Ejemplo n.º 1
        public QATest(IRow testRow, ITable paramTable, bool canWrite)
            if (testRow == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("testRow", "No row from the QA test table passed to constructor for QATest");
            if (paramTable == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("paramTable", "No QA parameter table passed to constructor for QATest");

            int index;

            index = testRow.Fields.FindField(TEST_NAME_FIELD);
            if (index < 0)
                throw new System.MissingFieldException(QATestCollection.TABLE_NAME, TEST_NAME_FIELD);
            this._name = testRow.get_Value(index).ToString();

            index = testRow.Fields.FindField(COM_CLSID_FIELD);
            if (index < 0)
                throw new System.MissingFieldException(QATestCollection.TABLE_NAME, COM_CLSID_FIELD);
            this._comClsid = testRow.get_Value(index).ToString();

            // Constrained to be YES or NO
            index = testRow.Fields.FindField(MANDITORY_FIELD);
            if (index < 0)
                throw new System.MissingFieldException(QATestCollection.TABLE_NAME, MANDITORY_FIELD);
            string isManditoryStr = testRow.get_Value(index).ToString();
            this._isManditory = isManditoryStr.ToUpper().Equals("YES");
            this._isActive = this._isManditory; // if manditory, make active

            // Try to instantiate a copy of the COM object
                System.Guid theGuid = new Guid(this._comClsid);
                this._test = this.CreateTestFromGuid(theGuid, true);

                // Load the parameter collection
                this._parameters = new QAParameterCollection(paramTable, this.Test);
            catch (Exception ex)
                util.Logger.Write("Could not instantiate a IDataQualityTest with CLSID '" + this._comClsid + "'" + Environment.NewLine
                    + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine
                    + ex.StackTrace.ToString(), util.Logger.LogLevel.Warn);
            this._canWrite = canWrite;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 internal TestStatus(bool active, IDataQualityTest test)
     this.active = active;
     this.test = test;