private static IMathTransform CreateFittedTransform(IFittedCoordinateSystem fittedSystem)
            //create transform From fitted to base and inverts it
            if (fittedSystem is FittedCoordinateSystem)

            //MathTransformFactory mtFac = new MathTransformFactory ();
            ////create transform From fitted to base and inverts it
            //return mtFac.CreateFromWKT (fittedSystem.ToBase ());

            throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ParseFittedCoordinateSystemWkt()
            CoordinateSystemFactory fac = new CoordinateSystemFactory();
            IFittedCoordinateSystem fcs = null;
            string wkt = "FITTED_CS[\"Local coordinate system MNAU (based on Gauss-Krueger)\"," +
                         "PARAM_MT[\"Affine\"," +
                         "PARAMETER[\"num_row\",3],PARAMETER[\"num_col\",3],PARAMETER[\"elt_0_0\", 0.883485346527455],PARAMETER[\"elt_0_1\", -0.468458794848877],PARAMETER[\"elt_0_2\", 3455869.17937689],PARAMETER[\"elt_1_0\", 0.468458794848877],PARAMETER[\"elt_1_1\", 0.883485346527455],PARAMETER[\"elt_1_2\", 5478710.88035753],PARAMETER[\"elt_2_2\", 1]]," +
                         "PROJCS[\"DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 3\"," +
                         "GEOGCS[\"DHDN\"," +
                         "DATUM[\"Deutsches_Hauptdreiecksnetz\"," +
                         "SPHEROID[\"Bessel 1841\", 6377397.155, 299.1528128, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\", \"7004\"]]," +
                         "TOWGS84[612.4, 77, 440.2, -0.054, 0.057, -2.797, 0.525975255930096]," +
                         "AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\", \"6314\"]]," +
                         "PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\", 0, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\", \"8901\"]]," +
                         "UNIT[\"degree\", 0.0174532925199433, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\", \"9122\"]]," +
                         "AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\", \"4314\"]]," +
                         "UNIT[\"metre\", 1, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\", \"9001\"]]," +
                         "PROJECTION[\"Transverse_Mercator\"]," +
                         "PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\", 0]," +
                         "PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\", 9]," +
                         "PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\", 1]," +
                         "PARAMETER[\"false_easting\", 3500000]," +
                         "PARAMETER[\"false_northing\", 0]," +
                         "AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\", \"31467\"]]" +

                fcs = fac.CreateFromWkt(wkt) as IFittedCoordinateSystem;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Could not create fitted coordinate system from:\r\n" + wkt + "\r\n" + ex.Message);


            Assert.AreEqual("Local coordinate system MNAU (based on Gauss-Krueger)", fcs.Name);
            //Assert.AreEqual ("CUSTOM", fcs.Authority);
            //Assert.AreEqual (123456, fcs.AuthorityCode);

            Assert.AreEqual("EPSG", fcs.BaseCoordinateSystem.Authority);
            Assert.AreEqual(31467, fcs.BaseCoordinateSystem.AuthorityCode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the values of this instance is equal to the values of another instance.
        /// Only parameters used for coordinate system are used for comparison.
        /// Name, abbreviation, authority, alias and remarks are ignored in the comparison.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <returns>True if equal</returns>
        public override bool EqualParams(object obj)
            IFittedCoordinateSystem fcs = obj as IFittedCoordinateSystem;

            if (fcs != null)
                if (fcs.BaseCoordinateSystem.EqualParams(this.BaseCoordinateSystem))
                    string fcsToBase  = fcs.ToBase();
                    string thisToBase = this.ToBase();
                    if (string.Equals(fcsToBase, thisToBase))
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates transformation from source coordinate system to specified target system which is the fitted one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ICoordinateTransformation Any2Fitt(ICoordinateSystem source, IFittedCoordinateSystem target)
            //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system - use invered math transform
            IMathTransform invMt = CreateFittedTransform(target).Inverse();

            //case when source system is equal to base system of the fitted
            if (target.BaseCoordinateSystem.EqualParams(source))
                //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system
                return(CreateTransform(source, target, TransformType.Transformation, invMt));

