Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Draws a custom UI for the cloud reco behaviour inspector
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        TextRecoBehaviour        crb  = (TextRecoBehaviour)target;
        IEditorTextRecoBehaviour etrb = (IEditorTextRecoBehaviour)target;

        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The list of words the TextTracker can detect and track.\n" +
                                "The word list is loaded from a binary file and can be extended by a list of custom words.", MessageType.Info);

        //select word list from all lst-files. if none is found, show link to AR-page
        var textConfig = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetTextConfigData();

        if (textConfig.NumDictionaries > 1)
            var wordListNames = new string[textConfig.NumDictionaries];
            var wordListFiles = new string[textConfig.NumDictionaries];
            textConfig.CopyDictionaryNamesAndFiles(wordListNames, wordListFiles, 0);

            var currentIdx = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(etrb.WordListFile, wordListFiles);
            if (currentIdx < 0)
                currentIdx = 0;
            var idx = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Word List", currentIdx, wordListNames);
            etrb.WordListFile = wordListFiles[idx];

            if (idx == 0)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUILayout.Button("No word list available. \nPlease copy it from the TextRecognition sample app. \n" +
                                 "Press here to go to the download page for sample apps!"))

            GUI.enabled = false;

        var numTxtFiles  = textConfig.NumWordLists;
        var txtFileNames = new string[numTxtFiles];
        var txtFiles     = new string[numTxtFiles];

        textConfig.CopyWordListNamesAndFiles(txtFileNames, txtFiles, 0);

        //select custom word list file from one of the found text-files
        var customWordListIndex = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(etrb.CustomWordListFile, txtFiles);

        if (customWordListIndex < 0)
            customWordListIndex = 0;
        var newCustomWordListIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Additional Word File", customWordListIndex, txtFileNames);

        if (newCustomWordListIndex != customWordListIndex)
            //test if file is valid when other than default word list is selected
            //for better convenience let the developer select an invalid file, but show an error
            if (newCustomWordListIndex != 0)

            etrb.CustomWordListFile = txtFiles[newCustomWordListIndex];

        //define additional custom words
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Additional Words:");
        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Write one word per line. Open compound words can be specified using whitespaces.", MessageType.None);
        etrb.AdditionalCustomWords = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(etrb.AdditionalCustomWords);


        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The filter list allows to specify subset of words that will be detected and tracked.", MessageType.Info);

        //Edit filter mode by selecting one of the enum-values
        var filterModeNames  = new [] { "NONE", "BLACK_LIST", "WHITE_LIST" };
        var filterModeValues = new List <WordFilterMode> {
            WordFilterMode.NONE, WordFilterMode.BLACK_LIST, WordFilterMode.WHITE_LIST
        var filterModeIndex = filterModeValues.IndexOf(etrb.FilterMode);

        filterModeIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Filter Mode", filterModeIndex, filterModeNames);
        etrb.FilterMode = filterModeValues[filterModeIndex];

        //do not show editor for filter words when FilterMode is set to NONE
        if (etrb.FilterMode != WordFilterMode.NONE)
            //Select filter list file from one of the detected text-files
            var filterListIndex = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(etrb.FilterListFile, txtFiles);
            if (filterListIndex < 0)
                filterListIndex = 0;

            var newFilterListIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Filter List File", filterListIndex, txtFileNames);
            if (newFilterListIndex != filterListIndex)
                //test if file is valid when other than default word list is selected
                //for better convenience let the developer select an invalid file, but show an error
                if (newFilterListIndex != 0)

                etrb.FilterListFile = txtFiles[newFilterListIndex];

            //Define additional filter words
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Additional Filter Words:");
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Write one word per line. Open compound words can be specified using whitespaces.", MessageType.None);
            etrb.AdditionalFilterWords = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(etrb.AdditionalFilterWords);

        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("It is possible to use Word Prefabs to define augmentations for detected words. " +
                                "Each Word Prefab can be instantiated up to a maximum number.", MessageType.Info);

