Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Execute()
            var dir = App.BaseMigrationsDirectory + @"\" + _args.Name;

            if (_ds.Exists(dir))
                throw new GatorException("Warning -- A migration with that name already exists - exiting");


            var cfg = new MigrationConfig {
                created = DateTime.Now, versionNumber = "0.0.0"

            _fs.CreateWithContent(dir + "/version.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cfg));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Execute()
            if (_fs.Exists(App.DbJsonCfgFile))
                throw new GatorException("Warning -- Application already exists at this location");

            var cfg = new DbConfig {
                type = "unspecified", connectionString = "", currentVersion = "0.0.0", lastMigration = "none"

            _fs.CreateWithContent(App.DbJsonCfgFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cfg, Formatting.Indented, new IsoDateTimeConverter()));


            Console.WriteLine("Database config file and versions directory created.");