Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get boundaries touching Street Light
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fnoArray"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IDictionary <int, short> GetBoundaryTouchStreetLight(short[] fnoArray)
            IDictionary <int, short> boundaryFids     = new Dictionary <int, short>();
            IGTSpatialService        gtspatialService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTSpatialService>();

            gtspatialService.DataContext = _gtDataContext;

            //gtspatialService.FilterGeometry = _gtDataContext.GetDDCKeyObjects(_gtFeature.FNO, _gtFeature.FID, GTComponentGeometryConstants.gtddcgPrimaryGeographic)[0].Geometry;
            if (null != Feature.Components["STREETLIGHT_S"].Geometry)
                gtspatialService.FilterGeometry = Feature.Components["STREETLIGHT_S"].Geometry;
                throw new Exception("A Street Light's symbol geometry must exist before an ESI Location can be assigned to it.");

            gtspatialService.Operator = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoTouches;
            Recordset rs = gtspatialService.GetResultsByFNO(fnoArray);

            if (rs != null && rs.RecordCount > 0)
                while (!rs.EOF)
                    boundaryFids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(rs.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value), Convert.ToInt16(rs.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs buffer query with a given reference point, distance and FNO.
        /// FNO is the target feature FNO for which feature class instances are to be searched inside the buffer zone.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Key Value pair of feature class instance and distance from reference point</returns>
        public Dictionary <int, double> PerformBufferQuery()
            Recordset   resultRecordSet = null;
            IGTGeometry gTGeometry      = null;

                IGTOrientedPointGeometry gTOrientedPointGeometry = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTOrientedPointGeometry>();
                gTOrientedPointGeometry.Origin = m_referencePoint;

                IGTZoneService gTZoneService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTZoneService>();
                gTZoneService.ZoneWidth       = m_distance;
                gTZoneService.InputGeometries = gTOrientedPointGeometry;
                IGTGeometry outPutGeometry = gTZoneService.OutputGeometries;

                IGTSpatialService spatialService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTSpatialService>();
                spatialService.DataContext    = m_iGtDataContext;
                spatialService.Operator       = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoEntirelyContains;
                spatialService.FilterGeometry = outPutGeometry;

                resultRecordSet = spatialService.GetResultsByFNO(new short[] { this.m_targetFno });
                if (resultRecordSet != null && resultRecordSet.RecordCount > 0)
                    m_fidDistancePair = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                    short primaryGraphicCno = GetPrimaryGraphicCno(m_targetFno);
                    while (!resultRecordSet.EOF)
                        int fid = Convert.ToInt32(resultRecordSet.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value);
                        gTGeometry = m_iGtDataContext.OpenFeature(m_targetFno, fid).Components.GetComponent(primaryGraphicCno).Geometry;
                        if (gTGeometry != null)
                            m_fidDistancePair.Add(fid, CalculateDistanceFromReferencePoint(gTGeometry.FirstPoint));
            catch (Exception)
                if (resultRecordSet != null)
                    resultRecordSet = null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Execute()
            int   fId = 0;
            short fNo = 0;
            short treeTrimmingGraphicCno = 19002;
            short workPointFno           = 191;
            short treeTrimmingFno        = 190;
            short workPointGcNo          = 19102;
            IGTOrientedPointGeometry workPointGeometry   = null;;
            IGTKeyObject             treeTrimmingFeature = null;
            IGTKeyObject             workPointFeature    = null;
            IGTComponent             mainComponent       = null;
            short cid = 0;

