Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void DrawImage(Image actualImage, double left, double top, ICoordTransformer coordTx)
            //TODO: implement transformation matrix
            GLBitmap glBmp = _pcx.ResolveForGLBitmap(actualImage);

            if (glBmp != null)
                if (this.OriginX != 0 || this.OriginY != 0)
                    //TODO: review here

                //  coordTx = aff = aff * Affine.NewTranslation(this.OriginX, this.OriginY);

                Affine aff = coordTx as Affine;
                if (aff != null)
                    _pcx.DrawImageToQuad(glBmp, aff);

                //_pcx.DrawImage(glBmp, (float)left, (float)top);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void DrawImage(Image actualImage, double left, double top, ICoordTransformer coordTx)
            //draw img with transform coord
            MemBitmap memBmp = actualImage as MemBitmap;

            if (memBmp == null)
                //? TODO

            if (_renderQuality == RenderQuality.Fast)
                //todo, review here again
                //TempMemPtr tmp = ActualBitmap.GetBufferPtr(actualImg);
                //BitmapBuffer srcBmp = new BitmapBuffer(actualImage.Width, actualImage.Height, tmp.Ptr, tmp.LengthInBytes);
                //_bxt.BlitRender(srcBmp, false, 1, new BitmapBufferEx.MatrixTransform(affinePlans));

                //if (affinePlans != null && affinePlans.Length > 0)
                //    _bxt.BlitRender(srcBmp, false, 1, new BitmapBufferEx.MatrixTransform(affinePlans));
                //    //_bxt.BlitRender(srcBmp, false, 1, null);
                //    _bxt.Blit(0, 0, srcBmp.PixelWidth, srcBmp.PixelHeight, srcBmp, 0, 0, srcBmp.PixelWidth, srcBmp.PixelHeight,
                //        ColorInt.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255),
                //        BitmapBufferExtensions.BlendMode.Alpha);

            bool useSubPix = UseSubPixelLcdEffect; //save, restore later...

            //before render an image we turn off vxs subpixel rendering
            this.UseSubPixelLcdEffect = false;

            if (coordTx is Affine)
                Affine aff = (Affine)coordTx;
                if (this.OriginX != 0 || this.OriginY != 0)
                    coordTx = aff = aff * Affine.NewTranslation(this.OriginX, this.OriginY);

            //_aggsx.SetScanlineRasOrigin(OriginX, OriginY);

            _aggsx.Render(memBmp, coordTx);

            //_aggsx.SetScanlineRasOrigin(xx, yy);
            this.UseSubPixelLcdEffect = useSubPix;
        static void TransformToVxs(ICoordTransformer tx, VertexStore src, VertexStore outputVxs)
            int       count = src.Count;
            VertexCmd cmd;
            double    x, y;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                cmd = src.GetVertex(i, out x, out y);
                tx.Transform(ref x, ref y);
                outputVxs.AddVertex(x, y, cmd);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 ICoordTransformer ICoordTransformer.MultiplyWith(ICoordTransformer another)
     if (another is Affine aff)
         return(this * aff);
     else if (another is Perspective p2)
         return(new Perspective(this) * p2);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 坐标转换
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trans"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Transform(ICoordTransformer trans)
            XYZ topRight   = new XYZ(this.MaxHorizontal, this.MaxVertical, 0);
            XYZ leftBottom = new XYZ(this.MinHorizontal, this.MinVertical, 0);

            topRight   = trans.Trans(topRight);
            leftBottom = trans.Trans(leftBottom);

            this.MaxHorizontal = topRight[0];
            this.MaxVertical   = topRight[1];
            this.MinHorizontal = leftBottom[0];
            this.MinVertical   = leftBottom[1];

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static VertexStore MakeVxs(this Ellipse ellipse, ICoordTransformer tx, VertexStore output)
            //1. moveto
            output.AddMoveTo(ellipse.originX + ellipse.radiusX, ellipse.originY, tx);//**

            int    numSteps     = ellipse.NumSteps;
            double anglePerStep = MathHelper.Tau / numSteps;
            double angle        = 0;

            double orgX = ellipse.originX;
            double orgY = ellipse.originY;
            double radX = ellipse.radiusX;
            double radY = ellipse.radiusY;

            if (ellipse._cw)
                for (int i = 1; i < numSteps; i++)
                    angle += anglePerStep;
                        orgX + Math.Cos(MathHelper.Tau - angle) * radX,
                        orgY + Math.Sin(MathHelper.Tau - angle) * radY,
                for (int i = 1; i < numSteps; i++)
                    angle += anglePerStep;
                        orgX + Math.Cos(angle) * radX,
                        orgY + Math.Sin(angle) * radY,

