public override void ContributeCore(CreateIndexDescriptor descriptor, IElasticClient client)
     if (_shards.HasValue && _shards.Value > 0)
		public override async Task TeardownAsync(IElasticClient client, ColoredConsoleWriter output)
			var deleteResponse = await client.DeleteAsync<Developer>(_developer, d => d.Index<Developer>()).ConfigureAwait(false);

			if (!deleteResponse.IsValid)
				output.WriteOrange($"error with id {deleteResponse.Id}. message: {deleteResponse.CallDetails.OriginalException}");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Repository()
     //_passportIndices = new List<string> {ServiceIndex, UserIndex, ClaimIndex, OrgIndex};
     var storage = new Storage("http://localhost:9200");
     _client = storage.Connection;
		public override async Task ProfileAsync(IElasticClient client, ColoredConsoleWriter output)
			for (var i = 0; i < _iterations; i++)
				// TODO generate random search descriptors
				var searchResponse = await client.SearchAsync<Developer>(s => s
					.Query(q => q
						.Bool(b => b
								mc => mc.Match(m => m.Field(d => d.FirstName).Query(_developer.FirstName)),
								mc => mc.Match(m => m.Field(d => d.LastName).Query(_developer.LastName)),
								mc => mc.Match(m => m.Field(d => d.JobTitle).Query(_developer.JobTitle))

				if (!searchResponse.IsValid)
						$"error searching for {nameof(Developer)}. message: {searchResponse.CallDetails.OriginalException}");

				if (!searchResponse.Documents.Any())
					output.WriteOrange($"did not find matching {nameof(Developer)} for search.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public BaseJsonTests()
     this._settings = new ConnectionSettings(Test.Default.Uri)
     this._connection = new InMemoryConnection(this._settings);
     this._client = new ElasticClient(this._settings, this._connection);
 public override void ContributeCore(CreateIndexDescriptor descriptor, IElasticClient client)
     foreach (var contributor in _contributors)
         contributor.Contribute(descriptor, client);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public BaseJsonTests()
     this._settings = new ConnectionSettings(UnitTestDefaults.Uri, UnitTestDefaults.DefaultIndex)
     this._connection = new InMemoryConnection(this._settings);
     this._client = new ElasticClient(this._settings, this._connection);
        /// <summary>
        /// C/tor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="namedLock">The name of the lock to create. REQUIRED</param>
        /// <param name="client">An instance of an elastic search NEST client. Will be created automatically by default. Use this if connecting to an elastic cluster.</param>
        /// <param name="indexName">The name of the elastic search index. Default = distributedlocks</param>
        public ElasticSearchDistributedLock(string namedLock, IElasticClient client = null, string indexName = "distributedlocks")
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedLock))
                throw new ArgumentException("namedLock cannot be null or empty");

            mIndex = indexName;
            Name = namedLock;
            mStopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            //Only do this once per process.. 
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mOwner))
                mOwner = BuildOwnerIdentifier();

            //Create a default client if none handed in
            if (client == null)
                var settings = new ConnectionSettings(defaultIndex: mIndex);
                mClient = new ElasticClient(settings);
                mClient = client;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void Initialize(string uri = "http://localhost:9200/", bool deleteIndex = false)
     _logger.Info("Initialing elastic search with uri: " + uri);
     var connectionString = new ConnectionSettings(
         new Uri(uri))
     _elasticClient = new ElasticClient(connectionString);
     if (deleteIndex && _elasticClient.IndexExists(OSM_NAMES_INDEX).Exists)
     if (deleteIndex && _elasticClient.IndexExists(OSM_HIGHWAYS_INDEX).Exists)
             c => c.Mappings(
                 ms => ms.Map<object>(m =>
                     m.Properties(ps => ps.GeoShape(g => g.Name("geometry")
     _logger.Info("Finished initialing elastic search with uri: " + uri);
		public static string CreateNewIndexWithData(IElasticClient client)
			var newIndex = ElasticsearchConfiguration.NewUniqueIndexName();
			CreateTestIndex(client, newIndex);
			IndexDemoData(client, newIndex);
			return newIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static IEnumerable<QueryResponse<JsonObject>> Do(IElasticClient client)
            var d = new MultiSearchDescriptor();

