void GetMapCoordsFromIntel(IFleetIntelligence intel, TimeSpan localTime, out Vector3D localCoords, out Vector2 flatPosition, out Vector2 altitudePosition)
            var worldCoords = intel.GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(localTime + IntelProvider.CanonicalTimeDiff);

            localCoords      = WorldCoordsToLocalCoords(worldCoords);
            flatPosition     = LocalCoordsToMapPosition(localCoords, true);
            altitudePosition = LocalCoordsToMapPosition(localCoords);
 public bool PackAndBroadcastFleetIntelligence(ExecutionContext context, IFleetIntelligence item, long masterID)
     if (item is INTEL)
         context.IGC.SendBroadcastMessage(IntelReportChannelTag, MyTuple.Create(masterID, (DATA)item.IGCPackGeneric()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ReportFleetIntelligence(IFleetIntelligence item, TimeSpan timestamp)
            if (CanonicalTimeSourceID != 0 && !IsMaster)
                IGCBindings.ForEach(binding => binding.PackAndBroadcastFleetIntelligence(Context, item, CanonicalTimeSourceID));
            MyTuple <IntelItemType, long> intelKey = FleetIntelligenceUtil.GetIntelItemKey(item);

            Timestamps[intelKey] = timestamp;
            if (!IntelItems.ContainsKey(intelKey) || IntelItems[intelKey] != item)
                IntelItems[intelKey] = item;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Vector3D PlotPath(Dictionary <MyTuple <IntelItemType, long>, IFleetIntelligence> IntelItems, TimeSpan canonicalTime, IAutopilot Autopilot, Waypoint Destination, List <IFleetIntelligence> IntelScratchpad, List <Vector3> PositionScratchpad, MyGridProgram Program, WaypointTask.AvoidObstacleMode ObstacleMode)
            if (Autopilot.Reference == null)
            Vector3D o = Autopilot.Reference.WorldMatrix.Translation;
            Vector3D targetPosition = Destination.Position;
            float    SafetyRadius   = (float)(Autopilot.Controller.CubeGrid.WorldAABB.Max - Autopilot.Controller.CubeGrid.WorldAABB.Min).Length();
            float    brakingDist    = Autopilot.GetBrakingDistance();


            bool type1 = false;

            // Quick filter on intel items that might interfere with pathing at this time based on type and distance
            foreach (var kvp in IntelItems)
                // If it's us, don't care
                if (kvp.Key.Item2 == Program.Me.CubeGrid.EntityId)

                if (kvp.Value.Radius == 0)

                // If it's an asteroid or a ship, we might be interested
                if (kvp.Value.Type == IntelItemType.Asteroid || kvp.Value.Type == IntelItemType.Friendly || kvp.Value.Type == IntelItemType.Enemy)
                    Vector3D c      = kvp.Value.GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime);
                    float    r      = kvp.Value.Radius + SafetyRadius;
                    double   distTo = (c - o).Length();
                    // Check if distance is close enough. If so, shortlist this.
                    if (distTo < r + brakingDist + Autopilot.Controller.GetShipSpeed() * 0.16 + 100)
                        // If distance is closer than, we are inside its bounding sphere and must escape unless our destination is also in the radius
                        if (distTo < r && (Destination.Position - c).Length() > r)
                            type1 = true;
            Vector3D target = Destination.Position;

            if (type1)
                // Escape maneuver - move directly away from center of bounding sphere
                var dir = o - PositionScratchpad.Last();
                target = dir * (IntelScratchpad.Last().Radius + SafetyRadius * 2) + PositionScratchpad.Last();
            else if (IntelScratchpad.Count > 0)
                bool targetClear;

                int iter = 0;

                // Find a clear path around any obstacles:
                    iter       += 1;
                    targetClear = true;
                    IFleetIntelligence closestObstacle = null;
                    float closestDist      = float.MaxValue;
                    float closestApporoach = 0;
                    bool  closestType3     = false;

                    var    l = target - o;
                    double d = l.Length();

                    // Go through each intel item we shortlisted earlier
                    for (int i = 0; i < IntelScratchpad.Count; i++)
                        float  lDoc = Vector3.Dot(l, o - PositionScratchpad[i]);
                        double det  = lDoc * lDoc - ((o - PositionScratchpad[i]).LengthSquared() - (IntelScratchpad[i].Radius + SafetyRadius) * (IntelScratchpad[i].Radius + SafetyRadius));

                        // Check if we intersect the sphere at all
                        if (det > 0)
                            // Check if this is a type 2 obstacle - that is, we enter its bounding sphere and the closest approach is some point along our path.
                            if (-lDoc > 0 && -lDoc < d)
                                closestObstacle = IntelScratchpad[i];
                                var distIntersect = -lDoc - (float)Math.Sqrt(det);

