Ejemplo n.º 1
 //Default test implementations
 public MockGSAApp(IGSASettings settings = null, IGSAProxy proxy = null, IGSACacheForKit cache = null, IGSAMessenger messenger = null)
     Cache    = cache ?? new GSACache();
     Settings = settings ?? new MockSettings();
     if (proxy == null)
          * var mockGSAObject = new Mock<IGSAProxy>();
          * mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.NodeAt(It.IsAny<double>(), It.IsAny<double>(), It.IsAny<double>(), It.IsAny<double>()))
          * .Returns(new Func<double, double, double, double, int>(MockGSAProxy.NodeAt));
          * mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.FormatApplicationIdSidTag(It.IsAny<string>()))
          * .Returns(new Func<string, string>(MockGSAProxy.FormatApplicationIdSidTag));
          * mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.FormatSidTags(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>()))
          * .Returns(new Func<string, string, string>(MockGSAProxy.FormatSidTags));
          * mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.ConvertGSAList(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<GSAEntity>()))
          * .Returns(new Func<string, GSAEntity, int[]>(MockGSAProxy.ConvertGSAList));
          * mockGSAObject.SetupGet(x => x.GwaDelimiter).Returns(GSAProxy.GwaDelimiter);
          * mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.GetUnits()).Returns("m");
          * Proxy = mockGSAObject.Object;
         Proxy = new TestProxy();
         Proxy = proxy;
     Messenger = messenger ?? new MockGSAMessenger();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Default test implementations
        public MockGSAApp(IGSASettings settings = null, IGSAProxy proxy = null, IGSACacheForKit cache = null, IGSAMessenger messenger = null)
            Cache    = cache ?? new GSACache();
            Settings = settings ?? new MockSettings();
            if (proxy == null)
                var mockGSAObject = new Mock <IGSAProxy>();

                mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.ParseGeneralGwa(It.IsAny <string>(), out It.Ref <string> .IsAny, out It.Ref <int?> .IsAny, out It.Ref <string> .IsAny, out It.Ref <string> .IsAny, out It.Ref <string> .IsAny, out It.Ref <GwaSetCommandType?> .IsAny, It.IsAny <bool>()))
                .Callback(new MockGSAProxy.ParseCallback(MockGSAProxy.ParseGeneralGwa));
                mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.NodeAt(It.IsAny <double>(), It.IsAny <double>(), It.IsAny <double>(), It.IsAny <double>()))
                .Returns(new Func <double, double, double, double, int>(MockGSAProxy.NodeAt));
                mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.FormatApplicationIdSidTag(It.IsAny <string>()))
                .Returns(new Func <string, string>(MockGSAProxy.FormatApplicationIdSidTag));
                mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.FormatSidTags(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
                .Returns(new Func <string, string, string>(MockGSAProxy.FormatSidTags));
                mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.ConvertGSAList(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <GSAEntity>()))
                .Returns(new Func <string, GSAEntity, int[]>(MockGSAProxy.ConvertGSAList));
                mockGSAObject.SetupGet(x => x.GwaDelimiter).Returns(GSAProxy.GwaDelimiter);
                mockGSAObject.Setup(x => x.GetUnits()).Returns("m");

                Proxy = mockGSAObject.Object;
                Proxy = proxy;
            Messenger = messenger ?? new MockGSAMessenger();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public string SetGWACommand(IGSAProxy GSA, int group = 0)
            if (this.Value == null)

            var spring = this.Value as Structural0DSpring;

            var keyword = typeof(GSA0DSpring).GetGSAKeyword();

            var index   = Initialiser.Cache.ResolveIndex(keyword, spring.ApplicationId);
            var propRef = 0;

                propRef = Initialiser.Cache.LookupIndex(typeof(GSASpringProperty).GetGSAKeyword(), spring.PropertyRef).Value;
            catch { }

            var ls = new List <string>
                keyword + ":" + HelperClass.GenerateSID(spring),
                spring.Name == null || spring.Name == "" ? " " : spring.Name,
                "GRD_SPRING",       //type
                propRef.ToString(), //Property
                group.ToString(),   //Group
                //"1", //Group

            for (var i = 0; i < spring.Value.Count(); i += 3)
                ls.Add(HelperClass.NodeAt(spring.Value[i], spring.Value[i + 1], spring.Value[i + 2], Initialiser.Settings.CoincidentNodeAllowance).ToString());

            ls.Add("0");      // Orientation Node
            ls.Add("0");      //Angle
            ls.Add("NO_RLS"); //is_rls


