public async Task BasicTest() { IDbStore columnFamilyDbStore = this.rocksDbStoreProvider.GetColumnStoreFamily("test"); string key = "key1"; string value = "value1"; byte[] keyBytes = key.ToBytes(); byte[] valueBytes = value.ToBytes(); await columnFamilyDbStore.Put(keyBytes, valueBytes); Option <byte[]> returnedValueBytesOption = await columnFamilyDbStore.Get(keyBytes); Assert.True(returnedValueBytesOption.HasValue); byte[] returnedValueBytes = returnedValueBytesOption.OrDefault(); Assert.True(valueBytes.SequenceEqual(returnedValueBytes)); Assert.Equal(value, returnedValueBytes.FromBytes()); Assert.True(await columnFamilyDbStore.Contains(keyBytes)); Assert.False(await columnFamilyDbStore.Contains("key2".ToBytes())); await columnFamilyDbStore.Remove(keyBytes); returnedValueBytesOption = await columnFamilyDbStore.Get(keyBytes); Assert.False(returnedValueBytesOption.HasValue); }
public IDbStore GetDbStore(string partitionName) { Preconditions.CheckNonWhiteSpace(partitionName, nameof(partitionName)); IDbStore dbStore = this.partitionDbStoreDictionary.GetOrAdd(partitionName, new InMemoryDbStore()); return(dbStore); }
public async Task FirstLastTest() { IDbStore columnFamilyDbStore = this.rocksDbStoreProvider.GetColumnStoreFamily("firstLastTest"); string firstKey = "firstKey"; string firstValue = "firstValue"; await columnFamilyDbStore.Put(firstKey.ToBytes(), firstValue.ToBytes()); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { string key = $"key{i}"; string value = "$value{i}"; await columnFamilyDbStore.Put(key.ToBytes(), value.ToBytes()); } string lastKey = "lastKey"; string lastValue = "lastValue"; await columnFamilyDbStore.Put(lastKey.ToBytes(), lastValue.ToBytes()); Option <(byte[], byte[])> firstEntryOption = await columnFamilyDbStore.GetFirstEntry(); Assert.True(firstEntryOption.HasValue); (byte[] key, byte[] value)firstEntry = firstEntryOption.OrDefault(); Assert.Equal(firstKey, firstEntry.key.FromBytes()); Assert.Equal(firstValue, firstEntry.value.FromBytes()); Option <(byte[], byte[])> lastEntryOption = await columnFamilyDbStore.GetLastEntry(); Assert.True(lastEntryOption.HasValue); (byte[] key, byte[] value)lastEntry = lastEntryOption.OrDefault(); Assert.Equal(lastKey, lastEntry.key.FromBytes()); Assert.Equal(lastValue, lastEntry.value.FromBytes()); }
public UnitOfWork(Container container, IsolationLevel isolationLevel) { _scope = AsyncScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(container); _dbStore = _scope.GetInstance <IDbStore>(); _session = GetSession(_dbStore); _transaction = _session.BeginTransaction(isolationLevel); }
public static CheckpointStore Create(IDbStoreProvider dbStoreProvider) { IDbStore dbStore = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(dbStoreProvider, nameof(dbStoreProvider)).GetDbStore(Constants.CheckpointStorePartitionKey); IEntityStore <string, CheckpointEntity> underlyingStore = new EntityStore <string, CheckpointEntity>(dbStore, nameof(CheckpointEntity), 12); return(new CheckpointStore(underlyingStore)); }
public async Task GetRemoveDefaultPartitionTestAsync() { var options = new RocksDbOptionsProvider(new SystemEnvironment(), true); var partitionsList = new[] { "Partition1" }; using (IDbStoreProvider rocksDbStoreProvider = DbStoreProvider.Create(options, this.rocksDbFolder, partitionsList)) { Assert.NotNull(rocksDbStoreProvider); IDbStore store = rocksDbStoreProvider.GetDbStore(); string key = "key"; string val = "val"; byte[] valBytes = val.ToBytes(); await store.Put(key.ToBytes(), valBytes); Option <byte[]> valRetrieved = await store.Get("key".ToBytes()); byte[] valRetrievedBytes = valRetrieved.GetOrElse(string.Empty.ToBytes()); Assert.True(valRetrievedBytes.SequenceEqual(valBytes)); } }
public async Task MessageCountTest() { using (IDbStore columnFamilyDbStore = this.rocksDbStoreProvider.GetDbStore("test")) { Assert.Equal(0ul, await columnFamilyDbStore.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { string key = $"key{i}"; string value = "$value{i}"; await columnFamilyDbStore.Put(key.ToBytes(), value.ToBytes()); } Assert.Equal(10ul, await columnFamilyDbStore.Count()); } using (IDbStore columnFamilyDbStore = this.rocksDbStoreProvider.GetDbStore("test")) { Assert.Equal(10ul, await columnFamilyDbStore.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { string key = $"key{i}"; await columnFamilyDbStore.Remove(key.ToBytes()); } Assert.Equal(0ul, await columnFamilyDbStore.Count()); } }
