private byte[] GetOnlyRelevantSourceBytes(byte[] sourceBits, int sourceArrayBitIndex, int numBits,
                                                  int firstByteIndexInSource, int lastByteIndexInSource, int lastSourceBitIndex,
                                                  int numBitPositionsToShiftSourceBy)
            if (numBits == 0)
                return(new byte[0]);

            // A copy of the source array allows us to mask-out bits before sourceArrayBitIndex and after the last
            // bit (sourceArrayBitIndex + numBits) so we don't accidently "borrow" bits we're not supposed to --
            // without modifying the array passed in as a reference.
            var nominalNumberOfBytesForCopy      = GetByteIndexFromBitIndex(sourceArrayBitIndex % 8 + numBits - 1) + 1;
            var numBitsAvailableInLastSourceByte =
                duoBitArrayUtilities.GetNumUnusedBitsInByteArray(sourceArrayBitIndex + numBits);
            var extraByteNeededForBorrowBits = (numBitPositionsToShiftSourceBy > numBitsAvailableInLastSourceByte);
            var arrayCopySize  = nominalNumberOfBytesForCopy + (extraByteNeededForBorrowBits ? 1 : 0);
            var sourceBitsCopy = new byte[arrayCopySize];

            for (var i = 1; i < sourceBitsCopy.Length - 1; i++)
                sourceBitsCopy[i] = sourceBits[firstByteIndexInSource + i];

            sourceBitsCopy[0] = GetLsbMaskedSourceByte(sourceBits[firstByteIndexInSource]);

            if (lastByteIndexInSource > 0)
                sourceBitsCopy[sourceBitsCopy.Length - 1] =


            // These are C# 7 "local functions"; if porting to another language, make them private methods.
            byte GetMsbMaskedSourceByte(byte candidateDestinationByte)
                var numBitsInLastSourceByteToKeep =
                    duoBitArrayUtilities.GetNumBitsInUseInLastByte(lastSourceBitIndex + 1);
                var sourceByteMask   = duoBitArrayUtilities.GetByteMsbMask(numBitsInLastSourceByteToKeep);
                var maskedSourceByte = (byte)(candidateDestinationByte & sourceByteMask);


            byte GetLsbMaskedSourceByte(byte candidateDestinationByte)
                var numBitsInFirstSourceByteToKeep = 8 - sourceArrayBitIndex;
                var sourceByteMask   = duoBitArrayUtilities.GetByteLsbMask(numBitsInFirstSourceByteToKeep);
                var maskedSourceByte = (byte)(candidateDestinationByte & sourceByteMask);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private byte[] GetMaskForConsecutiveLeftBits(int numBits)
            var numBytes      = duoBitArrayUtilities.GetMinNumBytesToStoreBits(numBits);
            var generatedMask = new byte[numBytes];

            generatedMask[numBytes - 1] =

            for (var i = 0; i < numBytes - 2; i++)
                generatedMask[i] = 0xFF;
