/// <summary>
        /// Records a value to the values array of this sample given the zero-based index of the value definition to be used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>The value must be defined as part of the event metric definition associated with this sample
        /// or an exception will be thrown.  The data type must also be compatible with the data type configured
        /// on the event metric definition or no data will be recorded.
        /// If called more than once for the same value, the prior value will be replaced.</remarks>
        /// <param name="valueIndex">The zero-based index within the value definition of the value to be recorded.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value to be recorded.</param>
        public void SetValue(int valueIndex, object value)
            IEventMetricValueDefinitionCollection valueDefinitions = Metric.Definition.Values;

            //we don't have to check that the value index isn't null, but it does have to be in range
            if ((valueIndex < 0) || (valueIndex > (valueDefinitions.Count - 1)))
                //if we're compiled in debug mode, tell the user they blew it.
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(valueIndex), valueIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
                //log and return, nothing we can do.
                if (!Log.SilentMode)
                    Log.Write(LogMessageSeverity.Warning, LogCategory, "Unable to add metric value to the current sample due to missing value definition",
                              "There is no value definition at index {1} for metric definition {0}",
                              Metric.Definition.Name, valueIndex);

            //look up the value in the definition so we can process it
            IEventMetricValueDefinition curValueDefinition = valueDefinitions[valueIndex];

            //and now we can use our one true method to add the value
            SetValue((EventMetricValueDefinition)curValueDefinition, value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Register this instance as a completed definition and return the valid usable definition for this event metric.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This call is necessary to complete a new event metric definition (created by calls to AddValue) before
        /// it can be used, and it signifies that all desired value columns have been added to the definition.  Only the
        /// first registration of a metric definition with a given Key (metrics system, category name, and counter name)
        /// will be effective and return the same definition object; subsequent calls (perhaps by another thread) will
        /// instead return the existing definition already registered.  If a definition already registered with that Key
        /// can not be an event metric (e.g. a sampled metric is defined with that Key) or if this instance defined value
        /// columns not present as compatible value columns in the existing registered definition with that Key, then an
        /// ArgumentException will be thrown to signal your programming mistake.</remarks>
        /// <returns>The actual usable definition with the same metrics system, category name, and counter name as this instance.</returns>
        public EventMetricDefinition Register()
            EventMetricDefinition      officialDefinition;
            MetricDefinitionCollection definitionCollection = (MetricDefinitionCollection)Definitions;

            // We need to lock the collection while we check for an existing definition and maybe add this one to it.
            lock (definitionCollection.Lock)
                IMetricDefinition rawDefinition;
                if (definitionCollection.TryGetValue(MetricTypeName, CategoryName, CounterName, out rawDefinition) == false)
                    // There isn't already one by that Key.  Great!  Register ourselves.
                    SetReadOnly(); // Mark this definition as completed.
                    officialDefinition = this;
                    // Oooh, we found one already registered.  We'll want to do some checking on this, but outside the lock.
                    officialDefinition = rawDefinition as EventMetricDefinition;
            } // End of collection lock

            if (officialDefinition == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                              "There is already a metric definition for the same metrics system ({0}), category name ({1}), and counter name ({2}), but it is not an event metric.",
                              MetricTypeName, CategoryName, CounterName));
            else if (this != officialDefinition)
                // There was one other than us, make sure it's compatible with us.
                IEventMetricValueDefinitionCollection officialValues = officialDefinition.Values;
                foreach (EventMetricValueDefinition ourValue in Values)
                    IEventMetricValueDefinition officialValue;
                    if (officialValues.TryGetValue(ourValue.Name, out officialValue) == false)
                        // It doesn't have one of our value columns!
                        throw new ArgumentException(
                                      "There is already an event metric definition for the same metrics system ({0}), category name ({1}), and counter name ({2}), but it is not compatible; it does not define value column \"{3}\".",
                                      MetricTypeName, CategoryName, CounterName, ourValue.Name));
                    else if (ourValue.SerializedType != ((EventMetricValueDefinition)officialValue).SerializedType)
                        throw new ArgumentException(
                                      "There is already an event metric definition for the same metrics system ({0}), category name ({1}), and counter name ({2}), but it is not compatible; " +
                                      "it defines value column \"{3}\" with type {4} rather than type {5}.",
                                      MetricTypeName, CategoryName, CounterName, ourValue.Name, officialValue.Type.Name, ourValue.Type.Name));

                // We got through all the values defined in this instance?  Then we're okay to return the official one.
            // Otherwise, it's just us, so we're all good.