                IGTSpatialService spatialService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTSpatialService>();
                spatialService.DataContext    = m_DataContext;
                spatialService.Operator       = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoEntirelyContains;
                spatialService.FilterGeometry = Components.GetComponent(treeTrimmingGraphicCno).Geometry;
                Recordset rs = spatialService.GetResultsByFNO(new short[] { workPointFno });
                if (rs != null)
                    IGTComponent tTVGraphic = Components.GetComponent(treeTrimmingGraphicCno);
                    int          tTVFid     = Convert.ToInt32(tTVGraphic.Recordset.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value);
                    treeTrimmingFeature = DataContext.OpenFeature(treeTrimmingFno, tTVFid);

                    if (rs.RecordCount > 0)
                        while (!rs.EOF)
                            fId = Convert.ToInt32(rs.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value.ToString());
                            workPointFeature = DataContext.OpenFeature(workPointFno, fId);
                            mainComponent    = workPointFeature.Components.GetComponent(workPointGcNo);
                            workPointGeometry = (IGTOrientedPointGeometry)mainComponent.Geometry;
                            cid = (short)(cid + 1);
                            CreateWorkLabelGeometry(workPointGeometry, treeTrimmingFeature, cid);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error during Tree Trimming Labels execution." + ex.Message, "G/Technology");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to Get Workpoint Recordset Contained by placed TreeTrimming feature.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p_oTreeTrimmingfeature">Current placed feature</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Recordset GetWorkpointRsContainedByTreeTrimming(IGTKeyObject p_oTreeTrimmingfeature)
     Recordset wpRs = null;
         IGTSpatialService spatialService = GTClassFactory.Create<IGTSpatialService>();
         spatialService.DataContext = m_oGTApp.DataContext;
         spatialService.Operator = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoEntirelyContains;
         spatialService.FilterGeometry = p_oTreeTrimmingfeature.Components.GetComponent(19002).Geometry;
         wpRs = spatialService.GetResultsByFNO(new short[] { 191 });
     catch (Exception)
     return wpRs;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method performs point in polygon query and if the point exists inside polygon, then it returns the boundary feature recordset
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Recordset PerformPointInPolygon()
            Recordset resultRecordSet = null;

                IGTSpatialService spatialService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTSpatialService>();
                spatialService.DataContext = m_iGtDataContext;

                spatialService.Operator = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoEntirelyContainedBy;
                IGTOrientedPointGeometry pointGeometry = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTOrientedPointGeometry>();
                IGTPoint gtPoint = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPoint>();
                gtPoint.X                     = m_iGtpoint.X;
                gtPoint.Y                     = m_iGtpoint.Y;
                gtPoint.Z                     = 0;
                pointGeometry.Origin          = gtPoint;
                spatialService.FilterGeometry = pointGeometry;
                if (this.m_boundaryFid == 0)
                    resultRecordSet = spatialService.GetResultsByFNO(new short[] { this.m_boundaryFno });
                // FID is provided. Retrieve the geometry of the boundary feature and check whether the boundary contains the point
                resultRecordSet = spatialService.GetResultsByFNO(new short[] { this.m_boundaryFno });

                if (resultRecordSet != null && resultRecordSet.RecordCount > 0)
                    while (!resultRecordSet.EOF)
                        if (Convert.ToString(resultRecordSet.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value) == this.m_boundaryFid.ToString())
            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method performs point in polygon query and if the point exists inside polygon, then it returns the boundary feature recordset
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Recordset PerformPointInPolygon()
            Recordset resultRecordSet = null;

                IGTSpatialService spatialService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTSpatialService>();
                spatialService.DataContext = m_iGtDataContext;

