Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <Guid> SaveChangesAsync()
            // Dispatch Domain Events collection.
            // Choices:
            // A) Right BEFORE committing data (EF SaveChanges) into the DB will make a single transaction including
            // side effects from the domain event handlers which are using the same DbContext with "InstancePerLifetimeScope" or "scoped" lifetime
            // B) Right AFTER committing data (EF SaveChanges) into the DB will make multiple transactions.
            // You will need to handle eventual consistency and compensatory actions in case of failures in any of the Handlers.
            await DispatchDomainEvents();

            using var connection = await _connectionFactory.CreateConnectionAsync();

            using var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
            var affectedRows = 0;

            var transactionId = Guid.NewGuid();

            foreach (var change in _changes.Where(c => !c.Sent))
                change.Sent = true;
                switch (change.OperationType)
                case OperationType.INSERT:
                    change.DbEntity.Created   = _dateTime.UtcNow;
                    change.DbEntity.CreatedBy = _currentUserService.UserId;

                case OperationType.UPDATE:
                    change.DbEntity.LastModified   = _dateTime.UtcNow;
                    change.DbEntity.LastModifiedBy = _currentUserService.UserId;

                affectedRows += await connection.ExecuteAsync(change.Sql, change.DbEntity, transaction);

            foreach (var entry in _integrationEvents)
                affectedRows += await connection.ExecuteAsync(entry.BuildIntegrationEventLogEntryInsertStatement(),
                                                              entry, transaction);


        public async Task SeedDatabaseAsync()
            using var connection = await _factory.CreateConnectionAsync();

            var tables = await connection.QueryAsync <string>("SHOW TABLES");

            if (tables.Any())

            using var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

            await CreateTables(connection, transaction);
            await SeedEnumTables(connection, transaction);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <Bug> GetByIdAsync(Guid id)
            var sql =
                // WorkItem
                "SELECT Id, Title, AssignedTo, StateId, TeamId, SprintId, Description, " +
                "PriorityId, RepoLink, StateReasonId " +
                "FROM WorkItem Where Id = @Id;" +
                // Bug
                "SELECT EffortOriginalEstimate, EffortRemaining, EffortCompleted, IntegratedInBuild, " +
                "StoryPoints, SeverityId, ActivityId, SystemInfo, FoundInBuild " +
                "FROM Bug WHERE Id = @Id;" +
                // RelatedWorks
                "SELECT Id, LinkTypeId, Comment, Url, ReferencedWorkItemId, WorkItemId " +
                "FROM RelatedWork WHERE WorkItemId = @Id;" +
                // Tags
                "SELECT Text FROM Tag WHERE WorkItemId = @Id;" +
                // Attachments
                "SELECT Path, FileName, MimeType, Created FROM Attachment WHERE WorkItemId = @Id;";

            using var connection = await _connectionFactory.CreateConnectionAsync();

            using var multi = await connection.QueryMultipleAsync(sql, new { Id = id });

            var workItemDao = multi.Read <WorkItemDao>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (workItemDao == null)

            var bugDao          = multi.Read <BugDao>().FirstOrDefault();
            var relatedWorkDaos = multi.Read <RelatedWorkDao>();
            var tagDaos         = multi.Read <TagDao>();
            var attachmentDaos  = multi.Read <AttachmentDao>();
            var bug             = bugDao !.ToBug(workItemDao, tagDaos, attachmentDaos, relatedWorkDaos);

        public async Task <IEnumerable <FilterOcorrenciasVm> > FilterOcorrenciasAsync(FilterOcorrenciasQuery query)
            var sql = new StringBuilder(
                "SELECT DISTINCT o.id, identificador_ocorrencia as IdentificadorOcorrencia, tipo as Tipo, " +
                "delegacia_policia_apuracao as DelegaciaPoliciaApuracao, natureza as Natureza, data_hora_fato as DataHoraFato, " +
                "data_hora_comunicacao as DataHoraComunicacao, endereco_fato as EnderecoFato, praticado_por_menor as PraticadoPorMenor, " +
                "local_periciado as LocalPericiado, tipo_local as TipoLocal, objeto_meio_empregado as ObjetoMeioEmpregado, " +
                "o.created as Created, o.created_by as CreatedBy, " +
                "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pessoas_envolvidas p WHERE id_ocorrencia = o.id) 'PessoasEnvolvidas', " +
                "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM unidades_moveis u WHERE id_ocorrencia = o.id) 'UnidadesMoveis' FROM ocorrencias o " +
                "LEFT JOIN pessoas_envolvidas p ON o.id = p.id_ocorrencia " +
                "LEFT JOIN unidades_moveis u on o.id = u.id_ocorrencia " +
                "WHERE 42 = 42");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.IdentificadorOcorrencia))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(identificador_ocorrencia) LIKE @IdentificadorOcorrencia");

            if (query.Natureza.HasValue)
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(natureza) = @Natureza");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.DelegaciaPoliciaApuracao))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(delegacia_policia_apuracao) LIKE @DelegaciaPoliciaApuracao");

            if (query.PraticadoPorMenor.HasValue)
                sql.Append(" AND praticado_por_menor = @PraticadoPorMenor");

            if (query.LocalPericiado.HasValue)
                sql.Append(" AND local_periciado = @LocalPericiado");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.TipoLocal))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(tipo_local) LIKE @TipoLocal");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.ObjetoMeioEmpregado))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(objeto_meio_empregado) LIKE @ObjetoMeioEmpregado");

            if (query.CriadoDe.HasValue)
                sql.Append(" AND o.created > @CriadoDe");

            if (query.CriadoAte.HasValue)
                sql.Append(" AND o.created < @CriadoAte");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.PessoaEnvolvidaNome))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(nome) LIKE @PessoaEnvolvidaNome;");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.PessoaEnvolvidaEnvolvimento))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(envolvimento) LIKE @PessoaEnvolvidaEnvolvimento");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.PessoaEnvolvidaCpf))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(cpf) LIKE @PessoaEnvolvidaCpf");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.PessoaEnvolvidaProfissao))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(profissao) LIKE @PessoaEnvolvidaProfissao");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.PessoaEnvolvidaGravidadeLesoes))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(gravidade_lesoes) LIKE @PessoaEnvolvidaGravidadeLesoes");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.PessoaEnvolvidaRacaCor))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(raca_cor) LIKE @PessoaEnvolvidaRacaCor");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.UnidadeMovelMatriculaResponsavel))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(matricula_responsavel) LIKE @UnidadeMovelMatriculaResponsavel");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.UnidadeMovelUnidadeResponsavel))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(unidade_responsavel) LIKE @UnidadeMovelUnidadeResponsavel");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.UnidadeMovelPrefixoVtr))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(prefixo_vtr) LIKE @UnidadeMovelPrefixoVtr");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.UnidadeMovelResponsavel))
                sql.Append(" AND LOWER(responsavel) LIKE @UnidadeMovelResponsavel");

            if (query.PessoaEnvolvidaSexo.HasValue)
                sql.Append($" AND LOWER(sexo) = LOWER(@PessoaEnvolvidaSexo)");

            using var connection = await _connectionFactory.CreateConnectionAsync();

            return(await connection.QueryAsync <FilterOcorrenciasVm>(sql.ToString(), query));