Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void RemoveSecurityFromUniverse(
            List <PendingRemovalsManager.RemovedMember> removedMembers,
            List <Security> removals,
            DateTime dateTimeUtc,
            DateTime algorithmEndDateUtc)
            foreach (var removedMember in removedMembers)
                var universe = removedMember.Universe;
                var member   = removedMember.Security;

                // safe to remove the member from the universe
                universe.RemoveMember(dateTimeUtc, member);

                // we need to mark this security as untradeable while it has no data subscription
                // it is expected that this function is called while in sync with the algo thread,
                // so we can make direct edits to the security here
                foreach (var subscription in universe.GetSubscriptionRequests(member, dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc,
                    if (subscription.IsUniverseSubscription)
                        _dataManager.RemoveSubscription(subscription.Configuration, universe);

                // remove symbol mappings for symbols removed from universes // TODO : THIS IS BAD!
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs additional initialization steps after algorithm initialization
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void PostInitialize()
            SubscriptionSynchronizer.SubscriptionFinished += (sender, subscription) =>
                Log.Debug("Synchronizer.SubscriptionFinished(): Finished subscription:" +
                          $"{subscription.Configuration} at {FrontierTimeProvider.GetUtcNow()} UTC");

            // this is set after the algorithm initializes
            _dateTimeZone    = Algorithm.TimeZone;
            TimeSliceFactory = new TimeSliceFactory(_dateTimeZone);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the data manager
        /// </summary>
        public void SetDataManager(IDataFeedSubscriptionManager dataManager)
            if (_dataManager != null)
                throw new Exception("UniverseSelection.SetDataManager(): can only be set once");
            _dataManager = dataManager;

            _internalSubscriptionManager.Added += (sender, request) =>
            _internalSubscriptionManager.Removed += (sender, request) =>
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void PostInitialize()
            _subscriptionSynchronizer.SubscriptionFinished += (sender, subscription) =>
                Log.Debug("Synchronizer.SubscriptionFinished(): Finished subscription:" +
                          $"{subscription.Configuration} at {FrontierTimeProvider.GetUtcNow()} UTC");

            // this is set after the algorithm initializes
            _dateTimeZone = _algorithm.TimeZone;

            if (!_liveMode)
                // GetTimeProvider() will call GetInitialFrontierTime() which
                // will consume added subscriptions so we need to do this after initialization
                TimeProvider = GetTimeProvider();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies universe selection the the data feed and algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="universe">The universe to perform selection on</param>
        /// <param name="dateTimeUtc">The current date time in utc</param>
        /// <param name="universeData">The data provided to perform selection with</param>
        public SecurityChanges ApplyUniverseSelection(Universe universe, DateTime dateTimeUtc, BaseDataCollection universeData)
            var algorithmEndDateUtc = _algorithm.EndDate.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone);

            if (dateTimeUtc > algorithmEndDateUtc)

            IEnumerable <Symbol> selectSymbolsResult;

            // check if this universe must be filtered with fine fundamental data
            var fineFiltered = universe as FineFundamentalFilteredUniverse;

            if (fineFiltered != null
                // if the universe has been disposed we don't perform selection. This us handled bellow by 'Universe.PerformSelection'
                // but in this case we directly call 'SelectSymbols' because we want to perform fine selection even if coarse returns the same
                // symbols, see 'Universe.PerformSelection', which detects this and returns 'Universe.Unchanged'
                && !universe.DisposeRequested)
                // perform initial filtering and limit the result
                selectSymbolsResult = universe.SelectSymbols(dateTimeUtc, universeData);

                if (!ReferenceEquals(selectSymbolsResult, Universe.Unchanged))
                    // prepare a BaseDataCollection of FineFundamental instances
                    var fineCollection = new BaseDataCollection();

                    // Create a dictionary of CoarseFundamental keyed by Symbol that also has FineFundamental
                    // Coarse raw data has SID collision on: CRHCY R735QTJ8XC9X
                    var allCoarse  = universeData.Data.OfType <CoarseFundamental>();
                    var coarseData = allCoarse.Where(c => c.HasFundamentalData)
                                     .DistinctBy(c => c.Symbol)
                                     .ToDictionary(c => c.Symbol);

