Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Unaward(DB4Thing comment)
            // This can happen on "force add" command
            if (comment.ParentThing.AuthorName == Constants.DeletedAuthorName)
                _logger.Info("---SKIPPING UNAWARD ON DELETED USER---");

            _logger.Info($"---START UNAWARD DELTA--- -> user: {comment.ParentThing.AuthorName}, comment: {comment.Permalink}");

            // Update wiki
            // The wiki is the standard from which delta counts come from
            _logger.Info("   ---Updating wiki (unaward)");
            int newDeltaCount = _wikiEditor.UpdateUserWikiEntryUnaward(comment);

            string newFlairText = string.Empty;

            // If we are removing the user's only delta, we don't want the text to read "0∆"
            if (newDeltaCount != 0)
                newFlairText = DeltaHelper.GetFlairText(newDeltaCount);

            // Unaward from the parent comment
            _logger.Info("   ---Setting flair (unaward)");
            _subredditService.SetUserFlair(comment.ParentThing.AuthorName, comment.ParentThing.AuthorFlairCssClass,

            // Update deltaboards
            _logger.Info("   ---Updating deltaboards (unaward)");

            // Remove from repository after successful unaward
            _logger.Info("   ---Removing delta from local db (unaward)");

            // Update DeltaLogs after repository update since it reads data from the repository
            _logger.Info("   ---Updating DeltaLog (unaward)");
            string deltaLogPostUrl = _deltaLogEditor.Upsert(comment.ParentPost.Id, comment.ParentPost.Permalink, comment.ParentPost.Title, comment.ParentPost.AuthorName);

            // Update sticky if this is from OP
            if (comment.AuthorName == comment.ParentPost.AuthorName)
                // We need to get the count of deltas for this particular post
                var opDeltaCommentsInPost =
                    _repository.GetDeltaCommentsForPost(comment.ParentPost.Id, comment.ParentPost.AuthorName);

                // Update or remove sticky comment - make sure to remove one from the count since we haven't removed the data from
                // the repository yet, so the current comment won't count
                _logger.Info("   ---Updating post sticky (unaward)");
                _stickyCommentEditor.UpsertOrRemove(comment.ParentPost, opDeltaCommentsInPost.Count, null, deltaLogPostUrl);

            _logger.Info("---END UNAWARD DELTA---");