public EncodingConfig(IEngineConfig config, Encoding encoding)
            _variableKeys          = new List <byte[]>();
            Encoding               = encoding;
            LineEndings            = new TokenTrie();
            Whitespace             = new TokenTrie();
            WhitespaceOrLineEnding = new TokenTrie();
            Variables              = new TokenTrie();

            foreach (string token in config.LineEndings)
                byte[] tokenBytes = encoding.GetBytes(token);

            foreach (string token in config.Whitespaces)
                byte[] tokenBytes = encoding.GetBytes(token);

            _values = new Func <object> [config.Variables.Count];
            ExpandVariables(config, encoding);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // get engine config
            IEngineConfig engineConfig = EngineConfigProvider.GetConfig();
            ILogger       logger       = EngineLoggerProvider.GetLogger(engineConfig);


                // Create objects for current environment
                ITestE2EReader e2eReader = TestE2EReaderProvider.GetReader(logger);
                IComputer      computer  = ComputerSelector.GetCurrentComputer();
                IReadOnlyList <ICloudOCRService> ocrServices = CloudOCRServiceProvider.GetCloudOCRServices(computer, engineConfig, logger);

                // create engine
                IEngine engine = new Engine(e2eReader, computer, ocrServices, engineConfig, logger);

                // run tests
                await engine.RunAsync(args).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.WriteError("Error = " + ex);

Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Engine(ILogger <Engine> logger, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IDbContext dbContext, IEngineConfig configuration)
     this.logger        = logger;
     this.loggerFactory = loggerFactory;
     this.dbContext     = dbContext;
     Configuration      = configuration;      = new ServiceCollection();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public TestE2EExecutor(ITestE2E testE2E, IComputer computer, IReadOnlyList <ICloudOCRService> ocrService, ILogger logger, IEngineConfig engineConfig)
     _testE2E      = testE2E;
     _computer     = computer;
     _ocrService   = ocrService;
     _logger       = logger;
     _engineConfig = engineConfig;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void DecideLoggerType(IEngineConfig config)
            if (string.Equals("Console", config[loggerTypeKey], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                _writeAction = WriteToConsole;

            // TODO : extend to other logger type here.
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void Update(IEngineConfig config)
     ConstantDepth          = config.ConstantDepth;
     Depth                  = config.Depth;
     TimeLimit              = config.TimeLimit;
     NullMoveDepthReduction = config.NullMoveDepthReduction;
     Multithreading         = config.Multithreading;
     UseOpeningBook         = config.UseOpeningBook;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public ArtemisEngine(GameState gameState, IEngineConfig config, OpeningBook openingBook)
     this.gameState     = gameState;
     transpositionTable = new TranspositionTable(config);
     evConfig           = new EvaluationConfig();
     evaluator          = new PositionEvaluator(gameState, evConfig);
     Config             = config;
     this.openingBook   = openingBook;
     threadMaster       = new ThreadMaster(this, gameState, transpositionTable, config);
 private void ExpandVariables(IEngineConfig config, Encoding encoding)
     foreach (string key in config.Variables.Keys)
         string formattedKey = string.Format(config.VariableFormatString, key);
         byte[] keyBytes     = encoding.GetBytes(formattedKey);
         _values[Variables.AddToken(keyBytes)] = () => config.Variables[key];
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public TestStepForImage(IReadOnlyList <ICloudOCRService> ocrServices,
                         IComputer computer,
                         ITestStep action,
                         ILogger logger,
                         IEngineConfig config,
                         IOpenCVSUtils openCVService)
     : base(ocrServices, config, computer, logger, openCVService)
     _step = action;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static void Ensure(IEngineConfig config, string key, string fallback)
            string value = config[key];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                value = fallback;

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public Engine(ITestE2EReader reader, IComputer computer, IReadOnlyList <ICloudOCRService> ocrServices, IEngineConfig engineConfig, ILogger logger)
            _testE2EReader = reader;
            _computer      = computer;
            _ocrServices   = ocrServices;
            _engineConfig  = engineConfig;
            _logger        = logger;

