public ProductAssociationType(IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoader, IMediator mediator)
            Name        = "ProductAssociation";
            Description = "product association.";

            Field(d => d.Type);
            Field(d => d.Priority);
            Field("Quantity", x => x.Quantity, nullable: true, type: typeof(IntGraphType));
            Field(d => d.AssociatedObjectId);
            Field(d => d.AssociatedObjectType);

            var productField = new FieldType
                Name     = "product",
                Type     = GraphTypeExtenstionHelper.GetActualType <ProductType>(),
                Resolver = new AsyncFieldResolver <ProductAssociation, object>(async context =>
                    var loader = dataLoader.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <string, ExpProduct>("associatedProductLoader", (ids) => LoadProductsAsync(mediator, ids));

                    // IMPORTANT: In order to avoid deadlocking on the loader we use the following construct (next 2 lines):
                    var loadHandle = loader.LoadAsync(context.Source.AssociatedObjectId);
                    return(await loadHandle);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Talk(FeedbackService feedbackService, IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor, SpeakersRepository speakersRepository)
            Field(t => t.Id);
            Field(t => t.Title);
            Field(t => t.Description);
            Field(t => t.SpeakerId);
            //Field(name: "speaker", type: typeof(Speaker), resolve: context => context.Source.Speaker);

            ///loads the feedbacks for a talk in one go
            Field <ListGraphType <FeedbackType> >(
                resolve: context =>
                //his is an example of using a DataLoader to batch requests for loading a collection of items by a key.
                //This is used when a key may be associated with more than one item. LoadAsync() is called by the field resolver for each User.

                var loader =
                    dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, Conference.Service.Feedback>(
                        "GetReviewsByTalkId", feedbackService.GetAllInOneGo);


            Field <ListGraphType <Speaker> >(
                resolve: context =>
                var loader =
                    dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, Data.Entities.Speaker>("GetSpeakersForTalk", speakersRepository.GetAllSpeakersInOneGo);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ProductType(ProductReviewRepository reviewRepository, IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor)
            // Basic fields, GraphQL can map them
            Field(t => t.Id);
            Field(t => t.Name).Description("The name of the product."); // .Description() adds description for the field
            Field(t => t.Description);
            Field(t => t.IntroducedAt);
            Field(t => t.PhotoFileName);
            Field(t => t.Price);
            Field(t => t.Rating);
            Field(t => t.Stock);

            // Enums, scalar types (int, string)
            Field <ProductTypeEnumType>("Type", "The type of product");  // Name, desc shown in schema explorer

            // Complex types (classes), loads reviews for each product
            Field <ListGraphType <ProductReviewType> >(
                resolve: context =>
                var user = (ClaimsPrincipal)context.UserContext;        // (ClaimsPrincipal) => just changing type
                // user. ...    // authorization

                // Cashes data so we don't have many unnecessary queries
                // DataLoader needs to be added in Startup config
                // GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader will crate a new or use an existing data loader by name
                // data loader uses a dictionary to cash data, has INT as a key and ProductReview object as a value
                // Gets data through method GetForProducts from repository
                var loader = dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, ProductReview>(
                    "GetReviewsByProductId", reviewRepository.GetForProducts);

                return(loader.LoadAsync(context.Source.Id));        // Source if the Product entity
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ProductType(StoreDbContext dbContext, IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor)
            Field(p => p.Name);
            Field(p => p.Price);

            // simple solution
            //Field<ManufacturerType>("Manufacturer", resolve: ctx => ctx.Source.Manufacturer);

            // solution with data loader
            Func <IEnumerable <int>, Task <IDictionary <int, Manufacturer> > > getManufacturersFunc = async(ids) =>
                return(await dbContext.Manufacturers.Where(m => ids.Contains(m.ManufacturerId)).ToDictionaryAsync(m => m.ManufacturerId, m => m));

