/// <summary>
        /// Downloads all items in current folder and items in subfolders by calling itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">Root of copy operation</param>
        /// <param name="source">A valid TFS version control path to a folder that shall be downloaded.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">A valid directory to which all the files will be downloaded to.</param>
        /// <param name="versionString">The version string to determine the version to download.</param>
        /// <param name="includeFilters">The filter for file types to include.</param>
        /// <param name="excludeFilters">List of filters to exclude files and folders.</param>
        /// <param name="watermark">The watermark can be used to perform incremental updates and cleanup operations.</param>
        /// <param name="force">Indicates that we want to force a get operation and all files have to be overwritten</param>
        private void DownloadFolder(string root, string source, string destination, string versionString, IEnumerable <string> includeFilters, IEnumerable <string> excludeFilters, IDependencyDownloaderWatermark watermark, bool force)
            var version = VersionSpec.ParseSingleSpec(versionString, _workspace.OwnerName);

            var includes = ConvertFilterToRegex(includeFilters, root);
            var excludes = ConvertFilterToRegex(excludeFilters, root);

            var items = _vcs.GetItems(source, version, RecursionType.Full, DeletedState.NonDeleted, ItemType.File, true).Items;

            items = items.Where(x => includes.Any(y => y.IsMatch(x.ServerItem))).ToArray();
            items = items.Where(x => !excludes.Any(y => y.IsMatch(x.ServerItem))).ToArray();

            Parallel.ForEach(items, new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8
            }, item =>
                var subpath         = item.ServerItem.Substring(source.Length).Trim(new[] { '/' }).Replace("//", "\\");
                var destinationpath = Path.Combine(destination, subpath);

                var wm = watermark.GetWatermark <int>(item.ServerItem);
                if (force || 0 == wm || item.ChangesetId != wm || !File.Exists(destinationpath))
                    if (File.Exists(destinationpath))
                        File.SetAttributes(destinationpath, FileAttributes.Normal);

                    lock (this)

                    Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: Downloading file {1}", DownloadType, item.ServerItem);

                    lock (this)
                        watermark.UpdateWatermark(item.ServerItem, item.ChangesetId);
                    Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: Skipping file {1}", DownloadType, item.ServerItem);
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy files in directory and calls CopyDirectoryContent recursively for sub directories.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root of the recursive copy operation.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The directory to copy files from.</param>
        /// <param name="target">The directory to copy files to.</param>
        /// <param name="watermark">The watermark can be used to perform incremental updates and cleanup operations.</param>
        /// <param name="force">Indicates that we want to force a get operation and all files have to be overwritten.</param>
        /// <param name="includeFilters">Filter that defines what files and folders to include.</param>
        /// <param name="excludeFilters">Files that should be excluded</param>
        private void CopyDirectoryContent(DirectoryInfo root, DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo target, IList <string> includeFilters, IList <string> excludeFilters, IDependencyDownloaderWatermark watermark, bool force)
            if (string.Equals(source.FullName, target.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            //Get the folders only, if filters are provided and the list with excluded and included files and folders has not been initalized yet.
            // getting the folders only once, will increase the copy speed
            if (includeFilters != null || excludeFilters != null)
                if (_includedFoldersList == null || _excludedFoldersList == null || _includedFilesList == null || _excludedFilesList == null)
                    // explicitly and implicitly included and excluded folders
                    _includedFoldersList = includeFilters.Where(x => x.EndsWith("\\")).SelectMany(x => GetFoldersFromRoot(x, root)).ToList();
                    _excludedFoldersList = excludeFilters.Where(x => x.EndsWith("\\")).SelectMany(x => GetFoldersFromRoot(x, root)).ToList();
                    _includedFoldersList = _includedFoldersList.Concat(includeFilters.Where(x => x.EndsWith("\\")).Select(x => x.Trim('\\')).SelectMany(x => GetFoldersFromRoot(x, root)).ToList()).ToList();
                    _excludedFoldersList = _excludedFoldersList.Concat(excludeFilters.Where(x => x.EndsWith("\\")).Select(x => x.Trim('\\')).SelectMany(x => GetFoldersFromRoot(x, root)).ToList()).ToList();
                    //// generally and specifically included and excluded files
                    _includedFilesList = includeFilters.Where(x => x.EndsWith("\\") == false).SelectMany(x => GetFilesFromRoot(x, root)).ToList();
                    _excludedFilesList = excludeFilters.Where(x => x.EndsWith("\\") == false).SelectMany(x => GetFilesFromRoot(x, root)).ToList();

