Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected override IEvolvable crossover(IEvolvable other)
     if (other is SelectMutateCrossoverPopulation)
         SelectMutateCrossoverPopulation mate = (SelectMutateCrossoverPopulation)other;
         return(new SelectMutateCrossoverPopulation(
                    Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.MutationRate, mate.MutationRate),
                    Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.EliteClonePercentage, mate.EliteClonePercentage),
                    Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.SelectedPercentage, mate.SelectedPercentage),
                    Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.NewPopulationSize, mate.NewPopulationSize),
                    (int)Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.Resources, mate.Resources),
                    (int)Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.Feedings, mate.Feedings),
                    Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.EnoughFeedingsForBreeding, mate.EnoughFeedingsForBreeding),
                    random.NextDouble() < 0.5 ? this.Creator : mate.Creator,
                    0, 0, 0,
                    this.Fitness > mate.Fitness ? this.FitnessHistory.Select(a => a).ToList() : mate.FitnessHistory.Select(a => a).ToList(),
                    this.individuals.Union(mate.individuals).OrderByDescending(a => a.Fitness).Take((int)Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.PopulationSize, mate.PopulationSize)).ToList(),
                    this.BestOfAllTime.Fitness > mate.BestOfAllTime.Fitness ? this.BestOfAllTime : mate.BestOfAllTime,
                    0, 0, Mutations + mate.Mutations, Crossovers + mate.Crossovers, FitnessEvaluations + mate.FitnessEvaluations, 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode and write a binary representation of the given
        /// <b>IMessage</b> to the given <see cref="DataWriter"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Using the passed <see cref="IChannel"/>, the Codec has access to
        /// both the <see cref="IMessageFactory"/> for the <b>IChannel</b>
        /// and the underlying <see cref="IConnection"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="channel">
        /// The <b>IChannel</b> object through which the binary-encoded
        /// <b>IMessage</b> was passed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="message">
        /// The <b>IMessage</b> to encode.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="writer">
        /// The <b>DataWriter</b> to write the binary representation of the
        /// <b>IMessage</b> to.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        /// If an error occurs encoding or writing the <b>IMessage</b>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <seealso cref="ICodec.Encode"/>
        public virtual void Encode(IChannel channel, IMessage message, DataWriter writer)
            Debug.Assert(channel is IPofContext);
            Debug.Assert(message is IPortableObject);

            IPofContext     context   = (IPofContext)channel;
            PofStreamWriter pofwriter = new PofStreamWriter.UserTypeWriter(writer, context, message.TypeId, 0);

            ISerializer serializer = channel.Serializer;

            if (serializer is ConfigurablePofContext)
                ConfigurablePofContext pofCtx = (ConfigurablePofContext)serializer;
                if (pofCtx.IsReferenceEnabled)

            // set the version identifier
            bool       isEvolvable = message is IEvolvable;
            IEvolvable evolvable   = null;

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable           = (IEvolvable)message;
                pofwriter.VersionId = Math.Max(evolvable.DataVersion, evolvable.ImplVersion);

            // write the Message properties

            // write the future properties
            pofwriter.WriteRemainder(isEvolvable ? evolvable.FutureData : null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize a user type instance to a POF stream by writing its
        /// state using the specified <see cref="IPofWriter"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// An implementation of <b>IPofSerializer</b> is required to follow
        /// the following steps in sequence for writing out an object of a
        /// user type:
        /// <list type="number">
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// If the object is evolvable, the implementation must set the
        /// version by calling <see cref="IPofWriter.VersionId"/>.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// The implementation may write any combination of the properties of
        /// the user type by using the "write" methods of the
        /// <b>IPofWriter</b>, but it must do so in the order of the property
        /// indexes.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// After all desired properties of the user type have been written,
        /// the implementation must terminate the writing of the user type by
        /// calling <see cref="IPofWriter.WriteRemainder"/>.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="writer">
        /// The <b>IPofWriter</b> with which to write the object's state.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="o">
        /// The object to serialize.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        /// If an I/O error occurs.
        /// </exception>
        public virtual void Serialize(IPofWriter writer, object o)
            // set the version identifier
            bool       isEvolvable = o is IEvolvable;
            IEvolvable evolvable   = null;

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable        = (IEvolvable)o;
                writer.VersionId =
                    Math.Max(evolvable.DataVersion, evolvable.ImplVersion);

            // POF Annotation processing
            for (IEnumerator enmr = m_tmd.GetAttributes(); enmr.MoveNext();)
                IAttributeMetadata <object> attr = (IAttributeMetadata <object>)enmr.Current;
                attr.Codec.Encode(writer, attr.Index, attr.Get(o));

