protected string GetLocalId(Guid uuid)
     CorrelatedResSyncInfo[] results = _correlatedResSyncInfoStore.GetByUuid(_resourceKindString, new Guid[] { uuid });
     if (results.Length > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Update(FeedEntry entry)
            // only atom entry supported!!!
            if (_request.ContentType != Sage.Common.Syndication.MediaType.AtomEntry)
                throw new RequestException("Atom entry content type expected");

            // resource key must exist in url
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_requestContext.ResourceKey))
                throw new RequestException("ResourceKey missing in requested url.");

            string         requestEndPointUrl;
            RequestContext entryResourceAsRequestContext;

            string url;             // The url that references an existing resource
            string localId;         // will be parsed from urlAttrValue and set to the key attribute of the result resource payload
            Guid   uuid;            // the new uuid

            // retrieve the feed entry
            //entry = FeedComponentFactory.Create<ILinkingResourceFeedEntry>(request.Stream);

            // Get the uuid from query
            uuid = (Guid)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Guid)).ConvertFrom(_requestContext.ResourceKey);

            if (null == entry)
                throw new RequestException("sdata payload element missing");

            // the consumer MUST provide an sdata:url attribute that references an existing resource.
            url = entry.Uri;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                throw new RequestException("sdata url attribute missing for resource payload element.");

            // Parse the url of thew url attribute to get the local id.
            // Additionally we check for equality of the urls of the request url and
            // in the linked element up to the resourceKind.
            requestEndPointUrl            = _requestContext.OriginEndPoint;
            entryResourceAsRequestContext = new RequestContext(new Sage.Common.Syndication.SDataUri(url));    // TODO: not really nice here.
            string linkedResourceUrl = entryResourceAsRequestContext.OriginEndPoint;

            if (!string.Equals(requestEndPointUrl, linkedResourceUrl, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                throw new RequestException("Request url and linked entry resource not matching.");

            string resourceKindName = _requestContext.ResourceKind.ToString();

            localId = entryResourceAsRequestContext.ResourceKey;

            // The correlation store
            ICorrelatedResSyncInfoStore correlatedResSyncInfoStore = NorthwindAdapter.StoreLocator.GetCorrelatedResSyncStore(_requestContext.SdataContext);

            // update the correlation entry in the sync store.
            // if uuid is not in use -> throw exception
            // if resource is already linked -> remove existing link, reassign link
            // if resource is not yet linked -> reassign link
            CorrelatedResSyncInfo[] correlations;
            CorrelatedResSyncInfo   correlationToModify = null;

            // retrieve the correlation we want to reassign by given uuid
            correlations = correlatedResSyncInfoStore.GetByUuid(resourceKindName, new Guid[] { uuid });
            if (correlations.Length > 0)
                correlationToModify = correlations[0];
                throw new RequestException("Uuid not in use");

            //remember the old Correlation for the new localId, will be deleted after the update.
            CorrelatedResSyncInfo[] oldCorrelations = correlatedResSyncInfoStore.GetByLocalId(resourceKindName, new string[] { localId });

            // change the local ID to link to the new resource.
            // change the modification stamp and reset the tick
            correlationToModify.LocalId = localId;
            correlationToModify.ResSyncInfo.ModifiedStamp = DateTime.Now;
            correlationToModify.ResSyncInfo.Tick          = 1;

            // update the correlation
            correlatedResSyncInfoStore.Update(resourceKindName, correlationToModify);

            //If updating went OK, delete the old correlation for the new localId (should be only 1, for-loop just to be sure to catch em all)
            foreach (CorrelatedResSyncInfo oldCorrelation in oldCorrelations)
                correlatedResSyncInfoStore.Delete(resourceKindName, oldCorrelation.ResSyncInfo.Uuid);