                if (this.m_boundaryFid == 0)
                    spatialService.Operator = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoEntirelyContainedBy;
                    IGTOrientedPointGeometry pointGeometry = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTOrientedPointGeometry>();
                    IGTPoint gtPoint = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPoint>();
                    gtPoint.X                     = m_iGtpoint.X;
                    gtPoint.Y                     = m_iGtpoint.Y;
                    gtPoint.Z                     = 0;
                    pointGeometry.Origin          = gtPoint;
                    spatialService.FilterGeometry = pointGeometry;
                    resultRecordSet               = spatialService.GetResultsByFNO(new short[] { this.m_boundaryFno });
                // FID is provided. Retrieve the geometry of the boundary feature and check whether the boundary contains the point
                IGTKeyObject boundaryFeature  = m_iGtDataContext.OpenFeature(this.m_boundaryFno, this.m_boundaryFid);
                IGTGeometry  boundaryGeometry = (IGTGeometry)boundaryFeature.Components.GetComponent(FnoGraphicCnoPair[this.m_boundaryFno]).Geometry;
                spatialService.Operator       = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoEntirelyContains;
                spatialService.FilterGeometry = boundaryGeometry;
                resultRecordSet = spatialService.GetResultsByFNO(new short[] { this.m_pointFno });
                if (resultRecordSet != null && resultRecordSet.RecordCount > 0)
                    resultRecordSet = boundaryFeature.Components.GetComponent(FnoGraphicCnoPair[this.m_boundaryFno]).Recordset;
            catch (Exception)
        public string CheckForBoundaryErrorValidate()
                //get the esilocation for the street light
                if (m_Components["STREETLIGHT_N"].Recordset.EOF)
                var       lightAccountID = m_Components["STREETLIGHT_N"].Recordset.Fields["ACCOUNT_ID"].Value;
                string    SQL            = "select ESI_LOCATION from STLT_ACCOUNT where ESI_LOCATION = ?";
                Recordset RS             = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, lightAccountID);
                string    esiLocation;

                if (null != RS && RS.RecordCount > 0)
                    esiLocation = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["ESI_LOCATION"].Value);
                    return(string.Empty);                    //do not go any further if an ESI_LOCATION cannot be found. This means the user has not entered one yet, so the symbol was likely just placed.

                //query 1
                SQL = "select a.boundary_id,bnd.bnd_fno,ai.g3e_field,ai.g3e_cno,ai.g3e_componenttable from stlt_account a join stlt_boundary bnd on a.boundary_class = bnd.bnd_class join g3e_attributeinfo_optable ai on bnd.bnd_id_ano = ai.g3e_ano where a.esi_location = ?";
                RS  = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, esiLocation);
                if (null != RS && RS.RecordCount > 0)
                    string boundaryID      = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["BOUNDARY_ID"].Value);
                    string g3eField1       = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_FIELD"].Value);
                    string componentTable1 = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_COMPONENTTABLE"].Value);
                    string g3eCno1         = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_CNO"].Value);
                    //decimal bndFNOdecimal = RS.Fields["BND_FNO"].Value;
                    //short bndFNOshort = (short)bndFNOdecimal;
                    //short[] bndFNOarray = new short[] { bndFNOshort };
                    Int16[] bndFNOarray = new Int16[] { Convert.ToInt16(RS.Fields["BND_FNO"].Value) };

                    IGTOrientedPointGeometry lightGeometry  = (IGTOrientedPointGeometry)m_Components[m_ComponentName].Geometry;
                    IGTSpatialService        spatialService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTSpatialService>();
                    spatialService.DataContext    = m_DataContext;
                    spatialService.Operator       = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoTouches;
                    spatialService.FilterGeometry = lightGeometry;
                    Recordset features = spatialService.GetResultsByFNO(bndFNOarray);

                    if (null != features && features.RecordCount > 0)
                        //query 2
                        SQL = "select bnd.bnd_type,ai.g3e_field,ai.g3e_cno,ai.g3e_componenttable from stlt_account a join stlt_boundary bnd on a.boundary_class = bnd.bnd_class join g3e_attributeinfo_optable ai on bnd.bnd_type_ano = ai.g3e_ano where a.esi_location = ?";
                        RS  = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, esiLocation);

                        string bndType         = null;
                        string g3eField2       = null;
                        string componentTable2 = null;
                        string g3eCno2         = null;

