Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Index(TestsPage currentPage)
            //retrieving the start page from the current page (current page must not be a sibling of Start page)
            var startPage = _contentLoader.GetAncestorOrSelf <StartPage>(currentPage);

            //test the 'or self' part of the function - must return the currentPage
            var selfPage = _contentLoader.GetAncestorOrSelf <TestsPage>(currentPage);

            //testing the 'get ancestor' function
            var ancestorSitePage = _contentLoader.GetAncestor <StartPage>(currentPage);

            //find the first descendent with the name = 'Find a reseller'
            var descendentTest = _contentLoader.GetDescendent <StandardPage>(startPage, x => x.Name == "Find a reseller");

            //find all the ancestors of the 'Find a reseller' page
            var ancestors = _contentLoader.GetAncestors(descendentTest);

            //find all the standard page ancestors of the 'Find a reseller' page
            var ancestorsPredicateType = _contentLoader.GetAncestors <StandardPage>(descendentTest);

            //find all the ancestors with more than 2 children
            Func <IContent, bool> predicateNumChildren = x => _contentLoader.GetChildren <IContentData>(x.ContentLink).Count() > 2;
            var ancestorsPredicateNumChildren          = _contentLoader.GetAncestors(descendentTest, predicateNumChildren);

            //find the first product descendant of start page
            var descendantCurrentPage = _contentLoader.GetDescendent <ProductPage>(startPage);

            //find the first descendant of start page that is a standard page and starts with 'White'
            var descendentMultiPredicate = _contentLoader.GetDescendent <StandardPage>(startPage, x => x.Name.StartsWith("White"));

            //find all the product descendents of start page
            var descendentsProductPages = _contentLoader.GetDescendents <ProductPage>(startPage);

            //find all the siblings of the current page
            var testSiblingsCurrentPage = _contentLoader.Siblings(currentPage);

            //find all the product siblings of the current page
            var testTypedSiblingsCurrentPage = _contentLoader.Siblings <ProductPage>(currentPage);

            //find the next sibling by name of the page named 'alloy plan'
            var alloyPlanPage = _contentLoader.FirstChild <IContent>(ContentReference.StartPage);
            var nextSibling   = _contentLoader.FollowingSibling <IContent, string>(alloyPlanPage, x => x.Name);

            //find the previous sibling by 'sort order' property
            Func <IContent, int> sortingPredicate = x => (int)x.Property["PagePeerOrder"].Value;
            var previousSibling = _contentLoader.PreviousSibling <ProductPage, int>(currentPage, sortingPredicate);

            var testValues = new TestsViewModel
                TestAncestorStartPage             = startPage,
                TestAncestorOrSelf                = selfPage,
                TestAncestor                      = ancestorSitePage,
                TestDescendentWithPredicate       = descendentTest,
                TestAncestors                     = ancestors,
                TestAncestorsPredicateType        = ancestorsPredicateType,
                TestAncestorsPredicateNumChildren = ancestorsPredicateNumChildren,
                TestStartDescendentProductPage    = descendantCurrentPage,
                TestDescendentMultiPredicate      = descendentMultiPredicate,
                TestDescendentsPredicateType      = descendentsProductPages,
                TestSiblingsCurrentPage           = testSiblingsCurrentPage,
                TestTypedSiblingsCurrentPage      = testTypedSiblingsCurrentPage,
                TestNextSiblingByName             = nextSibling,
                TestPreviousSiblingBySortOrder    = previousSibling,

            ViewBag.TestsObjects = testValues;

            var model = PageViewModel.Create(currentPage);
