Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void FindTerminusForSequence(ref IGSForwardStar FwdStar, int StartNodeId,
                                             ref int TerminusPoint, int iInfinityChecker)
            if (TerminusPoint > -1)

            if (iInfinityChecker++ > 5000)

            ILongArray iLngArr = FwdStar.get_ToNodes(StartNodeId);
            int        iCnt2   = 0;

            iCnt2 = iLngArr.Count;
            IGSLine pGSLine = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < iCnt2; i++)
                int  i2          = iLngArr.get_Element(i);
                bool bIsReversed = FwdStar.GetLine(StartNodeId, i2, ref pGSLine);

                if (iCnt2 == 1) //this is a terminus/end-line
                    TerminusPoint = StartNodeId;

                FindTerminusForSequence(ref FwdStar, i2, ref TerminusPoint, iInfinityChecker);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnClick()
            ICadastralEditor   pCadEd         = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension");
            IParcelEditManager pParcEditorMan = (IParcelEditManager)pCadEd;

            ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacketMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadEd;

            //bool bStartedWithPacketOpen = pCadPacketMan.PacketOpen;

            if (pParcEditorMan == null)

            IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor");

            if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing)
                MessageBox.Show("Please start editing and try again.");

            IParcelConstruction       pConstr                   = pParcEditorMan.ParcelConstruction;
            IParcelConstruction4      pConstr4                  = pConstr as IParcelConstruction4;
            ICadastralPoints          pCadastralPts             = pConstr4 as ICadastralPoints;
            ICadastralEditorSettings2 pCadastralEditorSettings2 = pCadEd as ICadastralEditorSettings2;

            ICadastralFixedPoints pFixedPoints = pCadastralPts as ICadastralFixedPoints;
            IPointCalculation     pPointCalc   = new PointCalculationClass();

            if (pConstr == null)

            IGSLine pParcelLine = null;
            IMetricUnitConverter pMetricUnitConv = (IMetricUnitConverter)pCadEd;
            IGSPoint             pStartPoint     = null;
            List <int>           lstPointIds     = new List <int>();

            List <IVector3D> Traverse = new List <IVector3D>();

            //get rotation here
            IParcelConstructionData    pConstrData = pConstr4.ConstructionData;
            IConstructionParentParcels pConstructionParentParcels = pConstrData as IConstructionParentParcels;

            ICadastralUndoRedo pCadUndoRedo = pConstr as ICadastralUndoRedo;

                int iParcelID = -1;
                if (pConstructionParentParcels.ParentParcelCount > 0)
                    pConstructionParentParcels.GetParentParcel(0, ref iParcelID);

                ICadastralParcel pCadaParcel = pCadPacketMan.JobPacket as ICadastralParcel;

                IGSParcel pGSParcel = null;

                if (pCadaParcel != null)
                    pGSParcel = pCadaParcel.GetParcel(iParcelID);
                //if in measurement view then rotation is 0
                double TheRotation = 0;

                if (pGSParcel == null)
                    pGSParcel = pConstr.Parcel;

                if (!pCadastralEditorSettings2.MeasurementView)
                    TheRotation = pGSParcel.Rotation;//radians
                if (TheRotation == 123456789)
                    TheRotation = 0;

                pPointCalc.Rotation = TheRotation;
                IGSPoint pClosingPoint = null;

                #region simple method as fall-back
                bool bUseSimpleStackSelection = false;
                if (bUseSimpleStackSelection)
                    //bool bLineSelectionSequence = false;
                    //IGSLine pLastSelectedGSLineInGrid = null;
                    //for (int i = 0; i < pConstr.LineCount; i++)
                    //  if (pConstr.GetLineSelection(i))
                    //  {
                    //    if (pConstr.GetLine(i, ref pParcelLine))
                    //    {
                    //      if (!bLineSelectionSequence) //first line
                    //      {
                    //        pStartPoint = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(pParcelLine.FromPoint);
                    //        pToPoint = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(pParcelLine.ToPoint);
                    //      }

                    //      pPointCalc.AddLine(pParcelLine);

                    //      pLastSelectedGSLineInGrid = pParcelLine;
                    //      pToPoint = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(pParcelLine.ToPoint);
                    //      lstPointIds.Add(pToPoint.Id);

                    //    }
                    //    bLineSelectionSequence = true;

