/// <summary>
        /// Pre validates the given set of values.
        /// This is where you populate derived parameters based on input, among other things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr"></param>
        public override void UpdateParameters(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
                UpdateParametersCommon(paramValues, pEnvMgr);
            catch (WmxDefaultDbNotSetException)
                // If the default DB wasn't set, stop executing
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // If one of the parameters was null, stop executing

            // Retrieve the parameter for the jobs to delete and add a domain to it
            // NOTE: Add the domain in this function because the Workflow Manager
            // connection/extension/etc. is not necessarily available when ParameterInfo
            // is first accessed.
            WmauParameterMap  paramMap  = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3     param     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_JOB_TO_DELETE);
            IGPParameterEdit3 paramEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_JOB_TO_DELETE);

            if (param.Domain == null)
                // If there isn't a domain on this parameter yet, that means that it
                // still needs to be populated.  In that case, do so at this time.
                paramEdit.Domain = Common.WmauGpDomainBuilder.BuildJobIdDomain(this.WmxDatabase);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Pre validates the given set of values.
        /// This is where you populate derived parameters based on input, among other things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr"></param>
        public override void UpdateParameters(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
                UpdateParametersCommon(paramValues, pEnvMgr);
            catch (WmxDefaultDbNotSetException)
                // If the default DB wasn't set, stop executing
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // If one of the parameters was null, stop executing

            // Build a hash of which parameter is at which index for ease of access
            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);

            IGPParameter3     notificationParam     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_EMAIL_NOTIFIER);
            IGPParameterEdit3 notificationParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_EMAIL_NOTIFIER);

            // Add a domain to the notification parameter
            if (notificationParam.Domain == null || (notificationParam.Domain as IGPCodedValueDomain).CodeCount <= 0)
                notificationParamEdit.Domain = Common.WmauGpDomainBuilder.BuildEmailNotificationDomain(this.WmxDatabase);
Ejemplo n.º 3
         * Called each time the user changes a parameter in the tool dialog or Command Line.
         * This updates the output data of the tool, which extremely useful for building models.
         * After returning from UpdateParameters(), geoprocessing calls its internal validation routine checkng that a given set of parameter values
         * are of the appropriate number, DataType, and value.
         * This method will update the output parameter value with the unique field.
        public void UpdateParameters(IArray paramvalues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
            m_Parameters = paramvalues;

            // Retrieve the input parameter value
            IGPValue parameterValue = m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(m_Parameters.get_Element(0));

            // Retrieve the unique field parameter value
            IGPParameter3 fieldNameParameter = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(3);

            // Get the output feature class schema and empty the additional fields. This will ensure
            // you don't get dublicate entries.
            IGPParameter3    outputFeatures = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(2);
            IGPFeatureSchema schema         = (IGPFeatureSchema)outputFeatures.Schema;

            schema.AdditionalFields = null;

            // If we have an unique field value, create a new field based on the unique field name the user entered.
            if (fieldNameParameter.Value.IsEmpty() == false)
                string fieldName = fieldNameParameter.Value.GetAsText();

                IField      uniqueField = m_GPUtilities.FindField(parameterValue, fieldName);
                IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit  = new FieldsClass();

                IFields fields = fieldsEdit as IFields;
                schema.AdditionalFields = fields;
        // This method will update the output parameter value with the additional area field.
        public void UpdateParameters(IArray paramvalues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
            m_Parameters = paramvalues;

            // Retrieve the input parameter value
            IGPValue parameterValue = m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(m_Parameters.get_Element(0));

            // Get the derived output feature class schema and empty the additional fields. This will ensure you don't get duplicate entries.
            IGPParameter3    derivedFeatures = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(2);
            IGPFeatureSchema schema          = (IGPFeatureSchema)derivedFeatures.Schema;

            schema.AdditionalFields = null;

            // If we have an input value, create a new field based on the field name the user entered.
            if (parameterValue.IsEmpty() == false)
                IGPParameter3 fieldNameParameter = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(1);
                string        fieldName          = fieldNameParameter.Value.GetAsText();

                // Check if the user's input field already exists
                IField areaField = m_GPUtilities.FindField(parameterValue, fieldName);
                if (areaField == null)
                    IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit = new FieldsClass();
                    IFieldEdit  fieldEdit  = new FieldClass();
                    fieldEdit.Name_2 = fieldName;
                    fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;