            output.AddCloseFigure((int)EndVertexOrientation.CCW, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 7
 ICoordTransformer ICoordTransformer.MultiplyWith(ICoordTransformer another)
     if (another is Affine)
         return(this * (Affine)another);
     else if (another is Perspective)
         Perspective p = new Perspective(this);
         return(p * (Perspective)another);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public ICoordTransformer MultiplyWith(ICoordTransformer another)
     if (another is Affine)
         return(this * (Affine)another);
     else if (another is Perspective)
         Perspective p = new Perspective(this);
         return(p * (Perspective)another);
         return(new CoordTransformationChain(this, another));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void ResolveBrush(RadialGradientBrush radialGrBrush)
            //for gradient :

            PointF p1 = radialGrBrush.StartPoint;
            PointF p2 = radialGrBrush.EndPoint;

            if (radialGrBrush.CoordTransformer != null)
                _invertCoordTx = radialGrBrush.CoordTransformer.CreateInvert();

            _center_x = (int)Math.Round(p1.X);
            _center_y = (int)Math.Round(p1.Y);

            float r = (float)Math.Sqrt((p2.X - _center_x) * (p2.X - _center_x) + (p2.Y - _center_y) * (p2.Y - _center_y));

            ColorStop[] colorStops = radialGrBrush.ColorStops;

            int pairCount = colorStops.Length - 1;

            _orgList  = new LinearGradientPair[pairCount];
            _pairList = new LinearGradientPair[_orgList.Length];

            ColorStop c1 = ColorStop.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < pairCount; ++i)
                ColorStop c0 = colorStops[i];
                c1 = colorStops[i + 1];

                var pairN = new LinearGradientPair(
                    c0.Offset * r, //to actual pixel
                    c1.Offset * r, //to actual pixel
                _orgList[i] = pairN;
            _endColor         = c1.Color;
            this.SpreadMethod = radialGrBrush.SpreadMethod;
            Opactiy           = 1;
        public void Render(IBitmapSrc source, ICoordTransformer coordtx)
            using (VxsTemp.Borrow(out var v1, out var v2))
                    source.Height, v1);

                //TODO: review reusable span generator an interpolator ***

                //We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]
                _spanInterpolator.Transformer      = coordtx.CreateInvert();
                _currentImgSpanGen.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
                TransformToVxs(coordtx, v1, v2);
                Render(v2, _currentImgSpanGen);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void Paint(Painter p, ICoordTransformer tx)
     //TODO: implement this...
     //use prefix command for render vx
     using (VgPaintArgsPool.Borrow(p, out var paintArgs))
         paintArgs._currentTx        = tx;
         paintArgs.PaintVisitHandler = (vxs, arg) =>
             //use external painter handler
             //draw only outline with its fill-color.
             Drawing.Painter m_painter     = arg.P;
             Drawing.Color   prevFillColor = m_painter.FillColor;
             m_painter.FillColor = m_painter.FillColor;
             m_painter.FillColor = prevFillColor;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public VertexStore MakeVxs(VertexStore vxs, ICoordTransformer tx, VertexStore output)

            CurvePointMode latestCurveMode = CurvePointMode.NotCurve;
            double         x, y;
            VertexCmd      cmd;

            VectorMath.Vector2 c3p2      = new VectorMath.Vector2();
            VectorMath.Vector2 c4p2      = new VectorMath.Vector2();
            VectorMath.Vector2 c4p3      = new VectorMath.Vector2();
            double             lastX     = 0;
            double             lasty     = 0;
            double             lastMoveX = 0;
            double             lastMoveY = 0;

            int  index = 0;
            bool hasTx = tx != null;

            while ((cmd = vxs.GetVertex(index++, out x, out y)) != VertexCmd.NoMore)
                if (VertexStore.dbugCheckNANs(x, y))

                if (hasTx)
                    tx.Transform(ref x, ref y);

                switch (cmd)
                case VertexCmd.C3:
                    switch (latestCurveMode)
                    case CurvePointMode.P2:

                    case CurvePointMode.P3:

                    case CurvePointMode.NotCurve:
                        c3p2.x = x;
                        c3p2.y = y;

                    latestCurveMode = CurvePointMode.P2;

                case VertexCmd.C4:
                    //this is p3c
                    switch (latestCurveMode)
                    case CurvePointMode.P2:
                        c3p2.x = x;
                        c3p2.y = y;

                    case CurvePointMode.P3:
                        c4p3.x = x;
                        c4p3.y = y;

                    case CurvePointMode.NotCurve:
                        c4p2.x = x;
                        c4p2.y = y;
                    latestCurveMode = CurvePointMode.P3;

                case VertexCmd.LineTo:
                    switch (latestCurveMode)
                    case CurvePointMode.P2:

                    case CurvePointMode.P3:
                                          lastX, lasty,
                                          c4p2.x, c4p2.y,
                                          c4p3.x, c4p3.y,
                                          x, y);