            // write out any future properties
            Binary remainder = null;

            if (isEvolvable)
                remainder = evolvable.FutureData;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize a user type instance from a POF stream by reading its
        /// state using the specified <see cref="IPofReader"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// An implementation of <b>IPofSerializer</b> is required to follow
        /// the following steps in sequence for reading in an object of a
        /// user type:
        /// <list type="number">
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// If the object is evolvable, the implementation must get the
        /// version by calling <see cref="IPofWriter.VersionId"/>.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// The implementation may read any combination of the
        /// properties of the user type by using "read" methods of the
        /// <b>IPofReader</b>, but it must do so in the order of the property
        /// indexes.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// After all desired properties of the user type have been read,
        /// the implementation must terminate the reading of the user type by
        /// calling <see cref="IPofReader.ReadRemainder"/>.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="reader">
        /// The <b>IPofReader</b> with which to read the object's state.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The deserialized user type instance.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        /// If an I/O error occurs.
        /// </exception>
        public virtual object Deserialize(IPofReader reader)
            ITypeMetadata <object> tmd = m_tmd;
            object value = tmd.NewInstance();

            // set the version identifier
            bool       isEvolvable = value is IEvolvable;
            IEvolvable evolvable   = null;

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable             = (IEvolvable)value;
                evolvable.DataVersion = reader.VersionId;

            // POF Annotation processing
            for (IEnumerator enmr = tmd.GetAttributes(); enmr.MoveNext();)
                IAttributeMetadata <object> attr = (IAttributeMetadata <object>)enmr.Current;
                attr.Set(value, attr.Codec.Decode(reader, attr.Index));

            // read any future properties
            Binary remainder = reader.ReadRemainder();

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable.FutureData = remainder;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public IEvolvable Crossover(IEvolvable other)
            StencilSpeciesArr mate = (StencilSpeciesArr)other;

            if (this.Equals(mate))
                var result = this.Clone();
                int[] cPerProcessor = (int[])cellsPerProcessor.Clone();
                int   freeCells     = this.Field.Length;

                // initialize field with -1 or cells that are equal in both mates
                Arr <int> field = new Arr <int>(this.Field.SizeX, this.Field.SizeY);
                freeCells -= fillWithEqualGenesOrMinusOne(field, this.Field, mate.Field, cPerProcessor);

                while (freeCells > 0)
                    int position  = field.FreePosition(random.Next(0, freeCells), -1);
                    int processor = suitableValue(random, freeCells, this.Field, mate.Field, position, cPerProcessor);

                    field[position] = processor;

                StencilSpeciesArr result = new StencilSpeciesArr(this, field);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a binary-encoded <b>IMessage</b> from the passed
        /// <see cref="DataReader"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Using the passed <see cref="IChannel"/>, the Codec has access to
        /// both the <see cref="IMessageFactory"/> for the <b>IChannel</b>
        /// and the underlying <see cref="IConnection"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="channel">
        /// The <b>IChannel</b> object through which the binary-encoded
        /// <b>IMessage</b> was passed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="reader">
        /// The <b>DataReader</b> containing the binary-encoded
        /// <b>IMessage</b>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <b>IMessage</b> object encoded in the given
        /// <b>DataReader</b>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        /// If an error occurs reading or decoding the <b>IMessage</b>.
        /// </exception>
        public virtual IMessage Decode(IChannel channel, DataReader reader)
            Debug.Assert(channel is IPofContext);

            IPofContext context   = (IPofContext)channel;
            int         typeId    = reader.ReadPackedInt32();
            int         versionId = reader.ReadPackedInt32();
            IPofReader  pofreader = new PofStreamReader.UserTypeReader(reader, context, typeId, versionId);
            IMessage    message   = channel.MessageFactory.CreateMessage(typeId);

            Debug.Assert(message is IPortableObject);

            // set the version identifier
            bool       isEvolvable = message is IEvolvable;
            IEvolvable evolvable   = null;

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable             = (IEvolvable)message;
                evolvable.DataVersion = versionId;

            // read the Message properties

            // read the future properties
            Binary binFuture = pofreader.ReadRemainder();

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable.FutureData = binFuture;

