));

            _includeRepoMetadata = user.SyncRepositories
                                   .Where(x => !_linkedRepos.Contains(x.RepositoryId))
                                   .ToDictionary(x => x.RepositoryId, x => x.RepositoryMetadata);

            // Migration Step
            // No settings + linked repos + empty sync repos == MIGRATE!
            if (_linkedRepos.Any() && _syncSettings == null && !_repoActors.Any())
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _linkedReposDesired);
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _syncReposDesired);

            // We always want to sync while the UserActor is loaded;
            _lastSyncInterest = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            _syncTimer        = RegisterTimer(SyncTimerCallback, null, TimeSpan.Zero, SyncDelay);

            await base.OnActivateAsync();