            // ensure environment
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize components and plugins in the sm environment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">Config</param>
        public void Initialize(IEngineConfig config)
            InitializeContainer(_containerConfigurer, _eventBroker, config);
            bool databaseInstalled = DataSettingsHelper.DatabaseIsInstalled();

            if (databaseInstalled)
                //startup tasks
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public SearchThread(ArtemisEngine engine, ThreadMaster master, GameState gameState, TranspositionTable transpositionTable, ConcurrentDictionary <ulong, bool> searchedNodes, IEngineConfig config)
            this.master    = master;
            this.gameState = gameState;
            EvaluationConfig evConfig = new EvaluationConfig();

            evaluator     = new PositionEvaluator(gameState, evConfig);
            moveEvaluator = new MoveEvaluator(evConfig);
            quietSearch   = new QuiescenceSearch(engine, gameState, evaluator, moveEvaluator);
            pvSearch      = new PVSearch(engine, gameState, transpositionTable, killerMoves, evaluator, moveEvaluator, quietSearch, searchedNodes, config);
            this.config   = config;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public TestStepForBase(IReadOnlyList <ICloudOCRService> ocrServices,
                        IEngineConfig config,
                        IComputer computer,
                        ILogger logger,
                        IOpenCVSUtils openCVService)
     OCRServices   = ocrServices;
     _engineConfig = config;
     Computer      = computer;
     Logger        = logger;
     OpenCVService = openCVService;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public ThreadMaster(ArtemisEngine engine, GameState gameState, TranspositionTable transpositionTable, IEngineConfig config)
     this.gameState          = gameState;
     this.transpositionTable = transpositionTable;
     this.config             = config;
     threadsNum    = Environment.ProcessorCount;
     searchThreads = new SearchThread[threadsNum];
     for (int t = 0; t < threadsNum; t++)
         GameState threadState = new GameState(gameState.PregeneratedAttacks, gameState.ZobristHashUtils);
         searchThreads[t] = new SearchThread(engine, this, threadState, transpositionTable, searchedNodes, config);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public PVSearch(ArtemisEngine engine, GameState gameState, TranspositionTable transpositionTable, KillerMoves killerMoves, PositionEvaluator evaluator, MoveEvaluator moveEvaluator,
                 QuiescenceSearch quietSearch, ConcurrentDictionary <ulong, bool> searchedNodes, IEngineConfig config)
     this.engine             = engine;
     this.gameState          = gameState;
     this.transpositionTable = transpositionTable;
     this.killerMoves        = killerMoves;
     this.evaluator          = evaluator;
     this.moveEvaluator      = moveEvaluator;
     this.quietSearch        = quietSearch;
     this.searchedNodes      = searchedNodes;
     this.config             = config;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public AzureOCRService(IComputer computer,
                        IOCRResultTextFinder textFinder,
                        string serviceUrl,
                        string serviceKey,
                        ILogger logger,
                        IEngineConfig config)
     _computer    = computer;
     _textFinder  = textFinder;
     _azureOCRUrl = serviceUrl;
     _azureOCRKey = serviceKey;
     _logger      = logger;
     _config      = config;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public GameManager(Canvas boardCanvas, MovesHistory movesHistory, ISettings settings)
     this.boardCanvas       = boardCanvas;
     this.movesHistory      = movesHistory;
     this.settings          = settings;
     engineConfig           = settings;
     boardCanvas.Background = new ImageBrush
         ImageSource = GetImage("board.png")
     lastMoveHighlight = new LastMoveHighlight(this, boardCanvas);
     gameState         = new GameState(pregeneratedAttacks, zobristHashUtils);
     openingBook       = new OpeningBook(pregeneratedAttacks, zobristHashUtils);
     engine            = new ArtemisEngine(gameState, engineConfig, openingBook);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a factory instance and adds a http application injecting facility.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A new factory</returns>
        public static IEngine CreateEngineInstance(IEngineConfig config)
            if (config != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.EngineType))
                var engineType = Type.GetType(config.EngineType);
                if (engineType == null)
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The type '" + engineType + "' could not be found. Please check the configuration at /configuration/LifenxiangConfig/engine[@engineType] or check for missing assemblies.");
                if (!typeof(IEngine).IsAssignableFrom(engineType))
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The type '" + engineType + "' doesn't implement 'Chenyuan.Core.Infrastructure.IEngine' and cannot be configured in /configuration/LifenxiangConfig/engine[@engineType] for that purpose.");
                return(Activator.CreateInstance(engineType) as IEngine);

            return(new DefaultAppEngine());
        public static ITestStepExecutor Generate(ITestStep testStep,
                                                 IComputer computer,
                                                 IReadOnlyList <ICloudOCRService> ocrSerivces,
                                                 ILogger logger,
                                                 IEngineConfig config)
            if (string.Equals(testStep.Target, "image", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return(new TestStepForImage(ocrSerivces, computer, testStep, logger, config, OpenCVService));
            else if (string.Equals(testStep.Target, "text", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return(new TestStepForText(ocrSerivces, computer, testStep, logger, config, OpenCVService));
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(testStep.Target))
                return(new TestStepForActionOnly(computer, testStep, logger));