                        output.AddVertex(x, y, cmd);
                    latestCurveMode = CurvePointMode.NotCurve;
                    lastX           = x;
                    lasty           = y;

                case VertexCmd.MoveTo:
                    //move to, and end command
                    output.AddVertex(x, y, cmd);
                    latestCurveMode = CurvePointMode.NotCurve;
                    lastMoveX       = lastX = x;
                    lastMoveY       = lasty = y;

                case VertexCmd.Close:
                case VertexCmd.CloseAndEndFigure:
                    latestCurveMode = CurvePointMode.NotCurve;
                    output.AddVertex(lastMoveX, lastMoveY, cmd);
                    //move to begin
                    lastX = lastMoveX;
                    lasty = lastMoveY;

                    //move to, and end command
                    output.AddVertex(x, y, cmd);
                    latestCurveMode = CurvePointMode.NotCurve;
                    lastX           = x;
                    lasty           = y;

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// serialize coord-transform-chain to specific stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordTx"></param>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        public static void Write(ICoordTransformer coordTx, System.IO.BinaryWriter writer)
            //write transformation matrix to binary stream
            CoordTransformerKind txKind = coordTx.Kind;

            switch (txKind)
            case CoordTransformerKind.Unknown:
                throw new System.NotSupportedException();

            case CoordTransformerKind.Affine3x2:
                Affine aff = (Affine)coordTx;
                writer.Write((ushort)txKind);         //type
                AffineMat affMat = aff.GetInternalMat();
                //write elements
                writer.Write(affMat.sx); writer.Write(affMat.shy);
                writer.Write(affMat.shx); writer.Write(affMat.sy);
                writer.Write(affMat.tx); writer.Write(affMat.ty);

            case CoordTransformerKind.Bilinear:
                Bilinear binTx = (Bilinear)coordTx;
                //write elements
                BilinearMat binMat = binTx.GetInternalElements();
                writer.Write(binMat.rc00); writer.Write(binMat.rc01);
                writer.Write(binMat.rc10); writer.Write(binMat.rc11);
                writer.Write(binMat.rc20); writer.Write(binMat.rc21);
                writer.Write(binMat.rc30); writer.Write(binMat.rc31);

            case CoordTransformerKind.Perspective:
                Perspective perTx = (Perspective)coordTx;
                PerspectiveMat perMat = perTx.GetInternalElements();
                writer.Write(perMat.sx); writer.Write(perMat.shx); writer.Write(perMat.w0);
                writer.Write(perMat.shy); writer.Write(perMat.sy); writer.Write(perMat.w1);
                writer.Write(perMat.tx); writer.Write(perMat.ty); writer.Write(perMat.w2);

                //sx, shy, w0,
                //shx, sy, w1,
                //tx, ty, w2;

            case CoordTransformerKind.TransformChain:
                CoordTransformationChain chainTx = (CoordTransformationChain)coordTx;
                //*** left, right
                Write(chainTx.Left, writer);
                Write(chainTx.Right, writer);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        protected override void OnStart(AppHost host)
            _appHost = host;//**

            //string svgfile = "../Test8_HtmlRenderer.Demo/Samples/Svg/others/cat_simple.svg";
            //string svgfile = "../Test8_HtmlRenderer.Demo/Samples/Svg/others/cat_complex.svg";
            //string svgfile = "../Test8_HtmlRenderer.Demo/Samples/Svg/others/lion.svg";
            string svgfile = "../Test8_HtmlRenderer.Demo/Samples/Svg/others/tiger.svg";

            //return VgVisualElemHelper.ReadSvgFile(svgfile);
            _rotationUI.AngleUpdated += _rotationUI_AngleUpdated;
            //string svgfile = "../Test8_HtmlRenderer.Demo/Samples/Svg/freepik/dog1.svg";
            //string svgfile = "1f30b.svg";
            //string svgfile = "../Data/Svg/twemoji/1f30b.svg";
            //string svgfile = "../Data/1f30b.svg";
            //string svgfile = "../Data/Svg/twemoji/1f370.svg";