                    // Remove selected symbols that does not have fine fundamental data
                    var anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalData = false;
                    // only pre filter selected symbols if there actually is any coarse data. This way we can support custom universe filtered by fine fundamental data
                    // which do not use coarse data as underlying, in which case it could happen that we try to load fine fundamental data that is missing, but no problem,
                    // 'FineFundamentalSubscriptionEnumeratorFactory' won't emit it
                    if (allCoarse.Any())
                        selectSymbolsResult = selectSymbolsResult
                            symbol =>
                            var result = coarseData.ContainsKey(symbol);
                            anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalData |= !result;

                    if (!_anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalDataWarningLogged && anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalData)
                        _algorithm.Debug("Note: Your coarse selection filter was updated to exclude symbols without fine fundamental data. Make sure your coarse filter excludes symbols where HasFundamental is false.");
                        _anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalDataWarningLogged = true;

                    // use all available threads, the entire system is waiting for this to complete
                    var options = new ParallelOptions {
                        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount
                    Parallel.ForEach(selectSymbolsResult, options, symbol =>
                        var config   = FineFundamentalUniverse.CreateConfiguration(symbol);
                        var security = _securityService.CreateSecurity(symbol,
                                                                       addToSymbolCache: false);

                        var localStartTime = dateTimeUtc.ConvertFromUtc(config.ExchangeTimeZone).AddDays(-1);
                        var factory        = new FineFundamentalSubscriptionEnumeratorFactory(_algorithm.LiveMode, x => new[] { localStartTime });
                        var request        = new SubscriptionRequest(true, universe, security, new SubscriptionDataConfig(config), localStartTime, localStartTime);
                        using (var enumerator = factory.CreateEnumerator(request, _dataProvider))
                            if (enumerator.MoveNext())
                                lock (fineCollection.Data)

                    // WARNING -- HACK ATTACK -- WARNING
                    // Fine universes are considered special due to their chaining behavior.
                    // As such, we need a means of piping the fine data read in here back to the data feed
                    // so that it can be properly emitted via a TimeSlice.Create call. There isn't a mechanism
                    // in place for this function to return such data. The following lines are tightly coupled
                    // to the universeData dictionaries in SubscriptionSynchronizer and LiveTradingDataFeed and
                    // rely on reference semantics to work.

                    universeData.Data = new List <BaseData>();
                    foreach (var fine in fineCollection.Data.OfType <FineFundamental>())
                        var fundamentals = new Fundamentals
                            Symbol              = fine.Symbol,
                            Time                = fine.Time,
                            EndTime             = fine.EndTime,
                            DataType            = fine.DataType,
                            AssetClassification = fine.AssetClassification,
                            CompanyProfile      = fine.CompanyProfile,
                            CompanyReference    = fine.CompanyReference,
                            EarningReports      = fine.EarningReports,
                            EarningRatios       = fine.EarningRatios,
                            FinancialStatements = fine.FinancialStatements,
                            OperationRatios     = fine.OperationRatios,
                            SecurityReference   = fine.SecurityReference,
                            ValuationRatios     = fine.ValuationRatios,
                            Market              = fine.Symbol.ID.Market

                        CoarseFundamental coarse;
                        if (coarseData.TryGetValue(fine.Symbol, out coarse))
                            // the only time the coarse data won't exist is if the selection function
                            // doesn't use the data provided, and instead returns a constant list of
                            // symbols -- coupled with a potential hole in the data
                            fundamentals.Value              = coarse.Value;
                            fundamentals.Volume             = coarse.Volume;
                            fundamentals.DollarVolume       = coarse.DollarVolume;
                            fundamentals.HasFundamentalData = coarse.HasFundamentalData;

                            // set the fine fundamental price property to yesterday's closing price
                            fine.Value = coarse.Value;


                    // END -- HACK ATTACK -- END

                    // perform the fine fundamental universe selection
                    selectSymbolsResult = fineFiltered.FineFundamentalUniverse.PerformSelection(dateTimeUtc, fineCollection);
                // perform initial filtering and limit the result
                selectSymbolsResult = universe.PerformSelection(dateTimeUtc, universeData);

