public async Task <Result> RespondAsync(IGuildCreate ev, CancellationToken ct = default)
        _logger.LogInformation($"Setting up guild with ID: \"{ev.ID}\" and Name: \"{ev.Name}\"");

        var           channels         = ev.Channels;
        List <string> requiredChannels = _discordSettings.ChannelNames
                                         .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
                                         .Where(p => p.CanRead && p.PropertyType == typeof(string))
                                         .Select(p => p.GetValue(_discordSettings.ChannelNames) as string)
                                         .Where(s => s is not null)
                                         .ToList() !;

        if (!channels.HasValue)
            foreach (var requiredChannel in requiredChannels)
                var createChannelResult = await _guildApi.CreateGuildChannelAsync(ev.ID, requiredChannel, ChannelType.GuildText, ct : ct);

                if (!createChannelResult.IsSuccess)
                    return(new SetupError("Failed to create required channels."));

                    $"Created required channel \"{requiredChannel}\" in guild with ID: \"{ev.ID}\" and Name: \"{ev.Name}\"");
            // ReSharper disable once ForeachCanBePartlyConvertedToQueryUsingAnotherGetEnumerator
            foreach (var requiredChannel in requiredChannels)
                // ReSharper disable once InvertIf
                if (channels.Value.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.Value.Equals(requiredChannel)) is null)
                    var createChannelResult = await _guildApi.CreateGuildChannelAsync(ev.ID, requiredChannel, ChannelType.GuildText, ct : ct);

                    if (!createChannelResult.IsSuccess)
                        return(new SetupError("Failed to create required channels."));

                        $"Created required channel \"{requiredChannel}\" in guild with ID: \"{ev.ID}\" and Name: \"{ev.Name}\"");

        _logger.LogInformation($"Successfully set up guild with ID: \"{ev.ID}\" and Name: \"{ev.Name}\"");
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a dedicated channel for the roleplay.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="roleplay">The roleplay to create the channel for.</param>
    /// <returns>A modification result which may or may not have succeeded.</returns>
    public async Task <Result <IChannel> > CreateDedicatedChannelAsync(Roleplay roleplay)
        var getExistingChannelResult = GetDedicatedChannel(roleplay);

        if (getExistingChannelResult.IsSuccess)
            return(new UserError
                       "The roleplay already has a dedicated channel."

        var getSettingsResult = await _serverSettings.GetOrCreateServerRoleplaySettingsAsync

        if (!getSettingsResult.IsSuccess)
            return(Result <IChannel> .FromError(getSettingsResult));

        var settings = getSettingsResult.Entity;

        if (settings.DedicatedRoleplayChannelsCategory is null)
            return(new UserError
                       "No dedicated channel category has been configured."

        var createChannel = await _guildAPI.CreateGuildChannelAsync
            parentID : settings.DedicatedRoleplayChannelsCategory.Value,
            isNsfw : roleplay.IsNSFW,
            topic : $"Dedicated roleplay channel for {roleplay.Name}. {roleplay.Summary}"

        if (!createChannel.IsSuccess)
            if (createChannel.Error is not RestResultError <RestError> rre)
                return(Result <IChannel> .FromError(createChannel));

            return(rre.Error.Code switch
                DiscordError.MissingPermission => new UserError
                    "I don't have permission to manage channels, so I can't create dedicated RP channels."
                _ => Result <IChannel> .FromError(createChannel)