Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IList <string> GetModuleNames()
            var ussp = GetUserSearchPathPackagesAsync(CancellationToken.None).WaitAndUnwrapExceptions();
            var ssp  = _factory.GetImportableModulesAsync(CancellationToken.None).WaitAndUnwrapExceptions();
            var bmn  = _builtinModuleNames;

            if (bmn == null && _builtinModule != null)
                var builtinModules = (_builtinModule as IBuiltinPythonModule)?.GetAnyMember("__builtin_module_names__");
                bmn = _builtinModuleNames = (builtinModules as AstPythonStringLiteral)?.Value?.Split(',') ?? Array.Empty <string>();

            IEnumerable <string> names = null;

            if (ussp != null)
                names = ussp.Keys;
            if (ssp != null)
                names = names?.Union(ssp.Keys) ?? ssp.Keys;
            if (bmn != null)
                names = names?.Union(bmn) ?? bmn;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async static Task SendMailAsync(string from, IEnumerable<string> mailto, string subject, string message, string attachFile = null)
            using (var mail = new MailMessage {From = new MailAddress(from)})
            using (var client = new SmtpClient { DeliveryFormat = SmtpDeliveryFormat.International })
                client.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("smtp.host") ?? client.Host;
                client.Port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("smtp.port") ?? client.Port.ToString());
                client.Timeout = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("smtp.timeout") ?? client.Timeout.ToString());

                var enableSsl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("smtp.enableSSL");
                if (enableSsl.IsNotEmpty())
                    client.EnableSsl = enableSsl.ToLower() == "true" || enableSsl == "1";
                var smtpUser = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("smtp.userName");
                var smtpPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("smtp.password");
                if (smtpUser != null && smtpPassword != null)
                    client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(smtpUser, smtpPassword);

                foreach (var email in mailto.Union(new[] { ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("smtp.administrator") }).Where(x => x.IsNotEmpty()))
                    if (mail.To.Count == 0)
                        mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(email));
                    mail.Bcc.Add(new MailAddress(email));
                mail.Subject = subject;
                mail.Body = message;
                mail.SubjectEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                mail.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachFile))
                    mail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(attachFile));
                await client.SendMailAsync(mail);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public bool HasRefactoring()
            refactorings = Enumerable.Empty<IManualRefactoring>();

            SyntaxTree treeBefore = SyntaxTree.ParseCompilationUnit(before);
            SyntaxTree treeAfter = SyntaxTree.ParseCompilationUnit(after);

            // Get the classes in the code before and after.
            var classesBefore = treeBefore.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().Where(n => n.Kind == SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration);
            var classesAfter = treeAfter.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().Where(n => n.Kind == SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration);

            // Get the pairs of class declaration in the code before and after
            var paris = GetClassDeclarationPairs(classesBefore, classesAfter);
            foreach (var pair in paris)
                var detector = new InClassExtractMethodDetector((ClassDeclarationSyntax)pair.Key, (ClassDeclarationSyntax)pair.Value);
                    refactorings = refactorings.Union(detector.GetRefactorings());
                    return true;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	public override void CompileDynamicLibrary(string outputFile, IEnumerable<string> sources, IEnumerable<string> includePaths, IEnumerable<string> libraries, IEnumerable<string> libraryPaths)
		string[] array = sources.ToArray<string>();
		string text = NativeCompiler.Aggregate(array.Select(new Func<string, string>(base.ObjectFileFor)), " ", " " + Environment.NewLine);
		string includePathsString = NativeCompiler.Aggregate(includePaths.Union(this.m_IncludePaths), "/I \"", "\" ");
		string text2 = NativeCompiler.Aggregate(libraries.Union(this.m_Libraries), " ", " ");
		string text3 = NativeCompiler.Aggregate(libraryPaths.Union(this.m_Settings.LibPaths), "/LIBPATH:\"", "\" ");
		NativeCompiler.ParallelFor<string>(array, delegate(string file)
			this.Compile(file, includePathsString);
		string contents = string.Format(" {0} {1} {2} /DEBUG /INCREMENTAL:NO /MACHINE:{4} /DLL /out:\"{3}\" /DEF:\"{5}\" ", new object[]
		string tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
		File.WriteAllText(tempFileName, contents);
		base.Execute(string.Format("@{0}", tempFileName), "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\bin\\link.exe");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override IEnumerable<ContentItem> AppendChildren(IEnumerable<ContentItem> previousChildren, Query query)
            if(query.Interface != Interfaces.Managing)
                return previousChildren;

            return previousChildren.Union(nodes.GetChildren(query.Parent.Path));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static int TryToComposeLine(IEnumerable<int>[] numbersArray, int level,
                                            IEnumerable<int> restrictedArrays, IEnumerable<int> restrictedNumbers, int mustStartWith)
            if (level == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < numbersArray.Length; ++i )
                    foreach (var number in numbersArray[i])
                        var result = TryToComposeLine(numbersArray, 1, new[] { i }, new[] { number }, number % 100);
                        if (result > 0)
                            return result;

            for (int i = 0; i < numbersArray.Length; ++i)
                if (restrictedArrays.Contains(i))

                foreach (var number in numbersArray[i])
                    if (restrictedNumbers.Contains(number) || number / 100 != mustStartWith)

                    var result = TryToComposeLine(numbersArray, level + 1, restrictedArrays.Union(new[] {i}),
                                                  restrictedNumbers.Union(new[] {number}),
                                                  number % 100);
                    if (result > 0)
                        return result;

            int count = 0;
            int[] ar = restrictedArrays.ToArray();
            foreach (var restrictedNumber in restrictedNumbers)
                Console.Write(ar[count] + ":" + restrictedNumber + "=>");

            if (level > 5)
                // Check.
                var a = restrictedNumbers.ToArray();
                if (a[0] / 100 != a[5] % 100)
                    Console.WriteLine("EPIC FAIL");
                    return -1;

                return restrictedNumbers.Sum();


            return -1;
 public AggregateValidationResult(IEnumerable<ValidationResult> validationResults, params IEnumerable<ValidationResult>[] additionalValidationResults)
     _validationResults = validationResults
         .SelectMany(x => x));
     FailedValidators = _validationResults.Where(x => !x.IsValid());
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public ScriptResult Execute(string code, string[] scriptArgs, AssemblyReferences references, IEnumerable<string> namespaces,
            ScriptPackSession scriptPackSession)
            Guard.AgainstNullArgument("references", references);
            Guard.AgainstNullArgument("scriptPackSession", scriptPackSession);


            SessionState<Evaluator> sessionState;
            if (!scriptPackSession.State.ContainsKey(SessionKey))
                Logger.Debug("Creating session");
                var context = new CompilerContext(new CompilerSettings
                    AssemblyReferences = references.PathReferences.ToList()
                }, new ConsoleReportPrinter());

                var evaluator = new Evaluator(context);
                var allNamespaces = namespaces.Union(scriptPackSession.Namespaces).Distinct();

                var host = _scriptHostFactory.CreateScriptHost(new ScriptPackManager(scriptPackSession.Contexts), scriptArgs);

                evaluator.InteractiveBaseClass = typeof(MonoHost);

                sessionState = new SessionState<Evaluator>
                    References = new AssemblyReferences(references.PathReferences, references.Assemblies),
                    Namespaces = new HashSet<string>(),
                    Session = evaluator

                ImportNamespaces(allNamespaces, sessionState);

                scriptPackSession.State[SessionKey] = sessionState;
                Logger.Debug("Reusing existing session");
                sessionState = (SessionState<Evaluator>)scriptPackSession.State[SessionKey];

                var newReferences = sessionState.References == null ? references : references.Except(sessionState.References);
                foreach (var reference in newReferences.PathReferences)
                    Logger.DebugFormat("Adding reference to {0}", reference);

                sessionState.References = new AssemblyReferences(references.PathReferences, references.Assemblies);

                var newNamespaces = sessionState.Namespaces == null ? namespaces : namespaces.Except(sessionState.Namespaces);
                ImportNamespaces(newNamespaces, sessionState);

            Logger.Debug("Starting execution");
            var result = Execute(code, sessionState.Session);
            Logger.Debug("Finished execution");
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public override Control Reconcile(IEnumerable<PricingItem> mlpSource_, IEnumerable<PricingItem> dsSource_)
      var allCodes = mlpSource_.Union(dsSource_).Select(x => x.SymmetryCode).Distinct();

      var lines = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList<CloseItem>();

      foreach (var symcode in allCodes)

        var line = new CloseItem();
        line.SymmetryCode = symcode;

          var mlpitem = mlpSource_.Where(x => x.SymmetryCode.Equals(symcode)).FirstOrDefault();
          if (mlpitem != null) line.MLPPrice = mlpitem.Value;

          var dsItem = dsSource_.Where(x => x.SymmetryCode.Equals(symcode)).FirstOrDefault();
          if (dsItem != null) line.DSPrice = dsItem.Value;


      var grid = lines.DisplayInGrid(m_name,displayInShowForm_:false);
      return grid;
        public ContextConfiguration()
            //get all types that inheret from EntityTypeConfiguration or ComplexTypeConfiguration
            var maps = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
                       where t.BaseType != null && t.BaseType.IsGenericType
                       let baseDef = t.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
                       where baseDef == typeof(EntityTypeConfiguration<>) ||
                             baseDef == typeof(ComplexTypeConfiguration<>)
                       select Activator.CreateInstance(t);

            configurations = maps;

            //get all types that inheret from EntityWithTypedId without entity itself
            dbsets = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
                     where t.BaseType != null && t.BaseType.IsGenericType && !t.IsAbstract
                     && t != typeof(Entity)
                     let baseDef = t.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
                     where baseDef == typeof(EntityWithTypedId<>)
                     select t;

