Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the hint, as well as this sprite's table location (if any), to find palettes that can be applied to this sprite.
        /// (1) if the sprite's hint is the name of a palette, return that. Example: title screen pokemon sprite/palette pair.
        /// (2) if the sprite's hint is the name of an enum table, use that enum's source as a list of palettes and get the appropriate one from the matching index of the enum table. Example: pokemon icons
        /// (3) if the sprite's hint is a table name followed by a key=value pair, go grab the a palette from the element within that table such that it's key equals that value. Example: Overworld sprites
        /// (4) if the sprite's hint is a table name, return all palettes within the matching index of that table. Example: trainer sprites/palettes.
        /// (5) if the sprite has no hint, return all palettes in arrays with matching length from the same index. Example: pokemon sprites. Leaving it empty allows both normal and shiny palettes to match.
        /// </summary>
        public static IReadOnlyList <IPaletteRun> FindRelatedPalettes(this ISpriteRun spriteRun, IDataModel model, int primarySource = -1, string hint = null)
            // find all palettes that could be applied to this sprite run
            var noChange = new NoDataChangeDeltaModel();
            var results  = new List <IPaletteRun>();

            hint = hint ?? spriteRun?.SpriteFormat.PaletteHint;
            if (primarySource == -1)
                var pointerCount = spriteRun?.PointerSources?.Count ?? 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++)
                    if (!(model.GetNextRun(spriteRun.PointerSources[i]) is ArrayRun))
                    primarySource = spriteRun.PointerSources[i];
            var spriteTable = model.GetNextRun(primarySource) as ArrayRun;
            var offset      = spriteTable?.ConvertByteOffsetToArrayOffset(primarySource) ?? new ArrayOffset(-1, -1, -1, -1);

            if (primarySource < 0)
                offset = new ArrayOffset(-1, -1, -1, -1);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hint))
                var run = model.GetNextRun(model.GetAddressFromAnchor(noChange, -1, hint));
                if (run is IPaletteRun palRun)
                    // option 1: hint is to a palette
                else if (run is ArrayRun enumArray && enumArray.ElementContent.Count == 1 && enumArray.ElementContent[0] is ArrayRunEnumSegment enumSegment)
                    // option 2: hint is to index into paletteTable, and I'm in a table
                    var paletteTable = model.GetNextRun(model.GetAddressFromAnchor(noChange, -1, enumSegment.EnumName)) as ArrayRun;
                    if (offset.ElementIndex != -1)
                        var paletteIndex = model.ReadMultiByteValue(enumArray.Start + enumArray.ElementLength * offset.ElementIndex, enumArray.ElementLength);
                        if (model.GetNextRun(model.ReadPointer(paletteTable.Start + paletteTable.ElementLength * paletteIndex)) is IPaletteRun pRun)
                else if (hint.Contains(":"))
                    // option 3: hint is a table name, followed by a identifier=value pair
                    var tableKeyPair        = hint.Split(':');
                    var identifierValuePair = tableKeyPair.Length == 2 ? tableKeyPair[1].Split("=") : new string[0];
                    if (identifierValuePair.Length == 2)
                        var paletteTable = model.GetNextRun(model.GetAddressFromAnchor(noChange, -1, tableKeyPair[0])) as ITableRun;
                        var segment      = paletteTable?.ElementContent.FirstOrDefault(seg => seg.Name == identifierValuePair[0]);
                        var pSegment     = paletteTable?.ElementContent.FirstOrDefault(seg => seg is ArrayRunPointerSegment pSeg && PaletteRun.TryParsePaletteFormat(pSeg.InnerFormat, out var _));
                        var rawValue     = identifierValuePair[1];
                        int keyValue;
                        if (segment is ArrayRunEnumSegment eSegment)
                            keyValue = eSegment.GetOptions(model).ToList().IndexOf(rawValue);
                        else if (segment is ArrayRunHexSegment hSegment)
                            int.TryParse(rawValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out keyValue);
                            int.TryParse(rawValue, out keyValue);
                        if (segment != null)
                            var segmentOffset  = paletteTable.ElementContent.Until(seg => seg == segment).Sum(seg => seg.Length);
                            var pSegmentOffset = paletteTable.ElementContent.Until(seg => seg == pSegment).Sum(seg => seg.Length);
                            var tableIndex     = Enumerable.Range(0, paletteTable.ElementCount).FirstOrDefault(i => model.ReadMultiByteValue(paletteTable.Start + i * paletteTable.ElementLength + segmentOffset, segment.Length) == keyValue);
                            var paletteStart   = model.ReadPointer(paletteTable.Start + tableIndex * paletteTable.ElementLength + pSegmentOffset);
                            if (model.GetNextRun(paletteStart) is IPaletteRun pRun)

                // option 4: I'm in a table, and my hint is a table name
                if (offset.ElementIndex == -1)
                if (!(run is ArrayRun array))
                results.AddRange(model.GetPointedChildren <IPaletteRun>(array, offset.ElementIndex));