            // If the service consumer only needs to retrieve the URL, not the actual payload,
            // it may do so by adding an empty select parameter to its request:
            // a) select parameter not exist -> return deep resource payload
            // b) select exists and empty -> return no resource payload
            // c) select exists and not empty -> return deep resource payload as we do not yet support payload filtering
            //    with select parameter.
            string tmpValue;
            // ?select
            bool includeResourcePayloads = true;    // default value, but check for select parameter now

            if (_requestContext.SdataUri.QueryArgs.TryGetValue("select", out tmpValue))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_requestContext.SdataUri.QueryArgs["select"]))
                    includeResourcePayloads = false;

            // Create an entity wrapper if resource data should be requested. Otherwise
            // leave wrapper null.
            IFeedEntryEntityWrapper wrapper = null;

            //if (includeResourcePayloads) //TODO: Comment this in as soon as there is a possibility to send empty payload objects
            wrapper = FeedEntryWrapperFactory.Create(_requestContext.ResourceKind, _requestContext);

            /* Create the response entry */
            _request.Response.FeedEntry   = (FeedEntry)this.BuildFeedEntryForCorrelation(correlationToModify, wrapper);
            _request.Response.ContentType = MediaType.AtomEntry;
        private CommodityIdentity[] GetCommodityIds(ComputePriceRequestFeedEntry payloadContainer)
            List <CommodityIdentity> identities = new List <CommodityIdentity>();

            // The commodities are situated under the pricing document lines.
            // The commodities are linked resources. That means that the schema provides a sme:relationship="reference"
            // on the commodity schema node.
            // Example: (<xs:element sme:label="Commodity" name="commodity" type="commodity--type" sme:relationship="reference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" sme:mandatory="true" >)
            // The commodity payload is an empty payload providing all or some sdata attributes as follows:
            // url, key, uuid, lookup, descriptor.
            // To be able to receive commodity data we need the local commodity ids.
            // So we iterate through all line items of the given entry and read the commodity payload attributes.
            // Dependent on the existence of the attributes an id can be requested in 3 ways:
            // 1. Using attribute key (MS: SHOULD or MUST exist??? cannot find compliance info)
            // 2. Parsing attribute url (MS: SHOULD or MUST exist??? cannot find compliance info)
            // 3. Using the uuid attribute and using the correlation repository.

            int noOfLines;                      // The number of line items
            CommodityFeedEntry tmpCommodityPayload;

            noOfLines = payloadContainer.pricingDocumentLines.Entries.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < noOfLines; i++)
                tmpCommodityPayload = payloadContainer.pricingDocumentLines.Entries[i].commodity;

                if (null == tmpCommodityPayload)
                    throw new RequestException(string.Format("Failed to parse feed. Commodity payload missing in pricing document lines[{0}].", i));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpCommodityPayload.Key))
                    identities.Add(new CommodityIdentity(tmpCommodityPayload.Key));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpCommodityPayload.Uri))
                    if (tmpCommodityPayload.Uri.StartsWith(_context.DatasetLink + SupportedResourceKinds.commodities.ToString()))
                        RequestContext tmpRequestContext = new RequestContext(new SDataUri(tmpCommodityPayload.Uri));
                        if (tmpRequestContext.RequestType == RequestType.Resource)
                            identities.Add(new CommodityIdentity(tmpRequestContext.ResourceKey));
                            continue;   // continue iteration (parse next line item)

                if (tmpCommodityPayload.UUID != null && Guid.Empty != tmpCommodityPayload.UUID)
                    Guid uuid = tmpCommodityPayload.UUID;

                    // get the local id using synch correlation (linking)
                    ICorrelatedResSyncInfoStore correlationStore = NorthwindAdapter.StoreLocator.GetCorrelatedResSyncStore(_context.SdataContext);
                    CorrelatedResSyncInfo[]     correlations     = correlationStore.GetByUuid(SupportedResourceKinds.commodities.ToString(), new Guid[] { uuid });

                    if (correlations.Length == 1)
                        identities.Add(new CommodityIdentity(correlations[0].LocalId));
                        continue;   // continue iteration (parse next line item)

                // Add an empty CommodityIdentity if everything failed.
        private CommodityIdentity[] GetCommodityIds(SyncFeedEntry requestEntry)
            List <CommodityIdentity> identities = new List <CommodityIdentity>();

            // To be able to receive commodity data we need the local commodity ids.
            // These ids can be requested in 2 ways:
            // 1a) Using reference link: If attribute 'href' is a valid url of this adapter and has a resource key we can use the given resourceKey.
            // 1b) Using reference link: Otherwise we use the attribute 'uuid' and use the correlation repository.
            // 2)  Using the value contained in line property 'uuid' and using the correlation repository.
            // If 1) and 2) do not succeed we add an empty object.

