Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void SetAttribute(IGRIB2GridDefinitionSection gds)
     if (gds != null)
         _coordEnvelope = new Core.DF.CoordEnvelope(gds.LonFirstPoint, gds.LonEndPoint, gds.LatEndPoint, gds.LatFirstPoint);
         _width         = gds.Nx;
         _height        = gds.Ny;
         _definition    = new GRIB_Definition((float)gds.LonFirstPoint, (float)gds.LatFirstPoint, (float)gds.LonEndPoint, (float)gds.LatEndPoint,
                                              (float)gds.Dx, (float)gds.Dy, gds.Nx, gds.Ny, "30", -9999);
         int gridtype = gds.GridTemplateNo;
         using (SpatialReferenceBuilder builder = new SpatialReferenceBuilder())
             _spatialRef = builder.GetSpatialRef(gridtype, gds.LatFirstPoint, gds.LatEndPoint, 0);
         _resolutionX   = _definition.LonResolution;
         _resolutionY   = _definition.LatResolution;
         _coordEnvelope = _definition.GetCoordEnvelope();
     if (_records == null)
         _bandCount = 0;
         _bandCount = _records.Count;
     _dataType = enumDataType.Float;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public GRIB2Record(int disciplineNo, IGRIB2GridDefinitionSection gds, IGRIB2ProductDefinitionSection pds, IGRIB2DataRepresentationSection drs, IGribBitMapSection bms, GRIB2DataSection ds, long gdsOffset, long pdsOffset, long dataOffset)
     _gdsOffset  = gdsOffset;
     _pdsOffset  = pdsOffset;
     _dataOffset = dataOffset;
     _gds        = gds;
     _pds        = pds;
     _drs        = drs;
     _bms        = bms;
     _ds         = ds;
     _parameter  = ParametersFactory.GetParameter(disciplineNo, pds.ParameterCategory, pds.ParameterNumber);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private GRIB_Point[] SimpleUnpacking(FileStream fs, IGRIB2GridDefinitionSection gds, IGRIB2DataRepresentationSection drs, IGribBitMapSection bms)
            // dataPoints are number of points encoded, it could be less than the
            // numberPoints in the grid record if bitMap is used, otherwise equal
            _bitPos = 0;
            _bitBuf = 0;
            int   dataPoints   = drs.DataPoints;
            float pmv          = drs.PrimaryMissingValue;
            int   nb           = drs.NumberOfBits;
            int   D            = drs.DecimalScaleFactor;
            float DD           = (float)System.Math.Pow((double)10, (double)D);
            float R            = drs.ReferenceValue;
            int   E            = drs.BinaryScaleFactor;
            float EE           = (float)System.Math.Pow((double)2.0, (double)E);
            int   numberPoints = gds.PointsNumber;

            GRIB_Point[] data   = new GRIB_Point[numberPoints];
            bool[]       bitmap = bms.Bitmap;
            //  Y * 10**D = R + (X1 + X2) * 2**E
            //   E = binary scale factor
            //   D = decimal scale factor
            //   R = reference value
            //   X1 = 0
            //   X2 = scaled encoded value
            //   data[ i ] = (R + ( X1 + X2) * EE)/DD ;
            if (bitmap == null)
                for (int i = 0; i < numberPoints; i++)
                    data[i].Index = i;
                    data[i].Value = (R + Bits2UInt(nb, fs) * EE) / DD;
                for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.Length; i++)
                    data[i].Index = i;
                    if (bitmap[i])
                        //data[ i ] = (R + ( X1 + X2) * EE)/DD ;
                        data[i].Value = (R + Bits2UInt(nb, fs) * EE) / DD;
                        data[i].Value = pmv;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private GRIB_Point[] ComplexUnpacking(FileStream fs, IGRIB2GridDefinitionSection gds, IGRIB2DataRepresentationSection drs)
            int   mvm = drs.MissingValueManagement;
            float pmv = drs.PrimaryMissingValue;
            int   NG  = drs.NumberOfGroups;

            // 6-xx  Get reference values for groups (X1's)
            int[] X1 = new int[NG];
            int   nb = drs.NumberOfBits;