            //_svgRenderVx = CreateTestRenderVx_FromSvg();
            //_svgRenderVx = CreateTestRenderVx_BasicShape();
            //_vgVisualElem = CreateTestRenderVx_FromImg("d:\\WImageTest\\alpha1.png");

            //string fontfile = "../Test8_HtmlRenderer.Demo/Samples/Fonts/SOV_Thanamas.ttf";
            //_vgVisualElem = VgVisualElemHelper.CreateVgVisualElementFromGlyph(fontfile, 256, 'a'); //create from glyph

            _vgVisualElem = CreateTestRenderVx_FromImg("d:\\WImageTest\\fenec.png");

            //PixelFarm.CpuBlit.RectD org_rectD = _svgRenderVx.GetBounds();
            //_svgRenderVx = CreateEllipseVxs(org_rectD);

            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.RectD org_rectD = _vgVisualElem.GetRectBounds();
            org_rectD.Offset(-org_rectD.Left, -org_rectD.Bottom);
            _quadController.SetSrcRect(org_rectD.Left, org_rectD.Bottom, org_rectD.Right, org_rectD.Top);
                org_rectD.Left, org_rectD.Top,
                org_rectD.Right, org_rectD.Top,
                org_rectD.Right, org_rectD.Bottom,
                org_rectD.Left, org_rectD.Bottom);
            //create control point
            _quadController.UpdateTransformTarget += (s1, e1) =>
                //after quadController is updated then
                //we use the coordTransformer to transform target uiSprite
                if (_quadController.Left != 0 || _quadController.Top != 0)
                    float xxdiff = _quadController.Left - _uiSprite.Left;
                    float yydiff = _quadController.Top - _uiSprite.Top;

                    _uiSprite.SetLocation(_quadController.Left, _quadController.Top);

                    //    _rotationUI.Left + xxdiff,
                    //    _rotationUI.Top + yydiff);

                    //   (int)(_rotationControllerPointUI.Left + xxdiff),
                    //   (int)(_rotationControllerPointUI.Top + yydiff));

            //_rectBoundsWidgetBox = new Box2(50, 50); //visual rect box
            //Color c = KnownColors.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.DeepSkyBlue);
            //_rectBoundsWidgetBox.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(100, c);
            //_rectBoundsWidgetBox.SetLocation(10, 10);
            /////box1.dbugTag = 1;
            //_quadController.Visible = _quadPolygonController.Visible = false;

            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.RectD svg_bounds = _vgVisualElem.GetRectBounds(); //bounds of graphic shape
            //ICoordTransformer tx = ((ICoordTransformer)_bilinearTx).MultiplyWith(scaleMat);
            ICoordTransformer tx = _quadController.GetCoordTransformer();

            //svgRenderVx._coordTx = tx;
            //svgRenderVx._coordTx = ((ICoordTransformer)_bilinearTx).MultiplyWith(scaleMat);
            //VgRenderVx svgRenderVx = CreateTestRenderVx();

            //test transform svgRenderVx

            _vgVisualElem.DisableBackingImage = true;

            _uiSprite = new UISprite(10, 10); //init size = (10,10), location=(0,0)
            _uiSprite.DisableBmpCache = true;
            _uiSprite.LoadVg(_vgVisualElem);  //
            _uiSprite.SetTransformation(tx);  //set transformation

                PointControllerBox center = new PointControllerBox(10, 10);
                PointControllerBox radius = new PointControllerBox(10, 10);
                _rotationUI.AddControlPoints(center, radius);

            _rotationUI.SetCenter(svg_bounds.XCenter, svg_bounds.YCenter);
            _rotationUI.SetRadius(svg_bounds.XCenter + 200, svg_bounds.YCenter);

            _quadController.Drag += ev =>
                    _rotationUI.Left + ev.XDiff,
                    _rotationUI.Top + ev.YDiff);

            var spriteEvListener = new GeneralEventListener();

            spriteEvListener.MouseMove += e1 =>
                if (e1.IsDragging)
                    //when drag on sprie

                        _uiSprite.Left + e1.XDiff,
                        _uiSprite.Top + e1.YDiff
                    //we also move quadController and _quadPolygonController
                        _quadController.Left + e1.XDiff,
                        _quadController.Top + e1.YDiff);
                        _quadPolygonController.Left + e1.XDiff,
                        _quadPolygonController.Top + e1.YDiff

                        _rotationUI.Left + e1.XDiff,
                        _rotationUI.Top + e1.YDiff);

                    //   _rotationControllerPointUI.Left + e1.XDiff,
                    //   _rotationControllerPointUI.Top + e1.YDiff);
            spriteEvListener.MouseDown += e1 =>
                //mousedown on ui sprite
                //find exact part ...