                                // Only care about the closest one. Hopefully this works well enough in practice.
                                if (closestDist > distIntersect)
                                    closestDist      = distIntersect;
                                    closestApporoach = -lDoc;
                                    closestObstacle  = IntelScratchpad[i];
                                    closestType3     = false;
                            // Check if this is a type 3 obstacle - that is, we enter its bonding sphere and the destination is inside
                            else if ((target - PositionScratchpad[i]).Length() < IntelScratchpad[i].Radius + SafetyRadius)
                                var distIntersect = -lDoc - (float)Math.Sqrt(det);
                                if (closestDist > distIntersect)
                                    closestDist      = distIntersect;
                                    closestApporoach = -lDoc;
                                    closestObstacle  = IntelScratchpad[i];
                                    closestType3     = true;

                    // If there is a potential collision
                    if (closestDist != float.MaxValue)
                        targetClear = false;
                        Vector3D closestObstaclePos = closestObstacle.GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime);
                        Vector3D v;

                        if (!closestType3)
                            var      c   = l * closestApporoach + o;
                            Vector3D dir = c - closestObstaclePos;
                            v = dir * (closestObstacle.Radius + SafetyRadius * 2) + closestObstaclePos;
                            var vdir = v - o;
                            target = o + vdir * (o - Destination.Position).Length();
                            Vector3D dirCenterToDest = target - closestObstaclePos;
                            Vector3D dirCenterToMe = o - closestObstaclePos;
                            var      distToMe      = dirCenterToMe.Length();
                            var angle = Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot(dirCenterToDest, dirCenterToMe));

                            if (angle < 0.2 && ObstacleMode == WaypointTask.AvoidObstacleMode.SmartEnter)
                                target = Destination.Position;
                            else if (angle > 0.6 && distToMe < (closestObstacle.Radius + SafetyRadius))
                                target = dirCenterToMe * (closestObstacle.Radius + SafetyRadius * 2) + closestObstaclePos;
                                target = dirCenterToDest * (closestObstacle.Radius + SafetyRadius * 2) + closestObstaclePos;
                } while (!targetClear && iter < 5);
 public static MyTuple <IntelItemType, long> GetIntelItemKey(IFleetIntelligence item)
     return(MyTuple.Create(item.Type, item.ID));
 public static int CompareName(IFleetIntelligence a, IFleetIntelligence b)
        void AddFleetIntelToMap(IFleetIntelligence intel, TimeSpan localTime, Vector3D localCoords, Vector2 flatPosition, Vector2 altitudePosition)
            if (localCoords.Length() > MapSize)

            var intelKey = MyTuple.Create(intel.Type, intel.ID);
            var color    = Color.White;

            if (intel.Type == IntelItemType.Friendly)
                if ((((FriendlyShipIntel)intel).AgentStatus & AgentStatus.DockedAtHome) != 0)
                color = Color.Blue;

                if (SelectionCandidates.Contains(intelKey))
                    color = Color.LightSkyBlue;
                else if (SelectedItems.Contains(intelKey))
                    color = Color.Teal;
            else if (intel.Type == IntelItemType.Enemy)
                color = Color.Red;
                var lastDetectedTime = localTime + IntelProvider.CanonicalTimeDiff - ((EnemyShipIntel)intel).LastValidatedCanonicalTime;
                if (lastDetectedTime > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4))
                    color = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0.002f);
                else if (lastDetectedTime > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))
                    color = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0.005f);
                else if (lastDetectedTime > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2))
                    color = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0.007f);
            else if (intel.Type == IntelItemType.Waypoint)
                color = Color.Green;

            var middlePosition = (altitudePosition + flatPosition) * 0.5f;
            var lineLength     = MapScale * Math.Abs((float)localCoords.Y) * (float)SinViewDegree;

            AddSprite("CircleHollow", altitudePosition, new Vector2(20, 20), color);

            if (intel.ID != Controller.CubeGrid.EntityId)
                AddSprite("CircleHollow", flatPosition, new Vector2(30, 30 * (float)CosViewDegree), color);
                AddSprite("SquareSimple", middlePosition, new Vector2(2, lineLength * PixelsPerMeter), color);

            if (intel.Type == IntelItemType.Friendly)
                AddSprite("CircleHollow", altitudePosition, new Vector2(2 * ScannerRange * MapScale * PixelsPerMeter), color);

                if (Math.Abs((float)localCoords.Y) < ScannerRange)
                    AddSprite("CircleHollow", flatPosition, new Vector2(2 * (float)Math.Sqrt(ScannerRange * ScannerRange - localCoords.Y * localCoords.Y) * MapScale * PixelsPerMeter, 2 * (float)(Math.Sqrt(ScannerRange * ScannerRange - localCoords.Y * localCoords.Y) * MapScale * PixelsPerMeter * CosViewDegree)), color);
