Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <GenreDTO> AddGenre(GenreDTO Genre)
            Genre newGenre = _mapper.Map <Genre>(Genre);
            await _genreRepository.AddGenre(newGenre);

        public async Task AddNewGenre(string name)
            if (await CheckGenre(name) == false)
                    Genre g1 = new Genre(name);
                    await _genreRep.AddGenre(g1);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (e is GenreException ||
                        e is DALException)
                        await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                        throw new BLLGenreException("Cannot add a new genre atm try again later or call a manager");
                        await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                        throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Genre Already Exist");

                throw new LibraryException("Genre already exist");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateGenreAsync(
            [FromBody, SwaggerParameter(Description = "Genre to create", Required = true)] GenreToCreateDto genreToCreate,
            [FromHeader(Name = "Accept"), SwaggerParameter(Description = "media type to request between json or json+hateoas")] string mediaType)
            var genreToAdd = Mapper.Map <Genre>(genreToCreate);


            if (!await _genreRepository.SaveChangesAsync())
                _logger.LogError("Saving changes to database while creating a genre failed");

            // mapped created genre back to genreDto to remove unnecessary information
            var genreToReturn = Mapper.Map <GenreDto>(genreToAdd);

            if (mediaType == "application/vnd.biob.json+hateoas")
                var links = CreateLinksForGenre(genreToReturn.Id);

                var linkedGenre = genreToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

                linkedGenre.Add("links", links);

                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetGenre", new { genreId = genreToReturn.Id }, linkedGenre));

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetGenre", new { genreId = genreToReturn.Id }, genreToReturn));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <ActionResult> Add(GenreDetailViewModel vm)
            await _genreRepository.AddGenre(new Genre
                Name = vm.Name

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ViewResult NewGenre()
            Genre newGen = new Genre {
                Name = Request.Form["Name"]

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <ActionResult <GenreGetResponse> > CreateGenre(GenrePostRequest genre)
            var genreEntity = _mapper.Map <Genre>(genre);

            genreEntity.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
            await _genreRepository.SaveAsync();

            var genreGetResponse = _mapper.Map <GenreGetResponse>(genreEntity);

            //// return Created(GetResourceUrl(genreGetResponse.Id.ToString()), genreGetResponse);

            //// OR

                version = HttpContext.GetRequestedApiVersion().ToString(),
                genreId = genreGetResponse.Id
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public IActionResult AddMovie(Movie movieIn, string DirectorFName, string DirectorLName, string Genre, string AgeRating)
            Genre matchedGenre = _genreList.GetGenreByName(Genre);

            if (matchedGenre != null)
                movieIn.Genre = matchedGenre;
                movieIn.Genre = _genreList.AddGenre(Genre);

            Age_Rating matchedAge_Rating = _age_RatingList.GetAge_RatingByName(AgeRating);

            if (matchedAge_Rating != null)
                movieIn.AgeRating = matchedAge_Rating;
                ViewBag.Result = "There was an error Selecting age rating please Try Again.";

            Director matchedDirector = _directorList.GetDirectorByName(DirectorFName, DirectorLName);

            if (matchedDirector != null)
                movieIn.Director = matchedDirector;
                movieIn.Director = _directorList.AddDirector(DirectorFName, DirectorLName);


Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task AddNewBook(string name, string writer, string printdate, string publisher, string genre, string discount, string quantity, string price, string isbn, string edition, string summary)
            Book b1 = new Book();

            if (name == "" || writer == "" || printdate == "" || printdate == "" || publisher == "" || genre == "" || discount == "" || quantity == "" || price == "" || isbn == "" || edition == "" || summary == "")
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("All book fields must be full in order to add a new book!");

                throw new BLLBookException("All book fields must be full in order to add a new book!");
            b1.Name   = name;
            b1.Writer = writer;
            DateTime date;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(printdate, out date) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Cannot Convert date to DateTime!");