                    //    double dBear = pParcelLine.Bearing; //Azimuth of IVector3D is north azimuth radians zero degrees north
                    //    double dDist = pParcelLine.Distance;
                    //    IVector3D vec = new Vector3DClass();
                    //    vec.PolarSet(dBear, 0, dDist); ////Azimuth of IVector3D is north azimuth radians zero degrees north
                    //    Traverse.Add(vec);
                    //  }
                    //  else
                    //  {
                    //    if (bLineSelectionSequence && pConstr.GetLine(i, ref pParcelLine) && HasLineSelectionAfter(pConstr, i))
                    //    //if there was a prior selection and this line is a complete line, and there is no later selection
                    //    {
                    //      MessageBox.Show("Please select a continuous set of lines for closure.");
                    //      return;
                    //    }
                    //  }
                    //pClosingPoint = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(pLastSelectedGSLineInGrid.ToPoint);

                {//build a forward star for the selected lines
                    IEnumCELines pCELines     = new EnumCELinesClass();
                    IEnumGSLines pEnumGSLines = (IEnumGSLines)pCELines;
                    ILongArray   pLongArray   = new LongArrayClass();
                    int          iFirstToNode = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pConstr.LineCount; i++)
                        if (pConstr.GetLineSelection(i))
                            if (pConstr.GetLine(i, ref pParcelLine))
                                if (iFirstToNode < 0)
                                    iFirstToNode = pParcelLine.ToPoint;

                    if (pCELines.Count == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("No lines selected. Please select a continuous set of lines for closure." + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "Line selection should not have branches.", "Traverse");

                    IParcelLineFunctions3 ParcelLineFx = new ParcelFunctionsClass();
                    IGSForwardStar        pFwdStar     = ParcelLineFx.CreateForwardStar(pEnumGSLines);
                    //forward star object is now created for all the selected lines,
                    //need to first re-sequence the lines, and test for branching and discontinuity

                    int           iBranches = 0; int iTracedLines = 0;
                    int           iLoops = 0; int iTerminals = 0;
                    List <int>    LineIDList = new List <int>();
                    List <int>    FromList   = new List <int>();
                    List <int>    ToList     = new List <int>();
                    List <string> FromToLine = new List <string>();

                    bool bTraceSucceeded = TraceLines(ref pFwdStar, iFirstToNode, ref iBranches, ref iTracedLines,
                                                      ref iLoops, ref iTerminals, ref FromToLine, ref FromList, ref ToList, 0);

                    if (iBranches > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select a continuous set of lines for closure." + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "Line selection should not have branches.", "Traverse");

                    if (iTracedLines < pLongArray.Count)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select a continuous set of lines for closure." + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "Selected Lines should be connected in a single sequence without branches.", "Traverse");

                    //if it's a single loop check to see if the sequence needs to be reversed
                    //CW or CCW based on bearings
                    if (iLoops == 1)
                        bool bIsReversed = false;
                        foreach (int i in FromList)
                            if (i < 0)
                                bIsReversed = true;
                                bIsReversed = false;
                        if (bIsReversed)
                        {//all courses are running reversed, so reverse the whole sequence
                            int    iNewFrom   = -ToList[ToList.Count - 1];
                            int    iNewTo     = -FromList[ToList.Count - 1];
                            string sNewFromTo = iNewFrom.ToString() + "," + iNewTo.ToString();
                            for (int i = 1; i < ToList.Count; i++)
                                iNewFrom   = -ToList[i - 1];
                                iNewTo     = -FromList[i - 1];
                                sNewFromTo = iNewFrom.ToString() + "," + iNewTo.ToString();


                    pCadUndoRedo.StartUndoRedoSession("Adjust Traverse");

                    if (iLoops == 0)
                        //re-sequence using TraceLines function based on either end point, because the order of
                        //selected construction lines in grid don't control start or end point
                        int iTerminus = -1;
                        iTracedLines = 0;
                        iBranches    = 0;
                        iLoops       = 0; iTerminals = 0;
                        FindTerminusForSequence(ref pFwdStar, iFirstToNode, ref iTerminus, 0);
                        if (iTerminus == -1)
                        TraceLines(ref pFwdStar, iTerminus, ref iBranches, ref iTracedLines, ref iLoops, ref iTerminals,
                                   ref FromToLine, ref FromList, ref ToList, 0);