            // materialize the enumerable into a set for processing
            var selections = selectSymbolsResult.ToHashSet();

            var additions = new List <Security>();
            var removals  = new List <Security>();

            // first check for no pending removals, even if the universe selection
            // didn't change we might need to remove a security because a position was closed
                _pendingRemovalsManager.CheckPendingRemovals(selections, universe),

            // check for no changes second
            if (ReferenceEquals(selectSymbolsResult, Universe.Unchanged))

            // determine which data subscriptions need to be removed from this universe
            foreach (var member in universe.Securities.Values.OrderBy(member => member.Security.Symbol.SecurityType))
                var security = member.Security;
                // if we've selected this subscription again, keep it
                if (selections.Contains(security.Symbol))

                // don't remove if the universe wants to keep him in
                if (!universe.CanRemoveMember(dateTimeUtc, security))

                // remove the member - this marks this member as not being
                // selected by the universe, but it may remain in the universe
                // until open orders are closed and the security is liquidated

                RemoveSecurityFromUniverse(_pendingRemovalsManager.TryRemoveMember(security, universe),

            Dictionary <Symbol, Security> pendingAdditions;

            if (!_pendingSecurityAdditions.TryGetValue(dateTimeUtc, out pendingAdditions))
                // if the frontier moved forward then we've added these securities to the algorithm

                // keep track of created securities so we don't create the same security twice, leads to bad things :)
                pendingAdditions = new Dictionary <Symbol, Security>();
                _pendingSecurityAdditions[dateTimeUtc] = pendingAdditions;

            // find new selections and add them to the algorithm
            foreach (var symbol in selections)
                if (universe.Securities.ContainsKey(symbol))
                    // if its already part of the universe no need to re add it

                // create the new security, the algorithm thread will add this at the appropriate time
                Security security;
                if (!pendingAdditions.TryGetValue(symbol, out security) && !_algorithm.Securities.TryGetValue(symbol, out security))
                    // For now this is required for retro compatibility with usages of security.Subscriptions
                    var configs = _algorithm.SubscriptionManager.SubscriptionDataConfigService.Add(symbol,
                                                                                                   dataNormalizationMode: universe.UniverseSettings.DataNormalizationMode);

                    security = _securityService.CreateSecurity(symbol, configs, universe.UniverseSettings.Leverage, (symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Option || symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.FutureOption));

                    pendingAdditions.Add(symbol, security);

                var addedSubscription = false;
                var dataFeedAdded     = false;
                foreach (var request in universe.GetSubscriptionRequests(security, dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc,
                    if (security.Symbol == request.Configuration.Symbol && // Just in case check its the same symbol, else AddData will throw.
                        // For now this is required for retro compatibility with usages of security.Subscriptions

                    var toRemove = _currencySubscriptionDataConfigManager.GetSubscriptionDataConfigToRemove(request.Configuration.Symbol);
                    if (toRemove != null)
                        Log.Trace($"UniverseSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(): Removing internal currency data feed {toRemove}");

                    // 'dataFeedAdded' will help us notify the user for security changes only once per non internal subscription
                    // for example two universes adding the sample configuration, we don't want two notifications
                    dataFeedAdded = _dataManager.AddSubscription(request);

                    // only update our security changes if we actually added data
                    if (!request.IsUniverseSubscription)
                        addedSubscription = true;


                if (addedSubscription)
                    var addedMember = universe.AddMember(dateTimeUtc, security);

                    if (addedMember && dataFeedAdded)

            // return None if there's no changes, otherwise return what we've modified
            var securityChanges = additions.Count + removals.Count != 0
                ? new SecurityChanges(additions, removals)
                : SecurityChanges.None;

            // Add currency data feeds that weren't explicitly added in Initialize
            if (additions.Count > 0)

            if (securityChanges != SecurityChanges.None && Log.DebuggingEnabled)
                // for performance lets not create the message string if debugging is not enabled
                // this can be executed many times and its in the algorithm thread
                Log.Debug("UniverseSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(): " + dateTimeUtc + ": " + securityChanges);