            d.Search<JsonObject>(s => s.Index("entities")
                .ConcreteTypeSelector((o, hit) => typeof (JsonObject))
                .FacetQuery("one", q => q.QueryString(a => a.Query("parentId:59791")))
                .FacetQuery("two", q => q.QueryString(a => a.Query("parentId:7309"))));

            d.Search<JsonObject>(s => s.Index("entities")
                .ConcreteTypeSelector((o, hit) => typeof (JsonObject))
                .FacetQuery("facetName", q => q.QueryString(a => a.Query("parentId:7309"))));

            d.Search<JsonObject>(s => s.Index("entities")
                .ConcreteTypeSelector((o, hit) => typeof (JsonObject))
                .FacetQuery("facetName", q => q.QueryString(a => a.Query("parentId:12711"))));

            d.Search<JsonObject>(s => s.Index("entities")
                .ConcreteTypeSelector((o, hit) => typeof (JsonObject))
                .FacetQuery("facetName", q => q.QueryString(a => a.Query("parentId:60068"))));

            var b = client.MultiSearch(d);

            return b.GetResponses<JsonObject>();
		public static void CreateTestIndex(IElasticClient client, string indexName)
			var createIndexResult = client.CreateIndex(indexName, c => c
				.AddMapping<ElasticsearchProject>(m => m
					.Properties(props => props
						.String(s => s
							.Name(p => p.Name)
							.FieldData(fd => fd.Loading(FieldDataLoading.Eager))
							.Fields(fields => fields
								.String(ss => ss
						.String(s => s
							.Name(ep => ep.Content)
				.AddAlias(indexName + "-aliased")
				.AddMapping<Person>(m => m.MapFromAttributes())
				.AddMapping<BoolTerm>(m => m.Properties(pp => pp
					.String(sm => sm.Name(p => p.Name1).Index(FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed))
					.String(sm => sm.Name(p => p.Name2).Index(FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed))
        public ElasticsearchRepositoryDocumentNotExistsSpecs()
            var settings = new ConnectionSettings();

            _client = new ElasticClient(settings, new InMemoryConnection(settings, string.Empty, 404));
            _repository = new ElasticsearchRepository(_client);
Ejemplo n.º 14
		public static void IndexDemoData(IElasticClient client, string index = null)
			index = index ?? ElasticsearchConfiguration.DefaultIndex;
			var projects = NestTestData.Data;
			var people = NestTestData.People;
			var boolTerms = NestTestData.BoolTerms;
			var parents = NestTestData.Parents;
			var children = NestTestData.Children;

			var bulkResponse = client.Bulk(b => {


				var rand = new Random();
				foreach (var parent in parents)
					b.Index<Parent>(i => i.Document(parent));
				foreach (var child in children)
					b.Index<Child>(i => i
				return b;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public SystemHealthChecker(ICacheClient cacheClient, IElasticClient elasticClient, IFileStorage storage, IQueue<StatusMessage> queue, IMessageBus messageBus) {
     _cacheClient = cacheClient;
     _elasticClient = elasticClient;
     _storage = storage;
     _queue = queue;
     _messageBus = messageBus;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 private static bool ValidateIfIdIsAlreadyUsedForIndex(int id, IElasticClient client)
     var idsList = new List<string> { id.ToString() };
     var result = client.Search<Person>(s => s
            .Query(p => p.Ids(idsList)));
     return !result.Documents.Any();
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public virtual void ConfigureIndexes(IElasticClient client, IEnumerable<IElasticIndex> indexes = null) {
            if (indexes == null)
                indexes = GetIndexes();

            foreach (var idx in indexes) {
                int currentVersion = GetAliasVersion(client, idx.AliasName);