                    //Sort the list to move the root folder first
                    _includedFoldersList = _includedFoldersList.OrderBy(o => o.FullName.Length).ToList();

                    if (_excludedFoldersList.Any(x => source.FullName.StartsWith(x.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))

            if (!target.Exists)
                // Since preliminary deletes might lead to file or folder locks, we need to retry this
                var retries = _retryHelper.RetryAction(target.Create, 10, 1000);
                if (retries > 0)
                    Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: Folder {1} successfully created after {2} retries", DownloadType, target, retries);

            //The Move Operation Type.
            if (_operationType == OperationType.Move)
                MoveFolder(source, target, watermark);

                // get excluded and included files
                foreach (var sf in source.GetFiles())
                    var isInIncludedFolder = _includedFoldersList.Any(x => sf.FullName.StartsWith(x.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                    var isInExcludedFolder = _excludedFoldersList.Any(x => sf.FullName.StartsWith(x.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                    var isIncludedFile     = _includedFilesList.Any(x => IsSameFile(x.FullName, sf.FullName));
                    var isExcludedFile     = _excludedFilesList.Any(x => IsSameFile(x.FullName, sf.FullName));

                    if ((isIncludedFile == false && isInIncludedFolder == false) || isExcludedFile || isInExcludedFolder)
                    var df = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(target.FullName, sf.Name));
                    var wm = watermark.GetWatermark <DateTime>(sf.FullName);

                    if (force || wm == DateTime.MinValue || wm != df.LastWriteTimeUtc || !df.Exists)
                        if (df.Exists)
                            df.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal;
                        var localSourceFile = sf;


                        var retriesCopy = _retryHelper.RetryAction(() => localSourceFile.CopyTo(df.FullName, true), 5, 1000);
                        if (retriesCopy > 0)
                            Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: File {1} successfully downloaded after {2} retries", DownloadType, df.FullName, retriesCopy);

                        //To determine the the LastWrite time the object must be refreshed after copy the file.

                        watermark.UpdateWatermark(sf.FullName, df.LastWriteTimeUtc);

                        df.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal;
                        Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: Downloading file {1}", DownloadType, sf.FullName);
                        Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: Skipping file {1}", DownloadType, sf.FullName);

                foreach (var subdirectory in source.GetDirectories())
                    // a folder is included if one of its parents is included (unless it is explicitly exluded)
                    var files      = _includedFilesList.Where(i => !_excludedFilesList.Any(e => IsSameFile(e.FullName, i.FullName))).ToList();
                    var isIncluded =
                        _includedFoldersList.Any(x => x.FullName.StartsWith(subdirectory.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ||
                        !_excludedFoldersList.Any(x => x.FullName.EndsWith(subdirectory.FullName));

                    if (isIncluded)
                        var targetDi = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(target.FullName, subdirectory.Name));
                        .Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: Downloading folder {1}", DownloadType,
                             Path.Combine(source.FullName, subdirectory.Name));
                        CopyDirectoryContent(root, subdirectory, targetDi, includeFilters, excludeFilters, watermark,
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Export(string root, string source, string destination, string versionSpec, IEnumerable <string> includeFilters, IEnumerable <string> excludeFilters, IDependencyDownloaderWatermark watermark, bool force)
            var includes = ConvertFilterToRegex(includeFilters, root);
            var excludes = ConvertFilterToRegex(excludeFilters, root);

            var items    = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var allItems = ProviderSubversion.Instance.GetItems(source, ProviderSubversion.ItemType.File, true, versionSpec);

