Ejemplo n.º 1
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetApertureMetadataItem()
            // The aperture is the same as the F-Number if present; otherwise it is calculated from ExifAperture.
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;
            string       aperture          = String.Empty;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifFNumber, out rawMdi))
                if (rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Fraction)
                    float exifFNumber = ((Fraction)rawMdi.Value).ToSingle();
                    aperture = exifFNumber.ToString("f/##0.#", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(aperture)) && (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifAperture, out rawMdi)))
                if (rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Fraction)
                    float exifAperture = ((Fraction)rawMdi.Value).ToSingle();
                    float exifFNumber  = (float)Math.Round(Math.Pow(Math.Sqrt(2), exifAperture), 1);
                    aperture = exifFNumber.ToString("f/##0.#", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(aperture))
                mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.LensAperture, Resources.Metadata_LensAperture, aperture, true);

        public void Save(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem)
            MetadataDto mDto;

            SaveInternal(metaDataItem, out mDto);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static MetaItem[] ToMetaItems(IGalleryObjectMetadataItemCollection metadataItems, IGalleryObject galleryObject)
            var metaItems  = new MetaItem[metadataItems.Count];
            var metaDefs   = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(galleryObject.GalleryId).MetadataDisplaySettings;
            var moProfiles = ProfileController.GetProfile().MediaObjectProfiles;

            for (int i = 0; i < metaItems.Length; i++)
                IGalleryObjectMetadataItem md = metadataItems[i];

                metaItems[i] = new MetaItem
                    Id         = md.MediaObjectMetadataId,
                    MediaId    = galleryObject.Id,
                    MTypeId    = (int)md.MetadataItemName,
                    GTypeId    = (int)galleryObject.GalleryObjectType,
                    Desc       = md.Description,
                    Value      = md.Value,
                    IsEditable = metaDefs.Find(md.MetadataItemName).IsEditable

                if (md.MetadataItemName == MetadataItemName.Rating)
                    ReplaceAvgRatingWithUserRating(metaItems[i], moProfiles);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a value indicating whether the <paramref name="mdItem" /> contains ALL the tags contained in SearchOptions.Tags.
        /// The comparison is case insensitive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mdItem">The metadata item.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the metadata item contains all the tags, <c>false</c> otherwise</returns>
        private bool MetadataItemContainsAllTags(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdItem)
            // First split the meta value into the separate tag items, trimming and converting to lower case.
            var albumTags = mdItem.Value.ToLowerInvariant().Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(p => p.Trim());

            // Now make sure that albumTags contains ALL the items in SearchOptions.Tags.
            return(SearchOptions.Tags.Aggregate(true, (current, tag) => current & albumTags.Contains(tag.ToLowerInvariant())));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private SaveAction SaveInternal(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem, out MetadataDto mDto)
            SaveAction result;

            if (metaDataItem.IsDeleted)
                // The item has been marked for deletion, so let's smoke it.
                mDto = Find(metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId);

                if (mDto != null)

                // Remove it from the collection.

                result = SaveAction.Deleted;
            else if (metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId == int.MinValue)
                // Insert the item.
                bool isAlbum = metaDataItem.GalleryObject.GalleryObjectType == GalleryObjectType.Album;

                mDto = new MetadataDto
                    MetaName        = metaDataItem.MetadataItemName,
                    FKAlbumId       = isAlbum ? metaDataItem.GalleryObject.Id : (int?)null,
                    FKMediaObjectId = isAlbum ? (int?)null : metaDataItem.GalleryObject.Id,
                    RawValue        = metaDataItem.RawValue,
                    Value           = metaDataItem.Value

                result = SaveAction.Inserted;
                // Update the item.
                mDto = Find(metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId);

                if (mDto != null)
                    mDto.MetaName = metaDataItem.MetadataItemName;
                    mDto.Value    = metaDataItem.Value;
                    mDto.RawValue = metaDataItem.RawValue;
                result = SaveAction.Updated;

            if (result != SaveAction.Deleted)
                SaveTags(mDto, metaDataItem.GalleryObject.GalleryId);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the specified metadata item from the data store. No error occurs if the record does not exist in the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaDataItem">The metadata item to delete from the data store.</param>
        private static void DeleteMetadataItem(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem)
            SqlCommand cmd = GetCommandMediaObjectMetadataDelete();