                _quadController.Visible        = true;
                _quadPolygonController.Visible = true;

                // _polygonController.BringToTopMost();

                if (_hitTestOnSubPath)
                    //find which part ...
                    VgHitInfo hitInfo = _uiSprite.FindRenderElementAtPos(e1.X, e1.Y, true);

                    if (hitInfo.hitElem != null &&
                        hitInfo.hitElem.VxsPath != null)
                        PixelFarm.CpuBlit.RectD bounds = hitInfo.copyOfVxs.GetBoundingRect();

                        _quadPolygonController.ClearControlPoints(); //clear old control points
                        _quadPolygonController.UpdateControlPoints(  //create new control points
                            _uiSprite.ActualXOffset, _uiSprite.ActualYOffset);

                        ////move redbox and its controller
                        //    (int)(bounds.Left + _uiSprite.ActualXOffset), (int)(bounds.Top - bounds.Height + _uiSprite.ActualYOffset),
                        //    (int)bounds.Width, (int)bounds.Height);

                        //_rectBoundsWidgetBox.Visible = true;
                        ////_rectBoxController.Visible = true;
                        //show bounds
                        //_rectBoundsWidgetBox.Visible = false;
                        // _rectBoxController.Visible = false;
                    //hit on sprite
                    if (e1.Ctrl)
                        _uiSprite.GetElementBounds(out float left, out float top, out float right, out float bottom);
                        using (VectorToolBox.Borrow(out SimpleRect s))
                            using (VxsTemp.Borrow(out var v1))
                                s.SetRect(left - _uiSprite.ActualXOffset,
                                          bottom - _uiSprite.ActualYOffset,
                                          right - _uiSprite.ActualXOffset,
                                          top - _uiSprite.ActualYOffset);
                        //_rectBoundsWidgetBox.SetLocationAndSize(    //blue
                        //      (int)_uiSprite.Left, (int)_uiSprite.Top,
                        //      (int)_uiSprite.Width, (int)_uiSprite.Height);

                        ////_rectBoxController.UpdateControllerBoxes(_rectBoundsWidgetBox);  //control 4 corners
                        //_rectBoundsWidgetBox.Visible = true;
                        ////_rectBoxController.Visible = true;

        public void Render(IBitmapSrc source,
                           double destX, double destY,
                           double angleRadians,
                           double inScaleX, double inScaleY)
            {   // exit early if the dest and source bounds don't touch.
                // TODO: <BUG> make this do rotation and scalling
                Q1Rect sourceBounds = source.GetBounds();
                Q1Rect destBounds   = _destBitmapBlender.GetBounds();
                sourceBounds.Offset((int)destX, (int)destY);
                if (!Q1Rect.DoIntersect(sourceBounds, destBounds))
                    if (inScaleX != 1 || inScaleY != 1 || angleRadians != 0)
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

            double            scaleX            = inScaleX;
            double            scaleY            = inScaleY;
            ICoordTransformer graphicsTransform = this.CurrentTransformMatrix;

            if (!graphicsTransform.IsIdentity)
                if (scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1 || angleRadians != 0)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                graphicsTransform.Transform(ref destX, ref destY);

#if false // this is an optomization that eliminates the drawing of images that have their alpha set to all 0 (happens with generated images like explosions).
            MaxAlphaFrameProperty maxAlphaFrameProperty = MaxAlphaFrameProperty::GetMaxAlphaFrameProperty(source);

            if ((maxAlphaFrameProperty.GetMaxAlpha() * color.A_Byte) / 256 <= ALPHA_CHANNEL_BITS_DIVISOR)
                m_OutFinalBlitBounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
            bool isScale   = (scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1);
            bool isRotated = true;
            if (Math.Abs(angleRadians) < (0.1 * MathHelper.Tau / 360))
                isRotated    = false;
                angleRadians = 0;

