Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns 1 if player 1 is a winner, -1 if player 2 is a winner, and 0 if it is not a win state
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gbs"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static double CheckWinner(this IGameBoardState gbs)
        int p1Count = 0;
        int p2Count = 0;

        foreach (IPieceState piece in gbs.GetAlivePieces())
            if (piece.GetPlayer() == Player.PlayerNumber.Player1 && piece.GetPieceType() == Piece.PieceType.king)
            else if (piece.GetPlayer() == Player.PlayerNumber.Player2 && piece.GetPieceType() == Piece.PieceType.king)

        if (p1Count == 0 && p2Count == 0)
            throw new System.Exception("Game should end as soon as one player reaches 0 kings.");
        else if (p1Count == 0)
        else if (p2Count == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static int CalculateRawScore(this IGameBoardState gbs, Player.PlayerNumber player)
     return(gbs.GetAlivePieces().Where(alive => alive.GetPlayer() == player).Select(alive => ValueMap[alive.GetPieceType()]).Sum());
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Recursive alpha beta pruning minimax search strategy.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gbs">The Game Board State.</param>
    /// <param name="searchLevels">The number of levels to search (depth)</param>
    /// <param name="currentPlayer">The current player's turn.</param>
    /// <param name="BestMove">The best move found during the search</param>
    /// <param name="alpha">Starting alpha value.</param>
    /// <param name="beta">Starting beta value.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static AIMinMaxResult AIMinMaxSearch(this IGameBoardState gbs, int searchLevels, Player.PlayerNumber currentPlayer, bool QuiescenceSearch = false, double alpha = -1.0, double beta = 1.0)
        Move BestMove = null;

        double checkWinner = gbs.CheckWinner();

        //cutoff for search (recursive base cases)
        if (checkWinner == -1.0)
            return(new AIMinMaxResult(BestMove, -1.0, 1));

        if (checkWinner == 1.0)
            return(new AIMinMaxResult(BestMove, 1.0, 1));

        if (searchLevels == 0)
            return(new AIMinMaxResult(BestMove, gbs.CalculateUtility(), 1));

        AIMinMaxResult result         = null;
        long           statesSearched = 0;
        //iterate by looking at all possible moves for each piece
        List <IPieceState> pieces = gbs.GetAlivePieces().Where(s => s.GetPlayer() == currentPlayer).Select(s => s).ToList();

        foreach (IPieceState piece in pieces.Shuffle())
            List <Move> moves;
            if (QuiescenceSearch)
                moves = MoveGenerator.GetCaptureMoves(gbs, piece);
                moves = MoveGenerator.GetMoves(gbs, piece);

            MovesSearched += moves.Count;

            //perform each move on a cloned board and search clone recursively, swapping players each turn
            foreach (Move move in moves.Shuffle())
                IGameBoardState clone = gbs.Clone();
                clone.Move(move.piece, move.space);

                if (currentPlayer == Player.PlayerNumber.Player1)
                    result          = clone.AIMinMaxSearch(searchLevels - 1, Player.PlayerNumber.Player2, true, alpha, beta);
                    statesSearched += result.TotalStatesSearched;
                    if (statesSearched > StatesSearched)
                        StatesSearched = statesSearched;
                    if (result.AlphaBeta > alpha)
                        alpha    = result.AlphaBeta;
                        BestMove = move;

                    //beta cut off
                    if (beta <= alpha)
                else /* (currentPlayer == Player.PlayerNumber.Player2) */
                    result          = clone.AIMinMaxSearch(searchLevels - 1, Player.PlayerNumber.Player1, true, alpha, beta);
                    statesSearched += result.TotalStatesSearched;
                    if (statesSearched > StatesSearched)
                        StatesSearched = statesSearched;
                    if (result.AlphaBeta < beta)
                        beta     = result.AlphaBeta;
                        BestMove = move;

                    //alpha cut off
                    if (beta <= alpha)

                if (jobStatus == AIMinMaxJobStatus.StopRequested && LevelsSearched > 0)
                    searchLevels = 1;

            if (jobStatus == AIMinMaxJobStatus.StopRequested && LevelsSearched > 0)
                searchLevels = 1;

        //no moves found, treat as a base case
        if (BestMove == null)
            return(new AIMinMaxResult(BestMove, gbs.CalculateUtility(), 1));

        //Create a result and return it
        return(new AIMinMaxResult(BestMove, result.AlphaBeta, statesSearched));