            cmd.Parameters["@MediaObjectMetadataId"].Value = metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete the specified metadata item from the data store. No error occurs if the record does not exist in the data store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metaDataItem">The metadata item to delete from the data store.</param>
 private static void DeleteMetadataItem(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem)
     using (SqlConnection cn = SqlDataProvider.GetDbConnection())
         using (SqlCommand cmd = GetCommandMediaObjectMetadataDelete(metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId, cn))
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetStringMetadataItem(RawMetadataItemName sourceRawMetadataName, FormattedMetadataItemName destinationFormattedMetadataName, string metadataDescription, string formatString)
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(sourceRawMetadataName, out rawMdi))
                mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, destinationFormattedMetadataName, metadataDescription, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, formatString, rawMdi.Value.ToString().TrimEnd(new char[] { '\0' })), true);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Compares the current object with another object of the same type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has the following meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This object is less than the <paramref name="other"/> parameter.Zero This object is equal to <paramref name="other"/>. Greater than zero This object is greater than <paramref name="other"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public int CompareTo(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem other)
     if (other == null)
         return(String.Compare(this.Description, other.Description, StringComparison.CurrentCulture));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetWidthMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            int width = GetWidth();

            if (width > 0)
                mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.Width, Resources.Metadata_Width, String.Concat(width, " ", Resources.Metadata_Width_Units), true);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetHeightMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            int height = GetHeight();

            if (height > 0)
                mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.Height, Resources.Metadata_Height, String.Concat(height, " ", Resources.Metadata_Height_Units), true);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the specified meta data item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaDataItem">The meta data item.</param>
        public void Save(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem)
            MetadataDto mDto;
            var         saveAction = SaveInternal(metaDataItem, out mDto);


            if (saveAction == SaveAction.Inserted)
                metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId = mDto.MetadataId;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetDimensionsMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            int width  = GetWidth();
            int height = GetHeight();

            if ((width > 0) && (height > 0))
                mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.Dimensions, Resources.Metadata_Dimensions, String.Concat(width, " x ", height), true);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetColorRepresentationMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifColorSpace, out rawMdi))
                string value          = rawMdi.Value.ToString().Trim();
                string formattedValue = (value == "1" ? Resources.Metadata_ColorRepresentation_sRGB : Resources.Metadata_ColorRepresentation_Uncalibrated);
                mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.ColorRepresentation, Resources.Metadata_ColorRepresentation, formattedValue, true);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a metadata item containing the date the picture was taken. The date format conforms to the IETF RFC 1123 specification,
        /// which means it uses this format string: "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'" (e.g. "Mon, 17 Apr 2006 21:38:09 GMT"). See
        /// the DateTimeFormatInfo.RFC1123Pattern property for more information about the format. Returns null if no date is found
        /// in the metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns a metadata item containing the date the picture was taken. Returns null if no date is found
        /// in the metadata.</returns>
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetDatePictureTakenMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifDTOrig, out rawMdi))
                DateTime convertedDateTimeValue = ConvertExifDateTimeToDateTime(rawMdi.Value.ToString());
                if (convertedDateTimeValue > DateTime.MinValue)
                    mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.DatePictureTaken, Resources.Metadata_DatePictureTaken, convertedDateTimeValue.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), true);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetFocalLengthMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifFocalLength, out rawMdi))
                if (rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Fraction)
                    float  value          = ((Fraction)rawMdi.Value).ToSingle();
                    string formattedValue = String.Concat(Math.Round(value), " ", Resources.Metadata_FocalLength_Units);
                    mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.FocalLength, Resources.Metadata_FocalLength, formattedValue, true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetExposureCompensationMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifExposureBias, out rawMdi))
                if (rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Fraction)
                    float  value          = ((Fraction)rawMdi.Value).ToSingle();
                    string formattedValue = String.Concat(value.ToString("##0.# ", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Resources.Metadata_ExposureCompensation_Suffix);
                    mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.ExposureCompensation, Resources.Metadata_ExposureCompensation, formattedValue, true);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetFNumberMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifFNumber, out rawMdi))
                if (rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Fraction)
                    float  value          = ((Fraction)rawMdi.Value).ToSingle();
                    string formattedValue = value.ToString("f/##0.#", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.FNumber, Resources.Metadata_FNumber, formattedValue, true);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetExposureProgramMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifExposureProg, out rawMdi))
                if (rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Int64)
                    ExposureProgram expProgram = (ExposureProgram)(Int64)rawMdi.Value;
                    if (MetadataEnumHelper.IsValidExposureProgram(expProgram))
                        mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.ExposureProgram, Resources.Metadata_ExposureProgram, expProgram.ToString(), true);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetFlashModeMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifFlash, out rawMdi))
                if (rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Int64)
                    FlashMode flashMode = (FlashMode)(Int64)rawMdi.Value;
                    if (MetadataEnumHelper.IsValidFlashMode(flashMode))
                        mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.FlashMode, Resources.Metadata_FlashMode, flashMode.ToString(), true);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetYResolutionMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;
            string       resolutionUnit    = String.Empty;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ResolutionYUnit, out rawMdi))
                resolutionUnit = rawMdi.Value.ToString();