            //bool IsMipped = false;
            //double ox, oy;
            //source.GetOriginOffset(out ox, out oy);

            bool canUseMipMaps = isScale;
            if (scaleX > 0.5 || scaleY > 0.5)
                canUseMipMaps = false;

            bool renderRequriesSourceSampling = isScale || isRotated || destX != (int)destX || destY != (int)destY;

            using (VxsTemp.Borrow(out var v1, out var imgBoundsPath))
                // this is the fast drawing path
                if (renderRequriesSourceSampling)
                    // if the scalling is small enough the results can be improved by using mip maps
                    //    CMipMapFrameProperty* pMipMapFrameProperty = CMipMapFrameProperty::GetMipMapFrameProperty(source);
                    //    double OldScaleX = scaleX;
                    //    double OldScaleY = scaleY;
                    //    const CFrameInterface* pMippedFrame = pMipMapFrameProperty.GetMipMapFrame(ref scaleX, ref scaleY);
                    //    if(pMippedFrame != source)
                    //    {
                    //        IsMipped = true;
                    //        source = pMippedFrame;
                    //        sourceOriginOffsetX *= (OldScaleX / scaleX);
                    //        sourceOriginOffsetY *= (OldScaleY / scaleY);
                    //    }

                    //    HotspotOffsetX *= (inScaleX / scaleX);
                    //    HotspotOffsetY *= (inScaleY / scaleY);
                    //Affine destRectTransform = BuildImageBoundsPath(source.Width, source.Height,
                    //    destX, destY, ox, oy, scaleX, scaleY, angleRadians, imgBoundsPath);

                    BuildOrgImgRectVxs(source.Width, source.Height, imgBoundsPath);

                    AffineMat destRectTransform = AffineMat.Iden();
                    destRectTransform.Translate(-_ox, -_oy);
                    destRectTransform.Scale(scaleX, scaleY);

                    //TODO: review reusable span generator an interpolator ***

                    // We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]

                    _spanInterpolator.Transformer      = _reuseableAffine;
                    _currentImgSpanGen.BackgroundColor = Drawing.Color.Black;

                    destRectTransform.TransformToVxs(imgBoundsPath, v1); //not inverted version
                    Render(v1, _currentImgSpanGen);

                    // this is some debug you can enable to visualize the dest bounding box
                    //LineFloat(BoundingRect.left, BoundingRect.top, BoundingRect.right, BoundingRect.top, WHITE);
                    //LineFloat(BoundingRect.right, BoundingRect.top, BoundingRect.right, BoundingRect.bottom, WHITE);
                    //LineFloat(BoundingRect.right, BoundingRect.bottom, BoundingRect.left, BoundingRect.bottom, WHITE);
                    //LineFloat(BoundingRect.left, BoundingRect.bottom, BoundingRect.left, BoundingRect.top, WHITE);
                else // TODO: this can be even faster if we do not use an intermediat buffer
                    //Affine destRectTransform = BuildImageBoundsPath(source.Width, source.Height, destX, destY, imgBoundsPath);

                    BuildOrgImgRectVxs(source.Width, source.Height, imgBoundsPath);

                    var destRectTransform = new AffineMat();
                    destRectTransform.Translate(destX, destY);
                    //TODO: review reusable span generator an interpolator ***

                    // We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]
                    _spanInterpolator.Transformer = _reuseableAffine;

                    ImgSpanGen imgSpanGen = null;
                    switch (source.BitDepth)
                    case 32:
                        if (_imgSpanGenCustom != null)
                            //use custom span gen
                            imgSpanGen = _imgSpanGenCustom;
                            imgSpanGen = _imgSpanGenNNStepXBy1;


                    //case 24:
                    //    imgSpanGen = new ImgSpanGenRGB_NNStepXby1(source, interpolator);
                    //    break;
                    //case 8:
                    //    imgSpanGen = new ImgSpanGenGray_NNStepXby1(source, interpolator);
                    //    break;
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                    TransformToVxs(destRectTransform, imgBoundsPath, v1);
                    Render(v1, imgSpanGen);
                    unchecked { _destImageChanged++; };
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public CoordTransformationChain(ICoordTransformer left, ICoordTransformer right)
     _left  = left;
     _right = right;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 ICoordTransformer ICoordTransformer.MultiplyWith(ICoordTransformer another)
     return(new CoordTransformationChain(_left, _right.MultiplyWith(another)));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 ICoordTransformer ICoordTransformer.MultiplyWith(ICoordTransformer another)
     return(new CoordTransformationChain(this, another));
        public void Render(IBitmapSrc source, double destX, double destY)
            int inScaleX     = 1;
            int inScaleY     = 1;
            int angleRadians = 0;
            // exit early if the dest and source bounds don't touch.
            // TODO: <BUG> make this do rotation and scalling