                throw new BLLBookException("Date Time Not in a correct format");
            b1.PrintDate = DateTime.Parse(printdate);
            b1.Publisher = publisher;
                Genre g1 = await _genreRep.GetGenre(genre);

                if (g1.Name == null)
                    g1.Name = genre;
                    await _genreRep.AddGenre(g1);

                    g1 = await _genreRep.GetGenre(genre);
                b1.Genre = g1;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GenreException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot add a new book atm try again later");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
            int discountToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(discount, out discountToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("discount is not a number!");

                throw new BLLBookException("discount is not a number!");
            if (discountToAdd < 0 || discountToAdd > 99)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Discount must be between 0-99");

                throw new BLLBookException("Discount must be between 0-99");
            b1.Discount = discountToAdd;
            int quantityToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(quantity, out quantityToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("quantity is not a number");

                throw new BLLBookException("quantity is not a number");
            if (quantityToAdd < 0)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Quantity cannot be negative!");

                throw new BLLBookException("Quantity cannot be negative!");
            b1.Quantity = quantityToAdd;
            int priceToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(price, out priceToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Price is not a number");

                throw new BLLBookException("Price is not a number");
            if (priceToAdd < 0)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Price cannot be negative!");

                throw new BLLBookException("Price cannot be negative!");
            b1.Price = priceToAdd;
                List <string> isbns = await _bookRep.GetAllIsbn();

                if (isbns.Contains(isbn))
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("ISBN Already Exist!");

                    throw new BLLBookException("ISBN Already Exist!");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is BookException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot add a new book atm try again later");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
            b1.ISBN    = isbn;
            b1.Edition = edition;
            b1.Summary = summary;
                await _bookRep.AddBook(b1);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is BookException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLBookException("Cannot add a new book atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
 public IActionResult Add(Genre entity)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void AddGenre(Genre genre)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task AddNewJournal(string name, string writer, string printdate, string publisher, string genre, string discount, string quantity, string price, string subject)
            if (name == "" || writer == "" || printdate == "" || publisher == "" || genre == "" || discount == "" || quantity == "" || price == "" || subject == "")
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("All journal fields must be full");

                throw new BLLJournalException("All journal fields must be full");
            Journal j1 = new Journal();

            j1.Name   = name;
            j1.Writer = writer;
            DateTime date;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(printdate, out date) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Cannot convert printdate To DateTime!");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Cannot convert printdate To DateTime!");
            j1.PrintDate = date;
            j1.Publisher = publisher;
                Genre g1 = await _genreRep.GetGenre(genre);

                if (g1.Name == null)
                    g1.Name = genre;
                    await _genreRep.AddGenre(g1);

                    g1 = await _genreRep.GetGenre(genre);
                j1.Genre = g1;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is GenreException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLJournalException("Cannot add a new journal atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");

            int discountToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(discount, out discountToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Discount must be a number!");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Discount must be a number!");
            if (discountToAdd < 0 || discountToAdd > 99)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Discount must be between 0-99");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Discount must be between 0-99");
            j1.Discount = discountToAdd;
            int quantityToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(quantity, out quantityToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Quantity must be a number!");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Quantity must be a number!");
            if (quantityToAdd < 0)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Quantity cannot be negative!");

                throw new BLLJournalException("Quantity cannot be negative!");
            j1.Quantity = quantityToAdd;
            int priceToAdd = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(price, out priceToAdd) == false)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Price must be a number!");

                throw new LibraryException("Price must be a number!");
            if (priceToAdd < 0)
                await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile("Price cannot be negative!");

                throw new LibraryException("Price cannot be negative!");
            j1.Price   = priceToAdd;
            j1.Subject = subject;
                await _journalRep.AddJournal(j1);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is JournalException ||
                    e is DALException)
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new BLLJournalException("Cannot add a new journal atm try again later or call a manager");
                    await GeneralLibraryLogic.SaveToLogFile(e.ToString());

                    throw new LibraryException("Unknown error inform a manager!");
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void Add(Genre genre)