            if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(resolutionUnit)) && (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ResolutionUnit, out rawMdi)))
                if (rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Int64)
                    ResolutionUnit resUnit = (ResolutionUnit)(Int64)rawMdi.Value;
                    if (MetadataEnumHelper.IsValidResolutionUnit(resUnit))
                        resolutionUnit = resUnit.ToString();

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.YResolution, out rawMdi))
                string yResolution;
                if (rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Fraction)
                    yResolution = Math.Round(((Fraction)rawMdi.Value).ToSingle(), 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    yResolution = rawMdi.Value.ToString();

                string yResolutionString = String.Concat(yResolution, " ", resolutionUnit);
                mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.VerticalResolution, Resources.Metadata_VerticalResolution, yResolutionString, true);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetLightSourceMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifLightSource, out rawMdi))
                if (rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Int64)
                    LightSource lightSource = (LightSource)(Int64)rawMdi.Value;
                    if (MetadataEnumHelper.IsValidLightSource(lightSource))
                        // Don't bother with it if it is "Unknown"
                        if (lightSource != LightSource.Unknown)
                            mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.LightSource, Resources.Metadata_LightSource, lightSource.ToString(), true);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private IGalleryObjectMetadataItem GetExposureTimeMetadataItem()
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
            MetadataItem rawMdi            = null;
            const Single NUM_SECONDS       = 1;       // If the exposure time is less than this # of seconds, format as fraction (1/350 sec.); otherwise convert to Single (2.35 sec.)

            if (RawMetadata.TryGetValue(RawMetadataItemName.ExifExposureTime, out rawMdi))
                string exposureTime = String.Empty;
                if ((rawMdi.ExtractedValueType == ExtractedValueType.Fraction) && ((Fraction)rawMdi.Value).ToSingle() > NUM_SECONDS)
                    exposureTime = Math.Round(((Fraction)rawMdi.Value).ToSingle(), 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    exposureTime = rawMdi.Value.ToString();

                string exposureTimeString = String.Concat(exposureTime, " ", Resources.Metadata_ExposureTime_Units);
                mdi = new GalleryObjectMetadataItem(int.MinValue, FormattedMetadataItemName.ExposureTime, Resources.Metadata_ExposureTime, exposureTimeString, true);
		/// <summary>
		/// Delete the specified metadata item from the data store. No error occurs if the record does not exist in the data store.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="metaDataItem">The metadata item to delete from the data store.</param>
		/// <param name="cn">An open database connection.</param>
		private static void DeleteMetadataItem(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem, SQLiteConnection cn)
			using (SQLiteCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand())
				const string sql = @"
DELETE [gs_MediaObjectMetadata]
WHERE MediaObjectMetadataId = @MediaObjectMetadataId;";
				cmd.CommandText = sql;
				cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MediaObjectMetadataId", metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void UpdateInternalMetaItem(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaItem)
            IGalleryObjectMetadataItem existingMetaItem;
            if (MetadataItems.TryGetMetadataItem(metaItem.MetadataItemName, out existingMetaItem))
                existingMetaItem.Description = metaItem.Description;

                if (OkToUpdateMetaItemValue(metaItem))
                    // Update value only when we have some data. This helps prevent overwriting user-entered data.
                    existingMetaItem.Value = metaItem.Value;
                    existingMetaItem.RawValue = metaItem.RawValue;
                var metaItems = Factory.CreateMetadataCollection();

Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Incorporate the new <paramref name="userRatingStr" /> into the current <paramref name="ratingItem" />
        /// belonging to the <paramref name="galleryObject" />. Automatically increments and saves the rating count
        /// meta item. Detects when a user has previously rated the item and reverses the effects of the previous 
        /// rating before applying the new one. Returns a <see cref="System.Single" /> converted to a string to 4 
        /// decimal places (e.g. "2.4653").
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryObject">The gallery object being rated.</param>
        /// <param name="ratingItem">The rating metadata item.</param>
        /// <param name="userRatingStr">The user rating to be applied to the gallery object rating.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="System.String" /> representing the new rating.</returns>
        private static string CalculateAvgRating(IGalleryObject galleryObject, IGalleryObjectMetadataItem ratingItem, string userRatingStr)
            var ratingCountItem = GetRatingCountMetaItem(galleryObject);
            int ratingCount;
            Int32.TryParse(ratingCountItem.Value, out ratingCount);

            float currentAvgRating, userRating;
            Single.TryParse(ratingItem.Value, out currentAvgRating);
            Single.TryParse(userRatingStr, out userRating);

            var moProfile = ProfileController.GetProfile().MediaObjectProfiles.Find(ratingItem.GalleryObject.Id);
            if (moProfile != null)
                // User has previously rated this item. Reverse the influence that rating had on the item's average rating.
                currentAvgRating = RemoveUsersPreviousRating(ratingItem.Value, ratingCount, moProfile.Rating);

                // Subtract the user's previous rating from the total rating count while ensuring the # >= 0.
                ratingCount = Math.Max(ratingCount - 1, 0);

            // Increment the rating count and persist.
            ratingCountItem.Value = ratingCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            Factory.SaveGalleryObjectMetadataItem(ratingCountItem, Utils.UserName);

            // Calculate the new rating.
            float newAvgRating = ((currentAvgRating * (ratingCount - 1)) + userRating) / (ratingCount);

            return newAvgRating.ToString("F4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Store rating to 4 decimal places
Ejemplo n.º 27
		/// <summary>
		/// Delete the specified metadata item from the data store. No error occurs if the record does not exist in the data store.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="metaDataItem">The metadata item to delete from the data store.</param>
		private static void DeleteMetadataItem(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem)
			SqlCommand cmd = GetCommandMediaObjectMetadataDelete();
			cmd.Parameters["@MediaObjectMetadataId"].Value = metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId;
Ejemplo n.º 28
		/// <summary>
		/// Syncs the metadata value with the corresponding property on the album or media object.
		/// The album/media object properties are deprecated in version 3, but we want to sync them
		/// for backwards compatibility. A future version is expected to remove these properties, at
		/// which time this method will no longer be needed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="md">An instance of <see cref="IGalleryObjectMetadataItem" /> being persisted to the data store.</param>
		/// <param name="userName">The user name of the currently logged on user. This will be used for the audit fields.</param>
		private static void SyncWithGalleryObjectProperties(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem md, string userName)
			if ((md.MetadataItemName == MetadataItemName.Title) && (md.GalleryObject.GalleryObjectType == GalleryObjectType.Album))
				var album = LoadAlbumInstance(md.GalleryObject.Id, false, true);

				// If necessary, sync the directory name with the album title.
				var gs = LoadGallerySetting(album.GalleryId);
				if ((!album.IsRootAlbum) && (!album.IsVirtualAlbum) && (gs.SynchAlbumTitleAndDirectoryName))
					// Root albums do not have a directory name that reflects the album's title, so only update this property for non-root albums.
					if (!album.DirectoryName.Equals(album.Title, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
						// We only update the directory name when it is different. Without this check a user saving a 
						// title without any changes would cause the directory name to get changed (e.g. 'Samples'
						// might get changed to 'Sample(1)')
						album.DirectoryName = HelperFunctions.ValidateDirectoryName(album.Parent.FullPhysicalPath, album.Title, gs.DefaultAlbumDirectoryNameLength);