Ejemplo n.º 7
 private void set(IEvolvable[] population, int index, IEvolvable value)
     while (contains(population, index, value))
     population[index] = value;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public IEvolvable Crossover(IEvolvable mate)
     if (ParentPopulation != null)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public IEvolvable Crossover(IEvolvable other)
            TestEvolvable result = new TestEvolvable(random, chromosomes.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < chromosomes.Length; i++)
                result.chromosomes[i] = random.NextDouble() < 0.5 ? this.chromosomes[i] : (other as TestEvolvable).chromosomes[i];
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public double DifferenceTo(IEvolvable other)
            double result = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < chromosomes.Length; i++)
                result += Math.Abs(this.chromosomes[i] - (other as TestEvolvable).chromosomes[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize a user type instance from a POF stream by reading its
        /// state using the specified <see cref="IPofReader"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// An implementation of <b>IPofSerializer</b> is required to follow
        /// the following steps in sequence for reading in an object of a
        /// user type:
        /// <list type="number">
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// If the object is evolvable, the implementation must get the
        /// version by calling <see cref="IPofReader.VersionId"/>.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// The implementation may read any combination of the
        /// properties of the user type by using "read" methods of the
        /// <b>IPofReader</b>, but it must do so in the order of the property
        /// indexes. Additionally, the implementation must call
        /// {@link IPofReader#RegisterIdentity} with the new instance prior
        /// to reading any properties which are user type instances
        /// themselves.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// After all desired properties of the user type have been read,
        /// the implementation must terminate the reading of the user type by
        /// calling <see cref="IPofReader.ReadRemainder"/>.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pofReader">
        /// The <b>IPofReader</b> with which to read the object's state.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The deserialized user type instance.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        /// If an I/O error occurs.
        /// </exception>
        public Object Deserialize(IPofReader pofReader)
                IPortableObject po = (IPortableObject)
                                     Activator.CreateInstance(GetTypeForTypeId(pofReader.PofContext, m_nTypeId));

                CacheFactory.Log("Deserializing " + po.GetType(), CacheFactory.LogLevel.Max);

                bool             fEvolvable = po is IEvolvableObject;
                IEvolvableObject et         = fEvolvable ? (IEvolvableObject)po : null;

                int typeId = ((PofStreamReader.UserTypeReader)pofReader).NextPropertyIndex;
                while (typeId > 0)
                    IEvolvable e      = null;
                    IPofReader reader = pofReader.CreateNestedPofReader(typeId);

                    if (fEvolvable)
                        e             = et.GetEvolvable(typeId);
                        e.DataVersion = reader.VersionId;


                    Binary binRemainder = reader.ReadRemainder();
                    if (fEvolvable)
                        e.FutureData = binRemainder;
                    typeId = ((PofStreamReader.UserTypeReader)pofReader).NextPropertyIndex;

            catch (Exception e)
                String sClass = null;
                    sClass = pofReader.PofContext.GetTypeName(m_nTypeId);
                catch (Exception)

                throw new IOException(
                          "An exception occurred instantiating a IPortableObject"
                          + " user type from a POF stream: type-id=" + m_nTypeId
                          + (sClass == null ? "" : ", class-name=" + sClass)
                          + ", exception=\n" + e, e);
        public IEvolvable FindMate(IEvolvable evolvable)
            // return IndividualsSortedByFitness.Take(10).MaxElement(a => evolvable.DifferenceTo(a));

            // sort by difference and then take the best out of the top 10! :D
            return(Individuals.OrderByDescending(a => evolvable.DifferenceTo(a)).Take(10).OrderByDescending(a => a.Fitness).First());

            //return IndividualsSortedByFitness.Take(3).MaxElement(a => evolvable.DifferenceTo(a));
            //return Best;
            //return IndividualsSortedByFitness.MaxElement(a => evolvable.DifferenceTo(a));
 private bool contains(List <IEvolvable> list, IEvolvable value)
     for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
         if (list[i].Equals(value))
Ejemplo n.º 14
        protected virtual IEvolvable crossover(IEvolvable other)
            EvolvablePopulation mate  = (EvolvablePopulation)other;
            EvolvablePopulation child = (EvolvablePopulation)(this.Fitness > mate.Fitness ? this.Clone() : other.Clone());

            foreach (IEvolvable individual in mate.individuals)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override IEvolvable Create()
            IEvolvable result = base.Create();

            if ((result as Evolver).Evolvable is EvolvablePopulation)
                ((result as Evolver).Evolvable as EvolvablePopulation).ParentPopulation = this;