            //+get all types that inheret from Entity
            dbsets = dbsets.Union(
                from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
                where t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Entity)) && !t.IsAbstract
                select t
        /// <summary>
        /// Set tags to the specified <paramref name="file"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The task to process it.</returns>
        /// <param name="file">File to tag.</param>
        /// <param name="tags">Tags to set.</param>
        /// <param name="clear">If set to <c>true</c> replace existing tags with ne <paramref name="tags"/>.</param>
        public Task TagAsync(FileInfo file, IEnumerable<string> tags, bool clear)
            return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                ImageFile imagefile = ImageFile.FromFile(file.FullName);

                string tagsValue;
                if (clear)
                    tagsValue = tags.Distinct(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase).Join(";");
                    List<string> existingTags = new List<string>();
                    ExifProperty existingTagsValue;
                    if (imagefile.Properties.TryGetValue(ExifTag.WindowsKeywords, out existingTagsValue))
                        existingTags = existingTagsValue.Value.ToString().Split(';').ToList();
                    tagsValue = tags.Union(existingTags).Distinct(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase).Join(";");

                imagefile.Properties.Set(ExifTag.WindowsKeywords, tagsValue);

Ejemplo n.º 12
 public VisualNetwork(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, IEnumerable<Neuron> sensoryNeurons, IEnumerable<Neuron> interNeurons, IEnumerable<Neuron> responsiveNeurons)
     this.SensoryNeurons = sensoryNeurons;
     this.InterNeurons = interNeurons;
     this.ResponsiveNeurons = responsiveNeurons;
     this.Neurons = sensoryNeurons.Union(interNeurons).Union(responsiveNeurons).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public bool TryGetScope(IEnumerable <TKey> toRead, IEnumerable <TKey> toWrite, TimeSpan timeout, out IDisposable scope)
            //instead of using initial r/w keys, we find sub-graphs by them and use its keys to lock on
            var toWrite2 = _nodes.GetAllAscendants(toWrite).ToList();
            var toRead2  = _nodes.GetAllDescendants(toRead?.Union(toWrite2) ?? toWrite2).ToList();

            return(_dict.TryGetScope(toRead2, toWrite2, timeout, out scope));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public IEnumerable<Feat> GenerateWith(CharacterClass characterClass, Race race, Dictionary<string, Stat> stats,
            Dictionary<string, Skill> skills, BaseAttack baseAttack, IEnumerable<Feat> preselectedFeats)
            var additionalFeats = GetAdditionalFeats(characterClass, race, stats, skills, baseAttack, preselectedFeats);
            var allButBonusFeats = preselectedFeats.Union(additionalFeats);
            var bonusFeats = GetBonusFeats(characterClass, race, stats, skills, baseAttack, allButBonusFeats);

            return additionalFeats.Union(bonusFeats);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public RazorDocumentManager([ImportMany]params IRazorDocumentSource[] documentSources)
            _documentSources = (documentSources ?? Enumerable.Empty<IRazorDocumentSource>());

            // Always add the plain Razor Template file source at the end of the list
            _documentSources = _documentSources.Union(new [] { new RazorTemplateFileSource() });

            Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void LoadConversation(User contact, IEnumerable<Message> conversation)
     ChatSessionViewModel chatSession;
     if(_chatSessions.TryGetValue(contact.Name, out chatSession))
         var union = conversation.Union(chatSession.Conversation);
         chatSession.Conversation = new ObservableCollection<Message>(union);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void UpdateSettings(ScreenAssistantSettings settings)
            SHGetKnownFolderPath(FolderIdSavedGames, (uint)KnownFolderFlag.DEFAULT_PATH, IntPtr.Zero, out var pPath);

            string path = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pPath);


            if (path == null)

            var gameSettingsFolderPath = Path.Combine(path, StudioName, GameFolderName);

            var localPath             = Path.Combine(gameSettingsFolderPath, LocalFolderName);
            var profilePath           = Path.Combine(gameSettingsFolderPath, ProfileFolderName);
            var settingsFilePath      = Path.Combine(localPath, ConfigFileName);
            var videoConfigFilePath   = Path.Combine(localPath, VideoConfigFileName);
            var profileConfigFilePath = Path.Combine(profilePath, ProfileConfigFileName);
            IEnumerable <string> settingsFromFiles = null;

            if (File.Exists(settingsFilePath))
                settingsFromFiles = File.ReadAllLines(settingsFilePath);

            if (File.Exists(videoConfigFilePath))
                var videoSettings         = File.ReadAllLines(videoConfigFilePath);
                var videoSettingsFiltered = videoSettings.Skip(2).Take(videoSettings.Length - 3);
                settingsFromFiles = settingsFromFiles?.Union(videoSettingsFiltered) ?? videoSettingsFiltered;

            if (File.Exists(profileConfigFilePath))
                var profileSettings = File.ReadAllLines(profileConfigFilePath);
                settingsFromFiles = settingsFromFiles?.Union(profileSettings) ?? profileSettings;

            var recognizedConfig = ReadConfig(settingsFromFiles);

 protected override IEnumerable<Tuple<object, object>> GroupEqualObjects(IEnumerable<object> newArray, IEnumerable<object> oldArray)
     return newArray.Union(oldArray).Distinct(_sameObjectComparer)
         .Select(elem => new
             newItem = newArray.FirstOrDefault(x => _sameObjectComparer.Equals(x, elem)),
             oldItem = oldArray.FirstOrDefault(x => _sameObjectComparer.Equals(x, elem))
         .Select(x => new Tuple<object, object>(x.newItem, x.oldItem));
        public ScriptResult Execute(string code, string[] scriptArgs, IEnumerable<string> references, IEnumerable<string> namespaces, ScriptPackSession scriptPackSession)
            Guard.AgainstNullArgument("scriptPackSession", scriptPackSession);

            Logger.Debug("Starting to create execution components");
            Logger.Debug("Creating script host");

            var distinctReferences = references.Union(scriptPackSession.References).Distinct().ToList();
            SessionState<Session> sessionState;

            if (!scriptPackSession.State.ContainsKey(SessionKey))
                var host = _scriptHostFactory.CreateScriptHost(new ScriptPackManager(scriptPackSession.Contexts), scriptArgs);
                Logger.Debug("Creating session");
                var session = ScriptEngine.CreateSession(host);

                foreach (var reference in distinctReferences)
                    Logger.DebugFormat("Adding reference to {0}", reference);

                foreach (var @namespace in namespaces.Union(scriptPackSession.Namespaces).Distinct())
                    if (@namespace.Contains("ScriptCs.ReplCommand.Pack")) continue;
                    Logger.DebugFormat("Importing namespace {0}", @namespace);

                sessionState = new SessionState<Session> { References = distinctReferences, Session = session };
                scriptPackSession.State[SessionKey] = sessionState;
                Logger.Debug("Reusing existing session");
                sessionState = (SessionState<Session>)scriptPackSession.State[SessionKey];

                var newReferences = sessionState.References == null || !sessionState.References.Any() ? distinctReferences : distinctReferences.Except(sessionState.References);
                if (newReferences.Any())
                    foreach (var reference in newReferences)
                        Logger.DebugFormat("Adding reference to {0}", reference);

                    sessionState.References = newReferences;

            Logger.Debug("Starting execution");
            var result = Execute(code, sessionState.Session);
            Logger.Debug("Finished execution");
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public IEnumerable<List<GameObject>> GetActionsWithNecessaryObjects(IEnumerable<GameObject> objects, Hero hero)
            var allObjects = objects.Union(hero.GetContainerItems()).Distinct();

            var stones = allObjects.Where(o => o is Rock).Take(2).ToList();

            if (stones.Count == 2)
                yield return stones;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public double GetJaccardSimilarity(IEnumerable<int> s1, IEnumerable<int> s2)
            if (s1.Count() < ShingleSize || s2.Count() < ShingleSize)
                return double.NaN;

            int cap = s1.Intersect(s2).Count();
            int cup = s1.Union(s2).Count();

            return (double)cap / cup;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public IEnumerable<List<GameObject>> GetActionsWithNecessaryObjects(IEnumerable<GameObject> objects, Hero hero)
            var allObjects =

            var branch = allObjects.FirstOrDefault(ao => ao is Branch);
            var stone = allObjects.FirstOrDefault(ao => ao.Properties.Contains(Property.Cutter));

            if (branch != null && stone != null)
                yield return new List<GameObject> { branch, stone };
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void Execute(string code, IEnumerable<string> references, IEnumerable<string> namespaces, ScriptPackSession scriptPackSession)
            var host = _scriptHostFactory.CreateScriptHost(new ScriptPackManager(scriptPackSession.Contexts));

            var session = _scriptEngine.CreateSession(host);

            foreach (var reference in references.Union(scriptPackSession.References).Distinct())

            foreach (var @namespace in namespaces.Union(scriptPackSession.Namespaces).Distinct())

            Execute(code, session);
Ejemplo n.º 24
		private SessionState<object> GetSession(IEnumerable<string> references, IEnumerable<string> namespaces, ScriptPackSession scriptPackSession)
			var distinctReferences = references.Union(scriptPackSession.References).Distinct().Select(x => x.Replace(".dll", "")).ToList();
			var distinctNamespaces = namespaces.Union(scriptPackSession.Namespaces).Distinct().ToList();

			var sessionState = new SessionState<object> {
				References = distinctReferences,
				Namespaces = distinctNamespaces

			scriptPackSession.State[SessionKey] = sessionState;

			return sessionState;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public IEnumerable<List<GameObject>> GetActionsWithNecessaryObjects(IEnumerable<GameObject> objects, Hero hero)
            var allObjects =

            var branches = allObjects.Where(ao => ao is Branch).Select(ao => ao).Take(2).ToList();
            var plant = allObjects.FirstOrDefault(ao => ao is Plant);

            if (branches.Count == 2 && plant != null)
                yield return branches.ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public IList <string> GetModuleNames()
            var ussp = GetUserSearchPathPackages();
            var ssp  = _factory.GetImportableModules();
            var bmn  = _builtinModuleNames;