public IEntityStore <TK, TV> GetEntityStore <TK, TV>(string entityName) { IDbStore entityDbStore = this.dbStoreProvider.GetDbStore(Preconditions.CheckNonWhiteSpace(entityName, nameof(entityName))); IEntityStore <TK, TV> entityStore = new EntityStore <TK, TV>(entityDbStore, entityName, 12); return(entityStore); }
IEntityStore <TK, TV> GetEntityStore <TK, TV>(string entityName, IDbStore entityDbStore) { IKeyValueStore <TK, TV> dbStoreMapper = new KeyValueStoreMapper <TK, byte[], TV, byte[]>(entityDbStore, new BytesMapper <TK>(), new BytesMapper <TV>()); IEntityStore <TK, TV> entityStore = new EntityStore <TK, TV>(dbStoreMapper, entityName, 12); IEntityStore <TK, TV> timedEntityStore = new TimedEntityStore <TK, TV>(entityStore, this.operationTimeout); return(timedEntityStore); }
public IEntityStore <TK, TV> GetEntityStore <TK, TV>(string entityName) { IDbStore entityDbStore = this.dbStoreProvider.GetDbStore(Preconditions.CheckNonWhiteSpace(entityName, nameof(entityName))); IKeyValueStore <TK, TV> dbStoreMapper = new KeyValueStoreMapper <TK, byte[], TV, byte[]>(entityDbStore, new BytesMapper <TK>(), new BytesMapper <TV>()); IEntityStore <TK, TV> entityStore = new EntityStore <TK, TV>(dbStoreMapper, entityName, 12); IEntityStore <TK, TV> timedEntityStore = new TimedEntityStore <TK, TV>(entityStore, this.operationTimeout); return(timedEntityStore); }
async Task DbStoreRestoreAsync(string store, IDbStore dbStore, string latestBackupDirPath) { try { IList <Item> items = await this.dataBackupRestore.RestoreAsync <IList <Item> >(store, latestBackupDirPath); if (items != null) { foreach (Item item in items) { await dbStore.Put(item.Key, item.Value); } } } catch (IOException exception) { throw new IOException($"The restore operation for {latestBackupDirPath} failed with error.", exception); } }
async Task DbStoreBackupAsync(string store, IDbStore dbStore, string latestBackupDirPath) { try { IList <Item> items = new List <Item>(); await dbStore.IterateBatch( int.MaxValue, (key, value) => { items.Add(new Item(key, value)); return(Task.CompletedTask); }); await this.dataBackupRestore.BackupAsync(store, latestBackupDirPath, items); } catch (IOException exception) { throw new IOException($"The backup operation for {store} failed with error.", exception); } }
async Task BackupAsync() {; Guid backupId = Guid.NewGuid(); string dbBackupDirectory = Path.Combine(this.backupPath, backupId.ToString()); BackupMetadata newBackupMetadata = new BackupMetadata(backupId, this.dataBackupRestore.DataBackupFormat, DateTime.UtcNow, this.dbStores.Keys.ToList()); BackupMetadataList backupMetadataList = new BackupMetadataList(new List <BackupMetadata> { newBackupMetadata }); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(dbBackupDirectory); // Backup other stores. foreach (string store in this.dbStores.Keys) { IDbStore dbStore = this.dbStoreProvider.GetDbStore(store); await this.DbStoreBackupAsync(store, dbStore, dbBackupDirectory); } using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(this.backupPath, BackupMetadataFileName))) { JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); serializer.Serialize(file, backupMetadataList); }; // Clean any old backups. this.CleanupUnknownBackups(this.backupPath, backupMetadataList); } catch (Exception exception) {$"The backup operation failed with error ${exception}."); // Clean up any artifacts of the attempted backup. this.CleanupKnownBackups(this.backupPath, backupMetadataList); } }
public ChooseCourseModel(IDbStore store) { = store; }
public EntityStore(IDbStore dbStore, string entityName, int keyShardCount = 1) { this.dbStore = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(dbStore, nameof(dbStore)); this.keyLockProvider = new AsyncLockProvider <TK>(Preconditions.CheckRange(keyShardCount, 1, nameof(keyShardCount))); this.EntityName = Preconditions.CheckNonWhiteSpace(entityName, nameof(entityName)); }
public RecordModel(IDbStore store) { = store; }
public static T LoadIf <T>(this IDbStore dbStore, object id) where T : IEntity { return(id == null ? default(T) : dbStore.Load <T>(id)); }
public static ISession GetSession(this IDbStore dbStore) { return(dbStore.GetMemberValue("_session") as ISession); }
private static ISession GetSession(IDbStore dbStore) { return(dbStore.GetMemberValue("_session") as ISession); }
public ChooseStudentModel(IDbStore store) { = store; }
public RoleStore(IDbStore dbStore) { _dbStore = dbStore; }