            _bitPos = 0;
            _bitBuf = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < NG; i++)
                X1[i] = Bits2UInt(nb, fs);
            // [xx +1 ]-yy Get number of bits used to encode each group
            int[] NB = new int[NG];
            nb      = drs.BitsGroupWidths;
            _bitPos = 0;
            _bitBuf = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < NG; i++)
                NB[i] = Bits2UInt(nb, fs);
            // [yy +1 ]-zz Get the scaled group lengths using formula
            //     Ln = ref + Kn * len_inc, where n = 1-NG,
            //          ref = referenceGroupLength, and  len_inc = lengthIncrement
            int[] L           = new int[NG];
            int   countL      = 0;
            int   ref_Renamed = drs.ReferenceGroupLength;
            int   len_inc     = drs.LengthIncrement;

            nb      = drs.BitsScaledGroupLength;
            _bitPos = 0;
            _bitBuf = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < NG; i++)
                // NG
                L[i]    = ref_Renamed + (Bits2UInt(nb, fs) * len_inc);
                countL += L[i];
            // [zz +1 ]-nn get X2 values and calculate the results Y using formula
            //                Y * 10**D = R + (X1 + X2) * 2**E

            int   D  = drs.DecimalScaleFactor;
            float DD = (float)System.Math.Pow((double)10, (double)D);
            float R  = drs.ReferenceValue;
            int   E  = drs.BinaryScaleFactor;
            float EE = (float)System.Math.Pow((double)2.0, (double)E);

            GRIB_Point[] data  = new GRIB_Point[countL];
            int          count = 0;

            int[] bitsmv1 = new int[31];
            for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
                bitsmv1[i] = (int)System.Math.Pow((double)2, (double)i) - 1;
            int X2;

            _bitPos = 0;
            _bitBuf = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < NG - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < L[i]; j++)
                    data[count].Index = count;
                    if (NB[i] == 0)
                        if (mvm == 0)
                            // X2 = 0
                            data[count++].Value = (R + X1[i] * EE) / DD;
                        else if (mvm == 1)
                            data[count++].Value = pmv;
                        X2 = Bits2UInt(NB[i], fs);
                        if (mvm == 0)
                            data[count++].Value = (R + (X1[i] + X2) * EE) / DD;
                        else if (mvm == 1)
                            // X2 is also set to missing value is all bits set to 1's
                            if (X2 == bitsmv1[NB[i]])
                                data[count++].Value = pmv;
                                data[count++].Value = (R + (X1[i] + X2) * EE) / DD;
            // process last group
            int last = drs.LengthLastGroup;

            for (int j = 0; j < last; j++)
                data[count].Index = count;
                // last group
                if (NB[NG - 1] == 0)
                    if (mvm == 0)
                        // X2 = 0
                        data[count++].Value = (R + X1[NG - 1] * EE) / DD;
                    else if (mvm == 1)
                        data[count++].Value = pmv;
                    X2 = Bits2UInt(NB[NG - 1], fs);
                    if (mvm == 0)
                        data[count++].Value = (R + (X1[NG - 1] + X2) * EE) / DD;
                    else if (mvm == 1)
                        // X2 is also set to missing value is all bits set to 1's
                        if (X2 == bitsmv1[NB[NG - 1]])
                            data[count++].Value = pmv;
                            data[count++].Value = (R + (X1[NG - 1] + X2) * EE) / DD;
            } // end for j
            ScanningModeCheck(data, gds.ScanMode, gds.Nx);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private GRIB_Point[] ComplexUnpackingWithSpatial(FileStream fs, IGRIB2GridDefinitionSection gds, IGRIB2DataRepresentationSection drs)
            int   mvm = drs.MissingValueManagement;
            float pmv = drs.PrimaryMissingValue;
            int   NG = drs.NumberOfGroups;
            int   g1 = 0, gMin = 0, h1 = 0, h2 = 0, hMin = 0;
            // [6-ww]   1st values of undifferenced scaled values and minimums
            int os = drs.OrderSpatial;
            int ds = drs.DescriptorSpatial;

            _bitPos = 0; _bitBuf = 0;
            int sign;

            // ds is number of bytes, convert to bits -1 for sign bit
            ds = ds * 8 - 1;
            if (os == 1)
                // first order spatial differencing g1 and gMin
                sign = Bits2UInt(1, fs);
                g1   = Bits2UInt(ds, fs);
                if (sign == 1)
                    g1 *= (-1);
                sign = Bits2UInt(1, fs);
                gMin = Bits2UInt(ds, fs);
                if (sign == 1)
                    gMin *= (-1);
            else if (os == 2)
                //second order spatial differencing h1, h2, hMin
                sign = Bits2UInt(1, fs);
                h1   = Bits2UInt(ds, fs);
                if (sign == 1)
                    h1 *= (-1);
                sign = Bits2UInt(1, fs);
                h2   = Bits2UInt(ds, fs);
                if (sign == 1)
                    h2 *= (-1);
                sign = Bits2UInt(1, fs);
                hMin = Bits2UInt(ds, fs);
                if (sign == 1)
                    hMin *= (-1);
            // [ww +1]-xx  Get reference values for groups (X1's)
            int[] X1 = new int[NG];
            int   nb = drs.NumberOfBits;