            IEnumerable <string> names = null;

            if (ussp != null)
                names = ussp.Keys;
            if (ssp != null)
                names = names?.Union(ssp.Keys) ?? ssp.Keys;
            if (bmn != null)
                names = names?.Union(bmn) ?? bmn;

        /// Initializes an instance of the ElementReferenceProperty.  This is usually created by the <see cref="SectionViewModel"/>.
        ///<param name="serviceProvider">The service provide used within the Enterprise Library configuration system.</param>
        ///<param name="lookup">The element lookup registry.</param>
        ///<param name="parent">The <see cref="ElementViewModel"/> on which this property is attached.</param>
        ///<param name="declaringProperty">The descriptor declaring this property.</param>
        ///<param name="additionalAttributes">Additional attributes to apply to the reference proeprty.</param>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the declaring property <see cref="PropertyDescriptor.PropertyType"/> is not a <see cref="string"/> type.</exception>
        public ElementReferenceProperty(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ElementLookup lookup, ElementViewModel parent, PropertyDescriptor declaringProperty, IEnumerable<Attribute> additionalAttributes)
            : base(serviceProvider, parent, declaringProperty, additionalAttributes.Union(new Attribute[]{new ValidationAttribute(typeof(ElementReferenceValidator))}))
            if (declaringProperty.PropertyType != typeof(string)) throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ReferencePropertyInvalidType);

            this.lookup = lookup;
            this.changeScopePropertyWatcher = new ChangeScopePropertyWatcher();
            this.changeScopePropertyWatcher.ChangeScopePropertyChanged += new EventHandler(ChangeScopePropertyWatcherChangeScopePropertyChanged);

            referenceAttribute = base.Attributes.OfType<ReferenceAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            Debug.Assert(referenceAttribute != null);

            ((INotifyCollectionChanged)ValidationResults).CollectionChanged += ValidationCollectionChanged;
Ejemplo n.º 28
		public override IEnumerable<ContentItem> AppendChildren(IEnumerable<ContentItem> previousChildren, Query query)
			IEnumerable<ContentItem> items;
			if (!query.OnlyPages.HasValue)
				items = query.Parent.Children;
			else if (query.OnlyPages.Value)
				items = query.Parent.Children.FindPages();
				items = query.Parent.Children.FindParts();

			if (query.Filter != null)
				items = items.Where(query.Filter);

			return previousChildren.Union(items);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public override void CompileDynamicLibrary(string outFile, IEnumerable<string> sources, IEnumerable<string> includePaths, IEnumerable<string> libraries, IEnumerable<string> libraryPaths)
   // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created
   // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
   GccCompiler.\u003CCompileDynamicLibrary\u003Ec__AnonStorey73 libraryCAnonStorey73 = new GccCompiler.\u003CCompileDynamicLibrary\u003Ec__AnonStorey73();
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   libraryCAnonStorey73.\u003C\u003Ef__this = this;
   string[] array = sources.ToArray<string>();
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
   libraryCAnonStorey73.includeDirs = includePaths.Aggregate<string, string>(string.Empty, (Func<string, string, string>) ((current, sourceDir) => current + "-I" + sourceDir + " "));
   string empty = string.Empty;
   string str = NativeCompiler.Aggregate(libraryPaths.Union<string>((IEnumerable<string>) this.m_Settings.LibPaths), "-L", " ");
   // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method
   NativeCompiler.ParallelFor<string>(array, new System.Action<string>(libraryCAnonStorey73.\u003C\u003Em__FD));
   this.ExecuteCommand(this.m_Settings.LinkerPath, string.Format("-shared {0} -o {1}", (object) this.m_Settings.MachineSpecification, (object) outFile), ((IEnumerable<string>) array).Where<string>(new Func<string, bool>(NativeCompiler.IsSourceFile)).Select<string, string>(new Func<string, string>(((NativeCompiler) this).ObjectFileFor)).Aggregate<string>((Func<string, string, string>) ((buff, s) => buff + " " + s)), str, empty);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public static MockWorkItem Create(this MockWorkItemStore store, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > values = null)
            var project = store.Projects[0];
            var wit     = project.WorkItemTypes[0];

            var tp = new KeyValuePair <string, object>(CoreFieldRefNames.TeamProject, project.Name);
            var wp = new KeyValuePair <string, object>(CoreFieldRefNames.WorkItemType, wit.Name);
            var a  = new[] { tp, wp };

            values = values?.Union(a) ?? a;

            var wi = (MockWorkItem)wit.NewWorkItem(values);

Ejemplo n.º 31
        public ReferencesViewModel(IEnumerable<AssemblyReference> loadedReferences, IEnumerable<string> recentReferenceLocations)
            Log.Info(() => string.Format("Loaded references: {0}", string.Join(", ", loadedReferences)));

            var standardReferences = new StandardReferencesLocator().GetStandardReferences().ToArray();
            var recentReferences = (recentReferenceLocations ?? Enumerable.Empty<string>()).Where(File.Exists).Select(x => new AssemblyReference(x) { IsRecent = true }).ToArray();
            var allReferences = loadedReferences.Union(standardReferences).Union(recentReferences).ToArray();

            StandardReferences = new SearchableReferencesViewModel(standardReferences);
            StandardReferences.References.ItemPropertyChanged += StandardReferences_ListChanged;

            RecentReferences = new SearchableReferencesViewModel(recentReferences);
            RecentReferences.References.ItemPropertyChanged += RecentReferences_ListChanged;

            InstalledReferences = new SearchableReferencesViewModel(allReferences.Where(r => r.IsInstalled));
        /// <summary>
        /// Start configuration of messages bus and scan for message handlers in the supplied assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfg"></param>
        /// <param name="assemblies"></param>
        /// <param name="messageHandlerConvention"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MessageBusConfiguration MessageBus(this BaseConfiguration cfg, IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies, IMessageHandlerConvention messageHandlerConvention = null)
            if (cfg.ContainsKey(MessageBus_SettingsKey))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("You should not configure MessageBus twice.");
              cfg.Set(MessageBus_SettingsKey, true);

              Condition.Requires(assemblies, "assemblies").IsNotNull();

              // Also scan core message handlers
              assemblies = assemblies.Union(new Assembly[] { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() });

              MessageDispatcher dispatcher = MessageBusConfigurationExtensions.GetDispatcher(cfg);
              dispatcher.RegisterMessageHandlers(assemblies, messageHandlerConvention ?? new DefaultMessageHandlerConvention());

              return new MessageBusConfiguration(cfg);
Ejemplo n.º 33
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns all of the transmission elements attached to the DynamicTopologicalNode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="includeTransformers"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IEnumerable<Terminal> ConnectedBranches(bool includeTransformers)
     if (connectedBranches == null)
         connectedBranches = new HashSet<Terminal>();
         foreach (ConnectivityNode node in this.nodes.ConnectivityNodes.Values)
             //have to create a new variable in order to prevent 
             IEnumerable<Terminal> terms = node.Where
                 (x => x.ParentEquipment.EquipmentType == EquipmentTopoTypes.Conductor || x.ParentEquipment.Type == "TransformerEnd");
             connectedBranches = connectedBranches.Union(terms);
     return connectedBranches;
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public override IEnumerable<TexturePackage> CreatePackages(IEnumerable<string> sourceRoots, IEnumerable<string> additionalPackages, IEnumerable<string> blacklist, IEnumerable<string> whitelist)
     var blist = blacklist.Select(x => x.EndsWith(".wad") ? x.Substring(0, x.Length - 4) : x).Where(x => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToList();
     var wlist = whitelist.Select(x => x.EndsWith(".wad") ? x.Substring(0, x.Length - 4) : x).Where(x => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToList();
     var wads = sourceRoots.Union(additionalPackages)
         .SelectMany(x => Directory.GetFiles(x, "*.wad", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
         .Union(additionalPackages.Where(x => x.EndsWith(".wad") && File.Exists(x)))
         .Select(x => x.First())
         .Where(x => !blist.Any(b => String.Equals(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x) ?? x, b, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)));
     if (wlist.Any())
         wads = wads.Where(x => wlist.Contains(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x) ?? x, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
     return wads.AsParallel().Select(CreatePackage).Where(x => x != null);
Ejemplo n.º 35
		public override void CompileDynamicLibrary(string outFile, IEnumerable<string> sources, IEnumerable<string> includePaths, IEnumerable<string> libraries, IEnumerable<string> libraryPaths)
			string[] array = sources.ToArray<string>();
			string includeDirs = includePaths.Aggregate(string.Empty, (string current, string sourceDir) => current + "-I" + sourceDir + " ");
			string empty = string.Empty;
			string text = NativeCompiler.Aggregate(libraryPaths.Union(this.m_Settings.LibPaths), "-L", " ");
			NativeCompiler.ParallelFor<string>(array, delegate(string file)
				this.Compile(file, includeDirs);
			string arg_F7_1 = this.m_Settings.LinkerPath;
			string[] expr_8E = new string[4];
			expr_8E[0] = string.Format("-shared {0} -o {1}", this.m_Settings.MachineSpecification, outFile);
			expr_8E[1] = array.Where(new Func<string, bool>(NativeCompiler.IsSourceFile)).Select(new Func<string, string>(base.ObjectFileFor)).Aggregate((string buff, string s) => buff + " " + s);
			expr_8E[2] = text;
			expr_8E[3] = empty;
			base.ExecuteCommand(arg_F7_1, expr_8E);
Ejemplo n.º 36
        //public static string GetMostRecentOpusCoverFile(this MusicStyles musicStyle, MusicOptions musicOptions, Work work, string opusPath = null)
        //    return musicStyle.GetMostRecentOpusCoverFile(musicOptions, work.Artist.Type, work.Artist.Name, opusPath ??= work.Name);
        public static string GetMostRecentOpusCoverFile(this Work work, MusicOptions musicOptions)
            //var musicFiles = work.Tracks.SelectMany(t => t.MusicFiles)
            //    .Where(mf => !mf.IsGenerated).AsEnumerable();
            var folders = new List <string>();