                        if (RS.RecordCount > 0)
                            bndType         = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["BND_TYPE"].Value);
                            g3eField2       = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_FIELD"].Value);
                            componentTable2 = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_COMPONENTTABLE"].Value);
                            g3eCno2         = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_CNO"].Value);
                            string fid = Convert.ToString(features.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value); //get the fid value for the current feature in feature list being iterated through.
                            if (RS.RecordCount > 0)                                          //if "type" attribute is found in query 2
                                if (componentTable2.Equals(componentTable1))                 //if component tables match
                                    SQL = "select g3e_id from " + componentTable1 + " where g3e_cno = ? and g3e_fid = ? and " + g3eField1 + " =? and " + g3eField2 + " =?";
                                    RS  = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, g3eCno2, fid, boundaryID, bndType);
                                    if (!(RS.RecordCount > 0) && jobManager.JobStatus.ToUpper() == "NON-WR")
                                        return("GRAPHIC EDIT REJECTED: Street Light is located outside the associated Street Light Account boundary.");
                                    else if (!(RS.RecordCount > 0))
                                        return("ACCOUNT # CONFLICT: Street Light is located outside the associated Street Light Account boundary.");
                                else                                 //if component tables do not match
                                    SQL = "select g3e_id from " + componentTable1 + " p join " + componentTable2 + " la on p.g3e_fid=la.g3e_fid where g3e_cno = ? and g3e_fid = ? and p." + g3eField1 + " =? and la." + g3eField2 + " =?";
                                    RS  = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, g3eCno2, fid, boundaryID, bndType);
                                    if (!(RS.RecordCount > 0) && jobManager.JobStatus.ToUpper() == "NON-WR")
                                        return("GRAPHIC EDIT REJECTED: Street Light is located outside the associated Street Light Account boundary.");
                                    else if (!(RS.RecordCount > 0))
                                        return("ACCOUNT # CONFLICT: Street Light is located outside the associated Street Light Account boundary.");

                            else                             //if no "type" attribute is found, determination is done by comparing the value of boundary_id to g3e_field value from g3e_attributeinfo_optable in first query 1
                                SQL = "select g3e_id from " + componentTable1 + " where g3e_fid = ? and g3e_cno = ? and " + g3eField1 + " =?";
                                RS  = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, fid, g3eCno1, boundaryID);
                                if (!(RS.RecordCount > 0) && jobManager.JobStatus.ToUpper() == "NON-WR")
                                    return("GRAPHIC EDIT REJECTED: Street Light is located outside the associated Street Light Account boundary.");
                                else if (!(RS.RecordCount > 0))
                                    return("ACCOUNT # CONFLICT: Street Light is located outside the associated Street Light Account boundary.");
                        } while(!features.EOF);
                        return(string.Empty);                        //nothing to validate in this case, since spatial query did not return any features
                    return(string.Empty);                    //nothing to validate in this case, since the street light account does not have a boundary.
            catch (Exception ex)
                string exMsg = string.Format("Error occurred in {0} of {1}.{2}{3}", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, this.ToString(), Environment.NewLine, ex.Message);
                throw new Exception(exMsg);
        public bool CheckForBoundaryErrorExecute()
            if (m_Components["STREETLIGHT_N"].Recordset.EOF)
            //get the esi_location for the street light
            var       lightAccountID = m_Components["STREETLIGHT_N"].Recordset.Fields["ACCOUNT_ID"].Value;
            string    SQL            = "select ESI_LOCATION from STLT_ACCOUNT where ESI_LOCATION = ?";
            Recordset RS             = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, lightAccountID);
            string    esiLocation;

            if (RS.RecordCount > 0)
                esiLocation = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["ESI_LOCATION"].Value);
                return(false); //do not go any further if an ESI_LOCATION cannot be found. This means the user has not entered one yet, so the symbol was likely just placed.

