Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Tutorial(string name, ICommandExecution commandExecutionExecution, Guid guid)
     CommandExecution = commandExecutionExecution;
     Name             = name;
     Guid             = guid;
     CommandType      = commandExecutionExecution.GetType();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public GenerateTestDataUI(IActivateItems activator, ICommandExecution command) : base(activator)

            var dataGeneratorFactory = new DataGeneratorFactory();

            int yLoc = 0;

            foreach (Type t in dataGeneratorFactory.GetAvailableGenerators())
                var ui = new DataGeneratorUI();
                ui.Generator = dataGeneratorFactory.Create(t, new Random());
                ui.Location  = new Point(0, yLoc);
                yLoc        += ui.Height;

            lblDirectory.Visible = false;


            if (command != null)

            helpIcon1.SetHelpText("Tutorial", "Click for tutorial", HelpWorkflow);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void BuildHelpWorkflow(ICommandExecution command)
            HelpWorkflow = new HelpWorkflow(this, command, new TutorialTracker(Activator));

            var ds =
                new HelpStage(pDatasets,
                              "This control will allow you to create flat comma separated files with fictional data for a shared pool of patient identifiers.  Start by choosing the number of rows you want in each dataset e.g. 1,000,000");
            var pop =
                new HelpStage(pPopulationSize, "Now choose how many unique identifiers you want generated.  If your population pool is smaller than the number of records per dataset there will be a large overlap of patients between datasets while if it is larger the crossover will be sparser.");

            var location = new HelpStage(pOutputDirectory, @"Click browse to select a directory to create the 3 files in");

            var execute = new HelpStage(btnGenerate, "Click to start generating the flat files");

            ds.SetOption(">>", pop);
            pop.SetOption(">>", location);
            location.SetOption(">>", execute);

            HelpWorkflow.RootStage = ds;
        public override ICommandExecution ProposeExecution(ICombineToMakeCommand cmd, AllCataloguesUsedByLoadMetadataNode target, InsertOption insertOption = InsertOption.Default)
            var cata     = cmd as CatalogueCombineable;
            var manyCata = cmd as ManyCataloguesCombineable;

            ICommandExecution cmdExecution = null;

            if (cata != null)
                cmdExecution = new ExecuteCommandAssociateCatalogueWithLoadMetadata(ItemActivator, target.LoadMetadata).SetTarget(new[] { cata.Catalogue });

            if (manyCata != null)
                cmdExecution = new ExecuteCommandAssociateCatalogueWithLoadMetadata(ItemActivator, target.LoadMetadata).SetTarget(manyCata.Catalogues);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Only applies to external files and other wierd types that are not Models in our tree views but that we might still want to allow drag and drop interactions for
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataObject"></param>
        /// <param name="dropTargetModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ICommandExecution GetExecutionCommandIfAnyForNonModelObjects(DataObject dataObject, object dropTargetModel)
            //if user is dragging in files
            if (dataObject.ContainsFileDropList())
                //get file list
                var files = dataObject.GetFileDropList().Cast <string>().Select(s => new FileInfo(s)).ToArray();
                ICombineToMakeCommand fileCommand = _commandFactory.Create(files);

                //if command factory supports generating file based commands
                if (fileCommand != null)
                    //does the execution factory permit the combination of a file command with the drop target
                    ICommandExecution execution = _commandExecutionFactory.Create(fileCommand, dropTargetModel);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void DisplayFeedback(ICommandExecution execution, OlvDropEventArgs e)
            //no command is even remotely possible
            if (execution == null)
                e.DropSink.FeedbackColor = Color.IndianRed;

            //valid combination of objects but not possible due to object states
            if (execution.IsImpossible)
                e.DropSink.FeedbackColor       = Color.IndianRed;
                e.DropSink.Billboard.BackColor = Color.IndianRed;
                e.InfoMessage = execution.ReasonCommandImpossible;

            e.DropSink.Billboard.BackColor = Color.GreenYellow;
            e.DropSink.FeedbackColor       = Color.GreenYellow;
            e.InfoMessage = execution.GetCommandName();
            e.Handled     = true;
            e.Effect      = DragDropEffects.Move;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            string problem = AllRequiredDataPresent();

                if (problem != null)