public StorageSpaceAwareDbStore(IDbStore dbStore, IStorageSpaceChecker diskSpaceChecker) : base(dbStore) { this.storageSpaceChecker = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(diskSpaceChecker, nameof(diskSpaceChecker)); }
public StudentRecordModel(IDbStore store) { = store; }
public TeacherModel(IDbStore store) { = store; }
public DbStoreDecorator(IDbStore dbStore) { this.dbStore = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(dbStore, nameof(dbStore)); }
public async Task SpaceCheckViolationsTest() { Option <long> maxStorageBytes = Option.Some(90L); IStorageSpaceChecker checker = new MemorySpaceChecker(() => 0L); checker.SetMaxSizeBytes(maxStorageBytes); InMemoryDbStoreProvider storeProvider = new InMemoryDbStoreProvider(Option.Some(checker)); string store1Name = "store1"; IDbStore store1 = storeProvider.GetDbStore(store1Name); string store2Name = "store2"; IDbStore store2 = storeProvider.GetDbStore(store2Name); byte[] message1 = new byte[10]; byte[] message2 = new byte[20]; await store1.Put(message1, message1); await store2.Put(message2, message2); // Current sizes - // store1 -> (message1 * 2) // store2 -> (message2 * 2) // Aggregated size is less than limit, adding another item should succeed. byte[] message3 = new byte[30]; await store1.Put(message3, message3, CancellationToken.None); // Current sizes - // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2) // store2 -> (message2 * 2) // Aggregated size is greater than limit, adding another item should fail. byte[] message4 = new byte[40]; await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store2.Put(message4, message4)); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store2.Put(message4, message4, CancellationToken.None)); // Remove store2. The usage of store1 alone should be less than the max limit. // Current sizes - // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2) // store2 -> X // Aggregated size is less than limit, adding another item should succeed. storeProvider.RemoveDbStore(store2Name); await store1.Put(message4, message4); // Current sizes - // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2) + (message4 * 2) // store2 -> X // Aggregated size is greater than limit, adding another item should fail. byte[] message5 = new byte[45]; await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store1.Put(message5, message5)); // Re-add store2. store2 = storeProvider.GetDbStore(store2Name); await store1.Remove(message4); // Current sizes - // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2) // store2 -> X // Aggregated size is less than limit, adding another item should succeed. await store2.Put(message1, message1); // Current sizes - // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2) // store2 -> (message1 * 2) // Aggregated size is greater than limit, adding another item should fail. await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store2.Put(message5, message5)); // Remove an item from store1 and then try adding a smaller item to store2 which should succeed. await store1.Remove(message3, CancellationToken.None); // Current sizes - // store1 -> (message1 * 2) // store2 -> (message1 * 2) // Aggregated size is less than limit, adding another item should succeed. await store2.Put(message3, message3, CancellationToken.None); // Current sizes - // store1 -> (message1 * 2) // store2 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2) // Aggregated size is greater than limit, adding another item should fail. await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store2.Put(message4, message4)); // Set max storage size to be greater than the current db size. Option <long> newMaxStorageBytes = Option.Some((message1.Length * 2) * 2L + (message3.Length * 2) + 10); checker.SetMaxSizeBytes(newMaxStorageBytes); // Adding another item should now succeed after the limits have been increased. await store1.Put(message4, message4); // Adding a new item to store1 should fail. // Current sizes - // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message4 * 2) // store2 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2) // Aggregated size is greater than limit, adding another item should fail. await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store1.Put(message5, message5)); // Updating the message4 item in store1 should succeed as the size difference between // the existing and updated value is zero bytes which doesn't lead to the limit being breached. await store1.Put(message4, message4); }
public ClassModel(IDbStore store) { = store; }