            //ls.Add("NORMAL"); // Action // TODO: EL.4 SUPPORT
            ls.Add((spring.Dummy.HasValue && spring.Dummy.Value) ? "DUMMY" : "");

            return(string.Join("\t", ls));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the local axis of a point from a GSA node axis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis">ID of GSA node axis</param>
        /// <param name="gwaRecord">GWA record of AXIS if used</param>
        /// <param name="evalAtCoor">Coordinates to evaluate axis at</param>
        /// <returns>Axis</returns>
        public static StructuralAxis Parse0DAxis(int axis, IGSAProxy interfacer, out string gwaRecord, double[] evalAtCoor = null)
            Vector3D x;
            Vector3D y;
            Vector3D z;

            gwaRecord = null;

            switch (axis)
            case 0:
                // Global
                return(new StructuralAxis(
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }),
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 1, 0 }),
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 })

            case -11:
                // X elevation
                return(new StructuralAxis(
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, -1, 0 }),
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 }),
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { -1, 0, 0 })

            case -12:
                // Y elevation
                return(new StructuralAxis(
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }),
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 }),
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, -1, 0 })

            case -14:
                // Vertical
                return(new StructuralAxis(
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 }),
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }),
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 1, 0 })

            case -13:
                // Global cylindrical
                x = new Vector3D(evalAtCoor[0], evalAtCoor[1], 0);
                z = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);
                y = Vector3D.CrossProduct(z, x);

                return(new StructuralAxis(
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { x.X, x.Y, x.Z }),
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { y.X, y.Y, y.Z }),
                           new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { z.X, z.Y, z.Z })

                //string res = Initialiser.Interface.GetGWARecords("GET\tAXIS\t" + axis.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
                var res = Initialiser.Cache.GetGwa("AXIS.1", axis).First();
                gwaRecord = res;

                var pieces = res.Split(new char[] { '\t' });
                if (pieces.Length < 13)
                    return(new StructuralAxis(
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }),
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 1, 0 }),
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 })
                var origin = new Vector3D(Convert.ToDouble(pieces[4]), Convert.ToDouble(pieces[5]), Convert.ToDouble(pieces[6]));

                var X = new Vector3D(Convert.ToDouble(pieces[7]), Convert.ToDouble(pieces[8]), Convert.ToDouble(pieces[9]));

                var Yp = new Vector3D(Convert.ToDouble(pieces[10]), Convert.ToDouble(pieces[11]), Convert.ToDouble(pieces[12]));
                var Z  = Vector3D.CrossProduct(X, Yp);

                var Y = Vector3D.CrossProduct(Z, X);

                var pos = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);

                if (evalAtCoor == null)
                    pieces[3] = "CART";
                    pos = new Vector3D(evalAtCoor[0] - origin.X, evalAtCoor[1] - origin.Y, evalAtCoor[2] - origin.Z);
                    if (pos.Length == 0)
                        pieces[3] = "CART";

                switch (pieces[3])
                case "CART":
                    return(new StructuralAxis(
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { X.X, X.Y, X.Z }),
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { Y.X, Y.Y, Y.Z }),
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { Z.X, Z.Y, Z.Z })

                case "CYL":
                    x = new Vector3D(pos.X, pos.Y, 0);
                    z = Z;
                    y = Vector3D.CrossProduct(Z, x);

                    return(new StructuralAxis(
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { x.X, x.Y, x.Z }),
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { y.X, y.Y, y.Z }),
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { z.X, z.Y, z.Z })

                case "SPH":
                    x = pos;
                    z = Vector3D.CrossProduct(Z, x);
                    y = Vector3D.CrossProduct(z, x);

                    return(new StructuralAxis(
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { x.X, x.Y, x.Z }),
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { y.X, y.Y, y.Z }),
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { z.X, z.Y, z.Z })

                    return(new StructuralAxis(
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }),
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 1, 0 }),
                               new StructuralVectorThree(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 })
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static bool SetSidSpeckleRecords(string emailAddress, string serverAddress, IGSAProxy proxy,
                                                List <SidSpeckleRecord> receiverStreamInfo, List <SidSpeckleRecord> senderStreamInfo)
            string key = emailAddress + "&" + serverAddress.Replace(':', '&');
            string res = proxy.GetTopLevelSid();

            List <string[]> sids = Regex.Matches(res, @"(?<={).*?(?=})").Cast <Match>()
                                   .Select(m => m.Value.Split(new char[] { ':' }))
                                   .Where(s => s.Length == 2)

            sids.RemoveAll(S => S[0] == "SpeckleSender&" + key || S[0] == "SpeckleReceiver&" + key || string.IsNullOrEmpty(S[1]));