            RectInt sourceBounds = new RectInt((int)destX, (int)destY, (int)destX + source.Width, (int)destY + source.Height);
            //sourceBounds.Offset((int)destX, (int)destY);

            RectInt destBounds = _destBitmapBlender.GetBounds();

            if (!RectInt.DoIntersect(sourceBounds, destBounds))
                //if (inScaleX != 1 || inScaleY != 1 || angleRadians != 0)
                //    throw new NotImplementedException();

            double scaleX = inScaleX;
            double scaleY = inScaleY;

            ICoordTransformer graphicsTransform = this.CurrentTransformMatrix;

            if (!graphicsTransform.IsIdentity)
                if (scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1 || angleRadians != 0)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                graphicsTransform.Transform(ref destX, ref destY);

#if false // this is an optomization that eliminates the drawing of images that have their alpha set to all 0 (happens with generated images like explosions).
            MaxAlphaFrameProperty maxAlphaFrameProperty = MaxAlphaFrameProperty::GetMaxAlphaFrameProperty(source);

            if ((maxAlphaFrameProperty.GetMaxAlpha() * color.A_Byte) / 256 <= ALPHA_CHANNEL_BITS_DIVISOR)
                m_OutFinalBlitBounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
            bool isScale   = (scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1);
            bool isRotated = false;
            if (angleRadians != 0 && Math.Abs(angleRadians) >= (0.1 * MathHelper.Tau / 360))
                isRotated = true;
                angleRadians = 0;//reset very small angle to 0

            //bool IsMipped = false;
            //double ox, oy;
            //source.GetOriginOffset(out ox, out oy);

            bool canUseMipMaps = isScale;
            if (scaleX > 0.5 || scaleY > 0.5)
                canUseMipMaps = false;

            bool needSourceResampling = isScale || isRotated;// || destX != (int)destX || destY != (int)destY;

            //VectorToolBox.GetFreeVxs(out VertexStore imgBoundsPath);
            // this is the fast drawing path
            if (needSourceResampling)
#if false // if the scalling is small enough the results can be improved by using mip maps
                if (CanUseMipMaps)
                    CMipMapFrameProperty *pMipMapFrameProperty = CMipMapFrameProperty::GetMipMapFrameProperty(source);
                    double OldScaleX = scaleX;
                    double OldScaleY = scaleY;
                    const CFrameInterface *pMippedFrame = pMipMapFrameProperty.GetMipMapFrame(ref scaleX, ref scaleY);
                    if (pMippedFrame != source)
                        IsMipped             = true;
                        source               = pMippedFrame;
                        sourceOriginOffsetX *= (OldScaleX / scaleX);
                        sourceOriginOffsetY *= (OldScaleY / scaleY);

                    HotspotOffsetX *= (inScaleX / scaleX);
                    HotspotOffsetY *= (inScaleY / scaleY);

                using (VxsTemp.Borrow(out var imgBoundsPath, out var v1))
                    BuildOrgImgRectVxs(source.Width, source.Height, imgBoundsPath);
                    Affine destRectTransform = CreateAffine(destX, destY, _ox, _oy, scaleX, scaleY, angleRadians);

                    //TODO: review reusable span generator an interpolator ***

                    // We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]
                    //spanInterpolator.Transformer = destRectTransform.CreateInvert();

                    //var imgSpanGen = new ImgSpanGenRGBA_BilinearClip(
                    //    Drawing.Color.Black,
                    //    spanInterpolator);
                    _spanInterpolator.Transformer = destRectTransform.CreateInvert();
                    destRectTransform.TransformToVxs(imgBoundsPath, v1);
                    Render(v1, _currentImgSpanGen);

                ////Affine destRectTransform = BuildImageBoundsPath(source.Width, source.Height,
                ////    destX, destY, ox, oy, scaleX, scaleY, angleRadians, imgBoundsPath);

                //Affine destRectTransform = CreateAffine(destX, destY, ox, oy, scaleX, scaleY, angleRadians);
                ////TODO: review reusable span generator an interpolator ***
                //var spanInterpolator = new SpanInterpolatorLinear();
                //// We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]
                //spanInterpolator.Transformer = destRectTransform.CreateInvert();

                //var imgSpanGen = new ImgSpanGenRGBA_BilinearClip(
                //    source,
                //    Drawing.Color.Black,
                //    spanInterpolator);