Ejemplo n.º 16
 private bool contains(IEvolvable[] population, int index, IEvolvable value)
     for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
         if (population[i].Equals(value))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public virtual IEvolvable GetEvolvable(int nTypeId)
     if (m_evolvable == null)
         m_evolvable = new SimpleEvolvable(1);
     if (3 == nTypeId)
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize a user type instance to a POF stream by writing its
        /// state using the specified <see cref="IPofWriter"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// An implementation of <b>IPofSerializer</b> is required to follow
        /// the following steps in sequence for writing out an object of a
        /// user type:
        /// <list type="number">
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// If the object is evolvable, the implementation must set the
        /// version by calling <see cref="IPofWriter.VersionId"/>.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// The implementation may write any combination of the properties of
        /// the user type by using the "write" methods of the
        /// <b>IPofWriter</b>, but it must do so in the order of the property
        /// indexes.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// After all desired properties of the user type have been written,
        /// the implementation must terminate the writing of the user type by
        /// calling <see cref="IPofWriter.WriteRemainder"/>.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="writer">
        /// The <see cref="IPofWriter"/> with which to write the object's
        /// state.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="o">
        /// The object to serialize.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        /// If an I/O error occurs.
        /// </exception>
        public virtual void Serialize(IPofWriter writer, object o)
            IPortableObject portable;

                portable = (IPortableObject)o;
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                string typeName = null;
                    typeName = writer.PofContext.GetTypeName(m_typeId);
                catch (Exception)

                string actual = o.GetType().FullName;

                throw new IOException(
                          "An exception occurred writing an IPortableObject"
                          + " user type to a POF stream: type-id=" + m_typeId
                          + (typeName == null ? "" : ", class-name=" + typeName)
                          + (actual == null ? "" : ", actual class-name=" + actual)
                          + ", exception=\n" + e);

            // set the version identifier
            bool       isEvolvable = portable is IEvolvable;
            IEvolvable evolvable   = null;

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable        = (IEvolvable)portable;
                writer.VersionId =
                    Math.Max(evolvable.DataVersion, evolvable.ImplVersion);

            // write out the object's properties

            // write out any future properties
            Binary remainder = null;

            if (isEvolvable)
                remainder = evolvable.FutureData;
        protected virtual IPresentable AsDetailPresentable(string title, IEvolvable evolvable)
            if (evolvable is IPopulation)
                new Presentable("Population", new Label()
                    Content = evolvable.ToString()

            if (evolvable is IPresentable)
                return(new Presentable(title, (evolvable as IPresentable).PresentableControl));

            return(new Presentable(title, new Label()
                Content = evolvable.ToString()
Ejemplo n.º 20
        protected static void orderedIndividualsTest(IPopulation population)
            IEvolvable latest = population.Best;

            foreach (IEvolvable next in population.IndividualsSortedByFitness)
                AssertEx.IsLessThanOrEqualTo(next.Fitness, latest.Fitness);
                latest = next;

            foreach (IEvolvable evolvable in population.Individuals)

            foreach (var individual in population.Individuals)
                if (individual is IPopulation)
                    orderedIndividualsTest(individual as IPopulation);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the specified (newly instantiated) PortableObject instance
        /// using the specified reader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="portable">The object to initialize.</param>
        /// <param name="reader">
        /// The PofReader with which to read the object's state.
        /// </param>
        public void Initialize(IPortableObject portable, IPofReader reader)
            // set the version identifier
            bool       isEvolvable = portable is IEvolvable;
            IEvolvable evolvable   = null;

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable             = (IEvolvable)portable;
                evolvable.DataVersion = reader.VersionId;

            // read the object's properties

            // read any future properties
            Binary remainder = reader.ReadRemainder();

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable.FutureData = remainder;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void Feed(double resources)
            FoodConsumedInLifetime += resources;
            FoodForMutation        += resources;
            FoodForReproduction    += resources;

            if (FoodForMutation >= FoodNeededForMutation)
                (population as IndividualMutateAndCrossoverPopulation).AddChild(this.clone());
                FoodForMutation -= FoodNeededForMutation;

                FoodNeededForMutation     = mutate(random, FoodNeededForMutation, 1, 100, 10);
                FoodNeededForReproduction = mutate(random, FoodNeededForReproduction, 1, 100, 10);