            _bitPos = 0;
            _bitBuf = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < NG; i++)
                X1[i] = Bits2UInt(nb, fs);
            // [xx +1 ]-yy Get number of bits used to encode each group
            int[] NB = new int[NG];
            nb      = drs.BitsGroupWidths;
            _bitPos = 0;
            _bitBuf = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < NG; i++)
                NB[i] = Bits2UInt(nb, fs);
            // [yy +1 ]-zz Get the scaled group lengths using formula
            //     Ln = ref + Kn * len_inc, where n = 1-NG,
            //          ref = referenceGroupLength, and  len_inc = lengthIncrement
            int[] L           = new int[NG];
            int   countL      = 0;
            int   ref_Renamed = drs.ReferenceGroupLength;
            int   len_inc     = drs.LengthIncrement;

            nb      = drs.BitsScaledGroupLength;
            _bitPos = 0;
            _bitBuf = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < NG; i++)
                // NG
                L[i]    = ref_Renamed + (Bits2UInt(nb, fs) * len_inc);
                countL += L[i];
            // [zz +1 ]-nn get X2 values and add X1[ i ] + X2
            GRIB_Point[] data = new GRIB_Point[countL];
            // used to check missing values when X2 is packed with all 1's
            int[] bitsmv1 = new int[31];
            for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
                bitsmv1[i] = (int)System.Math.Pow((double)2, (double)i) - 1;
            int count = 0;
            int X2;

            _bitPos = 0;
            _bitBuf = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < NG - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < L[i]; j++)
                    data[count].Index = count;
                    if (NB[i] == 0)
                        if (mvm == 0)
                            // X2 = 0
                            data[count++].Value = X1[i];
                        else if (mvm == 1)
                            data[count++].Value = pmv;
                        X2 = Bits2UInt(NB[i], fs);
                        if (mvm == 0)
                            data[count++].Value = X1[i] + X2;
                        else if (mvm == 1)
                            // X2 is also set to missing value is all bits set to 1's
                            if (X2 == bitsmv1[NB[i]])
                                data[count++].Value = pmv;
                                data[count++].Value = X1[i] + X2;
            // process last group
            int last = drs.LengthLastGroup;

            for (int j = 0; j < last; j++)
                data[count].Index = count;
                // last group
                if (NB[NG - 1] == 0)
                    if (mvm == 0)
                        // X2 = 0
                        data[count++].Value = X1[NG - 1];
                    else if (mvm == 1)
                        data[count++].Value = pmv;
                    X2 = Bits2UInt(NB[NG - 1], fs);
                    if (mvm == 0)
                        data[count++].Value = X1[NG - 1] + X2;
                    else if (mvm == 1)
                        // X2 is also set to missing value is all bits set to 1's
                        if (X2 == bitsmv1[NB[NG - 1]])
                            data[count++].Value = pmv;
                            data[count++].Value = X1[NG - 1] + X2;
            if (os == 1)
                // g1 and gMin this coding is a sort of guess, no doc
                float sum = 0;
                if (mvm == 0)
                    // no missing values
                    for (int i = 1; i < data.Length; i++)
                        data[i].Value += gMin; // add minimum back
                    data[0].Value = g1;
                    for (int i = 1; i < data.Length; i++)
                        sum          += data[i].Value;
                        data[i].Value = data[i - 1].Value + sum;
                    // contains missing values
                    float lastOne = pmv;
                    // add the minimum back and set g1
                    int idx = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        if (data[i].Value != pmv)
                            if (idx == 0)
                                // set g1
                                data[i].Value = g1;
                                lastOne       = data[i].Value;
                                idx           = i + 1;
                                data[i].Value += gMin;
                    if (lastOne == pmv)
                    for (int i = idx; i < data.Length; i++)
                        if (data[i].Value != pmv)
                            sum          += data[i].Value;
                            data[i].Value = lastOne + sum;
                            lastOne       = data[i].Value;
            else if (os == 2)
                //h1, h2, hMin
                float hDiff = h2 - h1;
                float sum   = 0;
                if (mvm == 0)
                    // no missing values
                    for (int i = 2; i < data.Length; i++)
                        data[i].Value += hMin; // add minimum back
                    data[0].Value = h1;
                    data[1].Value = h2;
                    sum           = hDiff;
                    for (int i = 2; i < data.Length; i++)
                        sum          += data[i].Value;
                        data[i].Value = data[i - 1].Value + sum;
                    // contains missing values
                    int   idx     = 0;
                    float lastOne = pmv;
                    // add the minimum back and set h1 and h2
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        if (data[i].Value != pmv)
                            if (idx == 0)
                                // set h1
                                data[i].Value = h1;
                                sum           = 0;
                                lastOne       = data[i].Value;
                            else if (idx == 1)
                                // set h2
                                data[i].Value = h1 + hDiff;
                                sum           = hDiff;
                                lastOne       = data[i].Value;
                                idx           = i + 1;
                                data[i].Value += hMin;
                    if (lastOne == pmv)
                    for (int i = idx; i < data.Length; i++)
                        if (data[i].Value != pmv)
                            sum          += data[i].Value;
                            data[i].Value = lastOne + sum;
                            lastOne       = data[i].Value;
            } // end h1, h2, hMin
            // formula used to create values,  Y * 10**D = R + (X1 + X2) * 2**E
            int   D  = drs.DecimalScaleFactor;
            float DD = (float)System.Math.Pow((double)10, (double)D);
            float R  = drs.ReferenceValue;
            int   E  = drs.BinaryScaleFactor;
            float EE = (float)System.Math.Pow((double)2.0, (double)E);

