private static string AppendCopyright(this string input, IDecl declaration)
            string package = PyExtensions.GetPackage(declaration);

            string dcCopyright = @"# Copyright (C) 2013-present The DataCentric Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License"");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.


            if (package == "datacentric")
                return(dcCopyright + input);
                throw new Exception($"Copyright header is not specified for module {package}.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Return top level package name for given declaration.
 /// </summary>
 public static string GetPackage(IDecl decl)
     if (decl.Module.ModuleName.StartsWith("DataCentric"))
     throw new Exception($"Unknown module: {decl.Module.ModuleName}");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Decl(DeclKind kind, IDecl parent)
     Kind   = kind;
     Parent = parent as Decl;
     if (Parent != null)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static string GetIncludePath(IDecl decl)
            var settings = GeneratorSettingsProvider.Get(decl.Module.ModuleName);

            // Avoid adding trailing path separator
            return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(decl.Category) && !decl.Category.Equals(".")
                       ? $"{settings.Namespace}.{decl.Category}".Underscore().Replace('.', '/')
                       : $"{settings.Namespace}".Underscore().Replace('.', '/'));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 int Compare(IDecl decl1, IDecl decl2)
     if (decl1 is LocalDecl && decl2 is LocalDecl)
         LocalDecl aDecl1 = (LocalDecl)decl1;
         LocalDecl aDecl2 = (LocalDecl)decl2;
         if (aDecl1.ParentMethod != aDecl2.ParentMethod)
             return(aDecl1.ParentMethod.GetHashCode().CompareTo(aDecl2.ParentMethod.GetHashCode()));//Here, I assume that the hash codes will always be diffrent.
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Translate the exploded guy into a C# declaration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string TranslateToCSharp(IDecl r)
            if (r is RegularDecl)
                var typ = (r as RegularDecl).Type;
                typ = TypeDefTranslator.ResolveTypedef(typ);

                if (typ == "string")
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Unable to translate the C++ type of string");

                var clsInfo = ROOTNET.NTClass.GetClass(typ);
                if (clsInfo != null)
                    if (!clsInfo.IsShellTClass())
                        typ = "ROOTNET.Interface.N" + typ;
                        typ = typ.SanitizedName();
                    typ = typ.SimpleCPPTypeToCSharpType();

                if (typ == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Don't know how to deal with type '" + (r as RegularDecl).Type + "'.");


            var t = r as TemplateInfo;

            if (t.TemplateName != "vector")
                throw new NotImplementedException("Don't know how to deal with anything but a vector right now!");

            var argTrans = TranslateToCSharp(t.Arguments[0]);

            return(argTrans + "[]");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public class AccessSpecDecl : Decl { internal AccessSpecDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.AccessSpec, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public class NamespaceAliasDecl : NamedDecl { internal NamespaceAliasDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.NamespaceAlias, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 internal NamedDecl(DeclKind kind, IDecl parent) : base(kind, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 internal LabelDecl(IDecl parent)
     : base(DeclKind.Label, parent)
        /// <summary>
        /// Add import statements for given declaration.
        /// </summary>
        public static void WriteImports(TypeDecl decl, List <IDecl> declarations, CodeWriter writer)
            // Always import attr module
            writer.AppendLine("import attr");

            // Instant is generated as Union[dt.datetime, dc.Instant] thus dt import is required
            if (decl.Elements.Any(e => e.Value != null && (e.Value.Type == ValueParamType.Instant ||
                                                           e.Value.Type == ValueParamType.NullableInstant)))
                writer.AppendLine("import datetime as dt");

            // If type is abstract - ABC import is needed
            if (decl.Kind == TypeKind.Abstract)
                writer.AppendLine("from abc import ABC");

            // Check if ObjectId is used
            bool hasObjectId = decl.Elements.Any(e => e.Value != null &&
                                                 (e.Value.Type == ValueParamType.TemporalId ||
                                                  e.Value.Type == ValueParamType.NullableTemporalId));

            if (hasObjectId)
                writer.AppendLine("from bson import ObjectId");

            // Check imports from typing
            var typingImports = new List <string>();

            // Python 3.8
            // if (decl.Keys.Any() || decl.Kind == TypeKind.Final)
            //     typingImports.Add("final");

            if (decl.Elements.Any(e => e.Vector == YesNo.Y))

            if (typingImports.Any())
                var items = string.Join(", ", typingImports);
                writer.AppendLine($"from typing import {items}");

            bool insideDc = PyExtensions.GetPackage(decl) == "datacentric";

            List <string> packagesToImport  = new List <string>();
            List <string> individualImports = new List <string>();

