Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a handler instance for the given URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appContext">the application context corresponding to the current request</param>
        /// <param name="context">The <see cref="HttpContext"/> instance for this request.</param>
        /// <param name="requestType">The HTTP data transfer method (GET, POST, ...)</param>
        /// <param name="rawUrl">The requested <see cref="HttpRequest.RawUrl"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="physicalPath">The physical path of the requested resource.</param>
        /// <returns>A handler instance for the current request.</returns>
        protected override IHttpHandler CreateHandlerInstance(IConfigurableApplicationContext appContext, HttpContext context, string requestType, string rawUrl, string physicalPath)
            IHttpHandler handler;

            string appRelativeVirtualPath             = WebUtils.GetAppRelativePath(rawUrl);
            NamedObjectDefinition namedPageDefinition = FindWebObjectDefinition(appRelativeVirtualPath, appContext.ObjectFactory);

            if (namedPageDefinition != null)
                // is this a nested call (HttpServerUtility.Transfer() or HttpServerUtility.Execute())?
                if (context.Handler != null)
                    // all deps can/must be resolved now
                    handler = (IHttpHandler)appContext.GetObject(namedPageDefinition.Name, typeof(IHttpHandler), null);
                    // execution pipeline "entry-point" - create page instance only
                    // and defer configuration to PreRequestHandlerExecute step
                    handler = (IHttpHandler)appContext.CreateObject(namedPageDefinition.Name, typeof(IHttpHandler), null);
                    WebSupportModule.ConfigureHandler(context, handler, appContext, namedPageDefinition.Name, true);
                handler = WebObjectUtils.CreateHandler(rawUrl);
                // let WebSupportModule handle configuration
                handler = WebSupportModule.ConfigureHandler(context, handler, appContext, rawUrl, false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains a handler by mapping <paramref name="rawUrl"/> to the list of patterns in <paramref name="handlerMappings"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appContext">the application context corresponding to the current request</param>
        /// <param name="context">The <see cref="HttpContext"/> instance for this request.</param>
        /// <param name="requestType">The HTTP data transfer method (GET, POST, ...)</param>
        /// <param name="rawUrl">The requested <see cref="HttpRequest.RawUrl"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="physicalPath">The physical path of the requested resource.</param>
        /// <param name="handlerMappings"></param>
        /// <param name="handlerWithFactoryTable"></param>
        /// <returns>A handler instance for processing the current request.</returns>
        protected IHttpHandler MapHandlerInstance(IConfigurableApplicationContext appContext, HttpContext context, string requestType, string rawUrl, string physicalPath, HandlerMap handlerMappings, IDictionary handlerWithFactoryTable)
            // resolve handler instance by mapping the url to the list of patterns
            HandlerMapEntry handlerMapEntry = handlerMappings.MapPath(rawUrl);

            if (handlerMapEntry == null)
                throw new HttpException(404, HttpStatusCode.NotFound.ToString());
            object handlerObject = appContext.GetObject(handlerMapEntry.HandlerObjectName);

            if (handlerObject is IHttpHandler)
            else if (handlerObject is IHttpHandlerFactory)
                // keep a reference to the issuing factory for later ReleaseHandler call
                IHttpHandlerFactory factory = (IHttpHandlerFactory)handlerObject;
                IHttpHandler        handler = factory.GetHandler(context, requestType, rawUrl, physicalPath);
                lock (handlerWithFactoryTable.SyncRoot)
                    handlerWithFactoryTable.Add(handler, factory);

            throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound, HttpStatusCode.NotFound.ToString());
        protected override object GetObjectFromType(Type type)
            var objectNameList = GetAppContextObjectNameListFromType(type);
            var nameList       = objectNameList as IList <string> ?? objectNameList.ToList();

                       nameList.Count() == 1 ? nameList.First() : type.FullName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the message queue given its name in the application context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageQueueObjectName">Name of the message queue object.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A MessageQueue instance configured via the application context
        /// </returns>
        public MessageQueue CreateMessageQueue(string messageQueueObjectName)
            AssertUtils.ArgumentHasText(messageQueueObjectName, "DefaultMessageQueueObjectName");
            IDictionary queues = LogicalThreadContext.GetData(QUEUE_DICTIONARY_SLOTNAME) as IDictionary;