                    List <IVector3D> SequencedTraverse = new List <IVector3D>();
                    IGSLine          pGSLineInPath     = null;
                    foreach (string s in FromToLine)
                        string[] sFromTo = s.Split(',');
                        int      iFrom   = Convert.ToInt32(sFromTo[0]);
                        int      iTo     = Convert.ToInt32(sFromTo[1]);

                        bool bReversed = pFwdStar.GetLine(iFrom, iTo, ref pGSLineInPath);
                        if (bReversed)
                            IGSLine pGSLine180 = new GSLineClass();
                            pGSLine180.FromPoint = pGSLineInPath.ToPoint;
                            pGSLine180.ToPoint   = pGSLineInPath.FromPoint;
                            pGSLine180.Bearing   = pGSLineInPath.Bearing + Math.PI;
                            pGSLine180.Distance  = pGSLineInPath.Distance;

                            IVector3D vec180 = new Vector3DClass();
                            vec180.PolarSet(pGSLine180.Bearing, 0, pGSLine180.Distance); //Azimuth of IVector3D is north azimuth radians zero degrees north
                            double    dBear = pGSLineInPath.Bearing;
                            double    dDist = pGSLineInPath.Distance;
                            IVector3D vec   = new Vector3DClass();
                            vec.PolarSet(dBear, 0, dDist); //Azimuth of IVector3D is north azimuth radians zero degrees north

                        if (pStartPoint == null)
                            if (bReversed)
                                pStartPoint = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(pGSLineInPath.ToPoint);
                                pStartPoint = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(pGSLineInPath.FromPoint);

                        if (bReversed)
                            pClosingPoint = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(pGSLineInPath.FromPoint);
                            pClosingPoint = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(pGSLineInPath.ToPoint);

                if (pStartPoint == null)
                IPoint pStart = new PointClass();
                pStart.X = pStartPoint.X;
                pStart.Y = pStartPoint.Y;

                string sAdjustMethod = "Compass";
                esriParcelAdjustmentType eAdjMethod = esriParcelAdjustmentType.esriParcelAdjustmentCompass;

                if (pCadastralEditorSettings2.ParcelAdjustment == esriParcelAdjustmentType.esriParcelAdjustmentNone ||
                    pCadastralEditorSettings2.ParcelAdjustment == esriParcelAdjustmentType.esriParcelAdjustmentCompass)
                    eAdjMethod = esriParcelAdjustmentType.esriParcelAdjustmentCompass;
                else if (pCadastralEditorSettings2.ParcelAdjustment == esriParcelAdjustmentType.esriParcelAdjustmentCrandall)
                    sAdjustMethod = "Crandall";
                    eAdjMethod    = pCadastralEditorSettings2.ParcelAdjustment;
                else if (pCadastralEditorSettings2.ParcelAdjustment == esriParcelAdjustmentType.esriParcelAdjustmentTransit)
                    sAdjustMethod = "Transit";
                    eAdjMethod    = pCadastralEditorSettings2.ParcelAdjustment;

                pPointCalc.CalculatePoints(eAdjMethod, pStartPoint.Id, pStartPoint, pClosingPoint.Id, pClosingPoint, true);
                ITraverseClosure pClose = pPointCalc.Closure;
                List <string>    lstCoursesFromTo = new List <string>();
                List <IVector3D> AdjustedTraverse = new List <IVector3D>();
                double           dAdjustedPointX = 0; double dAdjustedPointY = 0;
                double           dPreviousPointX = 0; double dPreviousPointY = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < pClose.CourseCount; i++)
                    IGSPoint pPt = pCadastralPts.GetPoint(lstPointIds[i]);
                    dAdjustedPointY = pPointCalc.GetCalculatedPoint(lstPointIds[i], ref dAdjustedPointX);
                    string    sFromTo       = "";
                    IVector3D pAdjustedLine = new Vector3DClass();
                    if (i == 0)
                        sFromTo = pStartPoint.Id.ToString() + "-" + lstPointIds[i].ToString();
                        pAdjustedLine.SetComponents(dAdjustedPointX - pStartPoint.X, dAdjustedPointY - pStartPoint.Y, 0);
                        sFromTo = lstPointIds[i - 1].ToString() + "-" + lstPointIds[i].ToString();
                        pAdjustedLine.SetComponents(dAdjustedPointX - dPreviousPointX, dAdjustedPointY - dPreviousPointY, 0);