        //Define how word prefabs are used at runtime
        var duplicatePrefabs = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use Word Prefabs", etrb.WordPrefabCreationMode == WordPrefabCreationMode.DUPLICATE);

        if (duplicatePrefabs)
            etrb.WordPrefabCreationMode = WordPrefabCreationMode.DUPLICATE;
            etrb.MaximumWordInstances   = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Max Simultaneous Words", etrb.MaximumWordInstances);
            etrb.WordPrefabCreationMode = WordPrefabCreationMode.NONE;

        GUI.enabled = true;

        if (GUI.changed)
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        TextRecoAbstractBehaviour target     = (TextRecoAbstractBehaviour)base.target;
        IEditorTextRecoBehaviour  behaviour2 = (IEditorTextRecoBehaviour)base.target;

        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The list of words the TextTracker can detect and track.\nThe word list is loaded from a binary file and can be extended by a list of custom words.", MessageType.Info);
        TextConfigData textConfigData = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetTextConfigData();

        if (textConfigData.NumDictionaries > 1)
            string[] strArray  = new string[textConfigData.NumDictionaries];
            string[] strArray2 = new string[textConfigData.NumDictionaries];
            textConfigData.CopyDictionaryNamesAndFiles(strArray, strArray2, 0);
            int num = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(behaviour2.WordListFile, strArray2);
            if (num < 0)
                num = 0;
            int num2 = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Word List", num, strArray, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            behaviour2.WordListFile = strArray2[num2];
            if (num2 == 0)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUILayout.Button("No word list available. \nPlease copy it from the TextRecognition sample app. \nPress here to go to the download page for sample apps!", new GUILayoutOption[0]))
            GUI.enabled = false;
        int numWordLists = textConfigData.NumWordLists;

        string[] namesArray = new string[numWordLists];
        string[] filesArray = new string[numWordLists];
        textConfigData.CopyWordListNamesAndFiles(namesArray, filesArray, 0);
        int indexFromString = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(behaviour2.CustomWordListFile, filesArray);

        if (indexFromString < 0)
            indexFromString = 0;
        int index = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Additional Word File", indexFromString, namesArray, new GUILayoutOption[0]);

        if (index != indexFromString)
            if (index != 0)
            behaviour2.CustomWordListFile = filesArray[index];
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Additional Words:", new GUILayoutOption[0]);
        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Write one word per line. Open compound words can be specified using whitespaces.", MessageType.None);
        behaviour2.AdditionalCustomWords = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(behaviour2.AdditionalCustomWords, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The filter list allows to specify subset of words that will be detected and tracked.", MessageType.Info);
        string[] displayedOptions  = new string[] { "NONE", "BLACK_LIST", "WHITE_LIST" };
        List <WordFilterMode> list = new List <WordFilterMode> {
            WordFilterMode.NONE, WordFilterMode.BLACK_LIST, WordFilterMode.WHITE_LIST
        int selectedIndex = list.IndexOf(behaviour2.FilterMode);

        selectedIndex         = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Filter Mode", selectedIndex, displayedOptions, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
        behaviour2.FilterMode = list[selectedIndex];
        if (behaviour2.FilterMode != WordFilterMode.NONE)
            int num7 = QCARUtilities.GetIndexFromString(behaviour2.FilterListFile, filesArray);
            if (num7 < 0)
                num7 = 0;
            int num8 = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Filter List File", num7, namesArray, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            if (num8 != num7)
                if (num8 != 0)
                behaviour2.FilterListFile = filesArray[num8];
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Additional Filter Words:", new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Write one word per line. Open compound words can be specified using whitespaces.", MessageType.None);
            behaviour2.AdditionalFilterWords = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(behaviour2.AdditionalFilterWords, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("It is possible to use Word Prefabs to define augmentations for detected words. Each Word Prefab can be instantiated up to a maximum number.", MessageType.Info);
        if (EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use Word Prefabs", behaviour2.WordPrefabCreationMode == WordPrefabCreationMode.DUPLICATE, new GUILayoutOption[0]))
            behaviour2.WordPrefabCreationMode = WordPrefabCreationMode.DUPLICATE;
            behaviour2.MaximumWordInstances   = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Max Simultaneous Words", behaviour2.MaximumWordInstances, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            behaviour2.WordPrefabCreationMode = WordPrefabCreationMode.NONE;
        GUI.enabled = true;
        if (GUI.changed)