            Field <ManufacturerType>(
                resolve: ctx =>
                var loader = dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <int, Manufacturer>(
                    "GetManufacturerByManufacturerId", getManufacturersFunc
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public MonthlyItemResultType(IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor)
     Field("Year", t => t.Year, nullable: false, type: typeof(IntGraphType));
     Field("Month", t => t.Month, nullable: false, type: typeof(IntGraphType));
     Field("Items", t => t.Items, nullable: false, type: typeof(ListGraphType <ItemType>));
     Field("Amount", t => t.Amount, nullable: false, type: typeof(DecimalGraphType));
        public ProductRecommendationType(
            IMediator mediator,
            IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoader)
            Name        = "ProductRecommendation";
            Description = "Product recommendation object";

            Field(d => d.ProductId).Description("The unique ID of the product.");
            Field(d => d.Scenario).Description("The recommendation scenario name.");
            Field(d => d.Score).Description("The recommendation relevance score.");

            var productField = new FieldType
                Name     = "product",
                Type     = GraphTypeExtenstionHelper.GetActualType <ProductType>(),
                Resolver = new AsyncFieldResolver <ProductRecommendation, object>(async context =>
                    var includeFields = context.SubFields.Values.GetAllNodesPaths().Select(x => x.TrimStart("items.")).ToArray();
                    var loader        = dataLoader.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <string, ExpProduct>($"recommendedProducts", (ids) => LoadProductsAsync(mediator, new LoadProductRequest {
                        Ids = ids.ToArray(), IncludeFields = includeFields.ToArray()

                    // IMPORTANT: In order to avoid deadlocking on the loader we use the following construct (next 2 lines):
                    var loadHandle = loader.LoadAsync(context.Source.ProductId);
                    return(await loadHandle);

 public DigitalCatalogSchema(IMediator mediator, IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoader, ICurrencyService currencyService, IStoreService storeService)
     _mediator        = mediator;
     _dataLoader      = dataLoader;
     _currencyService = currencyService;
     _storeService    = storeService;
        public ProductRecommendationType(
            IMediator mediator,
            IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoader)
            Name        = "ProductRecommendation";
            Description = "Product recommendation object";

            Field(d => d.ProductId).Description("The unique ID of the product.");
            Field(d => d.Scenario).Description("The recommendation scenario name.");
            Field(d => d.Score).Description("The recommendation relevance score.");

            var productField = new FieldType
                Name     = "product",
                Type     = GraphTypeExtenstionHelper.GetActualType <ProductType>(),
                Resolver = new FuncFieldResolver <ProductRecommendation, IDataLoaderResult <ExpProduct> >(context =>
                    var includeFields = context.SubFields.Values.GetAllNodesPaths().ToArray();
                    var loader        = dataLoader.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <string, ExpProduct>($"recommendedProducts", (ids) => LoadProductsAsync(mediator, context, ids, includeFields));


Ejemplo n.º 9
 public MortgageType(IDataLoaderContextAccessor _accessor)
     Field(t => t.InitialValue, nullable: false, type: typeof(DecimalGraphType));
     Field(t => t.InitiatedAt, nullable: false, type: typeof(DateGraphType));
     Field(t => t.AmortisationPeriodInMonths, nullable: false, type: typeof(IntGraphType));
     Field(t => t.InterestRate, nullable: false, type: typeof(DecimalGraphType));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public Task <TEntity> LoadBatchedEntityAsync <TEntity>(
            string loaderKey,
            int key,
            Func <TEntity, int> keySelector,
            IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor) where TEntity : class
            return(accessor.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <int, TEntity>
                       async(keys, token) =>
                Dictionary <int, TEntity> dictionary;
                await using (var context = _serviceProvider.GetService <ATIDSXEContext>())
                    Expression <Func <TEntity, int> > selector = (Expression <Func <TEntity, int> >)(entity => keySelector(entity));

                    Expression <Func <TEntity, bool> > predicate = (Expression <Func <TEntity, bool> >)(entity => keySelector(entity) == 2);

                    dictionary = await context.Set <TEntity>()
                                 .ToDictionaryAsync(keySelector, token);
                return dictionary;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public InventoryQuery(IDataStore dataStore, IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor)
            Field <ItemType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "barcode"
                resolve: context =>
                var barcode = context.GetArgument <string>("barcode");

            Field <ListGraphType <ItemType>, IEnumerable <Item> >()
            .ResolveAsync(ctx =>
                var loader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddLoader("GetAllItems", () => dataStore.GetItemsAsync());

