Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Initialize()
            //Arrange for Tests
            var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cnfig =>
                cnfig.AddProfile(new RepositoryMapper());

            _mapper = mapperConfig.CreateMapper();

            _mockContext = new FakeDatabaseEntitiesContext
                Products =
                    new data.Product {
                        Id = new Guid("8f2e9176-35ee-4f0a-ae55-83023d2db1a3"), Name = "Samsung Galaxy S7", Description = "Newest mobile product from Samsung.", Price = 1024.99M, DeliveryPrice = 16.99M
                    new data.Product {
                        Id = new Guid("de1287c0-4b15-4a7b-9d8a-dd21b3cafec3"), Name = "Apple iPhone 6S", Description = "Newest mobile product from Apple.", Price = 1299.99M, DeliveryPrice = 15.99M

            _logging = new LoggingService();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Initialize()
            //Arrange for Tests
            var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cnfig =>
                cnfig.AddProfile(new RepositoryMapper());

            _mapper = mapperConfig.CreateMapper();

            _mockContext = new FakeDatabaseEntitiesContext
                Products =
                    new data.Product {
                        Id = new Guid("8f2e9176-35ee-4f0a-ae55-83023d2db1a3"), Name = "Samsung Galaxy S7", Description = "Newest mobile product from Samsung.", Price = 1024.99M, DeliveryPrice = 16.99M
                    new data.Product {
                        Id = new Guid("de1287c0-4b15-4a7b-9d8a-dd21b3cafec3"), Name = "Apple iPhone 6S", Description = "Newest mobile product from Apple.", Price = 1299.99M, DeliveryPrice = 15.99M
                ProductOptions =
                    new data.ProductOption {
                        Id = new Guid("0643ccf0-ab00-4862-b3c5-40e2731abcc9"), ProductId = new Guid("8f2e9176-35ee-4f0a-ae55-83023d2db1a3"), Name = "White", Description = "White Samsung Galaxy S7"
                    new data.ProductOption {
                        Id = new Guid("a21d5777-a655-4020-b431-624bb331e9a2"), ProductId = new Guid("8f2e9176-35ee-4f0a-ae55-83023d2db1a3"), Name = "Black", Description = "Black Samsung Galaxy S7"
                    new data.ProductOption {
                        Id = new Guid("5c2996ab-54ad-4999-92d2-89245682d534"), ProductId = new Guid("de1287c0-4b15-4a7b-9d8a-dd21b3cafec3"), Name = "Rose Gold", Description = "Gold Apple iPhone 6S"
            _logging = new LoggingService();
            var productOptionRepository = new ProductOptionRepository(_mapper, _mockContext, _logging);
            var productRepository       = new ProductRepository(_mapper, _mockContext, _logging);

            var productOptionService = new ProductOptionService(productOptionRepository);
            var productService       = new ProductService(productRepository);

            _Controller = new ProductsController(productService, productOptionService, _logging);
        public void Initialize()
            //Arrange for Tests
            var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cnfig =>
                cnfig.AddProfile(new RepositoryMapper());

            _mapper = mapperConfig.CreateMapper();

            _mockContext = new FakeDatabaseEntitiesContext
                ProductOptions =
                    new data.ProductOption { Id= new Guid("0643ccf0-ab00-4862-b3c5-40e2731abcc9"),ProductId=new Guid("8f2e9176-35ee-4f0a-ae55-83023d2db1a3"),Name="White",Description="White Samsung Galaxy S7"},
                    new data.ProductOption { Id= new Guid("a21d5777-a655-4020-b431-624bb331e9a2"),ProductId=new Guid("8f2e9176-35ee-4f0a-ae55-83023d2db1a3"),Name="Black",   Description="Black Samsung Galaxy S7" },
                    new data.ProductOption { Id= new Guid("5c2996ab-54ad-4999-92d2-89245682d534"),ProductId=new Guid("de1287c0-4b15-4a7b-9d8a-dd21b3cafec3"),Name="Rose Gold",Description="Gold Apple iPhone 6S" }

            _logging = new LoggingService();

Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProductOptionRepository"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mapper">The mapper.</param>
 /// <param name="dbContext">The database context.</param>
 /// <param name="logging">The logging.</param>
 public ProductOptionRepository(IMapper mapper, IDatabaseEntities dbContext, ILoggingService logging)
     _mapper    = mapper;
     _dbContext = dbContext;
 //here db is being provided to the ctor by your
 //DI Library e.g. StructureMap, SimpleInjector, .Net Core Injection, etc.
 public ValuesController(IDatabaseEntities db)
     _db = db;         //null check left out for brevity