                //VectorToolBox.GetFreeVxs(out VertexStore v1);
                //destRectTransform.TransformToVxs(imgBoundsPath, v1);
                //Render(v1, imgSpanGen);
                //VectorToolBox.ReleaseVxs(ref v1);

#if false // this is some debug you can enable to visualize the dest bounding box
                LineFloat(BoundingRect.left, BoundingRect.top, BoundingRect.right, BoundingRect.top, WHITE);
                LineFloat(BoundingRect.right, BoundingRect.top, BoundingRect.right, BoundingRect.bottom, WHITE);
                LineFloat(BoundingRect.right, BoundingRect.bottom, BoundingRect.left, BoundingRect.bottom, WHITE);
                LineFloat(BoundingRect.left, BoundingRect.bottom, BoundingRect.left, BoundingRect.top, WHITE);
            else // TODO: this can be even faster if we do not use an intermediate buffer
                //Affine destRectTransform = BuildImageBoundsPath(
                //    source.Width, source.Height,
                //    destX, destY, imgBoundsPath);
                using (VxsTemp.Borrow(out var imgBoundsPath, out var v1))
                    BuildOrgImgRectVxs(source.Width, source.Height, imgBoundsPath);
                    Affine destRectTransform = CreateAffine(destX, destY);

                    //TODO: review reusable span generator an interpolator ***

                    // We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]

                    _spanInterpolator.Transformer = destRectTransform.CreateInvert();
                    //we generate image by this imagespan generator

                    ImgSpanGen imgSpanGen = null;
                    switch (source.BitDepth)
                    case 32:
                        if (_imgSpanGenCustom != null)
                            //use custom span gen
                            imgSpanGen = _imgSpanGenCustom;
                            imgSpanGen = _imgSpanGenNNStepXBy1;


                    //case 8:
                    //    imgSpanGen = new ImgSpanGenGray_NNStepXby1(source, interpolator);
                    //    break;
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                    destRectTransform.TransformToVxs(imgBoundsPath, v1);
                    Render(v1, imgSpanGen);

                unchecked { _destImageChanged++; };
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void ResolveBrush(LinearGradientBrush linearGrBrush)
            PointF p1 = linearGrBrush.StartPoint;
            PointF p2 = linearGrBrush.EndPoint;

            //assume horizontal line

            _beginX = p1.X;
            _beginY = p1.Y;
            _endX   = p2.X;
            _endY   = p2.Y;
            //find transformation matrix
            double angle = Math.Atan2(p2.Y - p1.Y, p2.X - p1.X);

            ICoordTransformer rotateTx = Affine.NewRotation(angle);

            if (linearGrBrush.CoordTransformer != null)
                //*** IMPORTANT : matrix transform order !**
                rotateTx = linearGrBrush.CoordTransformer.MultiplyWith(rotateTx);

            _transformBackToHorizontal = rotateTx.CreateInvert();

            _totalLen = (float)Math.Sqrt((_endX - _beginX) * (_endX - _beginX) + (_endY - _beginY) * (_endY - _beginY));
            double tmpX = _beginX;
            double tmpY = _beginY;

            _transformBackToHorizontal.Transform(ref tmpX, ref tmpY);
            _beginX = (float)tmpX;
            _beginY = (float)tmpY;
            tmpX = _endX;
            tmpY = _endY;
            _transformBackToHorizontal.Transform(ref tmpX, ref tmpY);
            _endX = (float)tmpX;
            _endY = (float)tmpY;

            ColorStop[] colorStops = linearGrBrush.ColorStops;

            int pairCount = colorStops.Length - 1;

            _pairList = new LinearGradientPair[pairCount];

            ColorStop c0 = ColorStop.Empty;
            ColorStop c1 = ColorStop.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < pairCount; ++i)
                c0 = colorStops[i];
                c1 = colorStops[i + 1];
                if (i == 0)
                    _beginColor = c0.Color;

                var pairN = new LinearGradientPair(
                    _beginX + c0.Offset * _totalLen, //to actual pixel
                    _beginX + c1.Offset * _totalLen, //to actual pixel
                _pairList[i] = pairN;

            this.SpreadMethod = linearGrBrush.SpreadMethod;
            _endColor         = c1.Color;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 internal virtual void Reset()
     _currentTx = null;
     Current    = null;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public static void AddLineTo(this VertexStore vxs, double x, double y, ICoordTransformer tx)
     tx.Transform(ref x, ref y);
     vxs.AddLineTo(x, y);