            if (queues == null)
                queues = new Hashtable();
                LogicalThreadContext.SetData(QUEUE_DICTIONARY_SLOTNAME, queues);
            if (!queues.Contains(messageQueueObjectName))
                MessageQueue mq = applicationContext.GetObject(messageQueueObjectName) as MessageQueue;
                queues.Add(messageQueueObjectName, mq);
            return(queues[messageQueueObjectName] as MessageQueue);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static IFactoryObject GetFactoryObject(this IConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext, string name)
            // In Spring.NET the factory object itself of an object can be retrieved by prefixing its name
            // with an ampersand "&".
            var factoryObjectName = $"&{name}";

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static void ReplaceObjectDefinition(this IConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext, string name,
                                            IObjectDefinition definition)
     if (definition?.ObjectType != typeof(SurrogateFactoryObject))
         // Proceed here if the object definition will replace the object definition of the
         // SurrogateFactoryObject type.
         var factoryObject = applicationContext.GetFactoryObject(name);
         if (factoryObject is SurrogateFactoryObject && factoryObject.IsSingleton)
             // If it happens that Sprint.NET decides to cache this singleton object, then
             // proceed to clear its state, like call counters. This is to make sure that
             // a new test starts with a clean mock/spy surrogate.
             var fakeObject = applicationContext.GetObject(name);
     applicationContext.RegisterObjectDefinition(name, definition);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Injects protected fields using Field Injection.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void InjectProtectedVariables()
     for (int i = 0; i < managedVariableNames.Length; i++)
         string fieldName = managedVariableNames[i];
         Object obj       = null;
             FieldInfo field = GetType().GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
             if (field != null)
                 obj = applicationContext.GetObject(fieldName, field.FieldType);
                 field.SetValue(this, obj);
                 if (logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                     logger.Debug("Populated field: " + field);
                 if (logger.IsWarnEnabled)
                     logger.Warn("No field with name '" + fieldName + "'");
         catch (NoSuchObjectDefinitionException)
             if (logger.IsWarnEnabled)
                 logger.Warn("No object definition with name '" + fieldName + "'");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected virtual void CreateDefaultMetadataCache()
            if (metadataCache == null)
                if (applicationContext.ContainsObject(METADATA_CACHE_NAME))
                    metadataCache = applicationContext.GetObject(METADATA_CACHE_NAME) as MessageQueueMetadataCache;
                    metadataCache = new MessageQueueMetadataCache();
                    if (ApplicationContext != null)
                        metadataCache.ApplicationContext = ApplicationContext;
                        #region Logging

                        if (LOG.IsWarnEnabled)
                                "The ApplicationContext property has not been set, so the MessageQueueMetadataCache can not be automatically generated.  " +
                                "Please explictly set the MessageQueueMetadataCache using the property MetadataCache or set the ApplicationContext property.  " +
                                "This will only effect the use of MessageQueueTemplate when publishing to remote queues.");

Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves an instance of the <see cref="System.Web.IHttpHandler"/>
        /// implementation for handling web service requests
        /// for both Spring and ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 web services.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The current HTTP context.</param>
        /// <param name="requestType">The type of HTTP request (GET or POST).</param>
        /// <param name="url">The url of the web service.</param>
        /// <param name="pathTranslated">The physical application path for the web service.</param>
        /// <returns>The web service handler object.</returns>
        public override IHttpHandler GetHandler(HttpContext context, string requestType, string url, string pathTranslated)
            string filename       = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(context.Request.FilePath);
            string cacheKey       = (string)webServiceData_GetCacheKey.Invoke(null, new object[] { filename });
            object webServiceData = context.Cache.Get(cacheKey);

