Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected ApiCommand(IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider) : base(commandOutputProvider)
            this.clientFactory     = clientFactory;
            this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
            this.FileSystem        = fileSystem;

            var options = Options.For("Common options");

            options.Add("server=", "The base URL for your Octopus server - e.g., http://your-octopus/", v => ServerBaseUrl = v);
            options.Add("apiKey=", "[Optional] Your API key. Get this from the user profile page. Your must provide an apiKey or username and password. If the guest account is enabled, a key of API-GUEST can be used.", v => apiKey = v);
            options.Add("user="******"[Optional] Username to use when authenticating with the server. Your must provide an apiKey or username and password.", v => username = v);
            options.Add("pass="******"[Optional] Password to use when authenticating with the server.", v => password = v);

            options.Add("configFile=", "[Optional] Text file of default values, with one 'key = value' per line.", v => ReadAdditionalInputsFromConfigurationFile(v));
            options.Add("debug", "[Optional] Enable debug logging", v => enableDebugging = true);
            options.Add("ignoreSslErrors", "[Optional] Set this flag if your Octopus server uses HTTPS but the certificate is not trusted on this machine. Any certificate errors will be ignored. WARNING: this option may create a security vulnerability.", v => ignoreSslErrors = true);
            options.Add("enableServiceMessages", "[Optional] Enable TeamCity or Team Foundation Build service messages when logging.", v => commandOutputProvider.EnableServiceMessages());
            options.Add("timeout=", $"[Optional] Timeout in seconds for network operations. Default is {ApiConstants.DefaultClientRequestTimeout/1000}.", v => clientOptions.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(int.Parse(v)));
            options.Add("proxy=", $"[Optional] The URI of the proxy to use, eg http://example.com:8080.", v => clientOptions.Proxy = v);
            options.Add("proxyUser="******"[Optional] The username for the proxy.", v => clientOptions.ProxyUsername = v);
            options.Add("proxyPass="******"[Optional] The password for the proxy. If both the username and password are omitted and proxyAddress is specified, the default credentials are used. ", v => clientOptions.ProxyPassword = v);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected ApiCommand(IOctopusClientFactory clientFactory, IOctopusAsyncRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem, ICommandOutputProvider commandOutputProvider) : base(commandOutputProvider)
            this.clientFactory     = clientFactory;
            this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
            FileSystem             = fileSystem;

            var options = Options.For("Common options");

            options.Add <string>("server=", $"[Optional] The base URL for your Octopus Server, e.g., 'https://octopus.example.com/'. This URL can also be set in the {ServerUrlEnvVar} environment variable.", v => serverBaseUrl = v);
            options.Add <string>("apiKey=", $"[Optional] Your API key. Get this from the user profile page. You must provide an apiKey or username and password. If the guest account is enabled, a key of API-GUEST can be used. This key can also be set in the {ApiKeyEnvVar} environment variable.", v => apiKey = v, true);
            options.Add <string>("user="******"[Optional] Username to use when authenticating with the server. You must provide an apiKey or username and password. This Username can also be set in the {UsernameEnvVar} environment variable.", v => username = v);
            options.Add <string>("pass="******"[Optional] Password to use when authenticating with the server. This Password can also be set in the {PasswordEnvVar} environment variable.", v => password = v, true);

            options.Add <string>("configFile=", "[Optional] Text file of default values, with one 'key = value' per line.", v => ReadAdditionalInputsFromConfigurationFile(v));
            options.Add <bool>("debug", "[Optional] Enable debug logging.", v => enableDebugging = true);
            options.Add <bool>("ignoreSslErrors", "[Optional] Set this flag if your Octopus Server uses HTTPS but the certificate is not trusted on this machine. Any certificate errors will be ignored. WARNING: this option may create a security vulnerability.", v => ignoreSslErrors = true);
            options.Add <bool>("enableServiceMessages", "[Optional] Enable TeamCity or Team Foundation Build service messages when logging.", v => commandOutputProvider.EnableServiceMessages());
            options.Add <string>("timeout=",
                                 $"[Optional] Timeout in seconds for network operations. Default is {ApiConstants.DefaultClientRequestTimeout / 1000}.",
                                 v =>
                if (int.TryParse(v, out var parsedInt))
                    clientOptions.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(parsedInt);
                else if (TimeSpan.TryParse(v, out var parsedTimeSpan))
                    clientOptions.Timeout = parsedTimeSpan;
                    throw new CommandException($"Unable to parse '{v}' as a timespan or an integer.");
            options.Add <string>("proxy=", "[Optional] The URL of the proxy to use, e.g., 'https://proxy.example.com'.", v => clientOptions.Proxy = v);
            options.Add <string>("proxyUser="******"[Optional] The username for the proxy.", v => clientOptions.ProxyUsername = v);
            options.Add <string>("proxyPass="******"[Optional] The password for the proxy. If both the username and password are omitted and proxyAddress is specified, the default credentials are used.", v => clientOptions.ProxyPassword = v, true);
            options.Add <string>("space=", "[Optional] The name or ID of a space within which this command will be executed. The default space will be used if it is omitted.", v => spaceNameOrId = v);
            options.Add <int>("keepalive=", "[Optional] How frequently (in seconds) to send a TCP keepalive packet.", input => keepAlive = input * 1000);