                IIndicesOperationResponse response = null;
                var templatedIndex = idx as ITemplatedElasticIndex;
                if (templatedIndex != null)
                    response = client.PutTemplate(idx.VersionedName, template => templatedIndex.CreateTemplate(template).AddAlias(idx.AliasName));
                else if (!client.IndexExists(idx.VersionedName).Exists)
                    response = client.CreateIndex(idx.VersionedName, descriptor => idx.CreateIndex(descriptor).AddAlias(idx.AliasName));

                Debug.Assert(response == null || response.IsValid, response?.ServerError != null ? response.ServerError.Error : "An error occurred creating the index or template.");
                // Add existing indexes to the alias.
                if (!client.AliasExists(idx.AliasName).Exists) {
                    if (templatedIndex != null) {
                        var indices = client.IndicesStats().Indices.Where(kvp => kvp.Key.StartsWith(idx.VersionedName)).Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToList();
                        if (indices.Count > 0) {
                            var descriptor = new AliasDescriptor();
                            foreach (string name in indices)
                                descriptor.Add(add => add.Index(name).Alias(idx.AliasName));

                            response = client.Alias(descriptor);
                    } else {
                        response = client.Alias(a => a.Add(add => add.Index(idx.VersionedName).Alias(idx.AliasName)));

                    Debug.Assert(response != null && response.IsValid, response?.ServerError != null ? response.ServerError.Error : "An error occurred creating the alias.");

                // already on current version
                if (currentVersion >= idx.Version || currentVersion < 1)

                var reindexWorkItem = new ReindexWorkItem {
                    OldIndex = String.Concat(idx.AliasName, "-v", currentVersion),
                    NewIndex = idx.VersionedName,
                    Alias = idx.AliasName,
                    DeleteOld = true,
                    ParentMaps = idx.GetIndexTypes()
                            .Select(kvp => new ParentMap {Type = kvp.Value.Name, ParentPath = kvp.Value.ParentPath})
                            .Where(m => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.ParentPath))

                bool isReindexing = _lockProvider.IsLockedAsync(String.Concat("reindex:", reindexWorkItem.Alias, reindexWorkItem.OldIndex, reindexWorkItem.NewIndex)).Result;
                // already reindexing
                if (isReindexing)

                // enqueue reindex to new version
                _lockProvider.TryUsingAsync("enqueue-reindex", () => _workItemQueue.EnqueueAsync(reindexWorkItem), TimeSpan.Zero, CancellationToken.None).Wait();
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public ElasticSearcher(IClientProvider clientProvider, IElasticConnectionSettings elasticConnectionSettings)
            if (clientProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("clientProvider");
            if (elasticConnectionSettings == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("elasticConnectionSettings");

            _clientProvider = clientProvider;
            _elasticConnectionSettings = elasticConnectionSettings;
            _client = _clientProvider.GetClient(_elasticConnectionSettings);
		public override async Task SetupAsync(IElasticClient client, ColoredConsoleWriter output)
			_developer = Developer.Generator.Generate();

			var indexResponse = await client.IndexAsync(_developer, d => d.Index<Developer>().Refresh()).ConfigureAwait(false);

			if (!indexResponse.IsValid)
				output.WriteOrange($"error with id {indexResponse.Id}. message: {indexResponse.CallDetails.OriginalException}");
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public EmployeeRepositoryTests() {
            _queryBuilder.Register(new AgeQueryBuilder());