            foreach (var mf in work.Tracks.SelectMany(t => t.MusicFiles)
                     .Where(mf => !mf.IsGenerated))
                var pathFragments = new List <string>(new string[] { mf.DiskRoot, mf.StylePath });
                if (work.Type == OpusType.Collection)
                //    pathFragments.Add(mf.PartName);
            IEnumerable <string> imageFiles = null;

                foreach (var pattern in musicOptions.CoverFilePatterns)
                    foreach (var path in folders)
                        imageFiles = imageFiles?.Union(Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, pattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories)) ?? Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, pattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                return(imageFiles.OrderByDescending(x => new FileInfo(x).LastWriteTime).FirstOrDefault());
            catch (Exception xe)
                log.Error(xe, $"called with [W-{work.Id}] {work.Name}, imagefiles: {imageFiles?.Count().ToString() ?? "null"}");
        public ScriptResult Execute(string code, string[] scriptArgs, AssemblyReferences references, IEnumerable <string> namespaces, ScriptPackSession scriptPackSession)
            if (scriptPackSession == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scriptPackSession");

            if (references == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("references");

            _log.Debug("Starting to create execution components");
            _log.Debug("Creating script host");

            var executionReferences = new AssemblyReferences(references.Assemblies, references.Paths);


            ScriptResult scriptResult;
            SessionState <ScriptState> sessionState;

            var isFirstExecution = !scriptPackSession.State.ContainsKey(SessionKey);

            if (isFirstExecution)
                var host = _scriptHostFactory.CreateScriptHost(
                    new ScriptPackManager(scriptPackSession.Contexts), scriptArgs);

                _log.Debug("Creating session");

                var hostType = host.GetType();

                ScriptOptions = ScriptOptions.AddReferences(hostType.Assembly);

                var allNamespaces = namespaces.Union(scriptPackSession.Namespaces).Distinct();

                foreach (var reference in executionReferences.Paths)
                    _log.DebugFormat("Adding reference to {0}", reference);
                    ScriptOptions = ScriptOptions.AddReferences(reference);

                foreach (var assembly in executionReferences.Assemblies)
                    _log.DebugFormat("Adding reference to {0}", assembly.FullName);
                    ScriptOptions = ScriptOptions.AddReferences(assembly);

                foreach (var @namespace in allNamespaces)
                    _log.DebugFormat("Importing namespace {0}", @namespace);
                    ScriptOptions = ScriptOptions.AddNamespaces(@namespace);

                sessionState = new SessionState <ScriptState> {
                    References = executionReferences, Namespaces = new HashSet <string>(allNamespaces)
                scriptPackSession.State[SessionKey] = sessionState;

                scriptResult = Execute(code, host, sessionState);
                _log.Debug("Reusing existing session");
                sessionState = (SessionState <ScriptState>)scriptPackSession.State[SessionKey];

                if (sessionState.References == null)
                    sessionState.References = new AssemblyReferences();

                if (sessionState.Namespaces == null)
                    sessionState.Namespaces = new HashSet <string>();

                var newReferences = executionReferences.Except(sessionState.References);

                foreach (var reference in newReferences.Paths)
                    _log.DebugFormat("Adding reference to {0}", reference);
                    ScriptOptions           = ScriptOptions.AddReferences(reference);
                    sessionState.References = sessionState.References.Union(new[] { reference });

                foreach (var assembly in newReferences.Assemblies)
                    _log.DebugFormat("Adding reference to {0}", assembly.FullName);
                    ScriptOptions           = ScriptOptions.AddReferences(assembly);
                    sessionState.References = sessionState.References.Union(new[] { assembly });

                var newNamespaces = namespaces.Except(sessionState.Namespaces);

                foreach (var @namespace in newNamespaces)
                    _log.DebugFormat("Importing namespace {0}", @namespace);
                    ScriptOptions = ScriptOptions.AddNamespaces(@namespace);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code))

                scriptResult = Execute(code, sessionState.Session, sessionState);


            //todo handle namespace failures
 private static string[] GetUsings(IEnumerable <string> usings)
 => usings.Union(new string[] { Xunit }).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 39
        private Tuple <IAssociationSpecImmutable[], ImmutableDictionary <string, ITypeSpecBuilder> > FindAndCreateFieldSpecs(IObjectSpecImmutable spec, ImmutableDictionary <string, ITypeSpecBuilder> metamodel)
            // now create fieldSpecs for value properties, for collections and for reference properties
            IList <PropertyInfo> collectionProperties = FacetFactorySet.FindCollectionProperties(properties, ClassStrategy).Where(pi => !FacetFactorySet.Filters(pi, ClassStrategy)).ToList();
            var result1 = CreateCollectionSpecs(collectionProperties, spec, metamodel);

            IEnumerable <IAssociationSpecImmutable> collectionSpecs = result1.Item1;

            metamodel = result1.Item2;

            // every other accessor is assumed to be a reference property.
            IList <PropertyInfo>       allProperties = FacetFactorySet.FindProperties(properties, ClassStrategy).Where(pi => !FacetFactorySet.Filters(pi, ClassStrategy)).ToList();
            IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> refProperties = allProperties.Except(collectionProperties);

            var result   = CreateRefPropertySpecs(refProperties, spec, metamodel);
            var refSpecs = result.Item1;

            metamodel = result.Item2;

            return(new Tuple <IAssociationSpecImmutable[], ImmutableDictionary <string, ITypeSpecBuilder> >(collectionSpecs.Union(refSpecs).ToArray(), metamodel));
Ejemplo n.º 40
        public static bool IsWrapped(this String text, IEnumerable <String> openBrackets, IEnumerable <String> closeBrackets, out String openingBracket, out String closingBracket)
            if (text.Length < 2)
                openingBracket = null;
                closingBracket = null;

            int stage = 1;

            openingBracket = null;

            closingBracket = null;

            HashSet <string> openSet = openBrackets.ToHashSet();

            int depth = 0;

            SymbolFinder finder = new SymbolFinder(openBrackets.Union(closeBrackets));

            string symb           = "";
            int    text_lastIndex = text.Length - 1;

            char c;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                c    = text[i];
                next = i == text_lastIndex ? null : (char?)text[i + 1];
                symb = finder.Find(c, next);

                if (stage == 1)
                    if (openSet.Contains(symb))
                        if (symb.Length - 1 != i)

                        // what this block does:
                        //  - sets openingBracket and closingBracket to their apropriate values.
                        //  - increments stage to 2
                        //  - increments depth

                        // get index of openBracket and set openingBracket
                        int index = 0;
                        foreach (String bracket in openBrackets)
                            if (bracket == symb)
                                openingBracket = bracket;

                        // set closing bracket
                            closingBracket = closeBrackets.ElementAt(index);
                        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
                            throw new BracketDisparityException();

                        stage = 2;
                    if (openingBracket == symb)
                    if (closingBracket == symb)

                    if (i == text_lastIndex)
                        return(depth == 0);
                    else if (depth == 0)
                        openingBracket = "";
                        closingBracket = "";

            openingBracket = "";
            closingBracket = "";
Ejemplo n.º 41
        /// <summary>
        /// Get active policies for the specified securable type
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <IPolicyInstance> GetPolicies(object securable)
            List <AdoSecurityPolicyInstance> result = null;

            if (result == null)
                using (DataContext context = this.m_configuration.Provider.GetReadonlyConnection())

                        // Security device
                        if (securable is Core.Model.Security.SecurityDevice sd)
                            var query = context.CreateSqlStatement <DbSecurityDevicePolicy>().SelectFrom(typeof(DbSecurityPolicy), typeof(DbSecurityDevicePolicy))
                                        .AutoJoin <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityDevicePolicy>();

                            if (securable is DevicePrincipal dp)
                                query.AutoJoin <DbSecurityDevice, DbSecurityDevice>()
                                .Where(o => o.PublicId == dp.Identity.Name);

                                var retVal = context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityDevicePolicy> >(query)
                                             .AsEnumerable().Select(o => new AdoSecurityPolicyInstance(o.Object2, o.Object1, securable)).ToList();

                                var appClaim = dp.Identities.OfType <Server.Core.Security.ApplicationIdentity>().SingleOrDefault()?.FindAll(SanteDBClaimTypes.Sid).SingleOrDefault() ??