                    IVector3D Z_Axis = new Vector3DClass();
                    Z_Axis.SetComponents(0, 0, 100);

                    pAdjustedLine.Rotate(TheRotation, Z_Axis);

                    dPreviousPointX = dAdjustedPointX;
                    dPreviousPointY = dAdjustedPointY;

                    pPt.X = dAdjustedPointX;
                    pPt.Y = dAdjustedPointY;

                    if (!pCadastralEditorSettings2.MeasurementView)
                        pFixedPoints.SetFixedPoint(lstPointIds[i], true);

                double  dMisclosureDistance = pClose.MisclosureDistance; double dMisclosureBearing = pClose.MisclosureDirection;
                IVector MiscloseVector = new Vector3DClass();

                IEditProperties2 pEdProps = pEd as IEditProperties2;

                IAngularConverter pAngConv = new AngularConverterClass();
                pAngConv.SetAngle(dMisclosureBearing, esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth, esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians);
                //int iPrec = 7;
                //if (pConstr.Parcel.Plan.AngleUnits == esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds)
                //  iPrec = 0;

                string sMiscloseBearing = pAngConv.GetString(pEdProps.DirectionType, pEdProps.DirectionUnits, pEdProps.AngularUnitPrecision);

                Utilities UTIL   = new Utilities();
                string    sRatio = "High Accuracy";

                if (pClose.RelativeErrorRatio < 10000)
                    sRatio = "1:" + pClose.RelativeErrorRatio.ToString("0");

                if (dMisclosureDistance >= 0.001)
                    sMiscloseBearing = UTIL.FormatDirectionDashesToDegMinSecSymbols(sMiscloseBearing);
                    sMiscloseBearing = "----";

                ICadastralUnitConversion pCadUnitConverter = new CadastralUnitConversionClass();
                double dMetersPerUnit = pCadUnitConverter.ConvertDouble(1, pConstr.Parcel.Plan.DistanceUnits, esriCadastralDistanceUnits.esriCDUMeter);

                string sReport = "Closure:" + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "        error:  " + sRatio + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "        distance:  " + (dMisclosureDistance / dMetersPerUnit).ToString("0.000") + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "        bearing:  " + sMiscloseBearing + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "        xdist:  " + (pClose.MisclosureX / dMetersPerUnit).ToString("0.000") + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "        ydist:  " + (pClose.MisclosureY / dMetersPerUnit).ToString("0.000") + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "        courses: " + (pClose.CourseCount) + Environment.NewLine +
                                 Environment.NewLine + "Adjustment:" + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "        method: " + sAdjustMethod;

                dlgTraverseResults dlgTraverseResults = new dlgTraverseResults();
                AddTraverseInfoToGrid(pConstr.Parcel.Plan, dlgTraverseResults.dataGridView1, Traverse, AdjustedTraverse, lstCoursesFromTo);
                dlgTraverseResults.txtMiscloseReport.Text = sReport;
                DialogResult dRes = dlgTraverseResults.ShowDialog();
                if (dRes == DialogResult.Cancel)
                    //since we cancelled, set the points back
                    foreach (int i in lstPointIds)
                        pFixedPoints.SetFixedPoint(i, false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + "Line number:" + ex.LineNumber().ToString()
                                + " in " + ex.TargetSite.Name, "Traverse");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private bool TraceLines(ref IGSForwardStar FwdStar, int StartNodeId, ref int BranchCount,
                                ref int TracedLinesCount, ref int LoopCount, ref int TerminusCount, ref List <string> FromToLine,
                                ref List <int> FromList, ref List <int> ToList, int iInfinityChecker)
            if (iInfinityChecker > 5000)
            //(This is a self-calling function.) In this context 5000 downstream lines is like infinity,
            //so exit gracefully, and avoid probable endless loop.
            //Possible cause of endless loop? Corrupted data; example, a line with the same from and to point id
            IVector3D vect = new Vector3DClass();

                ILongArray iLngArr = FwdStar.get_ToNodes(StartNodeId);
                //get_ToNodes returns an array of radiated points, not "TO" points in the fabric data model sense
                int iCnt2 = 0;
                iCnt2 = iLngArr.Count;

                if (iCnt2 == 1)

                IGSLine pGSLine = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < iCnt2; i++)
                    int i2 = iLngArr.get_Element(i);

                    string sFromTo = StartNodeId.ToString() + "," + i2.ToString();
                    string sToFrom = i2.ToString() + "," + StartNodeId.ToString();

                    if (FromToLine.Contains(sFromTo) || FromToLine.Contains(sToFrom))
                        if (FromToLine.Contains(sFromTo))

                    if (iCnt2 > 2)