            _configuration = new ElasticConfiguration(_workItemQueue, _cache);
            _client = _configuration.GetClient(new[] { new Uri(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ElasticConnectionString"].ConnectionString) });
            _repository = new EmployeeRepository(new ElasticRepositoryContext<Employee>(_cache, _client, _configuration, null, null, _queryBuilder));
            _repositoryWithDateBasedIndex = new EmployeeWithDateBasedIndexRepository(new ElasticRepositoryContext<EmployeeWithDate>(_cache, _client, _configuration, null, null, _queryBuilder), _employeeWithDateIndex);
        public ElasticsearchRepositoryGetByIdSpecs()
            var settings = new ConnectionSettings();

            var output =
            _client = new ElasticClient(settings, new InMemoryConnection(settings, output));
            _repository = new ElasticsearchRepository(_client);
 public PageDataIndexer(ILanguageBranchRepository languageBranchRepository,IElasticClient elasticClient,
     CmsElasticSearchOptions options, IContentRepository contentRepository, IIndexableTypeMapperResolver indexableTypeMapperResolver, ILogger logger)
     LanguageBranchRepository = languageBranchRepository;
     ElasticClient = elasticClient;
     Options = options;
     _contentRepository = contentRepository;
     _indexableTypeMapperResolver = indexableTypeMapperResolver;
     _logger = logger;
		public override async Task ProfileAsync(IElasticClient client, ColoredConsoleWriter output)
			for (var i = 0; i < _iterations; i++)
				var mappingResponse = await client.GetMappingAsync<Project>(s => s.Index<Project>()).ConfigureAwait(false);

				if (!mappingResponse.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange("Invalid response for get mapping operation");
		public override async Task ProfileAsync(IElasticClient client, ColoredConsoleWriter output)
			for (var i = 0; i < _iterations; i++)
				var indexResponse =
					await client.IndexAsync(Developer.Generator.Generate(), d => d.Index<Developer>()).ConfigureAwait(false);

				if (!indexResponse.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange($"error with id {indexResponse.Id}. message: {indexResponse.ApiCall.OriginalException}");
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public MigrationJobBase(IElasticClient elasticClient, EventUpgraderPluginManager eventUpgraderPluginManager, EventIndex eventIndex, StackIndex stackIndex, IValidator<Stack> stackValidator, IValidator<PersistentEvent> eventValidator, IGeoIPResolver geoIpResolver, ILockProvider lockProvider, ICacheClient cache) {
            _eventUpgraderPluginManager = eventUpgraderPluginManager;
            _mongoDatabase = GetMongoDatabase();
            _eventRepository = new EventMigrationRepository(elasticClient, eventIndex, eventValidator);
            _stackRepository = new StackMigrationRepository(elasticClient, stackIndex, _eventRepository, stackValidator);
            _geoIpResolver = geoIpResolver;
            _lockProvider = lockProvider;
            _cache = cache;

            _batchSize = MigrationSettings.Current.MigrationBatchSize;
		public override async Task TeardownAsync(IElasticClient client, ColoredConsoleWriter output)
			var removeResponse = await client.AliasAsync(a => a
				.Remove(remove => remove

			if (!removeResponse.IsValid)
				output.WriteOrange($"Invalid response when adding alias for {nameof(AliasExistsAsyncOperation)} operation");
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static IQueryResponse<JsonObject> Do(IElasticClient client)
            var sed = new SearchDescriptor<JsonObject>();

            sed.Index("entities").Type("locations").ConcreteTypeSelector((o, hit) => typeof (JsonObject));

            sed.FacetQuery("one", q => q.QueryString(a => a.Query("parentId:59791")));
            sed.FacetQuery("two", q => q.QueryString(a => a.Query("parentId:7309")));

            return client.Search(sed);
        public ElasticRepositoryTestBase(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output) {
            Log.MinimumLevel = LogLevel.Trace;