            List <string> senderList = new List <string>();

            if (senderStreamInfo != null)
                foreach (var si in senderStreamInfo)
                    senderList.AddRange(new[] { si.Bucket, si.StreamId, si.ClientId });
                if (senderList.Count() > 0)
                    sids.Add(new string[] { "SpeckleSender&" + key, string.Join("&", senderList) });

            List <string> receiverList = new List <string>();

            if (receiverStreamInfo != null)
                foreach (var si in receiverStreamInfo)
                    receiverList.AddRange(new[] { si.StreamId, si.Bucket });
                if (receiverList.Count() > 0)
                    sids.Add(new string[] { "SpeckleReceiver&" + key, string.Join("&", receiverList) });

            string sidRecord = "";

            foreach (string[] s in sids)
                sidRecord += "{" + s[0] + ":" + s[1] + "}";

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static bool GetSidSpeckleRecords(string emailAddress, string serverAddress, IGSAProxy proxy,
                                                out List <SidSpeckleRecord> receiverStreamInfo, out List <SidSpeckleRecord> senderStreamInfo)
            receiverStreamInfo = new List <SidSpeckleRecord>();
            senderStreamInfo   = new List <SidSpeckleRecord>();

                string key = emailAddress + "&" + serverAddress.Replace(':', '&');

                string res = proxy.GetTopLevelSid();

                if (res == "")

                List <string[]> sids = Regex.Matches(res, @"(?<={).*?(?=})").Cast <Match>()
                                       .Select(m => m.Value.Split(new char[] { ':' }))
                                       .Where(s => s.Length == 2)

                string[] senderList   = sids.Where(s => s[0].TrimEnd('/').Equals(("SpeckleSender&" + key).TrimEnd('/'))).FirstOrDefault();
                string[] receiverList = sids.Where(s => s[0].TrimEnd('/').Equals(("SpeckleReceiver&" + key).TrimEnd('/'))).FirstOrDefault();

                if (senderList != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(senderList[1]))
                    string[] senders = senderList[1].Split(new char[] { '&' });

                    for (int i = 0; i < senders.Length; i += 3)
                        senderStreamInfo.Add(new SidSpeckleRecord(senders[i + 1], senders[i], senders[i + 2]));

                if (receiverList != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(receiverList[1]))
                    string[] receivers = receiverList[1].Split(new char[] { '&' });

                    for (int i = 0; i < receivers.Length; i += 2)
                        receiverStreamInfo.Add(new SidSpeckleRecord(receivers[i], receivers[i + 1]));
                // If fail to read, clear client SIDs
                return(SetSidSpeckleRecords(emailAddress, serverAddress, proxy, null, null));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public string SetGWACommand(IGSAProxy GSA, int group = 0)
            if (this.Value == null)

            var spring = this.Value as Structural0DSpring;

            if (spring.Value == null || spring.Value.Count() == 0)

            var keyword = typeof(GSA0DSpring).GetGSAKeyword();

            var index = Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.ResolveIndex(keyword, spring.ApplicationId);

            var propKeyword = typeof(GSASpringProperty).GetGSAKeyword();
            var indexResult = Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.LookupIndex(propKeyword, spring.PropertyRef);
            //If the reference can't be found, then reserve a new index so that it at least doesn't point to any other existing record
            var propRef = indexResult ?? Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.ResolveIndex(propKeyword, spring.PropertyRef);

            if (indexResult == null && spring.ApplicationId != null)
                if (spring.PropertyRef == null)
                    Helper.SafeDisplay("Blank property references found for these Application IDs:", spring.ApplicationId);
                    Helper.SafeDisplay("Spring property references not found:", spring.ApplicationId + " referencing " + spring.PropertyRef);

            var sid = Helper.GenerateSID(spring);
            var ls  = new List <string>
                keyword + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sid) ? "" : ":" + sid),
                spring.Name == null || spring.Name == "" ? " " : spring.Name,
                "GRD_SPRING",       //type
                propRef.ToString(), //Property
                group.ToString(),   //Group
                //"1", //Group

            for (var i = 0; i < spring.Value.Count(); i += 3)
                ls.Add(Initialiser.AppResources.Proxy.NodeAt(spring.Value[i], spring.Value[i + 1], spring.Value[i + 2], Initialiser.AppResources.Settings.CoincidentNodeAllowance).ToString());

            ls.Add("0");      // Orientation Node
            ls.Add("0");      //Angle
            ls.Add("NO_RLS"); //is_rls


            ls.Add(""); // parent_member

            ls.Add((spring.Dummy.HasValue && spring.Dummy.Value) ? "DUMMY" : "");

            return(string.Join(Initialiser.AppResources.Proxy.GwaDelimiter.ToString(), ls));