                //create the project
                if (_project == null)
                    _project = new Project(Activator.RepositoryLocator.DataExportRepository, tbProjectName.Text);

                _project.ProjectNumber       = int.Parse(tbProjectNumber.Text);
                _project.ExtractionDirectory = tbExtractionDirectory.Text;

                if (!Directory.Exists(_project.ExtractionDirectory))


                if (_configuration == null)
                    _configuration = new ExtractionConfiguration(Activator.RepositoryLocator.DataExportRepository,
                    _configuration.Name = "Cases";

                foreach (ExtractableDataSet ds in _selectedDatasets)

                ICommandExecution cmdAssociateCicWithProject = null;

                if (_cohortCreated == null && cbDefineCohort.Checked)
                    var cohortDefinition = new CohortDefinition(null, tbCohortName.Text, 1, _project.ProjectNumber.Value,

                    //execute the cohort creation bit
                    var cohortRequest = new CohortCreationRequest(_project, cohortDefinition,
                                                                  (DataExportRepository)Activator.RepositoryLocator.DataExportRepository, tbCohortName.Text);

                    ComboBox dd;
                    if (_cohortFile != null)
                        //execute cohort creation from file.
                        cohortRequest.FileToLoad = new FlatFileToLoad(_cohortFile);
                        dd = ddFilePipeline;
                        //execute cohort creation from cic
                        cohortRequest.CohortIdentificationConfiguration =
                        dd = ddCicPipeline;

                        //since we are about to execute a cic and store the results we should associate it with the Project (if successful)
                        cmdAssociateCicWithProject = new ExecuteCommandAssociateCohortIdentificationConfigurationWithProject(Activator).SetTarget(

                    var engine = cohortRequest.GetEngine((Pipeline)dd.SelectedItem, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());
                    engine.ExecutePipeline(new GracefulCancellationToken());
                    _cohortCreated = cohortRequest.CohortCreatedIfAny;

                if (cbDefineCohort.Checked)
                    //associate the configuration with the cohort
                    _configuration.Cohort_ID = _cohortCreated.ID;

                    //set the pipeline to use
                    var pipeline = (Pipeline)ddExtractionPipeline.SelectedItem;
                    if (pipeline != null)
                        _configuration.DefaultPipeline_ID = pipeline.ID;


                    //User defined cohort if it came from cic then associate the cic with the project
                    if (cmdAssociateCicWithProject != null && !cmdAssociateCicWithProject.IsImpossible)

                Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                ExtractionConfigurationCreatedIfAny = _configuration;

                DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                MessageBox.Show("Project Created Successfully");
            catch (Exception exception)
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        public DbCommandGrammar CheckResult <T>(string cell = "result")
            Execution = new CheckResultExecution <T>();

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public DbCommandGrammar ResultAction <T>(Action <T> action)
            Execution = new ActionResultExecution <T>(action);

Ejemplo n.º 10
 public ImpossibleCommandException(ICommandExecution command, string reasonCommandImpossible)
     : base(string.Format("Command is marked as IsImpossible and should not be Executed.  Reason is '{0}'", reasonCommandImpossible))
     Command = command;
     ReasonCommandImpossible = reasonCommandImpossible;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public HelpWorkflow(Control hostControl, ICommandExecution command, IHelpWorkflowProgressProvider progressProvider)
     HostControl      = hostControl;
     Command          = command;
     ProgressProvider = progressProvider;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor Executor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executor"></param>
        /// <param name="solutionPath"></param>
        /// /// <param name="addinPath"></param>
        public SonarInterface(ICommandExecution executor, string solutionPath, string addinPath)
            this.solutionPath = solutionPath;
            this.addinPath = addinPath;
            this.executor = executor;
            this.baseArgs = "-cp \"" + addinPath + "\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Addins\\vssonar-cli.jar\" com.tekla.vssonar.VssonarCli";

            if (File.Exists(addinPath + "\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Addins\\vssonar.xml"))
                userConfigFilePath = "\"" + addinPath + "\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Addins\\vssonar.xml\"";