            _cache = new InMemoryCacheClient(Log);
            _messgeBus = new InMemoryMessageBus(Log);
            _workItemQueue = new InMemoryQueue<WorkItemData>(loggerFactory: Log);
            _configuration = new MyAppElasticConfiguration(_workItemQueue, _cache, _messgeBus, Log);
            _client = _configuration.Client;
Ejemplo n.º 29
		public override async Task ProfileAsync(IElasticClient client, ColoredConsoleWriter output)
			for (var i = 0; i < _iterations; i++)
				var catAllocationAsync = client.CatAllocationAsync(s => s.V());
				var catCountAsync = client.CatCountAsync(s => s.V());
				var catFielddataAsync = client.CatFielddataAsync(s => s.V());
				var catHealthAsync = client.CatHealthAsync(s => s.V());
				var catIndicesAsync = client.CatIndicesAsync(s => s.V());
				var catNodesAsync = client.CatNodesAsync(s => s.V());
				var catPendingTasksAsync = client.CatPendingTasksAsync(s => s.V());
				var catThreadPoolAsync = client.CatThreadPoolAsync(s => s.V());
				var catAliasesAsync = client.CatAliasesAsync(s => s.V());

				await Task.WhenAll(

				if (!catAllocationAsync.Result.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange("invalid response received for cat allocation");

				if (!catCountAsync.Result.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange("invalid response received for cat count");

				if (!catFielddataAsync.Result.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange("invalid response received for cat fielddata");

				if (!catHealthAsync.Result.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange("invalid response received for cat health");

				if (!catIndicesAsync.Result.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange("invalid response received for cat indices");

				if (!catNodesAsync.Result.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange("invalid response received for cat nodes");

				if (!catPendingTasksAsync.Result.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange("invalid response received for cat pending tasks");

				if (!catThreadPoolAsync.Result.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange("invalid response received for cat thread pool");

				if (!catAliasesAsync.Result.IsValid)
					output.WriteOrange("invalid response received for cat aliases");
 public void Contribute(CreateIndexDescriptor descriptor, IElasticClient client)
     if (CanContribute(descriptor, client))
         ContributeCore(descriptor, client);
Ejemplo n.º 31
 protected virtual void BeforeAllCalls(IElasticClient client, IDictionary <ClientCall, string> values)
 public static Task <DeleteSnapshotResponse> DeleteSnapshotAsync(this IElasticClient client,
                                                                 Name repository, Name snapshotName, Func <DeleteSnapshotDescriptor, IDeleteSnapshotRequest> selector = null,
                                                                 CancellationToken ct = default
 => client.Snapshot.DeleteAsync(repository, snapshotName, selector, ct);
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public UserController(IElasticClient elasticClient)
     _elasticClient = elasticClient;
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public MemberRepository(IElasticClient elasticClient)
     : base(elasticClient, "Member")
 public static DeleteSnapshotResponse DeleteSnapshot(this IElasticClient client, Name repository, Name snapshotName,
                                                     Func <DeleteSnapshotDescriptor, IDeleteSnapshotRequest> selector = null
 => client.Snapshot.Delete(repository, snapshotName, selector);
 protected ContentIndexService(IElasticClient client, UmbracoContext umbracoContext, FromConfigSearchSettings searchSettings) : base(client, umbracoContext, searchSettings)
Ejemplo n.º 37
 protected override void OnAfterCall(IElasticClient client) => client.Refresh(CallIsolatedValue);
Ejemplo n.º 38
 protected virtual void IntegrationSetup(IElasticClient client, CallUniqueValues values)
Ejemplo n.º 39
 protected virtual void OnBeforeCall(IElasticClient client)
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public EmployeeSupervisor(IElasticConnection elasticConnection, IElasticClient IElasticClient)
     _IElasticConnection = elasticConnection;
     _IElasticClient     = IElasticClient;
Ejemplo n.º 41
 public Task RunAsync(IElasticClient client, ColoredConsoleWriter output)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected override void IntegrationSetup(IElasticClient client, CallUniqueValues values)
            // set up a watch that can be acknowledged
            foreach (var callUniqueValue in values)
                var watchId = callUniqueValue.Value;

                var putWatchResponse = client.PutWatch(watchId, p => p
                                                       .Input(i => i
                                                              .Simple(s => s
                                                                      .Add("payload", new { send = "yes" })
                                                       .Trigger(t => t
                                                                .Schedule(s => s
                                                                          .Hourly(h => h
                                                                                  .Minute(0, 5)
                                                       .Condition(co => co
                                                       .Actions(a => a
                                                                .Index("test_index", i => i
                                                                       .Index("test-" + CallIsolatedValue)