                    // Add an additional field for the area values to the derived output.
                    IFields fields = fieldsEdit as IFields;
                    schema.AdditionalFields = fields;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

                // Ensure that the current user has admin access to the current Workflow Manager DB
                if (!CurrentUserIsWmxAdministrator())
                    throw new WmauException(WmauErrorCodes.C_USER_NOT_ADMIN_ERROR);

                // Retrieve the parameter in which the list of MXDs will be stored
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap  = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameter3     param     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_MAP_DOCUMENT_LIST);
                IGPParameterEdit3 paramEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_MAP_DOCUMENT_LIST);

                // Set up the multi-value objects
                IGPMultiValue mvValue = new GPMultiValueClass();
                mvValue.MemberDataType = param.DataType;

                // Get the list of MXD names and add them all to the multivalue
                SortedList <string, string> mapDocuments = this.ListMapDocumentsInDatabase();
                foreach (string mapDocName in mapDocuments.Keys)
                    IGPString strVal = new GPStringClass();
                    strVal.Value = mapDocName;
                    mvValue.AddValue(strVal as IGPValue);
                    msgs.AddMessage("Map Document: " + mapDocName);

                paramEdit.Value = (IGPValue)mvValue;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                    WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                    msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Pre validates the given set of values.
        /// This is where you populate derived parameters based on input, among other things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr"></param>
        public override void UpdateParameters(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
                UpdateParametersCommon(paramValues, pEnvMgr);
            catch (WmxDefaultDbNotSetException)
                // If the default DB wasn't set, stop executing
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // If one of the parameters was null, stop executing

            // Build a hash of the parameters for ease of access
            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);

            IGPParameter3     dataWorkspace     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_DATA_WORKSPACE);
            IGPParameterEdit3 dataWorkspaceEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_DATA_WORKSPACE);

            // Apply a domain to the data workspace list, if necessary
            if (dataWorkspace.Domain == null || (dataWorkspace.Domain as IGPCodedValueDomain).CodeCount <= 0)
                dataWorkspaceEdit.Domain = Common.WmauGpDomainBuilder.BuildWorkspaceDomain(this.WmxDatabase);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Pre validates the given set of values.
        /// This is where you populate derived parameters based on input, among other things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr"></param>
        public override void UpdateParameters(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
                UpdateParametersCommon(paramValues, pEnvMgr);
            catch (WmxDefaultDbNotSetException)
                // If the default DB wasn't set, stop executing
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // If one of the parameters was null, stop executing

            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);

            // Retrieve the parameter for source name and add a domain to it
            IGPParameter3     param     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_MXD_NAME);
            IGPParameterEdit3 paramEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_MXD_NAME);

            if (param.Domain == null)
                // If there isn't a domain on this parameter yet, that means that it has
                // not yet had a list of possible MXDs populated.  In that case, do
                // so at this time.
                paramEdit.Domain = Common.WmauGpDomainBuilder.BuildMapDocumentDomain(this.WmxDatabase);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Pre validates the given set of values.
        /// This is where you populate derived parameters based on input, among other things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr"></param>
        public override void UpdateParameters(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
                UpdateParametersCommon(paramValues, pEnvMgr);
            catch (WmxDefaultDbNotSetException)
                // If the default DB wasn't set, stop executing
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // If one of the parameters was null, stop executing

            // Build a hash of the parameters for ease of access
            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);

            IGPParameter3     snName           = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_SPATIAL_NOTIFICATION);
            IGPParameterEdit3 snNameEdit       = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_SPATIAL_NOTIFICATION);
            IGPParameter3     useJobAoi        = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_USE_JOB_AOI);
            IGPParameterEdit3 alternateAoiEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_ALTERNATE_AOI);

            // Apply a domain to the list of spatial notifications, if possible
            if (snName.Domain == null || (snName.Domain as IGPCodedValueDomain).CodeCount <= 0)
                snNameEdit.Domain = Common.WmauGpDomainBuilder.BuildChangeRulesDomain(this.WmxDatabase);

            // Enable/disable the alternate AOI parameter based on the status of the
            // "use job AOI" parameter
            alternateAoiEdit.Enabled = !(useJobAoi.Value as IGPBoolean).Value;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function for the "UpdateParameters" interface; meant to be called directly by
        /// child classes who override "UpdateParameters", rather than calling "UpdateParameters"
        /// itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues">The IArray of parameters passed into UpdateParameters</param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr">The GP environment manager object</param>
        protected void UpdateParametersCommon(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            // Update the internal values of whatever parameters the parent class
            // is maintaining
            param = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_WMX_DATABASE_ALIAS);
            string newDbAlias = param.Value.GetAsText();