                    FromToLine.Add(StartNodeId.ToString() + "," + i2.ToString());

                    bool bIsReversed = FwdStar.GetLine(StartNodeId, i2, ref pGSLine);
                    if (bIsReversed)
                        vect.PolarSet(pGSLine.Bearing + Math.PI, 0, pGSLine.Distance); //Azimuth of IVector3D is north azimuth radians zero degrees north
                        vect.PolarSet(pGSLine.Bearing, 0, pGSLine.Distance); //Azimuth of IVector3D is north azimuth radians zero degrees north

                    if (!TraceLines(ref FwdStar, i2, ref BranchCount, ref TracedLinesCount, ref LoopCount, ref TerminusCount,
                                    ref FromToLine, ref FromList, ref ToList, iInfinityChecker))

        private bool TraceLines(ref IGSForwardStar FwdStar, int StartNodeId, ref int BranchCount, 
      ref int TracedLinesCount, ref int LoopCount, ref int TerminusCount, ref List<string> FromToLine,
      ref List<int> FromList, ref List<int> ToList, int iInfinityChecker)
              if (iInfinityChecker > 5000)
            return false;
              //(This is a self-calling function.) In this context 5000 downstream lines is like infinity,
              //so exit gracefully, and avoid probable endless loop.
              //Possible cause of endless loop? Corrupted data; example, a line with the same from and to point id
              IVector3D vect = new Vector3DClass();
            ILongArray iLngArr = FwdStar.get_ToNodes(StartNodeId);
            //get_ToNodes returns an array of radiated points, not "TO" points in the fabric data model sense
            int iCnt2 = 0;
            iCnt2 = iLngArr.Count;

            if (iCnt2 == 1)

            IGSLine pGSLine = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < iCnt2; i++)
              int i2 = iLngArr.get_Element(i);

              string sFromTo = StartNodeId.ToString() + "," + i2.ToString();
              string sToFrom = i2.ToString() + "," + StartNodeId.ToString();

              if (FromToLine.Contains(sFromTo) || FromToLine.Contains(sToFrom))
            if (FromToLine.Contains(sFromTo))

              if (iCnt2 > 2)


              FromToLine.Add(StartNodeId.ToString() + "," + i2.ToString());

              bool bIsReversed = FwdStar.GetLine(StartNodeId, i2, ref pGSLine);
              if (bIsReversed)
            vect.PolarSet(pGSLine.Bearing + Math.PI, 0, pGSLine.Distance); //Azimuth of IVector3D is north azimuth radians zero degrees north
            vect.PolarSet(pGSLine.Bearing, 0, pGSLine.Distance); //Azimuth of IVector3D is north azimuth radians zero degrees north

              if (!TraceLines(ref FwdStar, i2, ref BranchCount, ref TracedLinesCount,ref LoopCount, ref TerminusCount,
             ref FromToLine,ref FromList, ref ToList, iInfinityChecker))
            return false;

            return true;
            return false;
        private void FindTerminusForSequence(ref IGSForwardStar FwdStar, int StartNodeId, 
      ref int TerminusPoint, int iInfinityChecker)
            if (TerminusPoint > -1)

              if (iInfinityChecker++ > 5000)

              ILongArray iLngArr = FwdStar.get_ToNodes(StartNodeId);
              int iCnt2 = 0;
              iCnt2 = iLngArr.Count;
              IGSLine pGSLine = null;
              for (int i = 0; i < iCnt2; i++)
            int i2 = iLngArr.get_Element(i);
            bool bIsReversed = FwdStar.GetLine(StartNodeId, i2, ref pGSLine);

            if (iCnt2 == 1) //this is a terminus/end-line
              TerminusPoint = StartNodeId;

            FindTerminusForSequence(ref FwdStar, i2, ref TerminusPoint, iInfinityChecker);
        private void CalculateStatedArea(IQueryFilter m_pQF, ITable pParcelsTable, ICadastralEditor pCadEd, ISpatialReference pMapSR,
                                         double SquareMetersPerUnitFactor, string Suffix, int DecimalPlaces, ref Dictionary <int, string> dict_ParcelSelection2CalculatedArea, ITrackCancel pTrackCancel)
            bool bTrackCancel = (pTrackCancel != null);
            //ILine pLine = new LineClass();