						HelperFunctions.UpdateAuditFields(album, userName);

			if (md.MetadataItemName == MetadataItemName.FileName)
				// We are editing the filename item, so we want to rename the actual media file.
				// Load the media object instance and trigger a save. The save routine will detect
				// the metadata change and perform the rename for us.
				var mediaObject = LoadMediaObjectInstance(md.GalleryObject.Id, true);
				HelperFunctions.UpdateAuditFields(mediaObject, userName);

			if (md.MetadataItemName == MetadataItemName.HtmlSource)
				// We are editing the HTML content. This is the same as the media object's 
				// ExternalHtmlSource, so update that item, too.
				var mediaObject = LoadMediaObjectInstance(md.GalleryObject.Id, true);

				// Verify the media object is an external one. It always should be, but we'll
				// double check to be sure.
				if (mediaObject.GalleryObjectType == GalleryObjectType.External)
					mediaObject.Original.ExternalHtmlSource = md.Value;
					HelperFunctions.UpdateAuditFields(mediaObject, userName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the specified metadata item from the data store. No error occurs if the record does not exist in the data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaDataItem">The metadata item to delete from the data store.</param>
        /// <param name="ctx">A database context.</param>
        private static void DeleteMetadataItem(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem, GspContext ctx)
            MediaObjectMetadataDto mDto = ctx.MediaObjectMetadatas.Find(metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId);

            if (mDto != null)
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether we can retrieve the value from <paramref name="metaItemSource" /> and assign it to the
        /// actual metadata item for the gallery object. Returns <c>true</c> when the metaitem has a value and when it
        /// does not belong to an album title or caption; otherwise returns <c>false</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaItemSource">The source metaitem.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns <c>true</c> or <c>false</c>.</returns>
        private static bool OkToUpdateMetaItemValue(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaItemSource)
            var hasValue = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metaItemSource.Value);
            var isAlbumTitleOrCaption = (metaItemSource.GalleryObject.GalleryObjectType == GalleryObjectType.Album) && ((metaItemSource.MetadataItemName == MetadataItemName.Title) || (metaItemSource.MetadataItemName == MetadataItemName.Caption));

            return hasValue && !isAlbumTitleOrCaption;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a value indicating whether the <paramref name="mdItem" /> contains ALL the tags contained in SearchOptions.Tags.
        /// The comparison is case insensitive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mdItem">The metadata item.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the metadata item contains all the tags, <c>false</c> otherwise</returns>
        private bool MetadataItemContainsAllTags(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdItem)
            // First split the meta value into the separate tag items, trimming and converting to lower case.
            var albumTags = mdItem.Value.ToLowerInvariant().Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(p => p.Trim());

            // Now make sure that albumTags contains ALL the items in SearchOptions.Tags.
            return SearchOptions.Tags.Aggregate(true, (current, tag) => current & albumTags.Contains(tag.ToLowerInvariant()));
Ejemplo n.º 32
		/// <summary>
		/// Persists the metadata item to the data store, or deletes it when the delete flag is set. 
		/// For certain items (title, filename, etc.), the associated gallery object's property is also 
		/// updated. For items that are being deleted, it is also removed from the gallery object's metadata
		/// collection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="md">An instance of <see cref="IGalleryObjectMetadataItem" /> to persist to the data store.</param>
		/// <param name="userName">The user name of the currently logged on user. This will be used for the audit fields.</param>
		/// <exception cref="InvalidMediaObjectException">Thrown when the requested meta item  does not exist 
		/// in the data store.</exception>
		public static void SaveGalleryObjectMetadataItem(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem md, string userName)
			using (var repo = new MetadataRepository())