            ConcatenatedTransform ct = new ConcatenatedTransform();
            //First transform from source to base system of fitted
            CoordinateTransformationFactory ctFac = new CoordinateTransformationFactory();

            ct.CoordinateTransformationList.Add(ctFac.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(source, target.BaseCoordinateSystem));

            //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system - use invered math transform
            ct.CoordinateTransformationList.Add(CreateTransform(target.BaseCoordinateSystem, target, TransformType.Transformation, invMt));

            return(CreateTransform(source, target, TransformType.Transformation, ct));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates transformation from fitted coordinate system to the target one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ICoordinateTransformation Fitt2Any(IFittedCoordinateSystem source, ICoordinateSystem target)
            //transform from fitted to base system of fitted (which is equal to target)
            IMathTransform mt = CreateFittedTransform(source);

            //case when target system is equal to base system of the fitted
            if (source.BaseCoordinateSystem.EqualParams(target))
                //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system
                return(CreateTransform(source, target, TransformType.Transformation, mt));

            //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system
            ConcatenatedTransform ct = new ConcatenatedTransform();

            ct.CoordinateTransformationList.Add(CreateTransform(source, source.BaseCoordinateSystem, TransformType.Transformation, mt));

            //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system
            CoordinateTransformationFactory ctFac = new CoordinateTransformationFactory();

            ct.CoordinateTransformationList.Add(ctFac.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(source.BaseCoordinateSystem, target));

            return(CreateTransform(source, target, TransformType.Transformation, ct));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static void WriteFittedCoordinateSystem(IFittedCoordinateSystem fiitedCoordinateSystem, IndentedTextWriter writer)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static void WriteFittedCoordinateSystem(IFittedCoordinateSystem fiitedCoordinateSystem, IndentedTextWriter writer)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        private static IMathTransform CreateFittedTransform (IFittedCoordinateSystem fittedSystem)
            //create transform From fitted to base and inverts it
            if (fittedSystem is FittedCoordinateSystem)
                return ((FittedCoordinateSystem)fittedSystem).ToBaseTransform;

            //MathTransformFactory mtFac = new MathTransformFactory ();
            ////create transform From fitted to base and inverts it
            //return mtFac.CreateFromWKT (fittedSystem.ToBase ());

            throw new NotImplementedException ();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates transformation from source coordinate system to specified target system which is the fitted one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ICoordinateTransformation Any2Fitt (ICoordinateSystem source, IFittedCoordinateSystem target)
            //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system - use invered math transform
            IMathTransform invMt = CreateFittedTransform (target).Inverse ();

            //case when source system is equal to base system of the fitted
            if (target.BaseCoordinateSystem.EqualParams (source))
                //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system
                return CreateTransform (source, target, TransformType.Transformation, invMt);

            ConcatenatedTransform ct = new ConcatenatedTransform ();
            //First transform from source to base system of fitted
            CoordinateTransformationFactory ctFac = new CoordinateTransformationFactory ();
            ct.CoordinateTransformationList.Add (ctFac.CreateFromCoordinateSystems (source, target.BaseCoordinateSystem));

            //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system - use invered math transform
            ct.CoordinateTransformationList.Add (CreateTransform (target.BaseCoordinateSystem, target, TransformType.Transformation, invMt));

            return CreateTransform (source, target, TransformType.Transformation, ct);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates transformation from fitted coordinate system to the target one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ICoordinateTransformation Fitt2Any (IFittedCoordinateSystem source, ICoordinateSystem target)
            //transform from fitted to base system of fitted (which is equal to target)
            IMathTransform mt = CreateFittedTransform (source);

            //case when target system is equal to base system of the fitted
            if (source.BaseCoordinateSystem.EqualParams (target))
                //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system
                return CreateTransform (source, target, TransformType.Transformation, mt);

            //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system
            ConcatenatedTransform ct = new ConcatenatedTransform ();
            ct.CoordinateTransformationList.Add (CreateTransform (source, source.BaseCoordinateSystem, TransformType.Transformation, mt));

            //Transform form base system of fitted to target coordinate system
            CoordinateTransformationFactory ctFac = new CoordinateTransformationFactory ();
            ct.CoordinateTransformationList.Add (ctFac.CreateFromCoordinateSystems (source.BaseCoordinateSystem, target));

            return CreateTransform (source, target, TransformType.Transformation, ct);