public IActionResult CreateApplicationUserProfile(
            [FromBody] ApplicationUserProfileForCreation applicationUserProfileForCreation)
            // currently the ApplicationUserProfileForCreation object doesn't have any properties,
            // as only the subscriptionlevel can be set and that's set to FreeUser for all
            // new users.  ApplicationUserProfileForCreation is accepted as an example
            // for when you would create a client-level screen where the user must input
            // field values before the profile can be created.

            var subject = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "sub").Value;

            if (_croudSeekRepository.ApplicationUserProfileExists(subject))

            var applicationUserProfileEntity =
                _mapper.Map <Entities.ApplicationUserProfile>(applicationUserProfileForCreation);

            // subject must come from the token
            applicationUserProfileEntity.Subject = subject;

            // subscriptionlevel = FreeUser
            applicationUserProfileEntity.SubscriptionLevel = "FreeUser";



            var applicationUserProfileToReturn = _mapper.Map <QuestDto>(applicationUserProfileEntity);

                                  new {
                id = applicationUserProfileToReturn.Id