            ICursor   pCursor       = pParcelsTable.Search(m_pQF, false);
            IRow      pParcelRecord = pCursor.NextRow();
            Utilities Utils         = new Utilities();

            IArray                     pParcelFeatArr = new ArrayClass();
            IGeoDataset                pGeoDS         = (IGeoDataset)((IFeatureClass)pParcelsTable).FeatureDataset;
            ISpatialReference          pFabricSR      = pGeoDS.SpatialReference;
            IProjectedCoordinateSystem pPCS           = null;
            double                     dMetersPerUnit = 1;
            bool bFabricIsInGCS = !(pFabricSR is IProjectedCoordinateSystem);

            if (!bFabricIsInGCS)
                pPCS           = (IProjectedCoordinateSystem)pFabricSR;
                dMetersPerUnit = pPCS.CoordinateUnit.MetersPerUnit;
                pPCS           = (IProjectedCoordinateSystem)pMapSR;
                dMetersPerUnit = pPCS.CoordinateUnit.MetersPerUnit;

            //for each parcel record
            while (pParcelRecord != null)
                IFeature pFeat = (IFeature)pParcelRecord;
                //IGeometry pGeom = pFeat.Shape;

                if (bTrackCancel)
                    if (!pTrackCancel.Continue())

                pParcelRecord = pCursor.NextRow();

            ICadastralFeatureGenerator pFeatureGenerator = new CadastralFeatureGeneratorClass();
            IEnumGSParcels             pEnumGSParcels    = pFeatureGenerator.CreateParcelsFromFeatures(pCadEd, pParcelFeatArr, true);

            Dictionary <int, int>    dict_ParcelAndStartPt = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, IPoint> dict_PointID2Point    = new Dictionary <int, IPoint>();

            //dict_PointID2Point -->> this lookup makes an assumption that the fabric TO point geometry is at the same location as the line *geometry* endpoint
            IParcelLineFunctions3 ParcelLineFx = new ParcelFunctionsClass();

            IGSParcel pGSParcel      = pEnumGSParcels.Next();
            int       iFromPtIDX     = -1;
            int       iToPtIDX       = -1;
            int       iParcelIDX     = -1;
            int       iIsMajorFldIdx = -1;

            while (pGSParcel != null)
                IEnumCELines pCELines     = new EnumCELinesClass();
                IEnumGSLines pEnumGSLines = (IEnumGSLines)pCELines;

                IEnumGSLines pGSLinesInner = pGSParcel.GetParcelLines(null, false);
                IGSParcel         pTemp   = null;
                IGSLine           pGSLine = null;
                ICadastralFeature pCF     = (ICadastralFeature)pGSParcel;
                int iParcID = pCF.Row.OID;
                pGSLinesInner.Next(ref pTemp, ref pGSLine);
                bool bStartPointAdded = false;
                int  iFromPtID        = -1;
                while (pGSLine != null)
                    if (pGSLine.Category == esriCadastralLineCategory.esriCadastralLineBoundary ||
                        pGSLine.Category == esriCadastralLineCategory.esriCadastralLineRoad ||
                        pGSLine.Category == esriCadastralLineCategory.esriCadastralLinePartConnection)
                        ICadastralFeature pCadastralLineFeature = (ICadastralFeature)pGSLine;
                        IFeature          pLineFeat             = (IFeature)pCadastralLineFeature.Row;
                        if (iFromPtIDX == -1)
                            iFromPtIDX = pLineFeat.Fields.FindField("FROMPOINTID");
                        if (iToPtIDX == -1)
                            iToPtIDX = pLineFeat.Fields.FindField("TOPOINTID");
                        if (iParcelIDX == -1)
                            iParcelIDX = pLineFeat.Fields.FindField("PARCELID");
                        if (iIsMajorFldIdx == -1)
                            iIsMajorFldIdx = pLineFeat.Fields.FindField("ISMAJOR");

                        if (!bStartPointAdded)
                            iFromPtID        = (int)pLineFeat.get_Value(iFromPtIDX);
                            bStartPointAdded = true;
                        IPolyline pPolyline = (IPolyline)pLineFeat.ShapeCopy;
                        //if (bFabricIsInGCS)
                        //dict_PointID2Point -->> this lookup makes an assumption that the fabric TO point geometry is at the same location as the line *geometry* endpoint
                        int iToPtID = (int)pLineFeat.get_Value(iToPtIDX);
                        //first make sure the point is not already added
                        if (!dict_PointID2Point.ContainsKey(iToPtID))
                            dict_PointID2Point.Add(iToPtID, pPolyline.ToPoint);
                    pGSLinesInner.Next(ref pTemp, ref pGSLine);

                if (pGSParcel.Unclosed)
                {//skip unclosed parcels
                    pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next();