            Field <ListGraphType <OrderType>, IEnumerable <Order> >()
            .ResolveAsync(ctx => dataStore.GetOrdersAsync());

            Field <ListGraphType <CustomerType>, IEnumerable <Customer> >()
            .ResolveAsync(ctx => dataStore.GetCustomersAsync());

            Field <ListGraphType <OrderItemType>, IEnumerable <OrderItem> >()
            .ResolveAsync(ctx => dataStore.GetOrderItemsAsync());
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public SystemProcessOperationGraphType(
            ISystemProcessRepository operationRepository,
            IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor)

            this.Field(i => i.Id).Description("Identifier for the system process operation");
            this.Field(i => i.SystemProcessId).Description("Identifier for the system process");

            this.Field <SystemProcessGraphType>(
                resolve: context =>
                var loader = dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddLoader(
                    () => operationRepository.GetForId(context.Source.SystemProcessId));


            this.Field(i => i.OperationState).Description("The last state of the operation");
            this.Field(i => i.OperationStart).Type(new DateTimeGraphType())
            .Description("The time the operation started at in the real world (UTC)");
            this.Field(i => i.OperationEnd, true).Type(new DateTimeGraphType())
            .Description("The time the operation ended at in the real world (UTC)");
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public NavigationMenuType(MenuRepository menuRepository, IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor)
     Field(t => t.Id);
     Field(t => t.Name);
     Field(t => t.Description);
     Field(t => t.ApplicationId);
     Field(t => t.ActionRoute, nullable: true);
     Field(t => t.ImageUrl);
     Field(t => t.ParentId, nullable: true);
     Field(t => t.Sort);
     Field(t => t.IsActive);
     Field(t => t.Created, nullable: true);
     Field(t => t.CreatedBy);
     Field(t => t.Modified, nullable: true);
     Field(t => t.ModifiedBy);
     Field <ListGraphType <NavigationMenuType> >(
         resolve: context =>
         var loader = dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, NavigationMenu>(
             "GetNavigationMenuChildren", menuRepository.GetNavigationMenusChildren);
     Field <ListGraphType <RoleNavigationMenuType> >("RoleNavigationMenus",
                                                     resolve: context =>
         var loader = dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, RoleNavigationMenu>(
             "GetRoleNavigationMenus", menuRepository.GetRoleNavigationMenus);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private void InitDependencies(IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor, IPersonManager personManager,
                               IUnitManager unitManager)
     Accessor      = accessor;
     PersonManager = personManager;
     UnitManager   = unitManager;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public OrderType
            (IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor,
            AllocationsRepository allocationsRepository)
            Field(t => t.OrderId);
            Field(t => t.OmsOrderId);
            Field(t => t.OmsOrderVersionId);
            Field(t => t.GamId);
            Field(t => t.SecurityType);
            Field(t => t.TradeDate);
            Field(t => t.Trader);
            Field(t => t.SourceListCode);
            Field(t => t.SourceListitemCode);
            Field(t => t.CreatedDate);
            Field <IntGraphType>().Name("allocationCount").ResolveAsync(async(context) =>
                return(await allocationsRepository.GetCountForOrder(context.Source.OrderId));

            // Using dataloader
            // ----------------
            Field <ListGraphType <AllocationType> >(
                resolve: context =>
                var loader =
                    dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, Allocations>(
                        "GetAllocationsByOrderId", allocationsRepository.GetForOrders);