Ejemplo n.º 21
 public TranspositionTable(IEngineConfig engineConfig)
     this.engineConfig = engineConfig;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public ProcessorState(Stream source, Stream target, int bufferSize, int flushThreshold, IEngineConfig config, IReadOnlyList <IOperationProvider> operationProviders)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));

            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target));

            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config));

            if (operationProviders == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(operationProviders));

            if (source.CanSeek)
                    if (source.Length < bufferSize)
                        bufferSize = (int)source.Length;
                    //The stream may not support getting the length property (in NetworkStream for instance, which throw a NotSupportedException), suppress any errors in
                    //  accessing the property and continue with the specified buffer size
            //Buffer has to be at least as large as the largest BOM we could expect
            else if (bufferSize < 4)
                bufferSize = 4;

            _source             = source;
            _target             = target;
            Config              = config;
            _flushThreshold     = flushThreshold;
            CurrentBuffer       = new byte[bufferSize];
            CurrentBufferLength = ReadExactBytes(source, CurrentBuffer, 0, CurrentBuffer.Length);

            Encoding encoding = EncodingUtil.Detect(CurrentBuffer, CurrentBufferLength, out byte[] bom);

            EncodingConfig        = new EncodingConfig(Config, encoding);
            _bomSize              = bom.Length;
            CurrentBufferPosition = _bomSize;
            CurrentSequenceNumber = _bomSize;
            target.Write(bom, 0, _bomSize);

            bool explicitOnConfigurationRequired = false;
            Dictionary <Encoding, Trie <OperationTerminal> > byEncoding = TrieLookup.GetOrAdd(operationProviders, x => new Dictionary <Encoding, Trie <OperationTerminal> >());
            List <string> turnOnByDefault = OperationsToExplicitlySetOnByDefault.GetOrAdd(operationProviders, x =>
                explicitOnConfigurationRequired = true;
                return(new List <string>());

            if (!byEncoding.TryGetValue(encoding, out Trie <OperationTerminal> trie))
                trie = new Trie <OperationTerminal>();

                for (int i = 0; i < operationProviders.Count; ++i)
                    IOperation op = operationProviders[i].GetOperation(encoding, this);

                    if (op != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < op.Tokens.Count; ++j)
                            if (op.Tokens[j] != null)
                                trie.AddPath(op.Tokens[j].Value, new OperationTerminal(op, j, op.Tokens[j].Length, op.Tokens[j].Start, op.Tokens[j].End));

                        if (explicitOnConfigurationRequired && op.IsInitialStateOn && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(op.Id))

                byEncoding[encoding] = trie;

            foreach (string state in turnOnByDefault)
                config.Flags[state] = true;

            _trie = new TrieEvaluator <OperationTerminal>(trie);

            if (bufferSize < _trie.MaxLength + 1)
                byte[] tmp = new byte[_trie.MaxLength + 1];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(CurrentBuffer, CurrentBufferPosition, tmp, 0, CurrentBufferLength - CurrentBufferPosition);
                int nRead = ReadExactBytes(_source, tmp, CurrentBufferLength - CurrentBufferPosition, tmp.Length - CurrentBufferLength);
                CurrentBuffer         = tmp;
                CurrentBufferLength  += nRead - _bomSize;
                CurrentBufferPosition = 0;
                CurrentSequenceNumber = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static ICloudOCRService CreateAzureOCR(string serviceUrl, string serviceKey, IComputer computer, ILogger logger, IEngineConfig config)
            if (_azureService == null)
                IOCRResultTextFinder textFinder = new AzureRecognizeTextFinder();
                _azureService = new AzureOCRService(computer, textFinder, serviceUrl, serviceKey, logger, config);

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public static ICloudOCRService Create(string providerName, string serviceUrl, string serviceKey, IComputer computer, ILogger logger, IEngineConfig config)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerName))

            if (string.Equals(providerName, "azure", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return(CreateAzureOCR(serviceUrl, serviceKey, computer, logger, config));

