Ejemplo n.º 1
        public BranchingRule <TERM> Compose(int q, BranchingRule <TERM> rule, TERM y1, TERM y2, TERM y, TERM predicate, IContextCore <TERM> solver, Func <int, int, int> stateComposer)
            if (rule is UndefRule <TERM> )
            if (this.yields.Length == 0)
                int pq        = stateComposer(state, q);
                var register1 = solver.ApplySubstitution(register, y1, solver.MkProj(0, y));
                var register2 = solver.MkProj(1, y);
                var newreg    = solver.MkTuple(register1, register2);
                var res       = new BaseRule <TERM>(Sequence <TERM> .Empty, newreg, pq);
                var y_1 = solver.MkProj(0, y);
                foreach (var o in yields)
                    var o1 = solver.ApplySubstitution(o, y1, y_1);
                    //var rule1 = rule.Subst(solver, y2)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal override BranchingRule <TERM> Subst1(TERM path, IContextCore <TERM> solver, Dictionary <TERM, TERM> subst)
            TERM condInst              = solver.Simplify(solver.ApplySubstitution(condition, subst));
            TERM path_and_condInst     = And(solver, path, condInst);
            TERM path_and_not_condInst = And(solver, path, solver.MkNot(condInst));

            if (!solver.IsSatisfiable(path_and_condInst))
                return(falseCase.Subst1(path, solver, subst));
            if (!solver.IsSatisfiable(path_and_not_condInst))
                return(trueCase.Subst1(path, solver, subst));
                var t = trueCase.Subst1(path_and_condInst, solver, subst);
                var f = falseCase.Subst1(path_and_not_condInst, solver, subst);
                if ((t is UndefRule <TERM>) && (f is UndefRule <TERM>))
                    return(UndefRule <TERM> .Default);
                return(new IteRule <TERM>(condInst, t, f));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal override BranchingRule <TERM> ApplyInp(TERM pred, IContextCore <TERM> solver, TERM x, TERM t)
            Sequence <TERM> newYields
                = new Sequence <TERM>(Array.ConvertAll(yields.ToArray(), y => solver.Simplify(solver.ApplySubstitution(y, x, t))));
            TERM newRegister = solver.Simplify(solver.ApplySubstitution(register, x, t));

            return(new BaseRule <TERM>(newYields, newRegister, state));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal override BranchingRule <TERM> Subst1(TERM path, IContextCore <TERM> solver, Dictionary <TERM, TERM> subst)
            Sequence <TERM> newYields
                = new Sequence <TERM>(Array.ConvertAll(yields.ToArray(), y => solver.Simplify(solver.ApplySubstitution(y, subst))));
            TERM newRegister = solver.Simplify(solver.ApplySubstitution(register, subst));

            return(new BaseRule <TERM>(newYields, newRegister, state));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal override BranchingRule <TERM> Concretize1(TERM path, IContextCore <TERM> solver,
                                                           Func <TERM, TERM> fBP, Func <TERM, TERM> fNBP,
                                                           Func <int, TERM, int> stateMap, TERM newReg, TERM inputVar)
            ConsList <TERM> abstr_vals = null; //all possible values for a_tmp
            var             regAbstr   = fBP(register);

            #region collect all possible distinct solutions into abstr_vals
            var a = solver.MkFreshConst("a", regAbstr);
            var c = solver.MkFreshConst("c", inputVar);
            var r = solver.MkFreshConst("r", newReg);

            var assertion = solver.ApplySubstitution(solver.MkAnd(path, solver.MkEq(a, regAbstr)), newReg, r, inputVar, c);
            //string tmp = ((IPrettyPrinter<TERM>)solver).PrettyPrint(assertion);
            var model = solver.MainSolver.GetModel(solver.True, a);
            while (model != null)
                var aVal = model[a].Value;
                abstr_vals = new ConsList <TERM>(aVal, abstr_vals);
                solver.MainSolver.Assert(solver.MkNeq(a, aVal));
                model = solver.MainSolver.GetModel(solver.True, a);

            if (abstr_vals == null) //list cannot be empty because the path is feasible
                throw new AutomataException(AutomataExceptionKind.InternalError);

            //now create corresponding concrete outputs for the cases
            //note that, in case of a boolean abstraction, we need to add additional cases
            //according to the output values that were obtained

            var newRegister           = fNBP(register);
            var newState              = stateMap(state, abstr_vals.First);
            BranchingRule <TERM> rule = new BaseRule <TERM>(yields, newRegister, newState);

            abstr_vals = abstr_vals.Rest;
            while (abstr_vals != null)
                newRegister = fNBP(register);
                newState    = stateMap(state, abstr_vals.First);
                var  brule = new BaseRule <TERM>(yields, newRegister, newState);
                TERM cond  = solver.Simplify(solver.MkEq(abstr_vals.First, regAbstr));
                rule       = new IteRule <TERM>(cond, brule, rule);
                abstr_vals = abstr_vals.Rest;