            if (webServiceData == null)
                IConfigurableApplicationContext appContext = base.GetCheckedApplicationContext(url);
                string appRelativeVirtualPath = WebUtils.GetAppRelativePath(url);
                NamedObjectDefinition nod     = FindWebObjectDefinition(appRelativeVirtualPath, appContext.ObjectFactory);

                if (nod != null)
                    Type serviceType = null;
                    if (appContext.IsTypeMatch(nod.Name, typeof(WebServiceExporter)))
                        WebServiceExporter wse = (WebServiceExporter)appContext.GetObject(nod.Name);
                        serviceType = wse.GetExportedType();
                        serviceType = appContext.GetType(nod.Name);

                    object[] attrs = serviceType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ScriptServiceAttribute), false);
                    if (attrs.Length > 0)
                        webServiceData = webServiceData_ctor.Invoke(new object[] { serviceType, false });
                        context.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, webServiceData);

            return(this.scriptHandlerFactory.GetHandler(context, requestType, url, pathTranslated));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves instance of the page from Spring web application context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">current HttpContext</param>
        /// <param name="requestType">type of HTTP request (GET, POST, etc.)</param>
        /// <param name="url">requested page URL</param>
        /// <param name="path">translated server path for the page</param>
        /// <returns>instance of the configured page object</returns>
        IHttpHandler IHttpHandlerFactory.GetHandler(HttpContext context, string requestType, string url, string path)
            new AspNetHostingPermission(AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal).Demand();

            IConfigurableApplicationContext appContext =
                WebApplicationContext.GetContext(url) as IConfigurableApplicationContext;

            if (appContext == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "Implementations of IApplicationContext must also implement IConfigurableApplicationContext");

            string appRelativeVirtualPath = WebUtils.GetAppRelativePath(url);

            AbstractHandlerFactory.NamedObjectDefinition nod =
                AbstractHandlerFactory.FindWebObjectDefinition(appRelativeVirtualPath, appContext.ObjectFactory);

            Type serviceType = null;

            if (nod != null)
#if !MONO
                if (appContext.IsTypeMatch(nod.Name, typeof(WebServiceExporter)))
                    WebServiceExporter wse = (WebServiceExporter)appContext.GetObject(nod.Name);
                    serviceType = wse.GetExportedType();
                    serviceType = appContext.GetType(nod.Name);
                    // check if the type defines a Web Service
                    object[] wsAttribute = serviceType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WebServiceAttribute), true);
                    if (wsAttribute.Length == 0)
                        serviceType = null;
                serviceType = appContext.GetType(nod.Name);

                // check if the type defines a Web Service
                object[] wsAttribute = serviceType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WebServiceAttribute), true);
                if (wsAttribute.Length == 0)
                    serviceType = null;

            if (serviceType == null)
                serviceType = WebServiceParser.GetCompiledType(url, context);

#if !MONO_2_0
            return((IHttpHandler)CoreGetHandler.Invoke(this, new object[] { serviceType, context, context.Request, context.Response }));
            // find if the BuildManager already contains a cached value of the service type
            var buildCacheField = typeof(BuildManager).GetField("buildCache", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            var buildCache      = (IDictionary)buildCacheField.GetValue(null);

            if (!buildCache.Contains(appRelativeVirtualPath))
                // create new fake BuildManagerCacheItem wich represent the target type
                var buildManagerCacheItemType = Type.GetType("System.Web.Compilation.BuildManagerCacheItem, System.Web");
                var cacheItemCtor             = buildManagerCacheItemType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Assembly), typeof(BuildProvider), typeof(CompilerResults) });
                var buildProvider             = new FakeBuildProvider(serviceType);
                var cacheItem = cacheItemCtor.Invoke(new object[] { serviceType.Assembly, buildProvider, null });

                // store it in the BuildManager
                buildCache [appRelativeVirtualPath] = cacheItem;