            //query 1
            SQL = "select a.boundary_id,bnd.bnd_fno,ai.g3e_field,ai.g3e_cno,ai.g3e_componenttable from stlt_account a join stlt_boundary bnd on a.boundary_class = bnd.bnd_class join g3e_attributeinfo_optable ai on bnd.bnd_id_ano = ai.g3e_ano where a.esi_location = ?";
            RS  = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, esiLocation);
            if (RS.RecordCount > 0)
                string boundaryID      = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["BOUNDARY_ID"].Value);
                string g3eField1       = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_FIELD"].Value);
                string componentTable1 = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_COMPONENTTABLE"].Value);
                string g3eCno1         = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_CNO"].Value);
                //object bndFnoObject = RS.Fields["BND_FNO"].Value; //cast from object to uint to short
                //decimal bndFNOdecimal = RS.Fields["BND_FNO"].Value;
                //short bndFNOshort = (short)bndFNOdecimal;
                //short[] bndFNOarray = new short[] { bndFNOshort };
                Int16[] bndFNOarray = new Int16[] { Convert.ToInt16(RS.Fields["BND_FNO"].Value) };

                IGTOrientedPointGeometry lightGeometry  = (IGTOrientedPointGeometry)m_Components[m_ComponentName].Geometry;
                IGTSpatialService        spatialService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTSpatialService>();
                spatialService.DataContext    = m_DataContext;
                spatialService.Operator       = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoTouches;
                spatialService.FilterGeometry = lightGeometry;
                Recordset features = spatialService.GetResultsByFNO(bndFNOarray);

                if (features.RecordCount > 0)
                    //query 2
                    SQL = "select bnd.bnd_type,ai.g3e_field,ai.g3e_cno,ai.g3e_componenttable from stlt_account a join stlt_boundary bnd on a.boundary_class = bnd.bnd_class join g3e_attributeinfo_optable ai on bnd.bnd_type_ano = ai.g3e_ano where a.esi_location = ?";
                    RS  = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, esiLocation);

                    string bndType         = null;
                    string g3eField2       = null;
                    string componentTable2 = null;
                    string g3eCno2         = null;

                    if (RS.RecordCount > 0)
                        bndType         = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["BND_TYPE"].Value);
                        g3eField2       = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_FIELD"].Value);
                        componentTable2 = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_COMPONENTTABLE"].Value);
                        g3eCno2         = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_CNO"].Value);

                    bool errorDisplayed;
                        string fid = Convert.ToString(features.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value); //get the fid value for the current feature in feature list being iterated through.
                        if (RS.RecordCount > 0)                                          //if "type" attribute is found
                            if (componentTable2.Equals(componentTable1))                 //if component tables match
                                SQL            = "select 1 from " + componentTable1 + " where g3e_cno = ? and g3e_fid = ? and " + g3eField1 + " =? and " + g3eField2 + " =?";
                                RS             = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, g3eCno2, fid, boundaryID, bndType);
                                errorDisplayed = DisplayBoundaryErrorExecute(RS);
                                if (errorDisplayed)
                            else //if component tables do not match
                                SQL            = "select 1 from  " + componentTable1 + " p join " + componentTable2 + " la on p.g3e_fid=la.g3e_fid where g3e_cno = ? and g3e_fid = ? and p." + g3eField1 + " =? and la." + g3eField2 + " =?";
                                RS             = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, g3eCno2, fid, boundaryID, bndType);
                                errorDisplayed = DisplayBoundaryErrorExecute(RS);
                                if (errorDisplayed)

                        else //if no "type" attribute is found, determination is done by comparing the value of boundary_id to g3e_field value from g3e_attributeinfo_optable in first query 1
                            SQL            = "select 1 from " + componentTable1 + " where g3e_fid = ? and g3e_cno = ? and " + g3eField1 + " =?";
                            RS             = m_DataContext.OpenRecordset(SQL, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, fid, g3eCno1, boundaryID);
                            errorDisplayed = DisplayBoundaryErrorExecute(RS);
                            if (errorDisplayed)
                    } while(!features.EOF);
            return(false); //nothing to validate in this case, since the street light account does not have a boundary.
Ejemplo n.º 9
        //public RestrictedArea(short Fno, int Fid)
        //    m_fno = Fno;
        //    m_fid = Fid;
        //    m_iGtApplication = GTClassFactory.Create<IGTApplication>();
        //    m_iGtDataContext = m_iGtApplication.DataContext;