                                // There is an application claim so we want to add the application policies - most restrictive
                                if (appClaim != null)
                                    var claim = Guid.Parse(appClaim.Value);

                                    var aquery = context.CreateSqlStatement <DbSecurityApplicationPolicy>().SelectFrom(typeof(DbSecurityPolicy), typeof(DbSecurityApplicationPolicy))
                                                 .AutoJoin <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityApplicationPolicy>()
                                                 .Where(o => o.SourceKey == claim);

                                    retVal.AddRange(context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityApplicationPolicy> >(aquery).AsEnumerable().Select(o => new AdoSecurityPolicyInstance(o.Object2, o.Object1, securable)));

                                result = retVal;
                                result = context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityDevicePolicy> >(query.Where(o => o.SourceKey == sd.Key))
                                         .AsEnumerable().Select(o => new AdoSecurityPolicyInstance(o.Object2, o.Object1, securable)).ToList();
                        else if (securable is Core.Model.Security.SecurityRole sr)
                            var query = context.CreateSqlStatement <DbSecurityRolePolicy>().SelectFrom(typeof(DbSecurityPolicy), typeof(DbSecurityRolePolicy))
                                        .AutoJoin <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityRolePolicy>()
                                        .Where(o => o.SourceKey == sr.Key);

                            result = context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityRolePolicy> >(query)
                                     .AsEnumerable().Select(o => new AdoSecurityPolicyInstance(o.Object2, o.Object1, securable)).ToList();
                        else if (securable is Core.Model.Security.SecurityApplication sa)
                            var query = context.CreateSqlStatement <DbSecurityApplicationPolicy>().SelectFrom(typeof(DbSecurityPolicy), typeof(DbSecurityApplicationPolicy))
                                        .AutoJoin <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityApplicationPolicy>();

                            if (securable is ApplicationPrincipal ap)
                                query.AutoJoin <DbSecurityApplication, DbSecurityApplication>()
                                .Where(o => o.PublicId == ap.Identity.Name);
                                query.Where(o => o.SourceKey == sa.Key);

                            result = context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityApplicationPolicy> >(query)
                                     .AsEnumerable().Select(o => new AdoSecurityPolicyInstance(o.Object2, o.Object1, securable)).ToList();
                        else if (securable is IPrincipal || securable is IIdentity)
                            var identity = (securable as IPrincipal)?.Identity ?? securable as IIdentity;

                            IEnumerable <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityPolicyActionableInstance> > retVal = null;

                            SqlStatement query = null;

                            if (!(identity is Server.Core.Security.ApplicationIdentity) &&
                                !(identity is DeviceIdentity)) // Is this a user based claim?
                                // Role policies
                                query = context.CreateSqlStatement <DbSecurityRolePolicy>().SelectFrom(typeof(DbSecurityPolicy), typeof(DbSecurityPolicyActionableInstance))
                                        .InnerJoin <DbSecurityRolePolicy, DbSecurityPolicy>(o => o.PolicyKey, o => o.Key)
                                        .InnerJoin <DbSecurityRolePolicy, DbSecurityUserRole>(o => o.SourceKey, o => o.RoleKey)
                                        .InnerJoin <DbSecurityUserRole, DbSecurityUser>(o => o.UserKey, o => o.Key)
                                        .Where <DbSecurityUser>(o => o.UserName.ToLower() == identity.Name.ToLower());

                                retVal = context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityPolicyActionableInstance> >(query).AsEnumerable();

                            // Claims principal, then we want device and app SID
                            if (securable is IClaimsPrincipal cp)
                                var appClaim = cp.Identities.OfType <Server.Core.Security.ApplicationIdentity>().SingleOrDefault()?.FindAll(SanteDBClaimTypes.Sid).SingleOrDefault() ??
                                var devClaim = cp.Identities.OfType <Server.Core.Security.DeviceIdentity>().SingleOrDefault()?.FindAll(SanteDBClaimTypes.Sid).SingleOrDefault() ??

                                IEnumerable <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityPolicyActionableInstance> > appDevClaim = null;

                                // There is an application claim so we want to add the application policies - most restrictive
                                if (appClaim != null)
                                    var claim = Guid.Parse(appClaim.Value);
                                    query = context.CreateSqlStatement <DbSecurityApplicationPolicy>().SelectFrom(typeof(DbSecurityPolicy), typeof(DbSecurityPolicyActionableInstance))
                                            .AutoJoin <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityApplicationPolicy>()
                                            .Where(o => o.SourceKey == claim);

                                    if (retVal != null)
                                        var usrPolKeys = retVal.AsEnumerable().Select(o => o.Object2.PolicyKey).ToArray(); // App grant only overrides those policies which already exist on user
                                        query.And <DbSecurityApplicationPolicy>(o => usrPolKeys.Contains(o.PolicyKey));

                                    var appResults = context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityPolicyActionableInstance> >(query);
                                    appDevClaim = appDevClaim?.Union(appResults) ?? appResults;

                                // There is an device claim so we want to add the device policies - most restrictive
                                if (devClaim != null)
                                    var claim = Guid.Parse(devClaim.Value);
                                    query = context.CreateSqlStatement <DbSecurityDevicePolicy>().SelectFrom(typeof(DbSecurityPolicy), typeof(DbSecurityPolicyActionableInstance))
                                            .AutoJoin <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityDevicePolicy>()
                                            .Where(o => o.SourceKey == claim);

                                    if (retVal != null)
                                        var usrPolKeys = retVal.Select(o => o.Object2.PolicyKey).ToArray(); // Dev grant only overrides those policies which already exist on user
                                        query.And <DbSecurityDevicePolicy>(o => usrPolKeys.Contains(o.PolicyKey));

                                    var devResults = context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityPolicyActionableInstance> >(query);
                                    appDevClaim = appDevClaim?.Union(devResults) ?? devResults;

                                if (appDevClaim != null)
                                    retVal = retVal?.Union(appDevClaim) ?? appDevClaim;

                            result = retVal.AsEnumerable().Select(o => new AdoSecurityPolicyInstance(o.Object2, o.Object1, securable)).ToList();
                            this.m_traceSource.TraceEvent(EventLevel.Verbose, "Principal {0} effective policy set {1}", identity?.Name, String.Join(",", result.Select(o => $"{o.Policy.Oid} [{o.Rule}]")));
                        else if (securable is Core.Model.Acts.Act pAct)
                            var query = context.CreateSqlStatement <DbActSecurityPolicy>().SelectFrom(typeof(DbSecurityPolicy), typeof(DbActSecurityPolicy))
                                        .AutoJoin <DbSecurityPolicy, DbActSecurityPolicy>()
                                        .Where(o => o.SourceKey == pAct.Key);

                            result = context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbActSecurityPolicy> >(query)
                                     .AsEnumerable().Select(o => new AdoSecurityPolicyInstance(o.Object2, o.Object1, securable)).ToList();
                        else if (securable is Core.Model.Entities.Entity pEntity)
                            var query = context.CreateSqlStatement <DbEntitySecurityPolicy>().SelectFrom(typeof(DbSecurityPolicy), typeof(DbEntitySecurityPolicy))
                                        .AutoJoin <DbSecurityPolicy, DbEntitySecurityPolicy>()
                                        .Where(o => o.SourceKey == pEntity.Key);

                            result = context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbEntitySecurityPolicy> >(query)
                                     .AsEnumerable().Select(o => new AdoSecurityPolicyInstance(o.Object2, o.Object1, securable)).ToList();
                        else if (securable is SecurityUser pUser)
                            // Join for policies
                            var query = context.CreateSqlStatement <DbSecurityUserRole>().SelectFrom(typeof(DbSecurityPolicy), typeof(DbSecurityRolePolicy))
                                        .InnerJoin <DbSecurityUserRole, DbSecurityRolePolicy>(
                                o => o.RoleKey,
                                o => o.SourceKey
                                        .InnerJoin <DbSecurityRolePolicy, DbSecurityPolicy>(
                                o => o.PolicyKey,
                                o => o.Key
                                        .Where <DbSecurityUserRole>(o => o.UserKey == pUser.Key);

                            result = context.Query <CompositeResult <DbSecurityPolicy, DbSecurityRolePolicy> >(query)
                                     .AsEnumerable().Select(o => new AdoSecurityPolicyInstance(o.Object2, o.Object1, securable)).ToList();
                            result = new List <AdoSecurityPolicyInstance>();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        this.m_traceSource.TraceEvent(EventLevel.Error, "Error getting active policies for {0} : {1}", securable, e);
                        throw new Exception($"Error getting active policies for {securable}", e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Produces the set union of two sequences by using a specified equality comparer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the elements of the input sequences.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="first">A sequence whose distinct elements form the first set for the union.</param>
        /// <param name="second">A sequence whose distinct elements form the second set for the union.</param>
        /// <param name="comparerFactory">The definition of a comparer to compare elements.</param>
        public static IEnumerable <TSource> Union <TSource>(this IEnumerable <TSource> first, IEnumerable <TSource> second, Func <EqualityComparerBuilder <TSource>, IEqualityComparer <TSource> > comparerFactory)
            var comparer = comparerFactory(EqualityComparerBuilder.For <TSource>());

            return(first.Union(second, comparer));
 public static IEnumerable <T> Union <T>(this IEnumerable <T> target, T value)
     return(target.Union(new [] { value }));
 private static IEnumerable <DateTime> UnionRowKeys(IEnumerable <DateTime> source1, IEnumerable <DateTime> source2)
     return(source1?.Union(source2) ?? source2);
Ejemplo n.º 45
        private SarifLog CreatePartitionLog(T partitionValue)
            SarifLog partitionLog;

            if (deepClone)
                // Save time and space by not cloning the runs unless and until necessary. We will
                // only need to clone the runs that have results in this partition.
                IList <Run> originalRuns = originalLog.Runs;
                originalLog.Runs = null;

                partitionLog = originalLog.DeepClone();

                originalLog.Runs = originalRuns;
                partitionLog = new SarifLog(originalLog.SchemaUri,
                                            runs: null,

            partitionLog.Runs = new List <Run>();
            partitionLog.SetProperty(PartitionValuePropertyName, partitionValue);

            var artifactIndexRemappingDictionaries = new List <Dictionary <int, int> >();

            for (int iOriginalRun = 0; iOriginalRun < partitionRunInfos.Count; ++iOriginalRun)
                // Are there results for this run in this partition?
                if (partitionRunInfos[iOriginalRun].ResultDictionary.TryGetValue(partitionValue, out List <Result> results))
                    // Yes, so we'll need a copy of the original run in which the results, and
                    // certain run-level collections such as Run.Artifacts, have been replaced.
                    Run originalRun = originalLog.Runs[iOriginalRun];
                    Run partitionRun;
                    if (deepClone)
                        // Save time and space by only cloning the necessary results and associated
                        // collection elements. We already cloned the relevant results in VisitResult.
                        IList <Result>   originalResults   = originalRun.Results;
                        IList <Artifact> originalArtifacts = originalRun.Artifacts;
                        originalRun.Results   = null;
                        originalRun.Artifacts = null;