            if (FoodForReproduction >= FoodNeededForReproduction)
                IEvolvable mate  = (population as IndividualMutateAndCrossoverPopulation).FindMate(this);
                IEvolvable child = this.Crossover(mate);
                (population as IndividualMutateAndCrossoverPopulation).AddChild(child);
                FoodForReproduction -= FoodNeededForReproduction;
 protected override IEvolvable crossover(IEvolvable other)
     if (other is IndividualMutateAndCrossoverPopulation)
         IndividualMutateAndCrossoverPopulation mate = (IndividualMutateAndCrossoverPopulation)other;
         return(new IndividualMutateAndCrossoverPopulation(
                    Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.MaxSize, mate.MaxSize),
                    new List <IEvolvable>(),
                    (int)Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.FoodForPopulation, mate.FoodForPopulation),
                    random.NextDouble() < 0.5 ? this.Creator : mate.Creator,
                    0, 0, 0,
                    this.Fitness > mate.Fitness ? this.FitnessHistory.Select(a => a).ToList() : mate.FitnessHistory.Select(a => a).ToList(),
                    this.individuals.Union(mate.individuals).OrderByDescending(a => a.Fitness).Take((int)Evolution.RandomInterpolation(random, this.PopulationSize, mate.PopulationSize)).ToList(),
                    this.BestOfAllTime.Fitness > mate.BestOfAllTime.Fitness ? this.BestOfAllTime : mate.BestOfAllTime,
                    0, 0, Mutations + mate.Mutations, Crossovers + mate.Crossovers, FitnessEvaluations + mate.FitnessEvaluations, 0
Ejemplo n.º 24
 protected override double differenceTo(IEvolvable other)
     return(other is Evolver?Evolvable.DifferenceTo((other as Evolver).Evolvable) : Evolvable.DifferenceTo(other));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 protected override IEvolvable crossover(IEvolvable mate)
     return(new Evolver(population, mate is Evolver ? Evolvable.Crossover((mate as Evolver).Evolvable) : Evolvable.Crossover(mate)));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public Evolver(IPopulation population, IEvolvable evolvable) : base(population)
     Evolvable = evolvable;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected Population(ICreator creator, Random random, List <IEvolvable> individuals, IEvolvable bestOfAllTime, int populationSize, long generations, long mutations, long crossovers, long fitnessEvaluations, double foodConsumedInLifetime) : base(foodConsumedInLifetime)
     construct(creator, random, individuals, bestOfAllTime, populationSize, generations, mutations, crossovers, fitnessEvaluations);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 protected SelectMutateCrossoverPopulation(IPopulation population, double mutationRate, double eliteClonePercentage, double selectedPercentage, double newPopulationSize, int breedingsSoFar, double resources, int feedings, double enoughFeedingsForBreeding, Random random, ICreator creator, int evolvableMutations, int evolvableCrossovers, int evolvableFitnessEvaluations, List <double> fitnessHistory, List <IEvolvable> individuals, IEvolvable bestOfAllTime, int populationSize, long generations, long mutations, long crossovers, long fitnessEvaluations, double foodConsumedInLifetime) : base(population, random, creator, evolvableMutations, evolvableCrossovers, evolvableFitnessEvaluations, fitnessHistory, individuals, bestOfAllTime, populationSize, generations, mutations, crossovers, fitnessEvaluations, foodConsumedInLifetime)
     construct(mutationRate, eliteClonePercentage, selectedPercentage, newPopulationSize, breedingsSoFar, resources, feedings, enoughFeedingsForBreeding);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public override double DifferenceTo(IEvolvable other)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 30
        protected virtual void breed()
            IEvolvable[] newPopulation      = new IEvolvable[(int)NewPopulationSize];
            int          newPopulationIndex = 0;


            var orderedPopulation = individuals.OrderByDescending(a => a.Fitness).ToArray();

            // clone the elite
            for (; newPopulationIndex < (int)Math.Min(PopulationSize, NewPopulationSize * EliteClonePercentage); newPopulationIndex++)
                newPopulation[newPopulationIndex] = orderedPopulation[newPopulationIndex].Clone();

            // mutate some
            for (int i = 0; i < PopulationSize; i++)
                if (random.NextDouble() <= MutationRate)

            orderedPopulation = individuals.OrderByDescending(a => a.Fitness).ToArray();

            // select the best
            for (int oldPopulationIndex = 0; newPopulationIndex < (int)Math.Min(PopulationSize, NewPopulationSize * SelectedPercentage); newPopulationIndex++, oldPopulationIndex++)
                set(newPopulation, newPopulationIndex, orderedPopulation[oldPopulationIndex]);

            if (newPopulationIndex <= 1)
                for (; newPopulationIndex < (int)NewPopulationSize; newPopulationIndex++)
                    set(newPopulation, newPopulationIndex, orderedPopulation[0].Clone());
                int parents = newPopulationIndex;
                // crossover to repopulate
                for (; newPopulationIndex < (int)NewPopulationSize; newPopulationIndex++)
                    int parentIndex1 = random.Next(0, parents);
                    int parentIndex2 = random.Next(0, parents - 1);
                    if (parentIndex1 <= parentIndex2)
                    set(newPopulation, newPopulationIndex, newPopulation[parentIndex1].Crossover(newPopulation[parentIndex2]));

            this.individuals = newPopulation.OrderByDescending(a => a.Fitness).ToList();