        /// <summary>
        /// Process Restricted Area validation
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the process is complete without errors, else returns false</returns>
        public bool Process()
            IGTGeometry       featureGeometry          = null;
            IGTSpatialService gTSpatialService         = null;
            IGTComponent      restrictedAreaAttributes = null;

                foreach (IGTKeyObject feature in m_features)
                    m_fno = feature.FNO;
                    m_fid = feature.FID;

                    IGTComponents selectedfeatureComponents = m_iGtDataContext.OpenFeature(m_fno, m_fid).Components;

                    CommonFunctions commonFunctions = new CommonFunctions();
                    short           primaryCno      = commonFunctions.GetPrimaryGraphicCno(m_fno, true);

                    // If the CNO is zero (not defined), then try the detail CNO
                    if (0 == primaryCno)
                        primaryCno = commonFunctions.GetPrimaryGraphicCno(m_fno, false);

                    IGTComponent primaryGraphicComponent = selectedfeatureComponents.GetComponent(primaryCno);

                    if (primaryGraphicComponent != null)
                        Recordset graphicCompRs = primaryGraphicComponent.Recordset;
                        if (graphicCompRs != null && graphicCompRs.RecordCount > 0)
                            //  Retrieve the geometry of the primary graphic component
                            featureGeometry = primaryGraphicComponent.Geometry;

                            // Find any Restricted Area features whose area component overlaps the retrieved geometry; if none are found, return with a successful status.
                            gTSpatialService                = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTSpatialService>();
                            gTSpatialService.DataContext    = m_iGtDataContext;
                            gTSpatialService.Operator       = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoEntirelyContainedBy;
                            gTSpatialService.FilterGeometry = featureGeometry;

                            Recordset restrictedAreaFeaturesRs = gTSpatialService.GetResultsByFNO(new short[] { RestrictedAreaFno });

                            if (restrictedAreaFeaturesRs != null && restrictedAreaFeaturesRs.RecordCount > 0)
                                //if (restrictedAreaFeaturesRs.RecordCount == 0)
                                //    return false;

                                while (!restrictedAreaFeaturesRs.EOF)
                                    int fid = Convert.ToInt32(restrictedAreaFeaturesRs.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value);
                                    restrictedAreaAttributes = m_iGtDataContext.OpenFeature(RestrictedAreaFno, fid).Components.GetComponent(RestrictedAreaAttributesCno);

                                    if (!ValidateRestrictedAreaFeature(restrictedAreaAttributes))

                return(true);// Prathyusha: return false;
            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void GetRecorsetOfAssociateFeaturesForVP(IGTGeometry p_tempGeometry, short[] lstFNO, ref DataTable p_associatedRs, short p_AactiveFno, Dictionary <short, string> p_relatedFeatures)
            DataAccess   dataAccess  = null;
            Recordset    rsTemp      = null;
            IGTKeyObject gTKeyObject = null;

            List <string> IsolationFs = new List <string> {
                "PPI", "ABI"
            List <string> byPassFs = new List <string> {
                "PPR", "ABR", "PPI", "ABI"
            bool emptyRecord = true;

            p_associatedRs = new DataTable("Results");
            p_associatedRs.Columns.Add("Feature Instance");
            string value = null;

                IGTSpatialService spatialService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTSpatialService>();
                spatialService.DataContext    = m_oGTApplication.DataContext;
                spatialService.Operator       = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoIndexIntersect;
                spatialService.FilterGeometry = p_tempGeometry;