 public ProductType(ProductReviewRepository reviewRepository, IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor)
     Field(t => t.Id);
     Field(t => t.Name).Description("The name of the product");
     Field(t => t.Description);
     Field(t => t.IntroducedAt).Description("When the product was first introduced in the catalog");
     Field(t => t.PhotoFileName).Description("The file name of the photo so the client can render it");
     Field(t => t.Price);
     Field(t => t.Rating).Description("The (max 5) star customer rating");
     Field(t => t.Stock);
     Field <ProductTypeEnumType>("Type", "The type of product");
     Field <ListGraphType <ProductReviewType> >(
         "reviews",         //definuje nazov ktory je treba zadavat do query pri dopytovani
         //resolve: context => reviewRepository.GetForProduct(context.Source.Id) //definicia sposobu resolvovania
         resolve: context =>
         var user   = (ClaimsPrincipal)context.UserContext;           //ziskanie uzivatela z kontextu
         var loader = dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, ProductReview>("GetReviewsByProductId", reviewRepository.GetForProducts);
         //data loader je ziskany volanim metody GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader (vytvori alebo vrati data loader podla nazvu)
         //data loader vyuziva cache dictionary pre uchovanie dat
     //je vykonavanych vela DB queries --> pre ziskanie zoznamu produktov + pre kazdy produkt je vykonane dopytovanie pre ziskanie ProductReview z DB --> mozne vyuzit Data loader
     //pri vyuziti Data Loaderu je ziskany zoznam produktov, nasledne su ziskane ProductPreview pre vsetky produkty, ktore su uchovane v DataLoadery (vykonane 2 dopyty do DB)
        public ManufacturerInfoType(IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoader)
            Description = "Manufaturer info";

            Field(x => x.Id, type: typeof(IdGraphType)).Description("Guid property");
            Field(x => x.Name, type: typeof(IdGraphType)).Description("Name of the manufacturer");
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public StationType(
            IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor,
            IRepositoryWrapper repository)
            Name = nameof(Station);

            Field(_ => _.Id, type: typeof(NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType>)).Description("Eindeutige unveränderliche ID.");
            Field(_ => _.Number).Description("Pegelnummer");
            Field(_ => _.Shortname).Description("Pegelname (max. 40 Zeichen)");
            Field(_ => _.Longname).Description("Pegelname (max. 255 Zeichen)");
            Field(_ => _.Km).Description("Flusskilometer");
            Field(_ => _.Agency).Description("Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsamt");
            Field(_ => _.Longitude).Description("Längengrad in WGS84 Dezimalnotation");
            Field(_ => _.Latitude).Description("Breitengrad in WGS84 Dezimalnotation");
            Field(_ => _.Created);
            Field(_ => _.Updated, nullable: true);

            FieldAsync <WaterType, Water>(
                description: "The Water on which the measuring Station is located",
                resolve: async context =>
                var loader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <Guid, Water>("GetWatersById", repository.Water.GetWatersByIdAsync);
                return(await loader.LoadAsync(context.Source.WaterFk));
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public UnsolicitedTradingType
     (IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor)
     Field(t => t.TradeId);
     Field(t => t.FirstDealDate);
     Field(t => t.FirstAuthorisedDate);
     Field(t => t.ReportedDate);
     Field(t => t.InputDate);
     Field(t => t.AssetIdentifier);
     Field(t => t.AssetClass);
     Field(t => t.AssetSubClass);
     Field(t => t.Description);
     Field(t => t.InputBy);
     Field(t => t.AuthorisedBy);
     Field(t => t.WorkedBy);
     Field(t => t.FilledBy);
     Field(t => t.PlacedBy);
     Field(t => t.ReportedBy);
     Field(t => t.Counterparty);
     Field(t => t.Reason);
     Field(t => t.DealDate);
     Field(t => t.AuthorisedDate);
     Field(t => t.FilledDate);
     Field(t => t.Status);
     Field(t => t.StatusCode);
     Field(t => t.UserId);
     Field(t => t.UpdatedDate);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public CustomerType(IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor, Func <IOrderRepository> funcCustomerRepository) : base()
     Field(x => x.Id).Description("Customer Id");
     Field(x => x.ContactTitle).Description("Contact Title");
     Field(x => x.ContactName).Description("Customer Contact Name");
     Field(x => x.CompanyName).Description("Company name");
     FieldAsync <ListGraphType <OrderType> >("Orders", "Orders of the client", null, resolve: async context =>
         var userContext = (ClaimsPrincipal)context.UserContext;
         if (userContext.HasClaim(x => x.Type == "customclaim" && x.Value == "customvalue"))
             // Get or add a collection batch loader with the key "GetOrdersByUserId"
             // The loader will call GetOrdersByUserIdAsync with a batch of keys
             var repository  = funcCustomerRepository();
             var orderLoader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, Order>("GetOrdersByCustomerId", repository.GetOrdersByCustomerId);
             // Add this customerId to the pending keys to fetch data for
             // The task will complete with an IEnumberable<Order> once the fetch delegate has returned
             return(await orderLoader.LoadAsync(context.Source.Id));
             //return await funcCustomerRepository.Invoke().GetOrders(context.Source.Id);
             //return await context.Source.CustomerOrdersNavigation.Select(x=>x).ToList()
             context.Errors.Add(new GraphQL.ExecutionError("Unauthorized user", new UnauthorizedAccessException()));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public ProjectType(
            IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor,
            IRequirementRepository requirementRepository,
            IProjectRepository projectRepository)
            Field(x => x.Id);
            Field(x => x.Title);
            Field(x => x.Description);
            Field(x => x.RepositoryUrl);
            Field(x => x.ProjectUrl);
            Field(x => x.CreatedAt);
            Field <ProjectTypeEnumType>(nameof(ProjectModel.Type));

