Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SummaryBitmap(IFrameData summaryData, IFrameData onsetData)
            Resolution = summaryData.Resolution;

            _bitmap = new Bitmap(summaryData.Length, 250, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(_bitmap);
            graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 0, 0, _bitmap.Width - 1, _bitmap.Height - 1);

            var x = 0;
            foreach (var m in summaryData.Left)
                var h = 240 * m;
                var d = (_bitmap.Height - h) / 2;
                graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, x, d, x, _bitmap.Height - d);

            if (onsetData != null)
                x = 0;
                foreach (var m in onsetData.Left)
                    if (m > 0)
                        graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Chartreuse, x, 0, x+1, _bitmap.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public IFrameData MakeSummaryData(IFrameData input, int ratio)
            var max = new List<float>();


            IFrameDataSubset subset = null;
            while(input.ReadChunk(ref subset))
                var maxmag = Math.Max(subset.Left.Max(), subset.Right.Max());
                var minmag = Math.Min(subset.Left.Min(), subset.Right.Min());
                max.Add(Math.Max(maxmag, Math.Abs(minmag)));

            return new FrameData(max.ToArray(), null, ratio);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public float[] DetectOnsets(IFrameData waveData, int samplesPerSecond, int sampleWindowSize, float sensitivity = 1.5f)
            _onsetDetection = new OnsetDetection(sampleWindowSize, samplesPerSecond);


            IFrameDataSubset subset = null;
            while(waveData.ReadChunk(ref subset))
                var mono = ConvertStereoToMono(subset);

            var onsets = _onsetDetection.FindOnsets(sensitivity);
            _onsetDetection.NormalizeOnsets(onsets, 0);

            return onsets;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Tune(IFrameData frameData)
     _frameData = frameData;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void AddEntry(IFrameData item)
 public void OnSessionUpdated(BarcodeCapture barcodeCapture, BarcodeCaptureSession session, IFrameData data)
        public void OnBarcodeScanned(BarcodeCapture barcodeCapture, BarcodeCaptureSession session, IFrameData data)
            if (session.NewlyRecognizedBarcodes.Count == 0)

            var barcode = session.NewlyRecognizedBarcodes[0];

            // If the code scanned doesn't start with "09:", we will just ignore it and continue
            // scanning.
            if (barcode.Data?.StartsWith("09:") == false)
                // We temporarily change the brush, used to highlight recognized barcodes, to a
                // transparent brush.
                overlay.Brush = Brush.TransparentBrush;

            // If the code is recognized, we want to make sure to use a brush to highlight the code.
            overlay.Brush = this.highlightingBrush;

            // We also want to emit a feedback (vibration and, if enabled, sound).

            // Stop recognizing barcodes for as long as we are displaying the result. There won't be any
            // new results until the capture mode is enabled again. Note that disabling the capture mode
            // does not stop the camera, the camera continues to stream frames until it is turned off.
            barcodeCapture.Enabled = false;

            // If you are not disabling barcode capture here and want to continue scanning, consider
            // setting the codeDuplicateFilter when creating the barcode capture settings to around 500
            // or even -1 if you do not want codes to be scanned more than once.

            // Get the human readable name of the symbology and assemble the result to be shown.
            using (var description = SymbologyDescription.Create(barcode.Symbology))
                var result = "Scanned: " + barcode.Data + " (" + description.ReadableName + ")";

                RunOnUiThread(() => ShowResult(result));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void OnBarcodeScanned(BarcodeCapture barcodeCapture, BarcodeCaptureSession session, IFrameData frameData)
            if (session.NewlyRecognizedBarcodes.Any())
                if (!this.ContinuousScanningEnabled)

                Barcode barcode = session.NewlyRecognizedBarcodes[0];
        public void OnSessionUpdated(BarcodeTracking barcodeTracking, BarcodeTrackingSession session, IFrameData frameData)
            var products = session.TrackedBarcodes.Values
                           .Select(trackedBarcode => trackedBarcode.Barcode)
                           .Where(barcode => barcode.Data != null)
                           .Select(barcode => Model.Product.Create(barcode.Data, barcode.Symbology.HumanReadableName()));

            if (this.Element?.BindingContext is MainViewModel viewModel)
                viewModel.ScannedProducts = products.ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void OnSessionUpdated(BarcodeCapture barcodeCapture, BarcodeCaptureSession session, IFrameData frameData)
     // Dispose the frame when you have finished processing it. If the frame is not properly disposed,
     // different issues could arise, e.g. a frozen, non-responsive, or "severely stuttering" video feed.
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void OnBarcodeScanned(BarcodeCapture barcodeCapture, BarcodeCaptureSession session, IFrameData frameData)
            var barcode = session?.NewlyRecognizedBarcodes.FirstOrDefault();

            if (barcode == null)

            // Stop recognizing barcodes for as long as we are displaying the result. There won't be any new
            // results until the capture mode is enabled again. Note that disabling the capture mode does
            // not stop the camera, the camera continues to stream frames until it is turned off.
            this.barcodeCapture.Enabled = false;

            // If you are not disabling barcode capture here and want to continue scanning, consider
            // setting the codeDuplicateFilter when creating the barcode capture settings to around 500
            // or even -1 if you do not want codes to be scanned more than once.

            // Get the human readable name of the symbology and assemble the result to be shown.
            string symbology = SymbologyDescription.Create(barcode.Symbology).ReadableName;
            string result    = string.Format("Scanned {0} ({1})", barcode.Data, symbology);


            // Dispose the frame when you have finished processing it. If the frame is not properly disposed,
            // different issues could arise, e.g. a frozen, non-responsive, or "severely stuttering" video feed.
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void RemoveEntry(IFrameData i)
            CameraCommandEntry entry = (CameraCommandEntry)i;

Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void AddEntry(IFrameData d)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void OnSessionUpdated(BarcodeTracking barcodeTracking, BarcodeTrackingSession session, IFrameData frameData)
            // This method is called whenever objects are updated and it's the right place to react to the tracking results.
            var products = session.TrackedBarcodes.Values
                           .Select(trackedBarcode => trackedBarcode.Barcode)
                           .Where(barcode => barcode.Data != null)
                           .Select(barcode => Model.Product.Create(barcode.Data, barcode.Symbology.HumanReadableName()));

            if (this.Element?.BindingContext is MainViewModel viewModel)
                viewModel.ScannedProducts = products.ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void Load(IFrameData frameData)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void BuildOnsets()
     var audioAnalysis = new AudioAnalysis();
     var onsetData = audioAnalysis.DetectOnsets(_frameData, 44100, 1024);
     _onsets = new FrameData(onsetData, null, 1024);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void OnBarcodeScanned(BarcodeCapture barcodeCapture, BarcodeCaptureSession session, IFrameData frameData)
            if (session.NewlyRecognizedBarcodes.Any())
                if (!this.ContinuousScanningEnabled)

                Barcode barcode = session.NewlyRecognizedBarcodes[0];
                using SymbologyDescription description = SymbologyDescription.Create(barcode.Symbology);
                this.listener?.ShowDialog(description.ReadableName, barcode.Data, barcode.SymbolCount);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void OnSessionUpdated(BarcodeTracking barcodeCapture, BarcodeTrackingSession session, IFrameData frameData)
     lock (this.scanResults)
         foreach (var trackedBarcode in session.AddedTrackedBarcodes)
             using (SymbologyDescription description = SymbologyDescription.Create(trackedBarcode.Barcode.Symbology))
                 this.scanResults.Add(new ScanResult
                     Data      = trackedBarcode.Barcode.Data,
                     Symbology = description.ReadableName