                Recordset rsCommon = null;

                rsTemp = spatialService.GetResultsByFNO(lstFNO);

                if (rsTemp != null && rsTemp.RecordCount > 0)

                    while (!rsTemp.EOF)
                        gTKeyObject = m_oGTApplication.DataContext.OpenFeature(Convert.ToInt16(rsTemp.Fields["g3e_fno"].Value),
                        rsCommon = gTKeyObject.Components["COMMON_N"].Recordset;

                        if (rsCommon != null && rsCommon.RecordCount > 0)

                            if (p_AactiveFno == 40 || p_AactiveFno == 80)
                                if (byPassFs.Contains(Convert.ToString(rsCommon.Fields["FEATURE_STATE_C"].Value)))
                                    DataRow row = p_associatedRs.NewRow();
                                    value = "";

                                    p_relatedFeatures.TryGetValue(Convert.ToInt16(rsTemp.Fields["g3e_fno"].Value), out value);

                                    row["Feature"]          = value;
                                    row["Feature Instance"] = Convert.ToInt32(rsTemp.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value);
                                    row["G3E_FNO"]          = Convert.ToInt16(rsTemp.Fields["g3e_fno"].Value);


                                    emptyRecord = false;
                            else if (p_AactiveFno == 6 || p_AactiveFno == 82)
                                if (IsolationFs.Contains(Convert.ToString(rsCommon.Fields["FEATURE_STATE_C"].Value)))
                                    DataRow row = p_associatedRs.NewRow();
                                    value = "";
                                    p_relatedFeatures.TryGetValue(Convert.ToInt16(rsTemp.Fields["g3e_fno"].Value), out value);
                                    row["Feature"]          = value;
                                    row["Feature Instance"] = Convert.ToInt32(rsTemp.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value);
                                    row["G3E_FNO"]          = Convert.ToInt16(rsTemp.Fields["g3e_fno"].Value);


                                    emptyRecord = false;

                if (emptyRecord)
                    p_associatedRs = null;
                if (dataAccess != null)
                    dataAccess = null;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to set the Normal and As-Operated status for features in INI and CLS states
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activeFeature"></param>
        /// <param name="relatedFeatures"></param>
        private void SetNormalAndAsOperatedAttributes(IGTKeyObject activeFeature, IGTKeyObjects relatedFeatures)
            Dictionary <int, short> relatedIsolationPoints = new Dictionary <int, short>();
            string normalStatus     = string.Empty;
            string asOperatedStatus = string.Empty;

                // Set status attributes for active feature irrespective of feature class
                // ALM-2356-JIRA-2798

                // ALM-2356 change complete
                IGTComponent connectivityComponent = activeFeature.Components.GetComponent(11);
                if (connectivityComponent == null)
                Recordset connectivityRs = connectivityComponent.Recordset;
                normalStatus     = Convert.ToString(connectivityRs.Fields["STATUS_NORMAL_C"].Value);
                asOperatedStatus = Convert.ToString(connectivityRs.Fields["STATUS_OPERATED_C"].Value);

                // If feature state is changed from INI to CLS, do nothing
                if (m_featureStateBeforeChange == "INI" && m_featureState == "CLS")
                    if (asOperatedStatus != normalStatus)
                        connectivityRs.Fields["STATUS_OPERATED_C"].Value = normalStatus;
                // ALM-2360-JIRA-2799 - when feature state transitions to INI or CLS,
                // copy the affected proposed voltages to the actual voltage attributes (Voltage 2 for Transformers, and both Voltage 1 & 2 for Autotransformers).
                // ALM affects Auto Transformer, Transformer OH and OH Network, Transformer UG and UG Network features

                if (m_transformerFNOs.Contains(activeFeature.FNO))
                    if (activeFeature.FNO == 34) // Autotransformer
                        connectivityRs.Fields["VOLT_1_Q"].Value = connectivityRs.Fields["PP_VOLT_1_Q"].Value;
                        connectivityRs.Fields["VOLT_2_Q"].Value = connectivityRs.Fields["PP_VOLT_2_Q"].Value;
                    else // Other transformers
                        connectivityRs.Fields["VOLT_2_Q"].Value = connectivityRs.Fields["PP_VOLT_2_Q"].Value;