            Field <ProjectType>(
                resolve: context => context.Source.ParentProjectId.HasValue ? projectRepository.GetById(context.Source.ParentProjectId.Value) : null);

            Field <ListGraphType <ProjectType> >(
                resolve: context => projectRepository.GetSubprojects(context.Source.Id));

            Field <ListGraphType <RequirementType> >(
                resolve: context =>
                var loader = dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, RequirementModel>(
                    "GetRequirementsByProjectId", requirementRepository.GetForProjects);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        public DroidQuery(IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor, IDroidRepository droids) : base(accessor)
            Field <DroidType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <IntGraphType> {
                Name = "id"
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "name"
                resolve: context => {
                var id   = context.GetArgument <int>("id");
                var name = context.GetArgument <string>("name");

                return(Defer("GetDroid", () =>
                             id > 0
                            ? droids.Get(id)
                            : droids.Get(name)

            Field <ListGraphType <DroidType> >(
                resolve: context =>
                Defer("GetDroids", () => droids.Get())
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public SameUserTradingType
     (IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor)
     Field(t => t.TradeId);
     Field(t => t.UpdatedByPlaced);
     Field(t => t.UpdatedByDatePlaced);
     Field(t => t.UpdatedByAuthorised);
     Field(t => t.UpdatedByDateAuthorised);
     Field(t => t.AssetIdentifier);
     Field(t => t.AssetClass);
     Field(t => t.AssetSubClass);
     Field(t => t.Description);
     Field(t => t.InputBy);
     Field(t => t.AuthorisedBy);
     Field(t => t.PlacedBy);
     Field(t => t.FilledBy);
     Field(t => t.InputDate);
     Field(t => t.AuthorisedDate);
     Field(t => t.Counterparty);
     Field(t => t.Reason);
     Field(t => t.FilledDate);
     Field(t => t.Status);
     Field(t => t.StatusCode);
     Field(t => t.UserId);
     Field(t => t.UpdatedDate);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public OrderType(IUser user, IProduct product, IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor)
            Name        = "Order";
            Description = "Order fields";

            Field(x => x.OrderId).Description("Order Id");
            Field(x => x.Quantity).Description("Product quantity");

            Field <UserType, User>()
            .Description("the user who places the order")
            .ResolveAsync(context =>

            Field <ListGraphType <UserType>, IEnumerable <User> >()
            .Description("the user who places the order")
            .ResolveAsync(ctx =>
                var ordersLoader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, User>("GetReviewsByUserId", user.GetByIdAsync);

            Field <ProductType>("Product",
                                Description = "Ordered product",
                                resolve: context =>
Ejemplo n.º 25
    public OrderType(IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor, IUsersStore users, IOrdersStore orders)
        Name = "Order";

        Field(x => x.OrderId);
        Field(x => x.OrderedOn);

        Field <UserType, User>()
        .ResolveAsync(ctx =>
            var loader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <int, User>("GetUsersById",


        Field <ListGraphType <OrderItemType>, IEnumerable <OrderItem> >()
        .ResolveAsync(ctx =>
            var loader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, OrderItem>("GetOrderItemsById",