                        partitionRun = originalRun.DeepClone();

                        originalRun.Results   = originalResults;
                        originalRun.Artifacts = originalArtifacts;
                        partitionRun = new Run(originalRun.Tool,
                                               artifacts: null,
                                               results: null,

                    partitionRun.Results = results;

                    // Construct a mapping from the indices in the original run to the indices
                    // in the partition run. This includes both the indices relevant to the
                    // results in this partition, and indices that appear in all partitions
                    // because they are mentioned outside of any result (we refer to these as
                    // "global" indices).
                    IEnumerable <int> allPartitionArtifactIndices = partitionRunInfos[iOriginalRun].GlobalArtifactIndices;

                    if (partitionRunInfos[iOriginalRun].ArtifactIndicesDictionary.TryGetValue(partitionValue, out HashSet <int> partitionResultArtifactIndices))
                        allPartitionArtifactIndices = allPartitionArtifactIndices.Union(partitionResultArtifactIndices);

                    var partitionArtifactIndexRemappingDictionary = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                    List <int> allPartitionArtifactIndicesList = allPartitionArtifactIndices
                                                                 .OrderBy(index => index)

                    int numPartitionIndices = 0;
                    foreach (int originalIndex in allPartitionArtifactIndicesList)
                        partitionArtifactIndexRemappingDictionary.Add(originalIndex, numPartitionIndices++);

                    // Copy the artifacts corresponding to the complete set of indices.
                    var artifacts = new List <Artifact>();
                    foreach (int originalIndex in allPartitionArtifactIndicesList)
                        Artifact originalArtifact  = originalRun.Artifacts[originalIndex];
                        Artifact partitionArtifact = deepClone
                            ? originalArtifact.DeepClone()
                            : new Artifact(originalArtifact);


                    if (artifacts.Any())
                        partitionRun.Artifacts = artifacts;


            // Traverse the entire log, fixing the index mappings for indices that appear
            // in the remapping dictionaries.
            var remappingVisitor = new PartitionedIndexRemappingVisitor(artifactIndexRemappingDictionaries);


Ejemplo n.º 46
 private static List <T> Union <T>(IEnumerable <T> first, IEnumerable <T> second)
Ejemplo n.º 47
        public override void onTick(Tick <int> currTickTemp)
            DateTime latestDateTime = currTickTemp.DateTime;

            lock (ssList)

                    foreach (StrategyState currSS in ssList)
                            Tick <int> currSymbolTick;

                            currSymbolTick          = new Tick <int>();
                            currSymbolTick.Ask      = Meta.MarketInfo(currSS.cparam.Symbol, MarketInfoType.MODE_ASK);
                            currSymbolTick.Bid      = Meta.MarketInfo(currSS.cparam.Symbol, MarketInfoType.MODE_BID);
                            currSymbolTick.DateTime = Convertor.SecondsToDateTime(Meta.MarketInfo(currSS.cparam.Symbol, MarketInfoType.MODE_TIME));
                            currSymbolTick.volume   = 1;
                            if (latestDateTime < currSymbolTick.DateTime)
                                latestDateTime = currSymbolTick.DateTime;


                            if (!TestingMode && Math.Abs((currSymbolTick.DateTime - latestDateTime).TotalMinutes) > 3)
                                AddComment(currSS.cparam.Symbol + ": time lag is too much.");

                            int average = (currSymbolTick.Ask + currSymbolTick.Bid) / 2;

                            if (!UpdateHappyPrice(currSymbolTick, currSS))

                            int diffPips = average - currSS.happyPrice;
                            AddComment(string.Format("Diff in Pips = {0}   ", diffPips));

                            AddComment(string.Format("Spread = {0}   ", currSS.spreadAnalyzer.AverageSpread));
                            if (currSS.spreadAnalyzer.AverageSpread * 1.7f > currSS.cparam.OpenOrderShift)
                                AddComment("Spread Filter WARNING!\n");

                            bool isTimeOn     = currSS.tradeTime.IsSystemON(currSymbolTick);
                            bool closeTimeAll = currSS.closeAllTime.IsSystemON(currSymbolTick);
                            AddComment(string.Format("Open season = {0}\n", isTimeOn));

                            IEnumerable <Order> ordersBuy  = OrderOperation.GetBuyMarketOrders().Where(p => p.Symbol == currSS.cparam.Symbol && p.Comment.StartsWith(currSS.cparam.IdentityComment));
                            IEnumerable <Order> ordersSell = OrderOperation.GetSellMarketOrders().Where(p => p.Symbol == currSS.cparam.Symbol && p.Comment.StartsWith(currSS.cparam.IdentityComment));
                            if (ordersBuy.Any() || ordersSell.Any())
                                if (!closeTimeAll)
                                    foreach (Order currOrder in ordersBuy.Union(ordersSell).ToArray())

                                AddComment("Order has been opened\n");
                                if (this.TestingMode)
                                    if (ordersBuy.Any() && average >= currSS.happyPrice)
                                        foreach (Order currOrder in ordersBuy.ToArray())
                                    if (ordersSell.Any() && average <= currSS.happyPrice)
                                        foreach (Order currOrder in ordersSell.ToArray())
                                    if (ordersBuy.Any() && GetLatestHigh(currSS.cparam.Symbol) >= currSS.happyPrice)
                                        foreach (Order currOrder in ordersBuy.ToArray())
                                    if (ordersSell.Any() && GetLatestLow(currSS.cparam.Symbol) <= currSS.happyPrice)
                                        foreach (Order currOrder in ordersSell.ToArray())


                            if (!isTimeOn)

                            if (diffPips > currSS.cparam.OpenOrderShift)
                                int orderId = Meta.OrderSend(currSS.cparam.Symbol, OrderType.Market, OrderSide.Sell, GetVolume(currSS), currSymbolTick.Bid, 0, 0, currSS.cparam.NewUniqueComment());
                                if (orderId > 0)
                                    Meta.OrderModify(orderId, currSymbolTick.Bid, 0, currSS.happyPrice, OrderType.Market);
                            if (-diffPips > currSS.cparam.OpenOrderShift)
                                int orderId = Meta.OrderSend(currSS.cparam.Symbol, OrderType.Market, OrderSide.Buy, GetVolume(currSS), currSymbolTick.Ask, 0, 0, currSS.cparam.NewUniqueComment());
                                if (orderId > 0)
                                    Meta.OrderModify(orderId, currSymbolTick.Bid, 0, currSS.happyPrice, OrderType.Market);
                        catch (HistoryNotAvailableExceptions exc)
                            logger.AddMessage("tick = {0}\r\n {1}\n", currTickTemp.DateTime.ToLongTimeString(), exc);
                        catch (Exception exc)

                }while (!TestingMode);
Ejemplo n.º 48
 public static IEnumerable <T> UnionWith <T>(this IEnumerable <T> first, params T[] second)
Ejemplo n.º 49
        public List <CariDetayYeni> CariDetayREski(int musteriID, int gun)
            // cari detay için
            // service_faturas -onaylanmış servis kararları- cariye işlenmiş zaten
            // faturas'ta sadece turu fatura olanlar
            // sonra da müşteri ödeme ve tahsilat hareketleri
            DateTime tarih = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-gun);

            IEnumerable <CariDetayYeni> hesaplar = from s in db.servicehesaps
                                                   where s.iptal == false && (s.MusteriID == musteriID || s.tamirci_id == musteriID) && s.Onay_tarih >= tarih && s.Yekun > 0
                                                   select new CariDetayYeni
                //müşteri hesabı için servis toplamlarını kullanacağım
                //o yüzden burada hesaplara sıfır yazdım
                MusteriID  = (int)s.MusteriID,
                aciklama   = s.Aciklama,
                musteriAdi = s.customer.Ad,
                borc       = s.tamirci_id == musteriID ? s.toplam_maliyet : null,
                //alacak = s.tamirci_id == musteriID ? 0 : s.Yekun,
                alacak    = null,
                tarih     = (DateTime)s.Onay_tarih,
                islem     = s.IslemParca,
                konu      = s.adet + " Adet" + s.cihaz_adi,
                kullanici = s.updated == null ? s.inserted : (s.inserted + "-" + s.updated)