            if (mvm == 0)
                // no missing values
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    data[i].Value = (R + data[i].Value * EE) / DD;
                // missing value == 1
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    if (data[i].Value != pmv)
                        data[i].Value = (R + data[i].Value * EE) / DD;
            ScanningModeCheck(data, gds.ScanMode, gds.Nx);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private GRIB_Point[] Jpeg2000Unpacking(FileStream fs, IGRIB2GridDefinitionSection gds, IGRIB2DataRepresentationSection drs, IGribBitMapSection bms)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void ReadToDataProvider()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_fileName) || !File.Exists(_fileName))
            long gdsOffset     = 0;    // GDS offset from start of file
            bool startAtHeader = true; // otherwise skip to GDS
            bool processGDS    = true;

            _fs = new FileStream(_fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            IGRIB2IndicatorSection      iSection  = null;
            GRIB2IdentificationSection  idSection = null;
            GRIB2LocalUseSection        lus       = null;
            IGRIB2GridDefinitionSection gds       = null;

            while (_fs.Position < _fs.Length)
                if (startAtHeader)
                    // begining of record
                    if (!SeekHeader(_fs, _fs.Length))
                    // Read Section 0 Indicator Section
                    iSection    = new GRIB2IndicatorSection(_fs); // section 0
                    _discipline = iSection.Displine;
                    // Read other Sections
                    idSection      = new GRIB2IdentificationSection(_fs); // Section 1
                    _referenceTime = idSection.ReferenceTime;
                } // end startAtHeader
                if (processGDS)
                    // check for Local Use Section 2
                    lus = new GRIB2LocalUseSection(_fs);
                    // obtain GDS offset in the file for this record
                    gdsOffset = _fs.Position;
                    // Section 3
                    gds = new GRIB2GridDefinitionSection(_fs);
                // obtain PDS offset in the file for this record
                long pdsOffset = _fs.Position;
                IGRIB2ProductDefinitionSection  pds = new GRIB2ProductDefinitionSection(_fs);  // Section 4
                IGRIB2DataRepresentationSection drs = new GRIB2DataRepresentationSection(_fs); // Section 5
                IGribBitMapSection bms      = new GRIB2BitMapSection(_fs, gds.PointsNumber);   // Section 6
                long             dataOffset = _fs.Position + 5;
                GRIB2DataSection ds         = new GRIB2DataSection(_fs);                       //Section 7
                GRIB2Record      record     = new GRIB2Record(iSection.Displine, gds, pds, drs, bms, ds, gdsOffset, pdsOffset, dataOffset);
                if (_fs.Position > _fs.Length)
                    _fs.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                int ending = GribNumberHelper.Int4(_fs);
                if (ending == 926365495)
                    // record ending string 7777 as a number
                    startAtHeader = true;
                    processGDS    = true;
                    int section = _fs.ReadByte(); // check if GDS or PDS section, 3 or 4
                    //reset back to begining of section
                    _fs.Seek(_fs.Position - 5, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    if (section == 3)
                        startAtHeader = false;
                        processGDS    = true;
                    else if (section == 4)
                        startAtHeader = false;
                        processGDS    = false;
                        GribEndSection es = new GribEndSection(_fs);
                        if (es.IsEndFound)
                            startAtHeader = true;
                            processGDS    = true;