                if (!putWatchResponse.IsValid)
                    throw new Exception("Problem setting up PutWatch for integration test");

                var getWatchResponse = client.GetWatch(watchId);
                if (!getWatchResponse.IsValid)
                    throw new Exception("Problem with GetWatch for integration test");


                var executeWatchResponse = client.ExecuteWatch(e => e

                if (!executeWatchResponse.IsValid)
                    throw new Exception("Problem with ExecuteWatch for integration test");

                getWatchResponse = client.GetWatch(watchId);
                if (!getWatchResponse.IsValid)
                    throw new Exception("Problem with GetWatch for integration test");

Ejemplo n.º 43
 protected override void OnAfterCall(IElasticClient client)
     client.ClearScroll(cs => cs.ScrollId(_scrollId));
Ejemplo n.º 44
 public ReindexObservable(IElasticClient client, IConnectionSettingsValues connectionSettings, ReindexDescriptor <T> reindexDescriptor)
     this._connectionSettings = connectionSettings;
     this._reindexDescriptor  = reindexDescriptor;
     this.CurrentClient       = client;
Ejemplo n.º 45
        protected override void IntegrationSetup(IElasticClient client, CallUniqueValues values)
            foreach (var callUniqueValue in values)
                var putWatchResponse = client.Watcher.Put(callUniqueValue.Value, p => p
                                                          .Input(i => i
                                                                 .Search(s => s
                                                                         .Request(r => r
                                                                                  .Body <object>(b => b
                                                                                                 .Query(q => q
                                                                                                        .Match(m => m
                                                                                                               ) && +q
                                                                                                        .DateRange(ffrr => ffrr
                                                          .Condition(c => c
                                                                     .Script(ss => ss
                                                                             .Source(" > 1")
                                                          .Trigger(t => t
                                                                   .Schedule(s => s
                                                                             .Cron("0 0 0 1 * ? 2099")
                                                          .Metadata(meta => meta.Add("foo", "bar"))
                                                          .Actions(a => a
                                                                   .Email("email_admin", e => e
                                                                          .Subject("404 recently encountered")
                                                                   .Index("index_action", i => i
                                                                   .Logging("logging_action", l => l
                                                                            .Text("404 recently encountered")
                                                                   .Webhook("webhook_action", w => w
                                                                   .PagerDuty("pagerduty_action", pd => pd
                                                                              .Description("pager duty description")
                                                                              .Context(c => c
                                                                                       .Context(PagerDutyContextType.Image, cd => cd
                                                                                       .Context(PagerDutyContextType.Link, cd => cd
                                                                   .Slack("slack_action", sl => sl
                                                                          .Message(sm => sm
                                                                                   .From("nest integration test")
                                                                                   .Text("slack message")
                                                                                   .Attachments(sa => sa
                                                                                                .Attachment(saa => saa
                                                                                                            .Title("Attachment 1")
                                                                                                            .AuthorName("Russ Cam")

                if (!putWatchResponse.IsValid)
                    throw new Exception("Problem setting up integration test");
Ejemplo n.º 46
 protected virtual void OnAfterCall(IElasticClient client)
Ejemplo n.º 47
        protected override void IntegrationSetup(IElasticClient client, CallUniqueValues values)
            foreach (var callUniqueValue in values)
                var putWatchResponse = client.Watcher.Put(callUniqueValue.Value, p => p
                                                          .Input(i => i
                                                                 .Search(s => s
                                                                         .Request(r => r
                                                                                  .Body <object>(b => b
                                                                                                 .Query(q => q
                                                                                                        .Match(m => m
                                                                                                               ) && +q
                                                                                                        .DateRange(ffrr => ffrr
                                                          .Condition(c => c
                                                                     .Script(ss => ss
                                                                             .Source(" > 1")
                                                          .Trigger(t => t
                                                                   .Schedule(s => s
                                                                             .Cron("0 0 0 1 * ? 2099")
                                                          .Metadata(meta => meta.Add("foo", "bar"))
                                                          .Actions(a => a
                                                                   .Email("email_admin", e => e
                                                                          .Subject("404 recently encountered")
                                                                   .Index("index_action", i => i
                                                                   .Logging("logging_action", l => l
                                                                            .Text("404 recently encountered")
                                                                   .Webhook("webhook_action", w => w