            IEnumerable <CariDetayYeni> servis = from s in db.services
                                                 where s.iptal == false && (s.CustID == musteriID || s.usta_id == musteriID) && s.AcilmaZamani >= tarih && s.KapanmaZamani != null && s.service_faturas.Yekun > 0
                                                 select new CariDetayYeni
                //hakedişin prim oranlarına göre hesaplanması gerek
                //service faturasta triggerla yapılıyor
                MusteriID  = (int)s.CustID,
                aciklama   = s.Aciklama,
                musteriAdi = s.customer.Ad,
                borc       = s.usta_id == musteriID ? (decimal)(s.service_faturas.toplam_fark) : 0,
                alacak     = s.usta_id == musteriID ? 0 : s.service_faturas.Yekun,
                tarih      = (DateTime)s.AcilmaZamani,
                islem      = s.Baslik,
                konu       = s.urun.Cinsi,
                kullanici  = s.updated == null ? s.inserted : (s.inserted + "-" + s.updated)
            IEnumerable <CariDetayYeni> odeme_tahsilat = from o in db.musteriodemelers
                                                         where o.iptal == false && o.Musteri_ID == musteriID && o.OdemeTarih >= tarih
                                                         // orderby o.OdemeTarih descending
                                                         select new CariDetayYeni
                MusteriID  = o.Musteri_ID,
                aciklama   = o.Aciklama,
                musteriAdi = o.customer.Ad,
                borc       = o.tahsilat_odeme == "tahsilat" ? o.OdemeMiktar : 0,
                alacak     = o.tahsilat_odeme == "odeme" ? o.OdemeMiktar : 0,
                tarih      = o.OdemeTarih,
                islem      = o.tahsilat_turu,
                konu       = o.tahsilat_turu == "iade" ? "Ürün iadesi" : (o.tahsilat_turu == "Nakit" ? "Kasa" : (o.pos_id == null ?
                                                                                                                 (o.banka_id == null ? (o.kart_id == null ? "-" : o.kart_tanims.kart_adi) : o.banka.banka_adi) : o.pos_tanims.pos_adi)),
                kullanici = o.updated == null ? o.inserted : (o.inserted + "-" + o.updated)

            IEnumerable <CariDetayYeni> internet_fatura = (from o in db.faturas
                                                           where o.iptal == false && o.MusteriID == musteriID && (o.tur == "Fatura" || o.tur == "Devir") && o.sattis_tarih >= tarih
                                                           //orderby o.sattis_tarih descending
                                                           select new CariDetayYeni
                MusteriID = (int)o.MusteriID,
                aciklama = "Geçerlilik-" + o.son_odeme_tarihi.ToString(),
                musteriAdi = o.ad,
                borc = o.tutar,
                alacak = 0,
                tarih = (DateTime)o.sattis_tarih,
                islem = o.tur == "Fatura" ? "Kredi Yükleme" : "Devir",
                konu = o.tur == "Fatura" ? "İnternet Abonelik" : "Devreden Cari",
                kullanici = o.updated == null ? o.inserted : (o.inserted + "-" + o.updated)

            return(odeme_tahsilat.Union(servis).Union(internet_fatura).Union(hesaplar).OrderByDescending(x => x.tarih).ToList());
Ejemplo n.º 50
 public static async Task <IEnumerable <T> > Union <T>(this IEnumerable <T> @this, Task <IEnumerable <T> > second)
 => @this.Union((await second).OrEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 51
 private Requires DisjointnessRequires(IEnumerable <Variable> paramVars, HashSet <Variable> frame)
     return(new Requires(false, Expr.And(linearTypeChecker.DisjointnessExprForEachDomain(paramVars.Union(frame)))));
Ejemplo n.º 52
 private void Init(IEnumerable <IValueGenerator> generators)
     _generators = generators?.Union(_defaultGenerators).ToList() ?? _defaultGenerators;
Ejemplo n.º 53
 public IEnumerable <string> ExpandViewLocations(ViewLocationExpanderContext context, IEnumerable <string> viewLocations)
Ejemplo n.º 54
 public static Task <IEnumerable <T> > Union <T>(this IEnumerable <T> @this, IEnumerable <Task <T> > second)
 => @this.Union(second.AwaitAll());
Ejemplo n.º 55
        public override CompletionSet GetCompletions(IGlyphService glyphService)
            var start1 = _stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            IEnumerable <CompletionResult> members     = null;
            IEnumerable <CompletionResult> replMembers = null;

            var interactiveWindow = _snapshot.TextBuffer.GetInteractiveWindow();
            var pyReplEval        = interactiveWindow?.Evaluator as IPythonInteractiveIntellisense;

            var analysis = GetAnalysisEntry();

            string       text;
            SnapshotSpan statementRange;

            if (!GetPrecedingExpression(out text, out statementRange))
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                if (analysis != null)
                    lock (_analyzer) {
                        var location = VsProjectAnalyzer.TranslateIndex(
                        var parameters = Enumerable.Empty <CompletionResult>();
                        var sigs       = VsProjectAnalyzer.GetSignaturesAsync(_serviceProvider, View, _snapshot, Span).WaitOrDefault(1000);
                        if (sigs != null && sigs.Signatures.Any())
                            parameters = sigs.Signatures
                                         .SelectMany(s => s.Parameters)
                                         .Select(p => p.Name)
                                         .Select(n => new CompletionResult(n, PythonMemberType.Field));
                        members = (analysis.Analyzer.GetAllAvailableMembersAsync(analysis, location, _options.MemberOptions).WaitOrDefault(1000) ?? new CompletionResult[0])
                                  .Union(parameters, CompletionComparer.MemberEquality);

                if (pyReplEval == null)
                    var expansions = _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService().GetExpansionCompletions(100);
                    if (expansions != null)
                        // Expansions should come first, so that they replace our keyword
                        // completions with the more detailed snippets.
                        if (members != null)
                            members = expansions.Union(members, CompletionComparer.MemberEquality);
                            members = expansions;

                if (pyReplEval != null)
                    replMembers = pyReplEval.GetMemberNames(string.Empty);
                if (analysis != null && (pyReplEval == null || !pyReplEval.LiveCompletionsOnly))
                    lock (_analyzer) {
                        var location = VsProjectAnalyzer.TranslateIndex(

                        members = analysis.Analyzer.GetMembersAsync(analysis, text, location, _options.MemberOptions).WaitOrDefault(1000);

                if (pyReplEval != null && _analyzer.ShouldEvaluateForCompletion(text))
                    Debug.Assert(pyReplEval.Analyzer == _analyzer);
                    replMembers = pyReplEval.GetMemberNames(text);

            if (replMembers != null)
                if (members != null)
                    members = members.Union(replMembers, CompletionComparer.MemberEquality);
                    members = replMembers;

            var end = _stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            if (/*Logging &&*/ (end - start1) > TooMuchTime)
                if (members != null)
                    var memberArray = members.ToArray();
                    members = memberArray;
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} lookup time {1} for {2} members", this, end - start1, members.Count()));
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} lookup time {1} for zero members", this, end - start1));

            if (members == null)
                // The expression is invalid so we shouldn't provide
                // a completion set at all.

            var start = _stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            var result = new FuzzyCompletionSet(
                members.Select(m => PythonCompletion(glyphService, m)),
                matchInsertionText: true

            end = _stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            if (/*Logging &&*/ (end - start1) > TooMuchTime)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} completion set time {1} total time {2}", this, end - start, end - start1));

Ejemplo n.º 56
        private async Task HandleResponseAsync(HttpState programState, DefaultCommandInput <ICoreParseResult> commandInput, IConsoleManager consoleManager, HttpResponseMessage response, bool echoRequest, string headersTargetFile, string bodyTargetFile, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            RequestConfig  requestConfig  = new RequestConfig(_preferences);
            ResponseConfig responseConfig = new ResponseConfig(_preferences);
            string         protocolInfo;

            if (echoRequest)
                string hostString = response.RequestMessage.RequestUri.Scheme + "://" + response.RequestMessage.RequestUri.Host + (!response.RequestMessage.RequestUri.IsDefaultPort ? ":" + response.RequestMessage.RequestUri.Port : "");
                consoleManager.WriteLine($"Request to {hostString}...".SetColor(requestConfig.AddressColor));

                string method       = response.RequestMessage.Method.ToString().ToUpperInvariant().SetColor(requestConfig.MethodColor);
                string pathAndQuery = response.RequestMessage.RequestUri.PathAndQuery.SetColor(requestConfig.AddressColor);
                protocolInfo = $"{"HTTP".SetColor(requestConfig.ProtocolNameColor)}{"/".SetColor(requestConfig.ProtocolSeparatorColor)}{response.Version.ToString().SetColor(requestConfig.ProtocolVersionColor)}";

                consoleManager.WriteLine($"{method} {pathAndQuery} {protocolInfo}");
                IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > > requestHeaders = response.RequestMessage.Headers;

                if (response.RequestMessage.Content != null)
                    requestHeaders = requestHeaders.Union(response.RequestMessage.Content.Headers);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > header in requestHeaders.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                    string headerKey   = header.Key.SetColor(requestConfig.HeaderKeyColor);
                    string headerSep   = ":".SetColor(requestConfig.HeaderSeparatorColor);
                    string headerValue = string.Join(";".SetColor(requestConfig.HeaderValueSeparatorColor), header.Value.Select(x => x.Trim().SetColor(requestConfig.HeaderValueColor)));
                    consoleManager.WriteLine($"{headerKey}{headerSep} {headerValue}");


                List <string> responseOutput = new List <string>();

                if (response.RequestMessage.Content != null)
                    await FormatBodyAsync(commandInput, programState, consoleManager, response.RequestMessage.Content, responseOutput, _preferences, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                consoleManager.WriteLine($"Response from {hostString}...".SetColor(requestConfig.AddressColor));
                foreach (string responseLine in responseOutput)

            protocolInfo = $"{"HTTP".SetColor(responseConfig.ProtocolNameColor)}{"/".SetColor(responseConfig.ProtocolSeparatorColor)}{response.Version.ToString().SetColor(responseConfig.ProtocolVersionColor)}";
            string status = ((int)response.StatusCode).ToString().SetColor(responseConfig.StatusCodeColor) + " " + response.ReasonPhrase.SetColor(responseConfig.StatusReasonPhraseColor);

            consoleManager.WriteLine($"{protocolInfo} {status}");