                // Set status attributes for associated isolation points incase of Isolation scenario features
                if (m_IsoScenarioFNOs.Contains(activeFeature.FNO))
                    // update statuses for inline isolation points. Inlines isolation points are related/connected to active feature.
                    foreach (IGTKeyObject relatedFeature in relatedFeatures)
                        if (m_virtualPointFNOs.Contains(relatedFeature.FNO))
                            relatedIsolationPoints.Add(relatedFeature.FID, relatedFeature.FNO);
                            Recordset relatedFeatureRs = relatedFeature.Components.GetComponent(11).Recordset;
                            if (relatedFeatureRs.RecordCount > 0)
                                normalStatus     = Convert.ToString(relatedFeatureRs.Fields["STATUS_NORMAL_C"].Value);
                                asOperatedStatus = Convert.ToString(relatedFeatureRs.Fields["STATUS_OPERATED_C"].Value);
                                if (!asOperatedStatus.Equals(normalStatus))
                                    relatedFeatureRs.Fields["STATUS_OPERATED_C"].Value = normalStatus;

                    // Find out whether there is any third isolation point. The Recloser would have a third isolation point (true Bypass point) that is not connected to the Recloser.
                    // We will find out the true Bypass point using Zone and Spatial service and if it exists we will update the statuses.
                    // For some active features ,say Transformer UG, there are NO isolation points but they do have other connected features which are not isolated points.
                    // We want to consider only related isolation points leaving out the rest of the connected features

                    if (relatedIsolationPoints.Count != 0)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, short> feature in relatedIsolationPoints)
                            IGTOrientedPointGeometry gTOrientedPointGeometry = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTOrientedPointGeometry>();
                            gTOrientedPointGeometry.Origin = ((IGTOrientedPointGeometry)activeFeature.Components.GetComponent(GetPrimaryGraphicCno(activeFeature.FNO)).Geometry).Origin;

                            IGTZoneService gTZoneService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTZoneService>();
                            gTZoneService.ZoneWidth       = 4;
                            gTZoneService.InputGeometries = gTOrientedPointGeometry;
                            IGTGeometry outPutGeometry = gTZoneService.OutputGeometries;

                            IGTSpatialService gTSpatialService = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTSpatialService>();
                            gTSpatialService.DataContext    = m_GTDataContext;
                            gTSpatialService.Operator       = GTSpatialOperatorConstants.gtsoEntirelyContains;
                            gTSpatialService.FilterGeometry = outPutGeometry;

                            Recordset resultRecordSet = gTSpatialService.GetResultsByFNO(new short[] { feature.Value });
                            if (resultRecordSet != null && resultRecordSet.RecordCount > 0)
                                // the recordset contains the isolated points that are within the zone and hence contains already connected isolation points

                                while (!resultRecordSet.EOF)
                                    int   fid = Convert.ToInt32(resultRecordSet.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value);
                                    short fno = Convert.ToInt16(resultRecordSet.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value);

                                    // we would like to consider the isolation point that is not connected to the active feature, but it is part of the active feature.
                                    if (!relatedIsolationPoints.ContainsKey(fid))
                                        Recordset thirdIsolationPoint = m_GTDataContext.OpenFeature(fno, fid).Components.GetComponent(11).Recordset;
                                        if (thirdIsolationPoint != null && thirdIsolationPoint.RecordCount > 0)
                                            normalStatus     = Convert.ToString(thirdIsolationPoint.Fields["STATUS_NORMAL_C"].Value);
                                            asOperatedStatus = Convert.ToString(thirdIsolationPoint.Fields["STATUS_OPERATED_C"].Value);
                                            if (!asOperatedStatus.Equals(normalStatus))
                                                thirdIsolationPoint.Fields["STATUS_OPERATED_C"].Value = normalStatus;
            catch (Exception)