                if (!putWatchResponse.IsValid)
                    throw new Exception("Problem setting up integration test");
Ejemplo n.º 48
 /// <summary>
 /// SourceMany allows you to get a list of T documents out of Elasticsearch, internally it calls into MultiGet()
 /// <para>
 /// Multi GET API allows to get multiple documents based on an index, type (optional) and id (and possibly routing).
 /// The response includes a docs array with all the fetched documents, each element similar in structure to a document
 /// provided by the get API.
 /// </para>
 /// <para> </para>
 /// >
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type used to infer the default index and typename</typeparam>
 /// <param name="client"></param>
 /// <param name="ids">A list of ids as int</param>
 /// <param name="index">Optionally override the default inferred indexname for T</param>
 public static Task <IEnumerable <T> > SourceManyAsync <T>(
     this IElasticClient client, IEnumerable <long> ids, string index = null,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default
     where T : class => client.SourceManyAsync <T>(ids.Select(i => i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), index, cancellationToken);
Ejemplo n.º 49
 public ElasticSearchHelper(IElasticClient client)
     this.client = client;
 protected ContentIndexService(IElasticClient client, UmbracoContext umbracoContext) : this(client, umbracoContext, SearchSettings <FromConfigSearchSettings> .Current)
Ejemplo n.º 51
 protected Index(string name, IElasticClient elasticClient) : base(name)
     // Validate parameters.
     ElasticClient = elasticClient
                     ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(elasticClient));
 public ElasticReindexer(IElasticClient client, ILogger logger = null)
     _client = client;
     _logger = logger ?? NullLogger.Instance;
 public Handler(IElasticClient elasticClient)
     _elasticClient = elasticClient;
Ejemplo n.º 54
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ElasticsearchStatus"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public ElasticsearchStatus(IElasticClient client)
     _client = client;
 public static Task <DeleteSnapshotResponse> DeleteSnapshotAsync(this IElasticClient client, IDeleteSnapshotRequest request,
                                                                 CancellationToken ct = default
 => client.Snapshot.DeleteAsync(request, ct);
Ejemplo n.º 56
 internal ElasticsearchDataProvider(IElasticClient client)
     _client = new Lazy <IElasticClient>(() => client);
Ejemplo n.º 57
 /// <summary>
 /// SourceMany allows you to get a list of T documents out of Elasticsearch, internally it calls into MultiGet()
 /// <para>
 /// Multi GET API allows to get multiple documents based on an index, type (optional) and id (and possibly routing).
 /// The response includes a docs array with all the fetched documents, each element similar in structure to a document
 /// provided by the get API.
 /// </para>
 /// <para> </para>
 /// >
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type used to infer the default index and typename</typeparam>
 /// <param name="client"></param>
 /// <param name="ids">A list of ids as int</param>
 /// <param name="index">Optionally override the default inferred indexname for T</param>
 public static IEnumerable <T> SourceMany <T>(this IElasticClient client, IEnumerable <long> ids, string index = null)
     where T : class => client.SourceMany <T>(ids.Select(i => i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), index);
Ejemplo n.º 58
 public ProductService(IElasticClient es)
     _elasticClient = es;
Ejemplo n.º 59
 public PropertyNames(IndexingCluster cluster) : base(cluster)
     _client = cluster.Client();
Ejemplo n.º 60
 public CategoryEntities(IElasticClient elasticClient)
     _elasticClient = elasticClient;