            // If the WMX database has changed, update it.
            if (!newDbAlias.Equals(m_wmxDbAlias))
                ChangeWmxDatabase(newDbAlias, paramMap);

            // Ensure that the default Workflow Manager database is set.
            if (!IsWorkflowManagerDatabaseSet())
                throw new WmxDefaultDbNotSetException();
            if (paramValues == null || pEnvMgr == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Pre validates the given set of values.
        /// This is where you populate derived parameters based on input, among other things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr"></param>
        public override void UpdateParameters(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
                UpdateParametersCommon(paramValues, pEnvMgr);
            catch (WmxDefaultDbNotSetException)
                // If the default DB wasn't set, stop executing
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // If one of the parameters was null, stop executing

            // Get the parameters as a map for easier access
            WmauParameterMap  paramMap  = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3     jobId     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_JOB_ID);
            IGPParameterEdit3 jobIdEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_JOB_ID);

            // Set the domains for any parameters that need them

            // Set the job ID domain if it hasn't already been populated
            if (jobId.Domain == null)
                jobIdEdit.Domain = Common.WmauGpDomainBuilder.BuildNonClosedJobIdDomain(this.WmxDatabase);
        /// <summary>
        /// Post validates the given set of values.
        /// This is where you flag parameters with warnings and error messages, among other things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void UpdateMessages(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
                UpdateMessagesCommon(paramValues, pEnvMgr, msgs);
            catch (WmxDefaultDbNotSetException)
                // If the default DB wasn't set, stop executing

            // Build a hash of which parameter is at which index for ease of access
            WmauParameterMap paramMap          = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    dataWorkspaceName = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_DATA_WORKSPACE);
            IGPParameter3    parentVersion     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_PARENT_VERSION);

            // If there's no domain on the parent version parameter, then something went
            // awry
            if (parentVersion.Domain == null)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_VERSION_LOOKUP_ERROR);
                msgs.ReplaceError(paramMap.GetIndex(C_PARAM_PARENT_VERSION), error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message);

            // Store away the latest value of the data workspace
            m_dataWorkspaceName = dataWorkspaceName.Value.GetAsText();
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal values used by this tool based on the parameters from an input array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        protected override void ExtractParameters(IArray paramValues)
            // Get the values for any parameters common to all GP tools

            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            // Update the internal values of whatever parameters we're maintaining
            param    = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_NAME);
            m_snName = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_SUBJECT);
            m_subject = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_MESSAGE);
            m_message = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param         = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_SUBSCRIBERS);
            m_subscribers = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param         = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_SENDER_EMAIL);
            m_senderEmail = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param        = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_SENDER_NAME);
            m_senderName = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param           = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_DESCRIPTION);
            m_snDescription = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param       = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_SUMMARIZE);
            m_summarize = bool.Parse(param.Value.GetAsText());
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Pre validates the given set of values.
        /// This is where you populate derived parameters based on input, among other things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr"></param>
        public override void UpdateParameters(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
                UpdateParametersCommon(paramValues, pEnvMgr);
            catch (WmxDefaultDbNotSetException)
                // If the default DB wasn't set, stop executing
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // If one of the parameters was null, stop executing

            // Build a hash of which parameter is at which index for ease of access
            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);

            IGPParameter3     userParam     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_USER_NAME);
            IGPParameterEdit3 userParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_USER_NAME);

            // Add a domain to the users parameter
            if (userParam.Domain == null || (userParam.Domain as IGPCodedValueDomain).CodeCount <= 0)
                userParamEdit.Domain = Common.WmauGpDomainBuilder.BuildUsersDomain(this.WmxDatabase, new string[] { C_OPT_ALL_USERS });
        // Called after returning from the update parameters routine.
        // You can examine the messages created from internal validation and change them if desired.
        public void UpdateMessages(IArray paramvalues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr, IGPMessages Messages)
            // Check for error messages
            IGPMessage msg = (IGPMessage)Messages;

            if (msg.IsError())

            // Get the first Input Parameter
            IGPParameter parameter = (IGPParameter)paramvalues.get_Element(0);

            // UnPackGPValue. This ensures you get the value either form the dataelement or GpVariable (ModelBuilder)
            IGPValue parameterValue = m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(parameter);