            // now that the target type is in the cache, let the default process continue
            return(base.GetHandler(context, requestType, url, path));
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains a handler by mapping <paramref name="rawUrl"/> to the list of patterns in <paramref name="handlerMappings"/>.
        /// </summary>
	    /// <param name="appContext">the application context corresponding to the current request</param>
	    /// <param name="context">The <see cref="HttpContext"/> instance for this request.</param>
	    /// <param name="requestType">The HTTP data transfer method (GET, POST, ...)</param>
	    /// <param name="rawUrl">The requested <see cref="HttpRequest.RawUrl"/>.</param>
	    /// <param name="physicalPath">The physical path of the requested resource.</param>
        /// <param name="handlerMappings"></param>
        /// <param name="handlerWithFactoryTable"></param>
	    /// <returns>A handler instance for processing the current request.</returns>
	    protected IHttpHandler MapHandlerInstance(IConfigurableApplicationContext appContext, HttpContext context, string requestType, string rawUrl, string physicalPath, HandlerMap handlerMappings, IDictionary handlerWithFactoryTable)
            // resolve handler instance by mapping the url to the list of patterns
	        HandlerMapEntry handlerMapEntry = handlerMappings.MapPath(rawUrl);
	        if (handlerMapEntry == null)
	            throw new HttpException(404, HttpStatusCode.NotFound.ToString());
	        object handlerObject = appContext.GetObject(handlerMapEntry.HandlerObjectName);

	        if (handlerObject is IHttpHandler)
	            return (IHttpHandler) handlerObject;
	        else if (handlerObject is IHttpHandlerFactory)
                // keep a reference to the issuing factory for later ReleaseHandler call
	            IHttpHandlerFactory factory = (IHttpHandlerFactory) handlerObject;
	            IHttpHandler handler = factory.GetHandler(context, requestType, rawUrl, physicalPath);
	                handlerWithFactoryTable.Add(handler, factory);
	            return handler;

	        throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound, HttpStatusCode.NotFound.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a handler instance for the given URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appContext">the application context corresponding to the current request</param>
        /// <param name="context">The <see cref="HttpContext"/> instance for this request.</param>
        /// <param name="requestType">The HTTP data transfer method (GET, POST, ...)</param>
        /// <param name="rawUrl">The requested <see cref="HttpRequest.RawUrl"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="physicalPath">The physical path of the requested resource.</param>
        /// <returns>A handler instance for the current request.</returns>
        protected override IHttpHandler CreateHandlerInstance(IConfigurableApplicationContext appContext, HttpContext context, string requestType, string rawUrl, string physicalPath)
            IHttpHandler handler;

            string appRelativeVirtualPath = WebUtils.GetAppRelativePath(rawUrl);
            NamedObjectDefinition namedPageDefinition = FindWebObjectDefinition(appRelativeVirtualPath, appContext.ObjectFactory);

            if (namedPageDefinition != null)
                // is this a nested call (HttpServerUtility.Transfer() or HttpServerUtility.Execute())?
                if (context.Handler != null)
                    // all deps can/must be resolved now
                    handler = (IHttpHandler)appContext.GetObject(namedPageDefinition.Name, typeof(IHttpHandler), null);
                    // execution pipeline "entry-point" - create page instance only 
                    // and defer configuration to PreRequestHandlerExecute step
                    handler = (IHttpHandler)appContext.CreateObject(namedPageDefinition.Name, typeof(IHttpHandler), null);
                    WebSupportModule.ConfigureHandler(context, handler, appContext, namedPageDefinition.Name, true);
                handler = WebObjectUtils.CreateHandler(rawUrl);
                // let WebSupportModule handle configuration
                handler = WebSupportModule.ConfigureHandler(context, handler, appContext, rawUrl, false);

            return handler;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public IEnumerable <IHandler> GetAllHandlersFor(Type type)
            IDictionary <string, object> objectsOfType = applicationContext.GetObjectsOfType(type);
            List <IHandler> handlers = new List <IHandler>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> dictionaryEntry in objectsOfType)
                string            objectName       = (string)dictionaryEntry.Key;
                IObjectDefinition objectDefinition = applicationContext.ObjectFactory.GetObjectDefinition(objectName);
                handlers.Add(new DefaultHandler(objectDefinition.ObjectType, objectDefinition.ObjectType, () => applicationContext.GetObject(objectName)));
