Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void VisitConstantDeclaration(IConstantDeclaration decl, SST context)
            if (decl.DeclaredElement != null)
                var name = decl.DeclaredElement.GetName <IFieldName>();

                context.Fields.Add(new FieldDeclaration {
                    Name = name
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace empty strings with string dot empty.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">
        /// The node to process.
        /// </param>
        public static void ReplaceEmptyStringsWithStringDotEmpty(ITreeNode node)
            for (ITreeNode currentNode = node; currentNode != null; currentNode = currentNode.NextSibling)
                if (currentNode is ITokenNode)
                    ITokenNode tokenNode = currentNode as ITokenNode;

                    if (tokenNode.GetTokenType().IsStringLiteral)
                        IAttribute                   attribute            = tokenNode.GetContainingNode <IAttribute>(true);
                        ISwitchLabelStatement        switchLabelStatement = tokenNode.GetContainingNode <ISwitchLabelStatement>(true);
                        IConstantDeclaration         constantDeclaration  = tokenNode.GetContainingNode <IConstantDeclaration>(true);
                        IRegularParameterDeclaration parameterDeclaration = tokenNode.GetContainingNode <IRegularParameterDeclaration>(true);

                        // Not for attributes, switch labels, constant declarations, or parameter declarations
                        if (attribute == null && switchLabelStatement == null && constantDeclaration == null && parameterDeclaration == null)
                            string text = currentNode.GetText();
                            if (text == "\"\"" || text == "@\"\"")
                                const string NewText    = "string.Empty";
                                ITokenNode   newLiteral =
                                    CSharpTokenType.STRING_LITERAL_REGULAR.Create(new JetBrains.Text.StringBuffer(NewText), new TreeOffset(0), new TreeOffset(NewText.Length));

                                using (WriteLockCookie.Create(true))
                                    LowLevelModificationUtil.ReplaceChildRange(currentNode, currentNode, new ITreeNode[] { newLiteral });

                if (currentNode.FirstChild != null)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public ConstantDeclarationCompiler(IConstantDeclaration constantDeclaration,
                                    AbstractILCompilerParams @params) : base(@params)
     myConstantDeclaration = constantDeclaration;