                ICadastralFeature pCadastralPolygonFeature = (ICadastralFeature)pGSParcel;
                IFeature          pPolygonFeat             = (IFeature)pCadastralPolygonFeature.Row;
                IPolygon          pParcelPolygon           = (IPolygon)pPolygonFeat.ShapeCopy;

                IGSForwardStar pFwdStar = ParcelLineFx.CreateForwardStar(pEnumGSLines);
                //forward star is created for this parcel, now ready to find misclose for the parcel
                List <int>       LineIdsList               = new List <int>();
                List <IVector3D> TraverseCourses           = new List <IVector3D>();
                List <int>       FabricPointIDList         = new List <int>();
                List <double>    RadiusList                = new List <double>();
                List <bool>      IsMajorList               = new List <bool>();
                List <bool>      IsRunningCounterClockwise = new List <bool>();

                bool bPass = false;
                if (!bFabricIsInGCS)
                    bPass = Utils.GetParcelTraverseEx(ref pFwdStar, iIsMajorFldIdx, iFromPtID, dMetersPerUnit,
                                                      ref LineIdsList, ref TraverseCourses, ref FabricPointIDList, ref RadiusList, ref IsMajorList, ref IsRunningCounterClockwise,
                                                      pParcelPolygon, 0, -1, -1, false);
                    bPass = Utils.GetParcelTraverseEx(ref pFwdStar, iIsMajorFldIdx, iFromPtID, dMetersPerUnit * dMetersPerUnit,
                                                      ref LineIdsList, ref TraverseCourses, ref FabricPointIDList, ref RadiusList, ref IsMajorList, ref IsRunningCounterClockwise,
                                                      pParcelPolygon, 0, -1, -1, false);
                //List<double> SysValList = new List<double>();
                IVector3D MiscloseVector = null;
                IPoint[]  FabricPoints   = new IPoint[FabricPointIDList.Count];//from control

                int f = 0;
                foreach (int j in FabricPointIDList)
                    FabricPoints[f++] = dict_PointID2Point[j];

                double dRatio = 10000;
                double dArea  = 0;
                double dGroundToGridFactor = pGSParcel.Scale;
                bool   bHasCircularArcs    = false;
                f = FabricPointIDList.Count - 1;
                IPoint[] AdjustedTraversePoints = Utils.BowditchAdjustEx(TraverseCourses, FabricPoints[f], FabricPoints[f],
                                                                         RadiusList, IsMajorList, IsRunningCounterClockwise, out MiscloseVector, out dRatio, out dArea,
                                                                         out bHasCircularArcs);

                if (MiscloseVector == null)
                {//skip if vector closure failed
                    pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next();
                //now compare the Geometry polygon area with the computed area to see if we need to use parametric computed area
                // there needs to be at least one circular arc to warrant using this approach.
                IArea  pGeomArea           = pPolygonFeat.ShapeCopy as IArea;
                double dGroundArea         = pGeomArea.Area / (dGroundToGridFactor * dGroundToGridFactor);
                double dAreaPercentageDiff = Math.Abs(dGroundArea - Math.Abs(dArea)) / dGroundArea;

                if (dAreaPercentageDiff > 0.075 && bHasCircularArcs && dRatio > 250)
                    dArea = dGroundArea;
                else if (bHasCircularArcs && dArea < 0 && dRatio > 7500) //if dArea is negative then lines are running counter-clockwise
                    dArea = Math.Abs(dArea);
                else if (bHasCircularArcs && dArea < 0 && pParcelPolygon.ExteriorRingCount > 1)
                    dArea = pGeomArea.Area;

                dArea *= (dMetersPerUnit * dMetersPerUnit); //convert to square meters first
                dArea /= SquareMetersPerUnitFactor;         //convert to the given unit equivalent

                string sFormattedArea = Math.Round(dArea, DecimalPlaces).ToString() + Suffix;
                dict_ParcelSelection2CalculatedArea.Add(pGSParcel.DatabaseId, sFormattedArea);

                pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next();

                //if (bShowProgressor)
                //  if (pStepProgressor.Position < pStepProgressor.MaxRange)
                //    pStepProgressor.Step();