Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// `JSON.SET`
 /// Sets the JSON value at path in key
 /// For new Redis keys the path must be the root.
 /// For existing keys, when the entire path exists, the value that it contains is replaced with the json value.
 /// https://oss.redislabs.com/rejson/commands/#jsonset
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="db"></param>
 /// <param name="key">Key where JSON object is to be stored.</param>
 /// <param name="obj">The object to serialize and send.</param>
 /// <param name="path">The path which you want to persist the JSON object. For new objects this must be root.</param>
 /// <param name="setOption">By default the object will be overwritten, but you can specify that the object be set only if it doesn't already exist or to set only IF it exists.</param>
 /// <param name="commandFlags"></param>
 /// <typeparam name="TObjectType">Type of the object being serialized.</typeparam>
 /// <returns>An `OperationResult` indicating success or failure.</returns>
 public static Task <OperationResult> JsonSetAsync <TObjectType>(this IDatabaseAsync db, RedisKey key,
                                                                 TObjectType obj,
                                                                 string path = ".", SetOption setOption = SetOption.Default,
                                                                 CommandFlags commandFlags = CommandFlags.None) =>
 db.JsonSetAsync(key, SerializerProxy.Serialize(obj), path, setOption, commandFlags: commandFlags);