Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static IDbBinary UpdateBinary(this IDbBinary whereClause, IDbBinary predicate, IDbObjectFactory dbFactory)
            if (predicate == null)

            return(whereClause != null
                ? dbFactory.BuildBinary(whereClause, DbOperator.And, predicate)
                : predicate);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void UpdateIncludeSelectAndProcessToNodes(
            IncludeNode graphNode, IDbSelect includedSelect, IModelInfoProvider infoProvider,
            IDbObjectFactory dbFactory, UniqueNameGenerator nameGenerator, AbstractMethodTranslator[] addons)
            // create temp table
            var entityRef   = includedSelect.GetReturnEntityRef();
            var returnTable = (IDbTable)entityRef.Referee;

            var newIncludedSelect = dbFactory.BuildSelect(returnTable);

            newIncludedSelect.From.Alias = nameGenerator.GenerateAlias(newIncludedSelect, returnTable.TableName);

            var tempTableName = TranslationConstants.TempTablePreix + nameGenerator.GenerateAlias(null, returnTable.TableName, true);
            var tempTable     = dbFactory.BuildTempTable(tempTableName, includedSelect);

            var tempSelect = dbFactory.BuildSelect(tempTable);

            tempSelect.From.Alias = nameGenerator.GenerateAlias(tempSelect, tempTable.TableName);

            var joinToTemp = MakeJoin(newIncludedSelect, tempSelect, dbFactory, nameGenerator);
            var joinTo     = joinToTemp.To;


            foreach (var pk in returnTable.PrimaryKeys)
                var fromPkCol = dbFactory.BuildColumn(entityRef, pk.Name, pk.ValType);

                var toPkCol = dbFactory.BuildColumn(tempSelect.From, pk.Name, pk.ValType);

                toPkCol = dbFactory.BuildColumn(joinTo, pk.Name, pk.ValType);
                var binary = dbFactory.BuildBinary(fromPkCol, DbOperator.Equal, toPkCol);
                joinToTemp.Condition = joinToTemp.Condition.UpdateBinary(binary, dbFactory);

            var orderCol = dbFactory.BuildColumn(tempSelect.From, tempTable.RowNumberColumnName, typeof(int));


            orderCol = dbFactory.BuildColumn(joinTo, tempTable.RowNumberColumnName, typeof(int));

            graphNode.Select    = newIncludedSelect;
            graphNode.TempTable = tempTable;

            foreach (var toNode in graphNode.ToNodes)
                TranslateGraphNode(toNode, infoProvider, dbFactory, nameGenerator, addons);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static IDbBinary ToBinary(this IDbObject dbElement, IDbObjectFactory dbFactory)
            switch (dbElement)
            case null:

            case IDbBinary dbBinary:

            var one = dbFactory.BuildConstant(true);

            return(dbFactory.BuildBinary(dbElement, DbOperator.Equal, one));
        public static IDbBinary ToBinary(this IDbObject dbElement, IDbObjectFactory dbFactory)
            if (dbElement == null)

            var dbBinary = dbElement as IDbBinary;

            if (dbBinary != null)

            var one = dbFactory.BuildConstant(true);

            return(dbFactory.BuildBinary(dbElement, DbOperator.Equal, one));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// Create a join for the relation
        /// For parent relation, we create a join that joins to the parent table
        /// For child relation, we will create a sub select that returns the child table,
        /// and then joins to the sub select.
        /// The reason for joining to sub select for child relation, is that we want to be
        /// able to group on the join key, so that we will not repeat the parent row.
        private IDbJoin GetOrCreateJoin(EntityRelation relation, DbReference fromRef, IDbRefColumn refCol)
            var dbSelect = fromRef.OwnerSelect;
            var tupleKey = Tuple.Create(dbSelect, relation);

            if (!relation.IsChildRelation && _state.CreatedJoins.ContainsKey(tupleKey))

            var toEntity = relation.ToEntity;
            var dbTable  = _dbFactory.BuildTable(toEntity);

            DbReference joinTo;
            DbReference childRef    = null;
            IDbSelect   childSelect = null;

            // Create the join. For parent join, we just need to join to a Ref to the table
            // For child relation, we will firstly create a sub select that return the child table
            // and then join to then sub select
            if (!relation.IsChildRelation)
                var tableAlias = _nameGenerator.GenerateAlias(dbSelect, dbTable.TableName);
                joinTo = _dbFactory.BuildRef(dbTable, tableAlias);
                childRef       = _dbFactory.BuildRef(dbTable);
                childSelect    = _dbFactory.BuildSelect(childRef);
                childRef.Alias = _nameGenerator.GenerateAlias(childSelect, dbTable.TableName);

                var tableAlias = _nameGenerator.GenerateAlias(dbSelect, TranslationConstants.SubSelectPrefix, true);
                joinTo = _dbFactory.BuildRef(childSelect, tableAlias);

            var dbJoin = _dbFactory.BuildJoin(joinTo, dbSelect);