            // Open the Input Dataset - Use DecodeFeatureLayer as the input might be a layer file or a feature layer from ArcMap.
            IFeatureClass inputFeatureClass;
            IQueryFilter  qf;

            m_GPUtilities.DecodeFeatureLayer(parameterValue, out inputFeatureClass, out qf);

            IGPParameter3 fieldParameter = (IGPParameter3)paramvalues.get_Element(1);
            string        fieldName      = fieldParameter.Value.GetAsText();

            // Check if the field already exists and provide a warning.
            int indexA = inputFeatureClass.FindField(fieldName);

            if (indexA > 0)
                Messages.ReplaceWarning(1, "Field already exists. It will be overwritten.");

Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Post validates the given set of values.
        /// This is where you flag parameters with warnings and error messages, among other things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void UpdateMessages(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Call the base class function first
                UpdateMessagesCommon(paramValues, pEnvMgr, msgs);
            catch (WmxDefaultDbNotSetException)
                // If the default DB wasn't set, stop executing

            // Build a hash of which parameter is at which index, for ease of access
            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);

            IGPParameter3 dataWorkspace = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_DATA_WORKSPACE);

            // Ensure that there is at least one data workspace defined in the database
            if (dataWorkspace.Domain == null || (dataWorkspace.Domain as IGPCodedValueDomain).CodeCount <= 0)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_NO_WORKSPACES_DEFINED_ERROR);
                msgs.ReplaceError(paramMap.GetIndex(C_PARAM_DATA_WORKSPACE), error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to enable/disable a particular parameter based on the possible values
        /// in its domain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramObj">
        /// The parameter to enabled/disable.  The domain for this parameter must be a
        /// IGPCodedValueDomain.
        /// </param>
        private void EnableDisableParamBasedOnDomain(object paramObj)
            IGPParameter3       param     = paramObj as IGPParameter3;
            IGPParameterEdit3   paramEdit = paramObj as IGPParameterEdit3;
            IGPCodedValueDomain domain    = param.Domain as IGPCodedValueDomain;

            paramEdit.Enabled = (domain != null && domain.CodeCount > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Post validates the given set of values.
        /// This is where you flag parameters with warnings and error messages, among other things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void UpdateMessages(IArray paramValues, IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Call the base class function first
                UpdateMessagesCommon(paramValues, pEnvMgr, msgs);
            catch (WmxDefaultDbNotSetException)
                // If the default DB wasn't set, stop executing

            // Build a hash of which parameter is at which index, for ease of access
            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);

            IGPParameter3     snName     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_SPATIAL_NOTIFICATION);
            IGPParameter3     altAoi     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_ALTERNATE_AOI);
            IGPParameterEdit3 altAoiEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_ALTERNATE_AOI);

            // Ensure that there is at least one existing spatial notification in the database
            if (snName.Domain == null || (snName.Domain as IGPCodedValueDomain).CodeCount <= 0)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_NO_SPATIAL_NOTIFICATIONS_FOUND);
                msgs.ReplaceError(paramMap.GetIndex(C_PARAM_SPATIAL_NOTIFICATION), error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message);

            // Check the AOI; ensure that there is exactly one feature selected
            if (altAoi.Value != null && !altAoi.Value.GetAsText().Equals(string.Empty))
                    ILayer            aoiLayer  = m_gpUtilities.DecodeLayer(altAoi.Value);
                    IFeatureLayer     featLayer = aoiLayer as IFeatureLayer;
                    IFeatureSelection featSel   = aoiLayer as IFeatureSelection;
                    ISelectionSet     selSet    = featSel.SelectionSet as ISelectionSet;

                    if (featLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                        WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_AOI_NOT_POLYGON_ERROR);
                        msgs.ReplaceWarning(paramMap.GetIndex(C_PARAM_ALTERNATE_AOI), error.Message);
                    else if (selSet.Count != 1)
                        WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_EXPECTED_ONE_SELECTED_FEATURE_ERROR);
                        msgs.ReplaceWarning(paramMap.GetIndex(C_PARAM_ALTERNATE_AOI), error.Message);
                catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comEx)
                    WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_AOI_INPUT_ERROR);
                    msgs.ReplaceError(paramMap.GetIndex(C_PARAM_ALTERNATE_AOI), error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + comEx.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

                WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);

