Ejemplo n.º 1
        void ServeAdjacentDocker(Actor host, Actor client, IDockActivity requester)
            // Since there is 0 tolerance about distance, we WILL arrive at the dock (or we get stuck haha)
            client.QueueActivity(new MoveAdjacentTo(client, Target.FromActor(host)));

            var dock = host.Trait <Dock>();

            // resource transfer activities are queued by OnDock.
            client.QueueActivity(requester.DockActivities(host, client, dock));
            client.QueueActivity(requester.ActivitiesAfterDockDone(host, client, dock));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // requester: It the activity that knows what to do on dock and we provide it as the parameter.
        // For example, if you make a mine layer repair at the service dock,
        // it will repair and stay in the base. However, when the mine layer is ordered to
        // lay mines in an area, it will eventually run out of mine and reload at a service depot,
        // then continue with the mining process.
        // In this example, it wasn't the client nor the host that knew what to do!
        public void ReserveDock(Actor host, Actor client, IDockActivity requester)
            if (info.DockNextToActor)
                ServeAdjacentDocker(host, client, requester);

            // First, put the new client in the queue then process it.
            if (!queue.Contains(client))

                // Initialize this noob.
                // It might had been transferred from proc A to this proc.
                var dc = client.Trait <DockClient>();
                dc.DockState = DockState.NotAssigned;
                dc.Requester = requester;

            // notify the queue
            ProcessQueue(host, client);