            ComputePriceRequestPayload payload = (ComputePriceRequestPayload)requestEntry.Payload;

            int noOflines = payload.ComputePriceRequest.pricingDocumentLines.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < noOflines; i++)
                string payloadPath = string.Format("computePrice/pricingDocumentLines[{0}]/commodity", i);

                SyncFeedEntryLink feedLink = Helper.FindLinkByPayloadPath(requestEntry.SyncLinks.ToArray(), payloadPath);

                //if (null == feedLink)
                //    throw new RequestException(string.Format("Link for payloadPath '{0}' missing", payloadPath));

                if (null != feedLink)
                    // validate
                    string strRel = SyncFeedEntryLink.GetRelString(Sage.Integration.Northwind.Feeds.RelEnum.related);
                    if (feedLink.LinkRel != strRel)
                        throw new RequestException(string.Format("Parsing link with payloadPath '{0}' failed: Attribute 'rel' must contain value '{1}'.", payloadPath, strRel));

                    // TODO: excluded because condition linktype could have valid space character and we cannot check this in a simple way.
                    //string strType = SyncFeedEntryLink.GetTypeString(Sage.Integration.Northwind.Feeds.LinkTypeEnum.entry);
                    //if (feedLink.LinkType != strType)
                    //    throw new RequestException(string.Format("Parsing link with payloadPath '{0}' failed: Invalid media type defined in attribute 'type'. Value '{1}' expected.", payloadPath, strType));

                    string url = feedLink.Href;

                    // 1a) Try to parse href
                    if (url.StartsWith(_requestContext.DatasetLink + SupportedResourceKinds.commodities.ToString()))
                        RequestContext tmpRequestContext = new RequestContext(new SDataUri(url));
                        if (tmpRequestContext.RequestType == RequestType.Resource)
                            identities.Add(new CommodityIdentity(tmpRequestContext.ResourceKey));
                            continue;   // continue iteration (parse next line item)

                    // 1b) Try to get uuid from link and to get the local id using synch correlation (linking)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedLink.Uuid))
                        Guid uuid = (Guid)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Guid)).ConvertFrom(feedLink.Uuid);
                        ICorrelatedResSyncInfoStore correlationStore = RequestReceiver.NorthwindAdapter.StoreLocator.GetCorrelatedResSyncStore(_requestContext.SdataContext);
                        CorrelatedResSyncInfo[]     correlations     = correlationStore.GetByUuid(SupportedResourceKinds.commodities.ToString(), new Guid[] { uuid });

                        if (correlations.Length == 1)
                            identities.Add(new CommodityIdentity(correlations[0].LocalId));
                            continue;   // continue iteration (parse next line item)
                    // 2) Try to get uuid from property named 'uuid'
                    string strLineUuid = payload.ComputePriceRequest.pricingDocumentLines[i].uuid;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLineUuid))
                        Guid uuid = (Guid)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Guid)).ConvertFrom(strLineUuid);

                        // get the local id using synch correlation (linking)
                        ICorrelatedResSyncInfoStore correlationStore = RequestReceiver.NorthwindAdapter.StoreLocator.GetCorrelatedResSyncStore(_requestContext.SdataContext);
                        CorrelatedResSyncInfo[]     correlations     = correlationStore.GetByUuid(SupportedResourceKinds.commodities.ToString(), new Guid[] { uuid });

                        if (correlations.Length == 1)
                            identities.Add(new CommodityIdentity(correlations[0].LocalId));
                            continue;   // continue iteration (parse next line item)

                // If 1) and 2) failed add an empty CommodityIdentity