            // Import parent class package as its namespace, or if inside the same package,
            // import individual class instead
            if (decl.Inherit != null)
                if (PyExtensions.IsPackageEquals(decl, decl.Inherit))
                    IDecl parentDecl = declarations.FindByKey(decl.Inherit);
                    individualImports.Add($"from {parentDecl.Category} import {decl.Inherit.Name}");
            // Import datacentric package as dc, or if inside datacentric,
            // import individual classes instead
            else if (decl.IsRecord)
                if (insideDc)
                    individualImports.Add("from import Record");
            // First child class of Data
                if (insideDc)
                    individualImports.Add("from import Data");

            foreach (var data in decl.Elements.Where(d => d.Data != null).Select(d => d.Data))
                if (PyExtensions.IsPackageEquals(decl, data))
                    IDecl dataDecl = declarations.FindByKey(data);
                    individualImports.Add($"from {dataDecl.Category} import {data.Name}");

            foreach (var enumElement in decl.Elements.Where(d => d.Enum != null).Select(d => d.Enum))
                if (PyExtensions.IsPackageEquals(decl, enumElement))
                    IDecl enumDecl = declarations.FindByKey(enumElement);
                    individualImports.Add($"from {enumDecl.Category} import {enumElement.Name}");

            foreach (var package in packagesToImport.Distinct())
                writer.AppendLine($"import {package} as {PyExtensions.GetAlias(package)}");

            foreach (var import in individualImports.Distinct())
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public class FriendDecl : Decl { internal FriendDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.Friend, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Translate the exploded guy into a C# declaration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string TranslateToCSharp(IDecl r)
            if (r is RegularDecl)
                var typ = (r as RegularDecl).Type;
                typ = TypeDefTranslator.ResolveTypedef(typ);

                if (typ == "string")
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Unable to translate the C++ type of string");

                var clsInfo = ROOTNET.NTClass.GetClass(typ);
                if (clsInfo != null)
                    if (!clsInfo.IsShellTClass())
                        typ = "ROOTNET.Interface.N" + typ;
                        typ = typ.SanitizedName();
                    typ = typ.SimpleCPPTypeToCSharpType();

                if (typ == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Don't know how to deal with type '" + (r as RegularDecl).Type + "'.");

                return typ;

            var t = r as TemplateInfo;
            if (t.TemplateName != "vector")
                throw new NotImplementedException("Don't know how to deal with anything but a vector right now!");

            var argTrans = TranslateToCSharp(t.Arguments[0]);
            return argTrans + "[]";
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public class ObjCCategoryDecl : ObjCContainerDecl { internal ObjCCategoryDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.ObjCCategory, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public class PragmaDetectMismatchDecl : Decl { internal PragmaDetectMismatchDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.PragmaDetectMismatch, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public class StaticAssertDecl : Decl { internal StaticAssertDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.StaticAssert, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public class PragmaCommentDecl : Decl { internal PragmaCommentDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.PragmaComment, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public class ObjCPropertyImplDecl : Decl { internal ObjCPropertyImplDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.ObjCPropertyImpl, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public class OMPThreadPrivateDecl : Decl { internal OMPThreadPrivateDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.OMPThreadPrivate, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public class ObjCCompatibleAliasDecl : NamedDecl { internal ObjCCompatibleAliasDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.ObjCCompatibleAlias, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public class OMPDeclareReductionDecl : ValueDecl { internal OMPDeclareReductionDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.OMPDeclareReduction, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public class ObjCContainerDecl : NamedDecl { internal ObjCContainerDecl(DeclKind kind, IDecl parent) : base(kind, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public class IndirectFieldDecl : ValueDecl { internal IndirectFieldDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.IndirectField, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public class VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl : VarTemplateSpecializationDecl { internal VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.VarTemplatePartialSpecialization, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public class EnumConstantDecl : ValueDecl { internal EnumConstantDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.EnumConstant, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public class TranslationUnitDecl : Decl { internal TranslationUnitDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.TranslationUnit, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public class UnresolvedUsingValueDecl : ValueDecl { internal UnresolvedUsingValueDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.UnresolvedUsingValue, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public TemplateInfo(string templateName, IDecl[] args)
     TemplateName = templateName;
     Arguments = args;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public class FriendTemplateDecl : Decl { internal FriendTemplateDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.FriendTemplate, parent)
 int Compare(IDecl decl1, IDecl decl2)
     if (decl1 is LocalDecl && decl2 is LocalDecl)
         LocalDecl aDecl1 = (LocalDecl)decl1;
         LocalDecl aDecl2 = (LocalDecl)decl2;
         if (aDecl1.ParentMethod != aDecl2.ParentMethod)
             return aDecl1.ParentMethod.GetHashCode().CompareTo(aDecl2.ParentMethod.GetHashCode());//Here, I assume that the hash codes will always be diffrent.
     return decl1.Name.CompareTo(decl2.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public class ImportDecl : Decl { internal ImportDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.Import, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public IDecl CreateDecl(DeclKind kind, IDecl parent)
            Decl ret;

