Ejemplo n.º 1
        public EdmBomLayout[] GetBoom(string vaultName)
            IEdmVault7 vault2 = null;

            vault2 = (IEdmVault9)edmVeult5;
            if (!edmVeult5.IsLoggedIn)
                edmVeult5.LoginAuto(vaultName, 0);
            IEdmBomMgr bomMgr = (IEdmBomMgr)vault2.CreateUtility(EdmUtility.EdmUtil_BomMgr);

            EdmBomLayout[] ppoRetLayouts = null;
            bomMgr.GetBomLayouts(out ppoRetLayouts);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void GetBOM_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                IEdmVault7 vault2 = null;
                if (vault1 == null)
                    vault1 = new EdmVault5();
                vault2 = (IEdmVault9)vault1;
                if (!vault1.IsLoggedIn)
                    vault1.LoginAuto(VaultsComboBox.Text, this.Handle.ToInt32());

                if (aFile != null)
                    // Get named BOMs and their versions for the selected file
                    EdmBomInfo[] derivedBOMs = null;
                    aFile.GetDerivedBOMs(out derivedBOMs);

                    int             arrSize     = 0;
                    EdmBomVersion[] ppoVersions = null;
                    int             i           = 0;
                    int             j           = 0;
                    int             id          = 0;
                    string          str         = "";
                    string          verstr      = "";
                    int             verArrSize  = 0;
                    arrSize = derivedBOMs.Length;

                    while (i < arrSize)
                        id  = derivedBOMs[i].mlBomID;
                        bom = (IEdmBom)vault2.GetObject(EdmObjectType.EdmObject_BOM, id);
                        str = "Named BOM: " + derivedBOMs[i].mbsBomName + Constants.vbLf + "Check-out user: "******"Current state: " + bom.CurrentState.Name + Constants.vbLf + "Current version: " + bom.CurrentVersion + Constants.vbLf + "ID: " + bom.FileID + Constants.vbLf + "Is checked out: " + bom.IsCheckedOut;
                        bom.GetVersions(out ppoVersions);
                        verArrSize = ppoVersions.Length;
                        while (j < verArrSize)
                            verstr = "BOM version: " + Constants.vbLf + "Type as defined in EdmBomVersionType: " + ppoVersions[j].meType + Constants.vbLf + "Version number: " + ppoVersions[j].mlVersion + Constants.vbLf + "Date: " + ppoVersions[j].moDate + Constants.vbLf + "Label: " + ppoVersions[j].mbsTag + Constants.vbLf + "Comment: " + ppoVersions[j].mbsComment;
                            j = j + 1;
                        i = i + 1;

                    // Get a BOM view with the specified layout
                    bomMgr = (IEdmBomMgr)vault2.CreateUtility(EdmUtility.EdmUtil_BomMgr);
                    EdmBomLayout[] ppoRetLayouts = null;
                    EdmBomLayout   ppoRetLayout  = default(EdmBomLayout);
                    bomMgr.GetBomLayouts(out ppoRetLayouts);
                    i       = 0;
                    arrSize = ppoRetLayouts.Length;
                    str     = "";
                    while (i < arrSize)
                        ppoRetLayout = ppoRetLayouts[i];
                        str          = "BOM Layout " + i + ": " + ppoRetLayout.mbsLayoutName + Constants.vbLf + "ID: " + ppoRetLayout.mlLayoutID;
                        if (ppoRetLayout.mbsLayoutName == "BOM")
                            bomView = aFile.GetComputedBOM(ppoRetLayout.mbsLayoutName, 0, "@", (int)EdmBomFlag.EdmBf_AsBuilt + (int)EdmBomFlag.EdmBf_ShowSelected);
                        i = i + 1;

                    // Display BOM view row and column information
                    object[]    ppoRows = null;
                    IEdmBomCell ppoRow  = default(IEdmBomCell);
                    bomView.GetRows(out ppoRows);
                    i       = 0;
                    arrSize = ppoRows.Length;
                    str     = "";
                    EdmBomColumn[] ppoColumns = null;
                    bomView.GetColumns(out ppoColumns);
                    while (i < arrSize)
                        ppoRow = (IEdmBomCell)ppoRows[i];
                        str    = "BOM Row " + i + ": " + Constants.vbLf + "Item ID: " + ppoRow.GetItemID() + Constants.vbLf + "Path name: " + ppoRow.GetPathName() + Constants.vbLf + "Tree level: " + ppoRow.GetTreeLevel() + Constants.vbLf + " Is locked? " + ppoRow.IsLocked();

                        int js       = 0;
                        int ararSize = ppoColumns.Length;
                        while (js < ararSize)
                            object poValue          = null;
                            object poComputedValue  = null;
                            string pbsConfiguration = "";
                            bool   pbReadOnly       = false;
                            int    plFocusNode      = 0;
                            ppoRow.GetVar(ppoColumns[js].mlVariableID, ppoColumns[js].meType, out poValue, out poComputedValue, out pbsConfiguration, out pbReadOnly);
                            str = "BOM Column " + js + ": " + Constants.vbLf + "Header: " + ppoColumns[js].mbsCaption +
                                  Constants.vbLf + "Value " + poValue.ToString() +
                                  Constants.vbLf + "ComputeValue " + poComputedValue.ToString() +
                                  Constants.vbLf + "Config: " + pbsConfiguration +
                                  Constants.vbLf + "ReadOnly: " + pbReadOnly.ToString();
                            js = js + 1;
                        i = i + 1;

                    //bomView.InsertRow((EdmBomCell)ppoRows[0], EdmBomInsertRowOption.EdmBomInsertRowOption_BelowRow, out ppoNewRow);
                    // ppoNewRow.SetVar(ppoColumns[0].mlVariableID, ppoColumns[0].meType, "vault_name\\temp", "", EdmBomSetVarOption.EdmBomSetVarOption_Both, out errMsg);
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("HRESULT = 0x" + ex.ErrorCode.ToString("X") + " " + ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)