            // build join condition
            IDbBinary condition = null;

            for (var i = 0; i < relation.FromKeys.Count; i++)
                var fromKey = relation.FromKeys[i];
                var toKey   = relation.ToKeys[i];

                var fromColumn = _dbFactory.BuildColumn(fromRef, fromKey.DbName, fromKey.ValType);
                var toColumn   = _dbFactory.BuildColumn(joinTo, toKey.DbName, toKey.ValType);

                // If we have created a sub for child relation, we need to the columns
                // that are used in join condition selected from the sub select.
                if (childRef != null && childSelect != null)
                    var alias       = _nameGenerator.GenerateAlias(childSelect, toKey.DbName + TranslationConstants.JoinKeySuffix, true);
                    var childColumn = _dbFactory.BuildColumn(childRef, toKey.DbName, toKey.ValType, alias, true);

                     * We need to also put the join key in the group of the sub select.
                     * This is to make sure the sub select is grouped by the key so that
                     * the parent (outer select) will not be repeated
                     * This operation needs to happen here not in the aggregation method call.
                     * The reason is that in aggregtion method calls we do not know which column
                     * from the entity is used in relation, so they will not be able to create
                     * the correct column

                    toColumn.Name  = alias;
                    toColumn.Alias = string.Empty;

                // if the relation is found on a fromRef which is referring a sub-select,
                // it means the from key of the join is not on a table but a derived select.
                // In this case, we need to add the from key into the derived select, as we will
                // be using it in the join
                if (fromRef.Referee is IDbSelect)
                    var alias = _nameGenerator.GenerateAlias(dbSelect, toKey.DbName + TranslationConstants.JoinKeySuffix, true);
                    fromColumn.Name  = alias;
                    fromColumn.Alias = string.Empty;

                    // try to recursively add the join key to all connected sub select.
                    refCol.RefTo?.AddToReferedSelect(_dbFactory, fromKey.DbName, fromKey.ValType, alias);

                var binary = _dbFactory.BuildBinary(fromColumn, DbOperator.Equal, toColumn);
                condition = condition.UpdateBinary(binary, _dbFactory);

            dbJoin.Condition = condition;

            // all relations need to follow the join type
            if (fromRef.OwnerJoin != null)
                dbJoin.Type = fromRef.OwnerJoin.Type;

            if (relation.IsChildRelation)
                dbJoin.Type = DbJoinType.LeftOuter;

            return(_state.CreatedJoins[tupleKey] = dbJoin);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static void UpdateFromNodeTempTable(
            IncludeNode fromNode, IDbObject dbObject, IDbSelect includedSelect,
            IDbObjectFactory dbFactory, UniqueNameGenerator nameGenerator)
            var fromSelect = fromNode.Select;

            var dbJoin = fromSelect.Joins.Single(
                j => dbObject is DbReference ? ReferenceEquals(j.To, dbObject) : ReferenceEquals(j.To.Referee, dbObject));

            // remove the join to included relation from fromSelect

            if (dbObject is IDbSelect)
                var refCol = includedSelect.Selection.Single(c => c is IDbRefColumn);

            var keys     = dbJoin.Condition.GetDbObjects <IDbColumn>().ToArray();
            var fromKeys = keys.Where(c => !ReferenceEquals(c.Ref, dbJoin.To)).ToArray();
            var toKeys   = keys.Where(c => ReferenceEquals(c.Ref, dbJoin.To)).ToArray();

            var tempTable    = fromNode.TempTable;
            var sourceSelect = tempTable.SourceSelect;

            var fromRef   = sourceSelect.GetReturnEntityRef();
            var returnRef = includedSelect.GetReturnEntityRef();

            var tempSelect = dbFactory.BuildSelect(tempTable);

            tempSelect.From.Alias = nameGenerator.GenerateAlias(tempSelect, tempTable.TableName);

            var joinToTemp = MakeJoin(includedSelect, tempSelect, dbFactory, nameGenerator);


            for (var i = 0; i < fromKeys.Length; i++)
                var fromKey = fromKeys[i];
                var toKey   = toKeys[i];

                var fromPkCol = dbFactory.BuildColumn(fromRef, fromKey.Name, fromKey.ValType);

                var tempPkCol = dbFactory.BuildColumn(tempSelect.From, fromKey.Name, fromKey.ValType);

                if (dbObject is IDbSelect)
                    var key = toKey;
                    toKey = (IDbColumn)includedSelect.Selection.Single(c => c.GetAliasOrName() == key.GetNameOrAlias());

                fromPkCol = dbFactory.BuildColumn(joinToTemp.To, fromKey.Name, fromKey.ValType);
                var toPkCol = dbFactory.BuildColumn(returnRef, toKey.Name, toKey.ValType);
                var binary  = dbFactory.BuildBinary(toPkCol, DbOperator.Equal, fromPkCol);
                joinToTemp.Condition = joinToTemp.Condition.UpdateBinary(binary, dbFactory);