                // Retrieve the parameter in which the list of workbook names will be stored
                IGPParameter3     param       = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_JOB_ID_LIST);
                IGPParameterEdit3 paramEdit   = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_JOB_ID_LIST);
                IGPParameter3     filterParam = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_SQL_QUERY_FILTER);

                // Get the multivalue object into which the output will be stored
                IGPMultiValue outputValues = new GPMultiValueClass();
                outputValues.MemberDataType = param.DataType;
                for (int i = 0; i < outputValues.Count; i++)

                // Get the list of job IDs and add them all to the multivalue
                SortedList <int, string> jobs = this.ListJobsInDatabase(filterParam.Value.GetAsText());
                msgs.AddMessage("Jobs matching query:");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> item in jobs)
                    IGPLong value = new GPLongClass();
                    value.Value = item.Key;
                    outputValues.AddValue(value as IGPValue);
                    msgs.AddMessage("  " + value.Value.ToString() + " (" + item.Value + ")");

                paramEdit.Value = (IGPValue)outputValues;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal values used by this tool based on the parameters from an input array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        protected override void ExtractParameters(IArray paramValues)
            // Get the values for any parameters common to all GP tools

            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            // Ensure that the various parameter values are all restored to their
            // defaults because of how this function works

            // Update the internal values of whatever parameters we're maintaining
            param            = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_PREVIEW_CHANGES);
            m_previewChanges = (param.Value as IGPBoolean).Value;

            param = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_CHECKLIST);
            IGPValue      paramValue      = m_gpUtilities.UnpackGPValue(param);
            IGPMultiValue paramMultiValue = paramValue as IGPMultiValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < paramMultiValue.Count; i++)
                IGPValue check  = paramMultiValue.get_Value(i);
                string   strVal = check.GetAsText();
                if (strVal.Equals(C_OPT_CLEAN_WORKFLOWS))
                    m_cleanWorkflows = true;
                else if (strVal.Equals(C_OPT_CLEAN_STEP_TYPES))
                    m_cleanStepTypes = true;
                else if (strVal.Equals(C_OPT_CLEAN_STATUS_TYPES))
                    m_cleanStatusTypes = true;
                else if (strVal.Equals(C_OPT_CLEAN_PRIORITIES))
                    m_cleanPriorities = true;
                else if (strVal.Equals(C_OPT_CLEAN_TA_WORKBOOKS))
                    m_cleanTaWorkbooks = true;
                else if (strVal.Equals(C_OPT_CLEAN_USERS))
                    m_cleanUsers = true;
                else if (strVal.Equals(C_OPT_CLEAN_MAP_DOCS))
                    m_cleanMapDocs = true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

                // Retrieve the parameter in which the list of workbook names will be stored
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap  = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameter3     param     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_TAM_WORKBOOK_LIST);
                IGPParameterEdit3 paramEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_TAM_WORKBOOK_LIST);

                // Set up the multi-value objects
                IGPMultiValue mvValue = new GPMultiValueClass();
                mvValue.MemberDataType = param.DataType;

                // Get the list of TA workbook names and add them all to the multivalue
                SortedList <string, string> tamWorkbooks = this.ListTamWorkbooksInDatabase();
                foreach (string workbookAlias in tamWorkbooks.Keys)
                    IGPString strVal = new GPStringClass();
                    strVal.Value = workbookAlias;
                    mvValue.AddValue(strVal as IGPValue);
                    msgs.AddMessage("Workbook: " + workbookAlias);

                paramEdit.Value = (IGPValue)mvValue;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                    WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                    msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal values used by this tool based on the parameters from an input array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        protected override void ExtractParameters(IArray paramValues)
            // Get the values for any parameters common to all GP tools

            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            // Update the internal values of whatever parameters we're maintaining
            param         = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_JOB_TO_DELETE);
            m_jobToDelete = int.Parse(param.Value.GetAsText());
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal values used by this tool based on the parameters from an input array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        protected override void ExtractParameters(IArray paramValues)
            // Get the values for any parameters common to all GP tools

            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            // Update the internal values of whatever parameters we're maintaining
            param           = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_OUT_EXCEL_FILE_PATH);
            m_excelFilePath = param.Value.GetAsText();
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal values used by this tool based on the parameters from an input array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        protected override void ExtractParameters(IArray paramValues)
            // Get the values for any parameters common to all GP tools