            // apply include and exclude filter
            foreach (var item in allItems)
                if ((includes.Any(x => x.IsMatch(item.Key))) && (!excludes.Any(x => x.IsMatch(item.Key))))
                    items.Add(item.Key, item.Value);

            var revision = 0L;

            foreach (var item in items)
                var destinationpath = destination;

                var subpath = item.Value.Substring(source.Length).Trim(new[] { '/' }).Replace("/", "\\");

                //Remove filename
                if (subpath.Contains("\\"))
                    subpath         = subpath.Remove(subpath.LastIndexOf("\\"));
                    destinationpath = Path.Combine(destination, subpath);

                // Determine revision one-time. All items have same revision.
                if (revision == 0)
                    revision = ProviderSubversion.Instance.GetHeadRevision(item.Key);

                var wm = watermark.GetWatermark <long>(item.Key);

                var targetFile = Path.Combine(destinationpath, Path.GetFileName(item.Value));

                if (force || 0 == wm || revision != wm || !File.Exists(targetFile))
                    Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: Downloading file {1}", DownloadType, item.Key);

                    ProviderSubversion.Instance.GetFile(item.Key, destinationpath, force, versionSpec);

                    //Save files and folders, which included in the item

                    foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(destinationpath))

                    //Update information about source (path and revision)
                    watermark.UpdateWatermark(item.Key, revision);
                    Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: Skipping file {1}", DownloadType, item);
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract a standard zip file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="targetSubdir"></param>
        /// <param name="archiveFile"></param>
        /// <param name="watermark"></param>
        /// <param name="force"></param>
        private void ExtractStandardZipFile(string target, string targetSubdir, string archiveFile, IDependencyDownloaderWatermark watermark, bool force)
            using (var archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(archiveFile))
                foreach (var file in archive.Entries)
                    // Extract only files, not subdirectories. If a subdirectory not exists, create it;
                    if (file.FullName.EndsWith("/"))
                        var subdir = Path.Combine(target, targetSubdir, file.FullName.Substring(0, file.FullName.Length - 1));

                        subdir = subdir.Replace("/", "\\");

                        if (!Directory.Exists(subdir))

                            // For the CreateDirectory method the folder depth its not relevant, but for the cleanup, so each subfolder must
                            // be logged separately
                            if (FolderDepth(subdir) > FolderDepth(target) + 1)
                                var tmp = subdir;


                                    tmp = tmp.Substring(0, tmp.LastIndexOf("\\"));
                                } while (tmp.Length > target.Length);


                    var df = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(target, targetSubdir, file.FullName));
                    var wm = watermark.GetWatermark <DateTime>(file.FullName);

                    if (force || wm == DateTime.MinValue || wm != df.LastWriteTimeUtc || !df.Exists)
                        // Remove possible readonly flag
                        if (df.Exists)
                            df.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal;


                            file.ExtractToFile(df.FullName, true);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Error, "{0}: The archive cannot be extracted. The compression method is not supported. {1}", ex.Message, file.FullName);
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("The file {0} cannot be extracted. If the file is compressed with a non-standard algorithm (e.g. LZMA), make sure the support for 7-zip is enabled and all dlls are set properly in the Dependecy Manager settings.", archiveFile));

                        df.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal;

                        //TODO: Klaus will auch die enthaltenen Datien im Output Window sehen!
                        Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: Downloading file {1}", DownloadType, file.FullName);
                        Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Verbose, "{0}: Skipping file {1}", DownloadType, file.FullName);

            Logger.Instance().Log(TraceLevel.Info, "Extracted zipped file {0} finished successfully.", archiveFile);