            switch (kind)
            case DeclKind.AccessSpec: ret = new AccessSpecDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Block: ret = new BlockDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Captured: ret = new CapturedDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ClassScopeFunctionSpecialization: ret = new ClassScopeFunctionSpecializationDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Empty: ret = new EmptyDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Export: ret = new ExportDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ExternCContext: ret = new ExternCContextDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.FileScopeAsm: ret = new FileScopeAsmDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Friend: ret = new FriendDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.FriendTemplate: ret = new FriendTemplateDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Import: ret = new ImportDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.LinkageSpec: ret = new LinkageSpecDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Label: ret = new LabelDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Namespace: ret = new NamespaceDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.NamespaceAlias: ret = new NamespaceAliasDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCCompatibleAlias: ret = new ObjCCompatibleAliasDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCCategory: ret = new ObjCCategoryDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCCategoryImpl: ret = new ObjCCategoryImplDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCImplementation: ret = new ObjCImplementationDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCInterface: ret = new ObjCInterfaceDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCProtocol: ret = new ObjCProtocolDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCMethod: ret = new ObjCMethodDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCProperty: ret = new ObjCPropertyDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.BuiltinTemplate: ret = new BuiltinTemplateDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ClassTemplate: ret = new ClassTemplateDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.FunctionTemplate: ret = new FunctionTemplateDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.TypeAliasTemplate: ret = new TypeAliasTemplateDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.VarTemplate: ret = new VarTemplateDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.TemplateTemplateParm: ret = new TemplateTemplateParmDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Enum: ret = new EnumDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Record: ret = new RecordDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.CXXRecord: ret = new CXXRecordDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ClassTemplateSpecialization: ret = new ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization: ret = new ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.TemplateTypeParm: ret = new TemplateTypeParmDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCTypeParam: ret = new ObjCTypeParamDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.TypeAlias: ret = new TypeAliasDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Typedef: ret = new TypedefDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.UnresolvedUsingTypename: ret = new UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Using: ret = new UsingDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.UsingDirective: ret = new UsingDirectiveDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.UsingPack: ret = new UsingPackDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.UsingShadow: ret = new UsingShadowDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ConstructorUsingShadow: ret = new ConstructorUsingShadowDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Binding: ret = new BindingDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Field: ret = new FieldDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCAtDefsField: ret = new ObjCAtDefsFieldDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCIvar: ret = new ObjCIvarDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Function: ret = new FunctionDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.CXXDeductionGuide: ret = new CXXDeductionGuideDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.CXXMethod: ret = new CXXMethodDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.CXXConstructor: ret = new CXXConstructorDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.CXXConversion: ret = new CXXConversionDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.CXXDestructor: ret = new CXXDestructorDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.MSProperty: ret = new MSPropertyDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.NonTypeTemplateParm: ret = new NonTypeTemplateParmDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Var: ret = new VarDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.Decomposition: ret = new DecompositionDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ImplicitParam: ret = new ImplicitParamDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.OMPCapturedExpr: ret = new OMPCapturedExprDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ParmVar: ret = new ParmVarDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.VarTemplateSpecialization: ret = new VarTemplateSpecializationDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.VarTemplatePartialSpecialization: ret = new VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.EnumConstant: ret = new EnumConstantDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.IndirectField: ret = new IndirectFieldDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.OMPDeclareReduction: ret = new OMPDeclareReductionDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.UnresolvedUsingValue: ret = new UnresolvedUsingValueDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.OMPThreadPrivate: ret = new OMPThreadPrivateDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.ObjCPropertyImpl: ret = new ObjCPropertyImplDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.PragmaComment: ret = new PragmaCommentDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.PragmaDetectMismatch: ret = new PragmaDetectMismatchDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.StaticAssert: ret = new StaticAssertDecl(parent); break;

            case DeclKind.TranslationUnit: ret = new TranslationUnitDecl(parent); break;

            default: throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (parent == null)

Ejemplo n.º 33
 public class LinkageSpecDecl : Decl { internal LinkageSpecDecl(IDecl parent) : base(DeclKind.LinkageSpec, parent)