            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > > responseHeaders = response.Headers;

            if (response.Content != null)
                responseHeaders = responseHeaders.Union(response.Content.Headers);

            List <string> headerFileOutput = null;
            List <string> bodyFileOutput   = null;

            if (headersTargetFile != null)
                headerFileOutput = new List <string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > header in responseHeaders.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                string headerKey   = header.Key.SetColor(responseConfig.HeaderKeyColor);
                string headerSep   = ":".SetColor(responseConfig.HeaderSeparatorColor);
                string headerValue = string.Join(";".SetColor(responseConfig.HeaderValueSeparatorColor), header.Value.Select(x => x.Trim().SetColor(responseConfig.HeaderValueColor)));
                consoleManager.WriteLine($"{headerKey}{headerSep} {headerValue}");
                headerFileOutput?.Add($"{header.Key}: {string.Join(";", header.Value.Select(x => x.Trim()))}");

            if (bodyTargetFile != null)
                bodyFileOutput = new List <string>();


            if (response.Content != null)
                await FormatBodyAsync(commandInput, programState, consoleManager, response.Content, bodyFileOutput, _preferences, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (headersTargetFile != null && !string.Equals(headersTargetFile, bodyTargetFile, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                IEnumerable <string> allOutput = headerFileOutput.Concat(bodyFileOutput);
                _fileSystem.WriteAllLinesToFile(headersTargetFile, allOutput);
                if (headersTargetFile != null && headerFileOutput != null)
                    _fileSystem.WriteAllLinesToFile(headersTargetFile, headerFileOutput);

                if (bodyTargetFile != null && bodyFileOutput != null)
                    _fileSystem.WriteAllLinesToFile(bodyTargetFile, bodyFileOutput);

Ejemplo n.º 57
        private IEnumerable <dynamic> CalcDay(IEnumerable <dynamic> hours, int contractHour, DateTime day)
            List <dynamic> result = new List <dynamic>();
            DateTime       start  = day.Date.AddHours(contractHour);
            DateTime       end    = day.Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(contractHour - 1);

            hours = hours.Where(h => h.date >= start && h.date <= end);
            var count = hours.Where(h => h.s1.StartsWith(Glossary.Qn)).Count();

            if (count == 0)
                log(string.Format("суточная запись {0:dd.MM.yy} по часовым архивам {1:dd.MM.yy HH:mm} — {2:dd.MM.yy HH:mm} НЕ расчитана", day, start, end));
            if (count < 24)
                log(string.Format("недостаточное количество часовых архивов ({0} из 24) за сутки {1:dd.MM.yy}. Попытка использовать архивы локальной БД", count, day));

                var dates     = hours.Select(h => (DateTime)h.date).ToArray();
                var localHour = getRange("Hour", start, end).Where(h => !dates.Contains((DateTime)h.date));
                log(string.Format("из локальной БД прочитано {0} часовых архивов за сутки {1:dd.MM.yy}", localHour.Where(h => h.s1.StartsWith(Glossary.Qn)).Count(), day));
                hours = hours.Union(localHour);
            if (count > 24)
                log(string.Format("количество часовых архивов {0} из 24 за сутки {1:dd.MM.yy}", count, day));

            if (count == 24)
                log(string.Format("количество часовых архивов {0} из 24 за сутки {1:dd.MM.yy}", count, day));

            foreach (var x in hours.GroupBy(g => g.s1))
                if (x.Key.StartsWith(Glossary.Qn) ||
                                             x.GroupBy(y => y.date).Select(y => y.Max(z => (double)z.d1)).Sum(y => y),

                if (x.Key.StartsWith(Glossary.Vn) ||
                    x.Key.StartsWith(Glossary.Vw) ||
                    result.Add(MakeDayRecord(x.Key, x.Select(y => (double)y.d1).Max(y => y), x.First().s2, day));

                if (x.Key.StartsWith(Glossary.T) ||
                    result.Add(MakeDayRecord(x.Key, x.GroupBy(y => y.date).Select(y => y.Max(z => (double)z.d1)).Average(y => y), x.First().s2, day));

            log(string.Format("рассчитана суточная запись {0:dd.MM.yy} по часовым архивам {1:dd.MM.yy HH:mm} — {2:dd.MM.yy HH:mm}", day, start, end));
Ejemplo n.º 58
 protected override IEnumerable <Entity> Combine(IEnumerable <Entity> entities)
Ejemplo n.º 59
        public List <CariDetayx> CariDetayR(int musteriID, int gun)
            // cari detay için
            // service_faturas -onaylanmış servis kararları- cariye işlenmiş zaten
            // faturas'ta sadece turu fatura olanlar
            // sonra da müşteri ödeme ve tahsilat hareketleri
            //tamircinin ve ustanın hesaplarını da ekliyoruz

            DateTime tarih = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-gun);

            IEnumerable <CariDetayx> odeme_tahsilat = (from o in db.musteriodemelers
                                                       where o.iptal == false && o.Musteri_ID == musteriID && o.OdemeTarih >= tarih
                                                       // orderby o.OdemeTarih descending
                                                       select new CariDetayx
                MusteriID = o.Musteri_ID,
                aciklama = o.Aciklama,
                musteriAdi = o.customer.Ad,
                tutar = o.OdemeMiktar,
                maliyet = null,
                tarih = o.OdemeTarih,
                islem = o.tahsilat_odeme == "tahsilat" ? (o.tahsilat_turu == "iade" ? "Cihaz İadesi" : (o.tahsilat_turu == "borc" ? "Borç Alındı" : o.tahsilat_odeme)) :
                        (o.tahsilat_turu == "iade" ? "Cihaz İadesi" : (o.tahsilat_turu == "borc" ? "Borç Verildi" : o.tahsilat_odeme)),
                islem_turu = o.tahsilat_turu,

                islem_adres = o.pos_id == null ?
                              (o.banka_id == null ? (o.kart_id == null ? "-" : o.kart_tanims.kart_adi) : o.banka.banka_adi) : o.pos_tanims.pos_adi,
                cesit = o.tahsilat_turu == "iade" ? "iade" : o.tahsilat_odeme,
                masraf_tipi = o.masraf_id == null ? "Standart" : o.masraf_tipi,
                islem_tarihi = o.islem_tarihi

            IEnumerable <CariDetayx> internet_fatura = (from o in db.faturas
                                                        where o.iptal == false && o.MusteriID == musteriID && (o.tur == "Fatura" || o.tur == "Devir") && o.sattis_tarih >= tarih
                                                        //orderby o.sattis_tarih descending
                                                        select new CariDetayx
                MusteriID = (int)o.MusteriID,
                aciklama = "Geçerlilik-" + o.bakiye,
                musteriAdi = o.ad,
                tutar = o.tutar,
                maliyet = null,
                tarih = (DateTime)o.sattis_tarih,
                islem = o.tur == "Fatura" ? "Kredi Yükleme" : "Devir",
                islem_turu = o.tur == "Fatura" ? "İnternet Abonelik" : "Devreden Cari",
                islem_adres = "",
                cesit = "fatura",
                masraf_tipi = "internet fatura",
                islem_tarihi = o.islem_tarihi

            IEnumerable <CariDetayx> servis = from s in db.services
                                              where s.iptal == false && (s.CustID == musteriID || s.usta_id == musteriID) && s.AcilmaZamani >= tarih && s.service_faturas.Yekun > 0
                                              select new CariDetayx
                MusteriID    = (int)s.CustID,
                aciklama     = s.Baslik,
                musteriAdi   = s.customer.Ad,
                tutar        = s.service_faturas.Yekun,
                maliyet      = s.service_faturas.toplam_maliyet,
                tarih        = s.AcilmaZamani,
                islem        = String.IsNullOrEmpty(s.service_faturas.service_tur) ? "Servis" : "Servis-Cihaz",
                islem_turu   = s.service_tips.tip_ad,
                islem_adres  = s.usta_id == null ? "Servis Toplamı" : " Servis Toplamı Usta",
                cesit        = "servis",
                masraf_tipi  = "cihaz-servis",
                islem_tarihi = s.AcilmaZamani

            IEnumerable <CariDetayx> hesaplar = from s in db.servicehesaps
                                                where s.iptal == false && (s.MusteriID == musteriID || s.tamirci_id == musteriID) && s.Onay_tarih >= tarih && s.Yekun > 0
                                                select new CariDetayx
                MusteriID    = (int)s.MusteriID,
                aciklama     = s.Aciklama,
                musteriAdi   = s.customer.Ad,
                tutar        = s.Yekun,
                maliyet      = s.toplam_maliyet,
                tarih        = (DateTime)s.Onay_tarih,
                islem        = s.IslemParca,
                islem_turu   = s.cihaz_adi,
                islem_adres  = s.tamirci_id == null?s.adet.ToString() + "Adet" : "Dış servis",
                cesit        = "karar",
                masraf_tipi  = "servis kararı",
                islem_tarihi = s.Onay_tarih

            return(odeme_tahsilat.Union(servis).Union(internet_fatura).Union(hesaplar).OrderByDescending(x => x.tarih).ToList());
Ejemplo n.º 60
 /// <summary>Produces the set union of the first sequence and the specified items by using the default equality comparer.
 /// This method is an overload for Union that uses the params argument to provide
 /// a better syntax when used with a known set of items.
 /// </summary>
 public static IEnumerable <T> Union <T>(this IEnumerable <T> first, params T[] secondItems)
     return(first.Union((IEnumerable <T>)secondItems));