            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            // Update the internal values of whatever parameters we're maintaining
            param     = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_MXD_NAME);
            m_mxdName = param.Value.GetAsText();
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void UpdateParameters(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IArray paramvalues, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing.IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr)
            IGPUtilities3 gpUtilities3 = new GPUtilitiesClass();

            IGPParameter3 inputLayersParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_LayersNumber) as IGPParameter3;
            IGPMultiValue inputLayersGPValue   = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(inputLayersParameter) as IGPMultiValue;

            if (inputLayersGPValue == null)

            // check if there are input layer provided
            if (inputLayersGPValue.Count == 0)

            IGPParameter3 outputLayerParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(out_groupLayerNumber) as IGPParameter3;
            IGPValue      outputLayerGPValue   = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(outputLayerParameter);

            // if the output layer value is still empty and build a proposal for a name
            if (outputLayerGPValue.IsEmpty())
                // read the proposed name from the resources
                string proposedOutputLayerName = resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_GPCombineLayers_outputgrouplayer_proposedname");

                string proposedOutputLayerNameTest = proposedOutputLayerName;
                int    layerIndex = 2;

                // check if a layer with the same name already exists
                // if it does then attempt to append some index numbers to build a unique, new name
                ILayer foundLayer = gpUtilities3.FindMapLayer(proposedOutputLayerNameTest);

                while (foundLayer != null)
                    proposedOutputLayerNameTest = proposedOutputLayerName + " (" + layerIndex + ")";

                    foundLayer = gpUtilities3.FindMapLayer(proposedOutputLayerNameTest);
                    layerIndex = layerIndex + 1;

                    if (layerIndex > 10000)

                gpUtilities3.PackGPValue(outputLayerGPValue, outputLayerParameter);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal values used by this tool based on the parameters from an input array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        protected override void ExtractParameters(IArray paramValues)
            // Get the values for any parameters common to all GP tools

            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            param         = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_JXL_FILE_PATH);
            m_jxlFilePath = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param         = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_PRETTY_PRINT);
            m_prettyPrint = (param.Value as IGPBoolean).Value;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal values used by this tool based on the parameters from an input array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        protected override void ExtractParameters(IArray paramValues)
            // Get the values for any parameters common to all GP tools

            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            // Update the internal values of whatever parameters we're maintaining
            param   = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_JOB_ID);
            m_jobId = int.Parse(param.Value.GetAsText());

            param = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_NOTIFICATION_NAME);
            m_notificationName = param.Value.GetAsText();
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal values used by this tool based on the parameters from an input array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        protected void ExtractParametersCommon(IArray paramValues)
            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            // Update the internal values of whatever parameters the parent class
            // is maintaining
            param = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_WMX_DATABASE_ALIAS);
            string newDbAlias = param.Value.GetAsText();

            // If the WMX database has changed, update it.
            if (!newDbAlias.Equals(m_wmxDbAlias))
                ChangeWmxDatabase(newDbAlias, paramMap);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper function to add a new parameter object to the internal mapping
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The object to be added (should meet the IGPParameter3 interface)</param>
 private void AddParam(object value)
     if (value == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException();
     else if (!(value is IGPParameter3))
         throw new ArgumentException();
         IGPParameter3 param    = value as IGPParameter3;
         int           newIndex = m_indexMapping.Count;
         m_indexMapping.Add(param.Name, newIndex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal values used by this tool based on the parameters from an input array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        protected override void ExtractParameters(IArray paramValues)
            // Get the values for any parameters common to all GP tools

            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            // Update the internal values of whatever parameters we're maintaining
            param   = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_JOB_ID);
            m_jobId = int.Parse(param.Value.GetAsText());

            param            = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_ATTACHMENT);
            m_attachmentPath = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param            = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_ATTACHMENT_TYPE);
            m_attachmentType = param.Value.GetAsText();
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the internal values used by this tool based on the parameters from an input array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        protected override void ExtractParameters(IArray paramValues)
            // Get the values for any parameters common to all GP tools

            WmauParameterMap paramMap = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
            IGPParameter3    param    = null;

            // Update the internal values of whatever parameters we're maintaining
            param       = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_USER_GROUP);
            m_userGroup = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param        = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_GROUP_GROUP);
            m_groupGroup = param.Value.GetAsText();

            param = paramMap.GetParam(C_PARAM_PRESERVE_CURRENT_USER);
            m_preserveCurrentUser = (param.Value as IGPBoolean).Value;