			SyncWithGalleryObjectProperties(md, userName);
Ejemplo n.º 33
		/// <summary>
		/// Compares the current object with another object of the same type.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has the following meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This object is less than the <paramref name="other"/> parameter.Zero This object is equal to <paramref name="other"/>. Greater than zero This object is greater than <paramref name="other"/>.
		/// </returns>
		public int CompareTo(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem other)
			if (other == null)
				return 1;
				return String.Compare(this.Description, other.Description, StringComparison.CurrentCulture);
Ejemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AddMetaEventArgs"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metaItem"> </param>
 public AddMetaEventArgs(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaItem)
     MetaItem = metaItem;
Ejemplo n.º 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AddMetaEventArgs"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metaItem"> </param>
 public AddMetaEventArgs(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaItem)
     MetaItem = metaItem;
Ejemplo n.º 36
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete the specified metadata item from the data store. No error occurs if the record does not exist in the data store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metaDataItem">The metadata item to delete from the data store.</param>
 private static void DeleteMetadataItem(IGalleryObjectMetadataItem metaDataItem)
     using (SqlConnection cn = SqlDataProvider.GetDbConnection())
         using (SqlCommand cmd = GetCommandMediaObjectMetadataDelete(metaDataItem.MediaObjectMetadataId, cn))
Ejemplo n.º 37
        private void AddExifMetadata(IGalleryObjectMetadataItemCollection metadataItems)
            foreach (FormattedMetadataItemName metadataItemName in Enum.GetValues(typeof(FormattedMetadataItemName)))
                IGalleryObjectMetadataItem mdi = null;
                switch (metadataItemName)
                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Author: mdi = GetStringMetadataItem(RawMetadataItemName.Artist, FormattedMetadataItemName.Author, Resources.Metadata_Author); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.CameraModel: mdi = GetStringMetadataItem(RawMetadataItemName.EquipModel, FormattedMetadataItemName.CameraModel, Resources.Metadata_CameraModel); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.ColorRepresentation: mdi = GetColorRepresentationMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Comment: mdi = GetStringMetadataItem(RawMetadataItemName.ExifUserComment, FormattedMetadataItemName.Comment, Resources.Metadata_Comment); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Copyright: mdi = GetStringMetadataItem(RawMetadataItemName.Copyright, FormattedMetadataItemName.Copyright, Resources.Metadata_Copyright); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.DatePictureTaken: mdi = GetDatePictureTakenMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Description: mdi = GetStringMetadataItem(RawMetadataItemName.ImageDescription, FormattedMetadataItemName.Description, Resources.Metadata_Description); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Dimensions: mdi = GetDimensionsMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.EquipmentManufacturer: mdi = GetStringMetadataItem(RawMetadataItemName.EquipMake, FormattedMetadataItemName.EquipmentManufacturer, Resources.Metadata_EquipmentManufacturer); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.ExposureCompensation: mdi = GetExposureCompensationMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.ExposureProgram: mdi = GetExposureProgramMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.ExposureTime: mdi = GetExposureTimeMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.FlashMode: mdi = GetFlashModeMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.FNumber: mdi = GetFNumberMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.FocalLength: mdi = GetFocalLengthMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Height: mdi = GetHeightMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.HorizontalResolution: mdi = GetXResolutionMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.IsoSpeed: mdi = GetStringMetadataItem(RawMetadataItemName.ExifISOSpeed, FormattedMetadataItemName.IsoSpeed, Resources.Metadata_IsoSpeed); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Keywords: break;                         // No way to access keywords through Exif, so just skip this one

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.LensAperture: mdi = GetApertureMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.LightSource: mdi = GetLightSourceMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.MeteringMode: mdi = GetMeteringModeMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Rating: break;                         // No way to access rating through Exif, so just skip this one

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Subject: break;                        // No way to access rating through Exif, so just skip this one

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.SubjectDistance: mdi = GetStringMetadataItem(RawMetadataItemName.ExifSubjectDist, FormattedMetadataItemName.SubjectDistance, Resources.Metadata_SubjectDistance, String.Concat("{0} ", Resources.Metadata_SubjectDistance_Units)); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Title: mdi = GetStringMetadataItem(RawMetadataItemName.ImageTitle, FormattedMetadataItemName.Title, Resources.Metadata_Title); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.VerticalResolution: mdi = GetYResolutionMetadataItem(); break;

                case FormattedMetadataItemName.Width: mdi = GetWidthMetadataItem(); break;

                default: throw new System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The FormattedMetadataItemName enumeration value {0} is not being processed in MediaObjectMetadataExtractor.AddExifMetadata().", metadataItemName.ToString()));
                if ((mdi != null) && (!metadataItems.Contains(mdi)))