Ejemplo n.º 26
        public ProductType(ProductReviewRepository productReviewRepository,
                           IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoaderAccessor)
            Field(t => t.Id);
            Field(t => t.Name).Description("The name of the product");
            Field(t => t.Description);
            Field(t => t.IntroducedAt).Description("When the product was first introduced in the catalog");
            Field(t => t.PhotoFileName).Description("The file name of the photo so the client can render it");
            Field(t => t.Price);
            Field(t => t.Rating).Description("The (max 5) star customer rating");
            Field(t => t.Stock);
            Field <ProductTypeEnumType>("Type", "The type of product");

            Field <ListGraphType <ProductReviewType> >(
                resolve: context => //productReviewRepository.GetForProduct(context.Source.Id));
                // var user = (ClaimsPrincipal)context.UserContext;
                var loader =
                    dataLoaderAccessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, ProductReview>(
                        "GetReviewsByProductId", productReviewRepository.GetForProducts);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public SubmissionObject(IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor)
     this.Field(x => x.Id);
     this.Field(x => x.ProblemId);
     this.Field(x => x.LanguageName);
     this.Field(x => x.Date);
     this.Field(x => x.Time);
     this.Field(x => x.Memory);
     this.Field(x => x.Points);
     this.Field(x => x.Status);
     this.Field(x => x.Source);
     this.FieldAsync <ListGraphType <SubmissionTestCaseObject>, List <SubmissionTestCase> >(
         async context =>
         (await accessor
          .GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, SubmissionTestCase>(
              submissionIds => Task.FromResult(Database
                                               .Where(t => submissionIds.Contains(t.SubmissionId))
                                               .ToLookup(t => t.SubmissionId)))
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public GqlHeroVoiceActor(FehContextFactory dbContextFactory, IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor)
            this.Name = nameof(HeroVoiceActor);

            this.Field(nameof(HeroVoiceActor.HeroId), x => x.HeroId);
            this.Field(nameof(HeroVoiceActor.Id), x => x.Id);
            this.Field(nameof(HeroVoiceActor.Language), x => (int)x.Language);
            this.Field(nameof(HeroVoiceActor.Sort), x => x.Sort);
            this.Field(nameof(HeroVoiceActor.VoiceActorId), x => x.VoiceActorId);

            /* Data Loader */

            .Field <GqlVoiceActor, VoiceActor>()
                (context) =>
                var service = new VoiceActorService(dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext());

                var loader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <int, VoiceActor>(

Ejemplo n.º 29
        public CarGraphType(IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor, IGraphStore <Brand> brandStore, IGraphStore <Combustion> combustionStore)
            Field(x => x.Id).Description("Id del modelo del carro");
            Field(x => x.Placa).Description("Placa del modelo del carro");
            Field(x => x.numeroPuertas).Description("numeroPuertas del modelo del carro");
            Field(x => x.Modelo).Description("Modelo del modelo del carro");

            Field <BrandGraphType, Brand>()
            .ResolveAsync(context =>
                var loader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <int?, Brand>("GetUsersById",
                                                                                ids => brandStore.GetUsersByIdAsync(ids, CancellationToken.None));

            Field <CombustionGraphType, Combustion>()
            .ResolveAsync(context =>
                var loader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <int?, Combustion>("GetUsersById",
                                                                                     ids => combustionStore.GetUsersByIdAsync(ids, CancellationToken.None));

Ejemplo n.º 30
 public AssignmentType(IAssignmentRepository assignmentRepository, IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataLoader,
                       IAssignmentStatusRepository statusRepository, ICategoryRepository categoryRepository,
                       ISubTaskRepository subTaskRepository)
     Field(t => t.Id);
     Field(t => t.Name);
     Field(t => t.Description);
     Field(t => t.DueDate);
     Field(t => t.Important);
     Field <StatusType, AssignmentStatus>()
     .ResolveAsync(ctx =>
         var loader = dataLoader.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <int, AssignmentStatus>(
             "GetStatus", statusRepository.GetStatusForAssignments);
     Field <CategoryType, Category>()
     .ResolveAsync(context =>
         var loader = dataLoader.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <int, Category>(
             "GetCategory", categoryRepository.GetCategoryForAssignments);
     Field <ListGraphType <SubTaskType>, IEnumerable <SubTask> >()
     .ResolveAsync(context =>
         var loader = dataLoader.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, SubTask>(
             "GetSubTasks", subTaskRepository.GetSubTasksForAssignments);