            // Create other service here...l

Ejemplo n.º 25
 public static void EnsureEnvironment(IEngineConfig config)
     Ensure(config, _imageFolderKey, _imageFolderFallback);
     Ensure(config, _ArtifactsFolderKey, _ArtifactsFolderFallback);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public EngineLogger(IEngineConfig config)
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static IReadOnlyList <ICloudOCRService> GetCloudOCRServices(IComputer computer, IEngineConfig config, ILogger logger)
            IReadOnlyList <IOCRProviderConfig> ocrProviders = config.GetOCRProviders();

            if (ocrProviders == null || ocrProviders.Count == 0)

            List <ICloudOCRService> services = new List <ICloudOCRService>();

            foreach (IOCRProviderConfig providerConfig in ocrProviders)
                ICloudOCRService service = CloudOCRServiceFactory.Create(providerConfig.Provider, providerConfig.Endpoint, providerConfig.Key, computer, logger, config);

                if (service != null)

Ejemplo n.º 28
        public ProcessorState(Stream source, Stream target, int bufferSize, int flushThreshold, IEngineConfig config, IReadOnlyList <IOperationProvider> operationProviders)
            bool sizedToStream = false;

            //Buffer has to be at least as large as the largest BOM we could expect
            if (bufferSize < 4)
                bufferSize = 4;
                    if (source.Length < bufferSize)
                        sizedToStream = true;
                        bufferSize    = (int)source.Length;
                    //The stream may not support getting the length property (in NetworkStream for instance, which throw a NotSupportedException), suppress any errors in
                    //  accessing the property and continue with the specified buffer size

            _source             = source;
            _target             = target;
            Config              = config;
            _flushThreshold     = flushThreshold;
            CurrentBuffer       = new byte[bufferSize];
            CurrentBufferLength = source.Read(CurrentBuffer, 0, CurrentBuffer.Length);

            byte[]   bom;
            Encoding encoding = EncodingUtil.Detect(CurrentBuffer, CurrentBufferLength, out bom);

            Encoding = encoding;
            CurrentBufferPosition = bom.Length;
            target.Write(bom, 0, bom.Length);

            Dictionary <Encoding, OperationTrie> byEncoding;

            if (!TrieLookup.TryGetValue(operationProviders, out byEncoding))
                TrieLookup[operationProviders] = byEncoding = new Dictionary <Encoding, OperationTrie>();

            if (!byEncoding.TryGetValue(encoding, out _trie))
                List <IOperation> operations = new List <IOperation>(operationProviders.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < operationProviders.Count; ++i)
                    IOperation op = operationProviders[i].GetOperation(encoding, this);
                    if (op != null)

                byEncoding[encoding] = _trie = OperationTrie.Create(operations);

            if (bufferSize < _trie.MaxLength && !sizedToStream)
                byte[] tmp = new byte[_trie.MaxLength];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(CurrentBuffer, CurrentBufferPosition, tmp, 0, CurrentBufferLength - CurrentBufferPosition);
                int nRead = _source.Read(tmp, CurrentBufferLength - CurrentBufferPosition, tmp.Length - CurrentBufferLength);
                CurrentBuffer         = tmp;
                CurrentBufferLength  += nRead;
                CurrentBufferPosition = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public static ILogger GetLogger(IEngineConfig config)
     return(new EngineLogger(config));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine"></param>
        /// <param name="containerManager"></param>
        /// <param name="broker"></param>
        /// <param name="configuration"></param>
        public virtual void Configure(IEngine engine, ContainerManager containerManager, EventBroker broker, IEngineConfig configuration)
            //other dependencies
            containerManager.AddComponentInstance <IEngineConfig>(configuration, "Chenyuan.configuration");
            containerManager.AddComponentInstance <IEngine>(engine, "Chenyuan.engine");
            containerManager.AddComponentInstance <ContainerConfigurer>(this, "Chenyuan.containerConfigurer");

            //type finder
            containerManager.AddComponent <ITypeFinder, WebAppTypeFinder>("Chenyuan.typeFinder");

            //register dependencies provided by other assemblies
            var typeFinder = containerManager.Resolve <ITypeFinder>();

            containerManager.UpdateContainer(x =>
                var drTypes     = typeFinder.FindClassesOfType <IDependencyRegistar>();
                var drInstances = new List <IDependencyRegistar>();
                foreach (var drType in drTypes)
                drInstances = drInstances.OrderBy(t => t.Order).ToList();
                foreach (var dependencyRegistrar in drInstances)
                    dependencyRegistrar.Register(x, typeFinder);

            //event broker